saltstack-formulas / bind-formula
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Key section missing for RedHat #116

Open benbaez opened 5 years ago

benbaez commented 5 years ago

I searched repo for "secret" since a key defined for dynamic updates using CentOS (RedHat) was not being rendered in named.conf or named.conf.local . I found that only Debian and BSD had the following code block.

{%- if 'keys' in salt['pillar.get']('bind') %}
{% for key,args in salt['pillar.get']('bind:keys', {})|dictsort -%}
key "{{ key }}" {
  algorithm {{ args['algorithm'] | default('HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT') }};
  secret "{{ args['secret'] }}";
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

I placed at top of bind/files/named.conf.local.jinja and key section was now rendered. Could you add this missing section for RedHat?