saltstack-formulas / sudoers-formula
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Finalise regression fix #70 (`755` & InSpec test) #71

Open myii opened 3 years ago

myii commented 3 years ago

CC: @kmosher @jynolen @daks.

70 was merged quickly due to a regression but it appears that the directory mode should have been set to 755:

@daks Mentioned an InSpec test that could also be added:

Not sure why I set it to 440 but in fact on Debian 9 or 10 it's 755 so no problem for me to merge this PR as soon as possible.

One improvement could be to add a basic test on this directory mode, here, with something like

  describe directory('/etc/sudoers.d/') do
    it { should be_owned_by 'root' }
    it { should be_grouped_into 'root' }
    its('mode') { should cmp '0755' }

A better one (but I'm not sure I know how to run it) would be to set some NOPASSWD sudo rules and try to use it.