saltstack-formulas / openssh-formula
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[BUG] When running with salt-ssh, getting error that 'opts' is not defined. #201

Closed cr1st1p closed 7 months ago

cr1st1p commented 3 years ago

Your setup

Formula commit hash / release tag

git master branch, commit hash d48bdde2c6919d73a79301f46ec058668d413aac

Versions reports (master & minion)

Salt Version: Salt: 3002.2

Dependency Versions: cffi: 1.14.6 cherrypy: Not Installed dateutil: 2.8.1 docker-py: 5.0.0 gitdb: 4.0.7 gitpython: 3.1.18 Jinja2: 3.0.1 libgit2: Not Installed M2Crypto: Not Installed Mako: 1.1.4 msgpack: 1.0.2 msgpack-pure: Not Installed mysql-python: Not Installed pycparser: 2.20 pycrypto: Not Installed pycryptodome: 3.10.1 pygit2: Not Installed Python: 3.9.6 (default, Jun 30 2021, 10:22:16) python-gnupg: Not Installed PyYAML: 5.4.1 PyZMQ: 22.1.0 smmap: 4.0.0 timelib: Not Installed Tornado: 4.5.3 ZMQ: 4.3.4

System Versions: dist: manjaro 21.1.0 Pahvo locale: utf-8 machine: x86_64 release: 5.4.135-1-MANJARO system: Linux version: Manjaro Linux 21.1.0 Pahvo

Pillar / config used

Bug details

Describe the bug

Trying to run a state.highstate via salt-ssh, and among others, using this formula. I get an exception: ... [DEBUG ] In saltenv 'base', looking at rel_path 'openssh/libsaltcli.jinja' to resolve 'salt://openssh/libsaltcli.jinja' [DEBUG ] In saltenv 'base', considering path '/var/tmp/.root_9669d5_salt/running_data/var/cache/salt/minion/files/base/openssh/libsaltcli.jinja' to resolve 'salt://openssh/libsaltcli.jinja' [ERROR ] Rendering exception occurred Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/salt/utils/", line 495, in render_jinja_tmpl output = template.render(**decoded_context) File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/", line 1304, in render self.environment.handle_exception() File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/", line 925, in handle_exception raise rewrite_traceback_stack(source=source) File "