saltstack / salt-bootstrap

Generic Salt Bootstrap Script
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Errors when running bootstrap on alpine #1971

Open marccardinal opened 8 months ago

marccardinal commented 8 months ago

Description of Issue/Question

Bootstrap failure on alpine:3:18 with v3006.3.

Steps to Reproduce Issue

  1. Launch a new alpine container using:
docker run -it alpine:3.18 sh
  1. At the container's prompt, run:
apk --no-cache add curl
curl -L | sh -s -- -M -N git v3006.3

The above results in:

Successfully installed salt-3006.3
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
 *  INFO: Checking if Salt can be imported using python3

Installed Salt Version: 3006.3
Installed Salt Package Path: /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/salt

 *  INFO: Running install_alpine_linux_post()
 * ERROR: failed to download to /etc/init.d/salt-api
 * ERROR: Failed to get OpenRC init script for Linux from
 * ERROR: Failed to run install_alpine_linux_post()!!!
/ #

Running the same command targeting the v3005.3 tag yields the same results given that the reference to the underlying salt repo is done without tag and it would use whatever the state of master is at the time.

This stems from this section of the bootstrap file: and indeed if we look at the state of the salt repo between the 3005.x and 3006.x branches we see that the alpine folder disappeared:

Is the drop of alpine support by design or this is an unexpected regression?
