saltstack-formulas / ntp-formula
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Support for systemd-timesyncd #14

Closed eliasp closed 5 years ago

eliasp commented 9 years ago

Support for systemd-timesyncd should be implemented for client-only setups where NTP server functionality isn't required:

[*] The reason for wanting >=216 is, that since this release the whole NTP handling in systemd was streamlined. Before that, individual NTP services could provide drop-in configs which would then be used by systemd. This was quite a mess and error-prone. See also this entry from the NEWS file:


        * timedated no longer reads NTP implementation unit names from
          /usr/lib/systemd/ntp-units.d/*.list. Alternative NTP
          implementations should add a


          to their unit files to take over and replace systemd's NTP
          default functionality.

[**] Once is implemented, the whole timedatectl setup should be done via DBus which provides a proper interface for this instead of fiddling with output/results.

aboe76 commented 8 years ago

@eliasp shouldn't that be in a different formula?

eliasp commented 8 years ago

As it serves the same purpose as any other NTP client (and might even replace existing NTP setups on many clients in the near future) I felt like the ntp-formula would be the best place to handle this to just abstract "timekeeping" without relying on a specific implementation of it.

aboe76 commented 8 years ago

I can understand, but I prefer a clean relationship between formula name and what it does. Timesyncd is a different beast

aboe76 commented 5 years ago

see systemd-formula