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lxc.init fails to bootstrap container #23772

Closed cheuschober closed 6 years ago

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Happy to be proven wrong here, but from my best understanding, calls to lxc.init will always fail as long as it attempts to remove the seed marker prior to starting the container.

remove_seed_marker is set to True at:

The bit that looks like it could use some reordering is:

Steps to reproduce:

$ salt-call lxc.init testbuntu template=ubuntu options="{'release':'trusty', 'arch': 'amd64'}"

First failure is in attachable()

[ERROR   ] Command 'lxc-attach --clear-env -n testbuntu -- /usr/bin/env' failed with return code: 1

Versions report:

$ salt --versions-report
                  Salt: 2015.5.0
                Python: 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
                Jinja2: 2.7.2
              M2Crypto: 0.21.1
        msgpack-python: 0.3.0
          msgpack-pure: Not Installed
              pycrypto: 2.6.1
               libnacl: Not Installed
                PyYAML: 3.10
                 ioflo: Not Installed
                 PyZMQ: 14.0.1
                  RAET: Not Installed
                   ZMQ: 4.0.4
                  Mako: 0.9.1
 Debian source package: 2015.5.0+ds-1trusty1
kiorky commented 9 years ago

@cheuschober i also see that there is a problem with the network profile handling, im going to fix it.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

So i have locally a first patch to:

Im now patching lxc.init to handle the case of network_profile is None to have sane fallbacks.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

@kiorky, Sounds great!

Since it's related, I was trying to read through cloud/lxc, runners/lxc and modules/lxc and all the various kwargs and overrides that get passed around to see why I couldn't get a dhcp/default bridge cloud profile. Is it not possible to define network_profile in a cloud_profile and have that embed it's way down to the init?

kiorky commented 9 years ago

you should configure via pillar a network_profile, and use that key in the 'network_profile' vm opts in salt cloud.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Thanks @kiorky. So I was right in reading that that should have been passed through. The following configuration failed to bring up the default network profile. Perhaps it's related to the local patch you have brewing?


      link: lxcbr0
      type: veth
      flags: up

    template: ubuntu
      release: trusty
      arch: amd64


  target: salt
  provider: lxc


  provider: 'lxc-master'
  profile: ubuntu
  network_profile: ubuntu


$ salt-cloud testbuntu-01 -p ubuntu --log-file-level all --log-file cloud.log


2015-05-16 14:47:45,538 [   ][INFO    ][32161] salt-cloud starting
2015-05-16 14:47:45,539 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'parallels.avail_sizes' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,600 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] Could not LazyLoad parallels.avail_sizes
2015-05-16 14:47:45,600 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'parallels.avail_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,600 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded parallels.avail_locations
2015-05-16 14:47:45,601 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'proxmox.avail_sizes' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,601 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded proxmox.avail_sizes
2015-05-16 14:47:45,601 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'saltify.destroy' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,602 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] Could not LazyLoad saltify.destroy
2015-05-16 14:47:45,602 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'saltify.avail_sizes' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,603 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_sizes
2015-05-16 14:47:45,603 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'saltify.avail_images' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,603 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_images
2015-05-16 14:47:45,604 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'saltify.avail_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,604 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_locations
2015-05-16 14:47:45,604 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'rackspace.reboot' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,605 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded rackspace.reboot
2015-05-16 14:47:45,605 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'openstack.list_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,605 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded openstack.list_locations
2015-05-16 14:47:45,605 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] 'rackspace.list_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:47:45,605 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded rackspace.list_locations
2015-05-16 14:47:45,606 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:47:45,608 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:47:45,608 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:47:45,610 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:47:45,611 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:47:45,612 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:47:45,612 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:47:45.611974'}
2015-05-16 14:47:45,613 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:47:45.611974'}}
2015-05-16 14:47:45,617 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:47:45,619 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:47:45,619 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:47:45,621 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:47:45,636 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:47:45,646 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:47:45,650 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144745631988 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:47:55.650396
2015-05-16 14:47:45,665 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144745631988 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:47:45,667 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144745631988 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:47:45,676 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:47:45,683 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144745671092 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:47:55.682492
2015-05-16 14:47:45,696 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144745671092 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:47:45,697 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144745671092 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:47:45,699 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-16 14:47:45,699 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:47:45,700 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:47:45,700 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:47:45.700073'}
2015-05-16 14:47:45,701 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:47:45.700073'}}
2015-05-16 14:47:45,701 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150516144745699275', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:47:45.701363'}
2015-05-16 14:47:45,720 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-16 14:47:45,727 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:47:45,730 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:47:45,730 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:47:45,732 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:47:45,732 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:47:45,735 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:47:45,735 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:47:54,792 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,793 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,793 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,793 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,794 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,794 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,794 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,794 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,795 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,795 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,795 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,795 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,796 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,796 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,796 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,796 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,796 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,797 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,797 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,797 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,797 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,798 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,798 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,798 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,798 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,799 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,799 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:47:54,805 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-16 14:47:54,805 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-16 14:47:54,806 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-16 14:47:54,807 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:47:54,807 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32161] data = {'salt': True}
2015-05-16 14:47:54,808 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150516144745699275', 'return': {'salt': True}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:47:54.807780', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-16 14:47:54,809 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:47:54,813 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:47:54,813 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:47:54,814 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:47:54,815 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:47:54,818 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:47:54,818 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:03,872 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,872 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,872 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,873 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,873 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,873 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,874 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,874 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,874 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,875 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,875 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,875 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,875 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,876 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,876 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,876 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,876 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,877 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,877 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,877 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,877 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,877 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,878 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,878 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,878 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,878 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,879 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:03,883 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:03,884 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][32161] Runner completed: 20150516144745699275
2015-05-16 14:48:03,939 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] Could not LazyLoad lxc.optimize_providers
2015-05-16 14:48:03,939 [       ][DEBUG   ][32161] The 'lxc' cloud driver is unable to be optimized.
2015-05-16 14:48:03,963 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'parallels.avail_sizes' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,973 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] Could not LazyLoad parallels.avail_sizes
2015-05-16 14:48:03,974 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'parallels.avail_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,974 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded parallels.avail_locations
2015-05-16 14:48:03,974 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'proxmox.avail_sizes' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,975 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded proxmox.avail_sizes
2015-05-16 14:48:03,975 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'saltify.destroy' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,975 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] Could not LazyLoad saltify.destroy
2015-05-16 14:48:03,976 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'saltify.avail_sizes' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,976 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_sizes
2015-05-16 14:48:03,976 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'saltify.avail_images' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,977 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_images
2015-05-16 14:48:03,977 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'saltify.avail_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,977 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_locations
2015-05-16 14:48:03,978 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'rackspace.reboot' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,978 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded rackspace.reboot
2015-05-16 14:48:03,978 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'openstack.list_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,978 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded openstack.list_locations
2015-05-16 14:48:03,979 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32235] 'rackspace.list_locations' has been marked as not supported. Removing from the list of supported cloud functions
2015-05-16 14:48:03,979 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded rackspace.list_locations
2015-05-16 14:48:03,979 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:03,982 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:03,982 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:03,984 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:03,985 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:03,985 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:03,986 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:03.985453'}
2015-05-16 14:48:03,987 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32235] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:03.985453'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:03,990 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:03,993 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:03,993 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:03,994 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:04,011 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32235] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:04,022 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:48:04,022 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144804007093 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:14.022377
2015-05-16 14:48:04,047 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144804007093 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:04,047 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144804007093 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:04,065 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32235] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:04,070 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144804048368 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:14.069484
2015-05-16 14:48:04,070 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144804048368 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:04,070 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144804048368 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:04,072 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:04,072 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:04,073 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:04,073 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:04.073073'}
2015-05-16 14:48:04,074 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32235] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:04.073073'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:04,075 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150516144804072238', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:04.074488'}
2015-05-16 14:48:04,078 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-16 14:48:04,081 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:04,084 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:04,085 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:04,086 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:04,087 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:04,089 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:04,089 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:13,145 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,145 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,146 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,146 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,147 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,147 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,147 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,148 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,148 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,148 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,149 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,149 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,149 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,150 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,150 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,150 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,151 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,151 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,151 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,151 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,152 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,152 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,152 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,152 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,153 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,153 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,153 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:13,161 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-16 14:48:13,162 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-16 14:48:13,163 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:13,164 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:48:13,164 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32235] data = {'salt': True}
2015-05-16 14:48:13,165 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150516144804072238', 'return': {'salt': True}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:13.165310', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-16 14:48:13,167 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:13,170 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:13,170 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:13,172 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:13,173 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:13,176 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:13,176 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:22,234 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,235 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,235 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,236 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,236 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,237 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,237 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,237 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,238 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,238 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,238 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,238 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,239 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,239 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,239 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,239 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,240 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,240 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,240 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,240 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,241 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,241 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,241 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,241 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,242 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,242 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,242 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:22,247 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:22,248 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][32235] Runner completed: 20150516144804072238
2015-05-16 14:48:22,300 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:22,304 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:22,305 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:22,307 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,308 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:22,308 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:22,309 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:22.308528'}
2015-05-16 14:48:22,310 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32235] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:22.308528'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:22,313 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:22,316 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:22,317 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:22,318 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,331 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32235] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:22,338 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:48:22,342 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144822319243 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:32.341572
2015-05-16 14:48:22,356 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822319243 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,356 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822319243 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:22,376 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32235] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:22,378 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144822363326 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:32.378186
2015-05-16 14:48:22,402 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822363326 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,405 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822363326 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:22,427 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32235] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:22,430 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144822408126 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:32.429660
2015-05-16 14:48:22,441 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822408126 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,446 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822408126 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:22,560 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32235] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:22,566 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144822551406 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:32.565504
2015-05-16 14:48:22,583 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822551406 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,584 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32235] jid 20150516144822551406 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:22,586 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:22,586 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:22,587 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:22,587 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:22.586870'}
2015-05-16 14:48:22,588 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32235] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:22.586870'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:22,588 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150516144822586147', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:22.588073'}
2015-05-16 14:48:22,590 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-16 14:48:22,593 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:22,596 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:22,596 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:22,598 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:22,598 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:22,601 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:22,601 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:32,112 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,113 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,113 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,114 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,114 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,114 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,115 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,115 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,115 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,116 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,116 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,116 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,117 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,117 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,117 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,117 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,118 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,118 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,118 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,118 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,119 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,119 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,119 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,119 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,119 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,120 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,120 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:32,126 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-16 14:48:32,127 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-16 14:48:32,127 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:32,129 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:48:32,129 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32235] data = {'salt': {'frozen': {}, 'running': {'testbuntu-03': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:EB:61:6A', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073676222463L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-03/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-03/rootfs'}}, 'stopped': {}}}
2015-05-16 14:48:32,133 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32235] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150516144822586147', 'return': {'salt': {'frozen': {}, 'running': {'testbuntu-03': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:EB:61:6A', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073676222463L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-03/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-03/rootfs'}}, 'stopped': {}}}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:32.133267', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-16 14:48:32,135 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:32,138 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:32,138 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:32,140 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:32,140 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:32,143 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:32,143 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32235] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:41,212 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,213 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,214 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,214 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,214 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,215 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,215 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,216 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,216 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,216 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,216 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,217 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,217 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,217 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,218 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,218 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,218 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,219 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,219 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,219 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,219 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,220 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,220 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,220 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,221 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,221 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,221 [][TRACE   ][32235] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:41,226 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32235] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:41,226 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][32235] Runner completed: 20150516144822586147
2015-05-16 14:48:41,327 [       ][DEBUG   ][32161] Generating minion keys for 'testbuntu-01'
2015-05-16 14:48:41,391 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:41,394 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:41,394 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:41,395 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:41,396 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:41,396 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:41,397 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:41.396758'}
2015-05-16 14:48:41,398 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:41.396758'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:41,402 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:41,404 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:41,404 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:41,406 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:41,423 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:41,431 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:48:41,434 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144841418584 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:51.434389
2015-05-16 14:48:41,449 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144841418584 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:41,450 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144841418584 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:41,459 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:41,466 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144841454903 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:48:51.465806
2015-05-16 14:48:41,477 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144841454903 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:41,477 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144841454903 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:41,478 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:41,479 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:41,479 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:41,480 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:41.479587'}
2015-05-16 14:48:41,480 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:41.479587'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:41,481 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150516144841478790', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:41.480704'}
2015-05-16 14:48:41,482 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-16 14:48:41,486 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:41,489 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:41,489 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:41,491 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:41,491 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:41,494 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:41,494 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:50,549 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,550 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,550 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,550 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,551 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,551 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,551 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,552 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,552 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,552 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,552 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,553 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,553 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,553 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,553 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,553 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,554 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,554 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,554 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,555 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,555 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,555 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,555 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,556 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,556 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,556 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,556 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:50,562 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-16 14:48:50,563 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-16 14:48:50,563 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:50,564 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:48:50,565 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32161] data = {'salt': True}
2015-05-16 14:48:50,565 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150516144841478790', 'return': {'salt': True}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:50.565286', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-16 14:48:50,566 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:50,569 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:50,569 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:50,571 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:50,571 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:50,573 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:50,574 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:59,630 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,631 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,631 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,632 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,632 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,632 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,633 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,633 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,633 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,633 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,634 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,634 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,634 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,635 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,635 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,635 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,636 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,636 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,636 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,637 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,637 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,637 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,637 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,638 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,638 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,639 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,639 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:48:59,643 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:59,644 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][32161] Runner completed: 20150516144841478790
2015-05-16 14:48:59,697 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:59,701 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:59,701 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:59,703 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:59,704 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:59,704 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:59,705 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:59.704544'}
2015-05-16 14:48:59,706 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:59.704544'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:59,710 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:59,714 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:59,714 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:59,715 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:59,728 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:59,734 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:48:59,734 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144859716557 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:49:09.734449
2015-05-16 14:48:59,749 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144859716557 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:59,749 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144859716557 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:59,757 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:48:59,763 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144859755247 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:49:09.763278
2015-05-16 14:48:59,785 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144859755247 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:48:59,785 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144859755247 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:48:59,787 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-16 14:48:59,788 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:59,788 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:48:59,788 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:59.788261'}
2015-05-16 14:48:59,789 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:59.788261'}}
2015-05-16 14:48:59,790 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150516144859787484', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:48:59.789599'}
2015-05-16 14:48:59,791 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-16 14:48:59,795 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:59,798 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:59,798 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:48:59,799 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:48:59,800 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:48:59,802 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:48:59,803 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:08,864 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,865 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,866 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,866 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,867 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,867 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,867 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,868 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,868 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,869 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,869 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,869 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,870 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,870 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,870 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,871 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,871 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,872 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,872 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,872 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,873 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,873 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,873 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,874 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,874 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,874 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,875 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:08,883 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-16 14:49:08,883 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-16 14:49:08,884 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-16 14:49:08,885 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:49:08,887 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32161] data = {'salt': {'biosversion': 'VirtualBox', 'kernel': 'Linux', 'domain': '', 'zmqversion': '4.0.4', 'kernelrelease': '3.13.0-24-generic', 'pythonpath': ['/usr/bin', '/usr/lib/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages'], 'serialnumber': '0', 'ip_interfaces': {'eth0': ['', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe31:aa90'], 'lo': ['', '::1'], 'lxcbr0': ['', 'fe80::447:60ff:fe4e:7589'], 'eth1': ['', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe0c:b08b'], 'vethN4KB3L': ['fe80::fc60:8eff:feba:9175']}, 'shell': '/bin/sh', 'mem_total': 994, 'saltversioninfo': [2015, 5, 0, 0], 'SSDs': [], 'mdadm': [], 'id': 'salt', 'osrelease': '14.04', 'ps': 'ps -efHww', 'server_id': 1540459516, 'lsb_distrib_description': 'Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS', 'ip6_interfaces': {'eth0': ['fe80::a00:27ff:fe31:aa90'], 'lo': ['::1'], 'lxcbr0': ['fe80::447:60ff:fe4e:7589'], 'eth1': ['fe80::a00:27ff:fe0c:b08b'], 'vethN4KB3L': ['fe80::fc60:8eff:feba:9175']}, 'num_cpus': 1, 'hwaddr_interfaces': {'eth0': '08:00:27:31:aa:90', 'lo': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'lxcbr0': 'fe:60:8e:ba:91:75', 'eth1': '08:00:27:0c:b0:8b', 'vethN4KB3L': 'fe:60:8e:ba:91:75'}, 'ip4_interfaces': {'eth0': [''], 'lo': [''], 'lxcbr0': [''], 'eth1': [''], 'vethN4KB3L': []}, 'osfullname': 'Ubuntu', 'master': 'salt', 'ipv4': ['', '', '', ''], 'ipv6': ['::1', 'fe80::447:60ff:fe4e:7589', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe0c:b08b', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe31:aa90', 'fe80::fc60:8eff:feba:9175'], 'cpu_flags': ['fpu', 'vme', 'de', 'pse', 'tsc', 'msr', 'pae', 'mce', 'cx8', 'apic', 'sep', 'mtrr', 'pge', 'mca', 'cmov', 'pat', 'pse36', 'clflush', 'mmx', 'fxsr', 'sse', 'sse2', 'syscall', 'nx', 'rdtscp', 'lm', 'constant_tsc', 'rep_good', 'nopl', 'pni', 'monitor', 'ssse3', 'lahf_lm'], 'localhost': 'salt', 'lsb_distrib_id': 'Ubuntu', 'fqdn_ip4': [''], 'fqdn_ip6': [], 'nodename': 'salt', 'saltversion': '2015.5.0', 'lsb_distrib_release': '14.04', 'saltpath': '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt', 'pythonversion': [2, 7, 6, 'final', 0], 'host': 'salt', 'os_family': 'Debian', 'oscodename': 'trusty', 'osfinger': 'Ubuntu-14.04', 'biosreleasedate': '12/01/2006', 'manufacturer': 'innotek GmbH', 'num_gpus': 1, 'virtual': 'VirtualBox', 'cpu_model': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz', 'fqdn': 'salt', 'pythonexecutable': '/usr/bin/python', 'productname': 'VirtualBox', 'osarch': 'amd64', 'cpuarch': 'x86_64', 'lsb_distrib_codename': 'trusty', 'osrelease_info': [14, 4], 'locale_info': {'detectedencoding': 'ascii', 'defaultlanguage': None, 'defaultencoding': None}, 'gpus': [{'model': 'VirtualBox Graphics Adapter', 'vendor': 'unknown'}], 'path': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin', 'machine_id': 'a186fc09ec2dd833a61cb99954bd3c38', 'os': 'Ubuntu'}}
2015-05-16 14:49:08,893 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150516144859787484', 'return': {'salt': {'biosversion': 'VirtualBox', 'kernel': 'Linux', 'domain': '', 'zmqversion': '4.0.4', 'kernelrelease': '3.13.0-24-generic', 'pythonpath': ['/usr/bin', '/usr/lib/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages'], 'serialnumber': '0', 'ip_interfaces': {'eth0': ['', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe31:aa90'], 'lo': ['', '::1'], 'lxcbr0': ['', 'fe80::447:60ff:fe4e:7589'], 'eth1': ['', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe0c:b08b'], 'vethN4KB3L': ['fe80::fc60:8eff:feba:9175']}, 'shell': '/bin/sh', 'mem_total': 994, 'saltversioninfo': [2015, 5, 0, 0], 'SSDs': [], 'mdadm': [], 'id': 'salt', 'osrelease': '14.04', 'ps': 'ps -efHww', 'server_id': 1540459516, 'lsb_distrib_description': 'Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS', 'ip6_interfaces': {'eth0': ['fe80::a00:27ff:fe31:aa90'], 'lo': ['::1'], 'lxcbr0': ['fe80::447:60ff:fe4e:7589'], 'eth1': ['fe80::a00:27ff:fe0c:b08b'], 'vethN4KB3L': ['fe80::fc60:8eff:feba:9175']}, 'num_cpus': 1, 'hwaddr_interfaces': {'eth0': '08:00:27:31:aa:90', 'lo': '00:00:00:00:00:00', 'lxcbr0': 'fe:60:8e:ba:91:75', 'eth1': '08:00:27:0c:b0:8b', 'vethN4KB3L': 'fe:60:8e:ba:91:75'}, 'ip4_interfaces': {'eth0': [''], 'lo': [''], 'lxcbr0': [''], 'eth1': [''], 'vethN4KB3L': []}, 'osfullname': 'Ubuntu', 'master': 'salt', 'ipv4': ['', '', '', ''], 'ipv6': ['::1', 'fe80::447:60ff:fe4e:7589', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe0c:b08b', 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe31:aa90', 'fe80::fc60:8eff:feba:9175'], 'cpu_flags': ['fpu', 'vme', 'de', 'pse', 'tsc', 'msr', 'pae', 'mce', 'cx8', 'apic', 'sep', 'mtrr', 'pge', 'mca', 'cmov', 'pat', 'pse36', 'clflush', 'mmx', 'fxsr', 'sse', 'sse2', 'syscall', 'nx', 'rdtscp', 'lm', 'constant_tsc', 'rep_good', 'nopl', 'pni', 'monitor', 'ssse3', 'lahf_lm'], 'localhost': 'salt', 'lsb_distrib_id': 'Ubuntu', 'fqdn_ip4': [''], 'fqdn_ip6': [], 'nodename': 'salt', 'saltversion': '2015.5.0', 'lsb_distrib_release': '14.04', 'saltpath': '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt', 'pythonversion': [2, 7, 6, 'final', 0], 'host': 'salt', 'os_family': 'Debian', 'oscodename': 'trusty', 'osfinger': 'Ubuntu-14.04', 'biosreleasedate': '12/01/2006', 'manufacturer': 'innotek GmbH', 'num_gpus': 1, 'virtual': 'VirtualBox', 'cpu_model': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz', 'fqdn': 'salt', 'pythonexecutable': '/usr/bin/python', 'productname': 'VirtualBox', 'osarch': 'amd64', 'cpuarch': 'x86_64', 'lsb_distrib_codename': 'trusty', 'osrelease_info': [14, 4], 'locale_info': {'detectedencoding': 'ascii', 'defaultlanguage': None, 'defaultencoding': None}, 'gpus': [{'model': 'VirtualBox Graphics Adapter', 'vendor': 'unknown'}], 'path': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin', 'machine_id': 'a186fc09ec2dd833a61cb99954bd3c38', 'os': 'Ubuntu'}}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:08.892444', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-16 14:49:08,894 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:08,897 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:08,898 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:08,900 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:49:08,900 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:08,903 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:08,903 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:17,972 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,973 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,973 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,974 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,974 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,975 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,975 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,975 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,976 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,976 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,977 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,977 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,977 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,978 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,978 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,978 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,979 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,979 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,979 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,980 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,980 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,980 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,981 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,981 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,981 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,981 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,982 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:49:17,987 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-16 14:49:17,989 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][32161] Runner completed: 20150516144859787484
2015-05-16 14:49:18,041 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,042 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,043 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.042497'}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,044 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.042497'}}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,045 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'profile': 'ubuntu', 'event': 'starting create', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.044705', 'name': 'testbuntu-01', 'provider': 'lxc-master:lxc'}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,096 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:18,100 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:18,100 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:18,102 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:49:18,103 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded lxc.cloud_init
2015-05-16 14:49:18,104 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,104 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,104 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.104271'}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,105 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.104271'}}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,106 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'fun': 'runner.lxc.cloud_init', 'jid': '20150516144918103456', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.105884'}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,108 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-16 14:49:18,112 [][INFO    ][32161] Searching for LXC Hosts
2015-05-16 14:49:18,112 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:18,115 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:18,115 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:18,117 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:49:18,118 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Missing configuration file: ~/.saltrc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,118 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,118 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,119 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.118832'}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,120 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.118832'}}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,134 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:49:18,138 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144918124983 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:49:23.138137
2015-05-16 14:49:18,216 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144918124983 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:49:18,217 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144918124983 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:49:18,243 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:18,247 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:18,247 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:18,249 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:49:18,250 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Missing configuration file: ~/.saltrc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,250 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,250 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-16 14:49:18,251 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.250544'}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,252 [salt.utils.event ][TRACE   ][32161] get_event() received = {'tag': 'salt/event/new_client', 'data': {'_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:18.250544'}}
2015-05-16 14:49:18,256 [][INFO    ][32161] Creating container(s) '['testbuntu-01']' on host 'salt'
2015-05-16 14:49:18,266 [salt.client      ][TRACE   ][32161] func get_cli_event_returns()
2015-05-16 14:49:18,270 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-16 14:49:18,271 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144918257205 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:59:18.270463
2015-05-16 14:49:18,284 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144918257205 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:49:18,285 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144918257205 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-16 14:49:18,295 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] get_iter_returns for jid 20150516144918286470 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 14:59:18.294865
2015-05-16 14:49:56,047 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][32161] jid 20150516144918286470 return from salt
2015-05-16 14:49:56,049 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:49:56,050 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32161] data = {'suffix': 'progress', 'event': {'message': {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('testbuntu-01', [{'comment': 'Bootstrap failed, see minion log for more information', 'changes': {'init': [{'create': 'Container created'}, {'config': 'Container configuration updated'}, {'password': 'Password(s) updated'}, {'dns': 'DNS updated'}, {'state': {'new': 'running', 'old': None}}]}, 'name': 'testbuntu-01', 'result': False}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}}}
2015-05-16 14:49:56,054 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'message': {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('testbuntu-01', [{'comment': 'Bootstrap failed, see minion log for more information', 'changes': {'init': [{'create': 'Container created'}, {'config': 'Container configuration updated'}, {'password': 'Password(s) updated'}, {'dns': 'DNS updated'}, {'state': {'new': 'running', 'old': None}}]}, 'name': 'testbuntu-01', 'result': False}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:56.054244'}
2015-05-16 14:49:56,082 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-16 14:49:56,083 [salt.output      ][TRACE   ][32161] data = {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('testbuntu-01', [{'comment': 'Bootstrap failed, see minion log for more information', 'changes': {'init': [{'create': 'Container created'}, {'config': 'Container configuration updated'}, {'password': 'Password(s) updated'}, {'dns': 'DNS updated'}, {'state': {'new': 'running', 'old': None}}]}, 'name': 'testbuntu-01', 'result': False}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}
2015-05-16 14:49:56,087 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][32161] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150516144918103456', 'return': {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('testbuntu-01', [{'comment': 'Bootstrap failed, see minion log for more information', 'changes': {'init': [{'create': 'Container created'}, {'config': 'Container configuration updated'}, {'password': 'Password(s) updated'}, {'dns': 'DNS updated'}, {'state': {'new': 'running', 'old': None}}]}, 'name': 'testbuntu-01', 'result': False}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-16T14:49:56.086672', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': 'runner.lxc.cloud_init'}
2015-05-16 14:49:56,088 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:56,090 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:56,091 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-16 14:49:56,092 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-16 14:49:56,093 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-16 14:49:56,095 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-16 14:49:56,095 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][32161] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-16 14:50:05,158 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device sda does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,159 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,159 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device dm-1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,160 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,160 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,161 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,161 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,161 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,162 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,162 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,162 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,162 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram8 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,163 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram9 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,163 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop0 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,163 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop1 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,163 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop2 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,164 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop3 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,164 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop4 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,164 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop5 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,164 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop6 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,165 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device loop7 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,165 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram10 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,165 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram11 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,165 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram12 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,166 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram13 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,166 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram14 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,166 [][TRACE   ][32161] Device ram15 does not report itself as an SSD
2015-05-16 14:50:05,170 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-16 14:50:05,171 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][32161] Runner completed: 20150516144918103456
2015-05-16 14:50:05,199 [salt.loader      ][TRACE   ][32161] Loaded yaml_out as virtual yaml
2015-05-16 14:50:05,200 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][32161] LazyLoaded yaml.output
cheuschober commented 9 years ago

I do want to note that with the profile above, salt-call lxc.init testbuntu-01 profile=ubuntu network_profile=ubuntu still works! :)

kiorky commented 9 years ago

you attached the masterlog, here we want more the minion log (/var/log/salt/minion of the master and in the created container if it was created, to see if the seeding error is in it)

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@cheuschober you should apply the patchs concerning your version from (#23806 #23807) || (#23808)

kiorky commented 9 years ago

i think there may be another problem on the seed stage (im working on it to confirm and maybe provide another patch)

kiorky commented 9 years ago

So via runner/lxc.init It fails in seeding here:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/salt-venv/salt/src/salt/salt/", line 1005, in _thread_return
    return_data = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/salt-venv/salt/src/salt/salt/modules/", line 1419, in init
  File "/salt-venv/salt/src/salt/salt/modules/", line 2823, in bootstrap
    pub_key=pub_key, priv_key=priv_key)
  File "/salt-venv/salt/src/salt/salt/modules/", line 220, in mkconfig
    salt.crypt.gen_keys(tmp, 'minion', 2048)
  File "/salt-venv/salt/src/salt/salt/", line 87, in gen_keys
    gen = RSA.generate(bits=keysize, e=65537)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/", line 508, in generate
    obj = _RSA.generate_py(bits, rf, progress_func, e)    # TODO: Don't use legacy _RSA module
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/", line 50, in generate_py
    p = pubkey.getStrongPrime(bits>>1, obj.e, 1e-12, randfunc)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Util/", line 265, in getStrongPrime
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 202, in read
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 178, in read
    return, bytes)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 132, in read
    retval = self._fa.random_data(N)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/Fortuna/", line 148, in random_data
    return self.generator.pseudo_random_data(bytes)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/Fortuna/", line 93, in pseudo_random_data
    for i in xrange(num_full_blocks):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 202, in read
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 178, in read
    return, bytes)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 132, in read
    retval = self._fa.random_data(N)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/Fortuna/", line 148, in random_data
    return self.generator.pseudo_random_data(bytes)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/Fortuna/", line 93, in pseudo_random_data
    for i in xrange(num_full_blocks):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 202, in read
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 178, in read
    return, bytes)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 137, in read
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Random/", line 153, in _check_pid
    raise AssertionError("PID check failed. RNG must be re-initialized after fork(). Hint: Try Random.atfork()")
cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Attached minion log from my earlier cloud run:

2015-05-16 16:51:52,750 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6261] Starting a new job with PID 6261
2015-05-16 16:51:52,751 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'list', 'jid': '20150516165152742971', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': ['20150516165152739265'], 'fun': 'saltutil.find_job'}
2015-05-16 16:51:52,755 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6261] LazyLoaded lxc.list
2015-05-16 16:51:52,758 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,759 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6264] Starting a new job with PID 6264
2015-05-16 16:51:52,771 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6264] LazyLoaded saltutil.find_job
2015-05-16 16:51:52,775 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6264] Returning information for job: 20150516165152742971
2015-05-16 16:51:52,779 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6264] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:52,827 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command saltutil.find_job with jid 20150516165152825333
2015-05-16 16:51:52,829 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: testbuntu-03
2015-05-16 16:51:52,830 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150516165152825333', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': ['20150516165152739265'], 'fun': 'saltutil.find_job'}
2015-05-16 16:51:52,830 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-info -n testbuntu-03' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,849 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6284] Starting a new job with PID 6284
2015-05-16 16:51:52,854 [][DEBUG   ][6261] output: Name:           testbuntu-03
State:          RUNNING
PID:            1019
CPU use:        22.57 seconds
Memory use:     32.21 MiB
Link:           vethN4KB3L
 TX bytes:      95.37 KiB
 RX bytes:      106.72 KiB
 Total bytes:   202.09 KiB
2015-05-16 16:51:52,859 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-info -n testbuntu-03' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,865 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6284] LazyLoaded saltutil.find_job
2015-05-16 16:51:52,867 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6284] Returning information for job: 20150516165152825333
2015-05-16 16:51:52,869 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6284] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:52,889 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: Name:           testbuntu-03
State:          RUNNING
PID:            1019
CPU use:        22.57 seconds
Memory use:     32.21 MiB
Link:           vethN4KB3L
 TX bytes:      95.37 KiB
 RX bytes:      106.72 KiB
 Total bytes:   202.09 KiB
2015-05-16 16:51:52,890 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-cgroup -n testbuntu-03 memory.limit_in_bytes' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,898 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: 18446744073709551615
2015-05-16 16:51:52,898 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-cgroup -n testbuntu-03 memory.usage_in_bytes' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,906 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: 33779712
2015-05-16 16:51:52,906 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env -n testbuntu-03 -- /usr/bin/env' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,916 [][DEBUG   ][6261] output: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2015-05-16 16:51:52,916 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6261] LazyLoaded
2015-05-16 16:51:52,917 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-03 -- df /' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,928 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: Filesystem                      1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/ubuntu1404--vg-root  19229144 2096928  16132384  12% /
2015-05-16 16:51:52,929 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-03 -- ip link show' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,938 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
17: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ac:de:48:eb:61:6a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
2015-05-16 16:51:52,938 [][INFO    ][6261] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-03 -- ip addr show' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:52,948 [][DEBUG   ][6261] stdout: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
17: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ac:de:48:eb:61:6a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::aede:48ff:feeb:616a/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2015-05-16 16:51:52,949 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6261] Returning information for job: 20150516165152739265
2015-05-16 16:51:52,949 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6261] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:52,994 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command saltutil.find_job with jid 20150516165152990820
2015-05-16 16:51:52,995 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150516165152990820', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': ['20150516165152739265'], 'fun': 'saltutil.find_job'}
2015-05-16 16:51:52,1000 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6333] Starting a new job with PID 6333
2015-05-16 16:51:53,009 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6333] LazyLoaded saltutil.find_job
2015-05-16 16:51:53,010 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6333] Returning information for job: 20150516165152990820
2015-05-16 16:51:53,010 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6333] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:53,449 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command with jid 20150516165153446579
2015-05-16 16:51:53,449 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150516165153446579', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': [], 'fun': ''}
2015-05-16 16:51:53,456 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6387] Starting a new job with PID 6387
2015-05-16 16:51:53,474 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6387] LazyLoaded
2015-05-16 16:51:53,474 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6387] Returning information for job: 20150516165153446579
2015-05-16 16:51:53,475 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6387] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:53,490 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command grains.items with jid 20150516165153485908
2015-05-16 16:51:53,492 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'list', 'jid': '20150516165153485908', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': [], 'fun': 'grains.items'}
2015-05-16 16:51:53,496 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command saltutil.find_job with jid 20150516165153488340
2015-05-16 16:51:53,499 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'list', 'jid': '20150516165153488340', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': ['20150516165153485908'], 'fun': 'saltutil.find_job'}
2015-05-16 16:51:53,499 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6400] Starting a new job with PID 6400
2015-05-16 16:51:53,501 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6400] LazyLoaded grains.items
2015-05-16 16:51:53,505 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6400] Returning information for job: 20150516165153485908
2015-05-16 16:51:53,506 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6403] Starting a new job with PID 6403
2015-05-16 16:51:53,507 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6400] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:53,520 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6403] LazyLoaded saltutil.find_job
2015-05-16 16:51:53,521 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6403] Returning information for job: 20150516165153488340
2015-05-16 16:51:53,521 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6403] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:53,827 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command lxc.list with jid 20150516165153823528
2015-05-16 16:51:53,828 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150516165153823528', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': [], 'fun': 'lxc.list'}
2015-05-16 16:51:53,834 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6458] Starting a new job with PID 6458
2015-05-16 16:51:53,838 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6458] LazyLoaded lxc.list
2015-05-16 16:51:53,839 [][INFO    ][6458] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:53,888 [][DEBUG   ][6458] stdout: testbuntu-03
2015-05-16 16:51:53,889 [][INFO    ][6458] Executing command 'lxc-info -n testbuntu-03' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:53,904 [][DEBUG   ][6458] output: Name:           testbuntu-03
State:          RUNNING
PID:            1019
CPU use:        22.58 seconds
Memory use:     32.26 MiB
Link:           vethN4KB3L
 TX bytes:      95.37 KiB
 RX bytes:      106.72 KiB
 Total bytes:   202.09 KiB
2015-05-16 16:51:53,905 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6458] Returning information for job: 20150516165153823528
2015-05-16 16:51:53,906 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6458] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:53,959 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command lxc.cloud_init_interface with jid 20150516165153956313
2015-05-16 16:51:53,959 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'list', 'jid': '20150516165153956313', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': ['testbuntu-01', {'profile': 'ubuntu', 'priv_key': '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nBZgDqcdlmrHNl9kugvpeO8NwzHb/mbTyaujE4D0ghowemOEAwLrKIrY=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n', 'target': 'salt', 'network_profile': 'ubuntu', 'provider': 'lxc-master:lxc', 'pub_key': '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0fEzfS3bnNfhSf+B7y72\np0Bt8v0siZvTFuwRzgGMilIvb83+OscFDXiz+DCzIIsp1UWYJDXVQnG0rrvm9AGV\nSs865gqCK8JDjk+Uhe/GUNzCcGRM4fIPFSEpMhuYRsIJMCcfW1dgZ3CEXaRV3fS3\nkMpbZ3z3tfSZ6VPqPMGEv24OJtH1PRcR22lsH8FWcM6x6e9t4k5os8BOlttddXDs\nZ2TFuAsfYcfS9IKmGnIuniDOcRIs+HZNWz36I0cTLhkJ48CBoo1Gzv1QeBN6+T1+\nQ+lqh3/NSqTOVpqVTYdCX4xrjdSnBXK9ik8+7F5FXUIJm8Jv8lbBKQWphpeTIqio\nDQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n', 'os': 'bootstrap-salt', 'name': 'testbuntu-01'}], 'fun': 'lxc.cloud_init_interface'}
2015-05-16 16:51:53,965 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6484] Starting a new job with PID 6484
2015-05-16 16:51:53,971 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6484] LazyLoaded lxc.cloud_init_interface
2015-05-16 16:51:53,975 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6484] Returning information for job: 20150516165153956313
2015-05-16 16:51:53,976 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6484] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-16 16:51:53,986 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][5863] User sudo_vagrant Executing command lxc.init with jid 20150516165153983165
2015-05-16 16:51:53,987 [salt.minion      ][DEBUG   ][5863] Command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20150516165153983165', 'tgt': 'salt', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'arg': ['testbuntu-01', {'bridge': 'lxcbr0', 'priv_key': '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\nBZgDqcdlmrHNl9kugvpeO8NwzHb/mbTyaujE4D0ghowemOEAwLrKIrY=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n', 'bootstrap_shell': 'sh', 'password_encrypted': False, 'unconditional_install': False, 'nic_opts': None, 'bootstrap_args': None, 'gateway': 'auto', 'size': '20G', 'vgname': None, '__kwarg__': True, 'network_profile': 'eth0', 'autostart': True, 'memory': 0, 'force_install': True, 'config': {'master': 'salt', 'master_port': '4506'}, 'profile': {'backing': 'dir', 'options': {'release': 'trusty', 'arch': 'amd64'}, 'template': 'ubuntu'}, 'lvname': None, 'users': [], 'fstype': None, 'bootstrap_url': None, 'password': 's3cr3t', 'dnsservers': ['', ''], 'seed': True, 'snapshot': False, 'pub_key': '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0fEzfS3bnNfhSf+B7y72\np0Bt8v0siZvTFuwRzgGMilIvb83+OscFDXiz+DCzIIsp1UWYJDXVQnG0rrvm9AGV\nSs865gqCK8JDjk+Uhe/GUNzCcGRM4fIPFSEpMhuYRsIJMCcfW1dgZ3CEXaRV3fS3\nkMpbZ3z3tfSZ6VPqPMGEv24OJtH1PRcR22lsH8FWcM6x6e9t4k5os8BOlttddXDs\nZ2TFuAsfYcfS9IKmGnIuniDOcRIs+HZNWz36I0cTLhkJ48CBoo1Gzv1QeBN6+T1+\nQ+lqh3/NSqTOVpqVTYdCX4xrjdSnBXK9ik8+7F5FXUIJm8Jv8lbBKQWphpeTIqio\nDQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n', 'clone_from': None}], 'fun': 'lxc.init'}
2015-05-16 16:51:53,992 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6493] Starting a new job with PID 6493
2015-05-16 16:51:53,996 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6493] LazyLoaded lxc.init
2015-05-16 16:51:53,997 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:54,047 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: testbuntu-03
2015-05-16 16:51:54,047 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:54,095 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: testbuntu-03
2015-05-16 16:51:54,098 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:54,146 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: testbuntu-03
2015-05-16 16:51:54,148 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:51:54,199 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: testbuntu-03
2015-05-16 16:51:54,199 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-create -n testbuntu-01 -f /tmp/tmpBTqF1O -t ubuntu -B dir -- --release trusty --arch amd64' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,291 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,353 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: testbuntu-01
2015-05-16 16:52:00,354 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-info -n testbuntu-01' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,363 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: Name:           testbuntu-01
State:          STOPPED
2015-05-16 16:52:00,366 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env -n testbuntu-01 -- /usr/bin/env' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,372 [][ERROR   ][6493] Command 'lxc-attach --clear-env -n testbuntu-01 -- /usr/bin/env' failed with return code: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:00,373 [][ERROR   ][6493] output: lxc-attach: attach.c: lxc_attach: 635 failed to get the init pid
2015-05-16 16:52:00,375 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6493] LazyLoaded mount.mount
2015-05-16 16:52:00,376 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'mount -o defaults -t devtmpfs udev /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/dev ' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,382 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'mount -o defaults -t proc proc /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/proc ' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,387 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'chroot /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs /bin/bash -c "rm -f \'/lxc.initial_seed\'"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,391 [][DEBUG   ][6493] output: 
2015-05-16 16:52:00,397 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'mount -l' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,400 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: /dev/mapper/ubuntu1404--vg-root on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
none on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw)
none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755)
none on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=5242880)
none on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
none on /run/user type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=104857600,mode=0755)
none on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext2 (rw)
rpc_pipefs on /run/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
systemd on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,none,name=systemd)
vagrant on /vagrant type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
srv_salt on /srv/salt type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
srv_pillar on /srv/pillar type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_minion.d on /etc/salt/minion.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_master.d on /etc/salt/master.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
vagrant-cache on /tmp/vagrant-cache type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_cloud.profiles.d on /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_cloud.providers.d on /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
udev on /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/dev type devtmpfs (rw)
proc on /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/proc type proc (rw)
2015-05-16 16:52:00,401 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'umount /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/proc' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,406 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'mount -l' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,411 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: /dev/mapper/ubuntu1404--vg-root on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
none on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw)
none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755)
none on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=5242880)
none on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
none on /run/user type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=104857600,mode=0755)
none on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext2 (rw)
rpc_pipefs on /run/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
systemd on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,none,name=systemd)
vagrant on /vagrant type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
srv_salt on /srv/salt type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
srv_pillar on /srv/pillar type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_minion.d on /etc/salt/minion.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_master.d on /etc/salt/master.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
vagrant-cache on /tmp/vagrant-cache type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_cloud.profiles.d on /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
etc_salt_cloud.providers.d on /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d type vboxsf (uid=1000,gid=1000,rw)
udev on /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/dev type devtmpfs (rw)
2015-05-16 16:52:00,412 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'umount /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs/dev' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,417 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-start -d -n testbuntu-01' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,446 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-wait -n testbuntu-01 -s RUNNING' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,459 [][DEBUG   ][6493] output: 
2015-05-16 16:52:00,460 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,555 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: testbuntu-01
2015-05-16 16:52:00,557 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-info -n testbuntu-01' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,585 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: Name:           testbuntu-01
State:          RUNNING
PID:            6757
CPU use:        0.05 seconds
BlkIO use:      3.59 MiB
Memory use:     3.50 MiB
2015-05-16 16:52:00,588 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env -n testbuntu-01 -- /usr/bin/env' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,608 [][DEBUG   ][6493] output: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2015-05-16 16:52:00,610 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6493] LazyLoaded
2015-05-16 16:52:00,611 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e "/.lxc.initial_pass"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,637 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:00,638 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e "/lxc.initial_pass"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,657 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:00,658 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e "/.lxc.testbuntu-01.initial_pass"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,672 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:00,675 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- id ubuntu' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:00,692 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: uid=1000(ubuntu) gid=1000(ubuntu) groups=1000(ubuntu),27(sudo)
2015-05-16 16:52:01,202 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- sh -c \'touch "/.lxc.initial_pass"; test -e "/.lxc.initial_pass"\'' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,214 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e "/.lxc.initial_dns"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,224 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,225 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e "/lxc.initial_dns"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,234 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,235 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e "/lxc.testbuntu-01.initial_dns"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,244 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,260 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6493] LazyLoaded test.rand_str
2015-05-16 16:52:01,261 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- tee /sbin/' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,271 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: if [ -h /etc/resolv.conf ];then
 if [ "x$(readlink /etc/resolv.conf)" = "x../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf" ];then
  if [ ! -d /run/resolvconf/ ];then
   mkdir -p /run/resolvconf
  cat > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head <<EOF


cat > /etc/resolv.conf <<EOF

2015-05-16 16:52:01,271 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- sh -c "chmod +x /sbin/;/sbin/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,283 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- if [ -f "/sbin/" ];then rm -f "/sbin/";fi' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,287 [][ERROR   ][6493] Command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- if [ -f "/sbin/" ];then rm -f "/sbin/";fi' failed with return code: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,288 [][ERROR   ][6493] stderr: /bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `then'
/bin/bash: -c: line 0: `lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- if [ -f "/sbin/" ];then rm -f "/sbin/";fi'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,288 [][ERROR   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,289 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- sh -c \'touch "/.lxc.initial_dns"; test -e "/.lxc.initial_dns"\'' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,300 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e /.lxc.initial_seed' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,309 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,310 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e /lxc.initial_seed' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,320 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,321 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-cgroup -n testbuntu-01 memory.limit_in_bytes' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,329 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 18446744073709551615
2015-05-16 16:52:01,329 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-cgroup -n testbuntu-01 memory.usage_in_bytes' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,337 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 11382784
2015-05-16 16:52:01,338 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- df /' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,347 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: Filesystem                      1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/ubuntu1404--vg-root  19229144 2440972  15788340  14% /
2015-05-16 16:52:01,347 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- ip link show' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,357 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
2015-05-16 16:52:01,358 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- ip addr show' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,367 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2015-05-16 16:52:01,368 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e '/lxc.initial_seed'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,377 [][ERROR   ][6493] Command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -e '/lxc.initial_seed'" failed with return code: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,378 [][ERROR   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:01,379 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6493] LazyLoaded seed.mkconfig
2015-05-16 16:52:01,381 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- install -m 0700 -d /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:01,391 [][DEBUG   ][6493] output: 
2015-05-16 16:52:01,391 [ ][DEBUG   ][6493] Updating the script to latest stable
2015-05-16 16:52:01,397 [urllib3.connectionpool][INFO    ][6493] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2015-05-16 16:52:06,598 [urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG   ][6493] Setting read timeout to None
2015-05-16 16:52:06,669 [urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG   ][6493] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 303 126
2015-05-16 16:52:06,670 [urllib3.connectionpool][INFO    ][6493] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2015-05-16 16:52:06,889 [urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG   ][6493] Setting read timeout to None
2015-05-16 16:52:06,979 [urllib3.connectionpool][DEBUG   ][6493] "GET /saltstack/salt-bootstrap/stable/ HTTP/1.1" 200 31887
2015-05-16 16:52:07,035 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- mkdir -p /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,046 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- chmod 700 /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,056 [][DEBUG   ][6493] Copying /etc/salt/cloud.deploy.d/ to container 'testbuntu-01' as /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/
2015-05-16 16:52:07,058 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,068 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,069 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,083 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][6493] LazyLoaded file.get_sum
2015-05-16 16:52:07,084 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,096 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stderr: md5sum: /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/ No such file or directory
2015-05-16 16:52:07,096 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,097 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'cat "/etc/salt/cloud.deploy.d/" | lxc-attach --clear-env --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- tee "/tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,108 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: #!/bin/sh -
2015-05-16 16:52:07,111 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,122 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 66c3249f2b68653e584acde4e7ee68f9  /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/
2015-05-16 16:52:07,122 [][DEBUG   ][6493] Copying /tmp/tmpswl8gP/minion to container 'testbuntu-01' as /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion
2015-05-16 16:52:07,123 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,132 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,133 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,144 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,154 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stderr: md5sum: /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion: No such file or directory
2015-05-16 16:52:07,155 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,155 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'cat "/tmp/tmpswl8gP/minion" | lxc-attach --clear-env --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- tee "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,165 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: id: testbuntu-01
2015-05-16 16:52:07,166 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,175 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 0833a01071f2634054aee46f6e6167ce  /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion
2015-05-16 16:52:07,176 [][DEBUG   ][6493] Copying /tmp/tmpswl8gP/minion.pem to container 'testbuntu-01' as /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem
2015-05-16 16:52:07,176 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,185 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,186 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,196 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,205 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stderr: md5sum: /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem: No such file or directory
2015-05-16 16:52:07,205 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,206 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'cat "/tmp/tmpswl8gP/minion.pem" | lxc-attach --clear-env --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- tee "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,216 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
2015-05-16 16:52:07,217 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,227 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: 7749533083d6956e328a38bc238e68c2  /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/minion.pem
2015-05-16 16:52:07,227 [][DEBUG   ][6493] Copying /tmp/tmpswl8gP/ to container 'testbuntu-01' as /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/
2015-05-16 16:52:07,227 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,237 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,237 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command "lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- test -d '/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3'" in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,246 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,256 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stderr: md5sum: /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/ No such file or directory
2015-05-16 16:52:07,257 [][DEBUG   ][6493] retcode: 1
2015-05-16 16:52:07,257 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'cat "/tmp/tmpswl8gP/" | lxc-attach --clear-env --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- tee "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,268 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
2015-05-16 16:52:07,269 [][INFO    ][6493] Executing command 'lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- md5sum "/tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/"' in directory '/home/vagrant'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,278 [][DEBUG   ][6493] stdout: e7d05ad33d4df991e17bfa6172cea7b7  /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/
2015-05-16 16:52:07,279 [][INFO    ][6493] Running sh /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/ -c /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3 in LXC container 'testbuntu-01'
2015-05-16 16:52:07,280 [salt.utils.vt    ][DEBUG   ][6493] Child Forked! PID: 7230  STDOUT_FD: 25  STDERR_FD: 27
2015-05-16 16:52:07,283 [salt.utils.vt    ][DEBUG   ][6493] Terminal Command: /bin/sh -c lxc-attach --clear-env  --set-var PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin -n testbuntu-01 -- sh /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/ -c /tmp/.c_0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3
2015-05-16 16:52:07,787 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493]  *  INFO: sh /tmp/0a0d26528cc2864fb3f4ca106b7f6ec3/ -- Version 2015.05.07

 *  INFO: System Information:
 *  INFO:   CPU:          GenuineIntel
 *  INFO:   CPU Arch:     x86_64
 *  INFO:   OS Name:      Linux
 *  INFO:   OS Version:   3.13.0-24-generic
 *  INFO:   Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04

 *  INFO: Installing minion
 *  INFO: Found function install_ubuntu_stable_deps
 *  INFO: Found function config_salt
 *  INFO: Found function install_ubuntu_stable
 *  INFO: Found function install_ubuntu_restart_daemons
 *  INFO: Found function daemons_running
 *  INFO: Found function install_ubuntu_check_services
 *  INFO: Running install_ubuntu_stable_deps()
Err trusty-security InRelease

Err trusty-security Release.gpg
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty InRelease

Err trusty-updates InRelease

Err trusty Release.gpg
  Could not
2015-05-16 16:52:08,315 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] resolve ''
Err trusty-updates Release.gpg
  Could not resolve ''
Reading package lists...
2015-05-16 16:52:08,819 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] W: Failed to fetch  

W: Failed to fetch  

W: Failed to fetch  

W: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

W: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

W: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 34.4 kB of archives.
After this operation, 84.0 kB of addit
2015-05-16 16:52:09,323 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] ional disk space will be used.
Err trusty/universe debian-archive-keyring all 2012.4
  Could not resolve ''
E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following extra packages will be installed:
  ca-certificates gir1.2-glib-2.0 iso-codes libasn1-8-heimdal libcurl3-gnutls
  libdbus-glib-1-2 libgirepository-1.0-1 libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-data
  libgssapi3-heimdal libhcrypto4-heimdal libheimbase1-heimdal
  libheimntlm0-heimdal libhx509-5-heimdal libidn11 libkrb5-26-heimdal
  libldap-2.4-2 libroken18-heimdal librtmp0 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules
  libsasl2-modules-db libwind0-heimdal libxml2 openssl python-apt-common
  python3-apt python3-dbus python3-gi
2015-05-16 16:52:09,825 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493]  python3-pycurl
  python3-software-properties sgml-base shared-mime-info unattended-upgrades
  xml-core xz-utils
Suggested packages:
  isoquery libsasl2-modules-otp libsasl2-modules-ldap libsasl2-modules-sql
  libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit libsasl2-modules-gssapi-heimdal python3-apt-dbg
  python-apt-doc python-dbus-doc python3-dbus-dbg libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  python3-pycurl-dbg sgml-base-doc bsd-mailx mail-transport-agent debhelper
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  ca-certificates gir1.2-glib-2.0 iso-codes libasn1-8-heimdal libcurl3-gnutls
  libdbus-glib-1-2 libgirepository-1.0-1 libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-data
  libgssapi3-heimdal libhcrypto4-heimdal libheimbase1-heimdal
  libheimntlm0-heimdal libhx509-5-heimdal libidn11 libkrb5-26-heimdal
  libldap-2.4-2 libroken18-heimdal librtmp0 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules
  libsasl2-modules-db libwind0-heimdal libxml2 openssl python-apt-common
  python3-apt python3-dbus python3-gi python3-pycurl
  python3-software-properties sgml-base shared-mime-
2015-05-16 16:52:10,326 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] info
  software-properties-common unattended-upgrades xml-core xz-utils
0 upgraded, 37 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 7172 kB of archives.
After this operation, 37.3 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Err trusty-updates/main libroken18-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libasn1-8-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main libidn11 amd64 1.28-1ubuntu2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libhcrypto4-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libheimbase1-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err http://archive.ubuntu
2015-05-16 16:52:10,827 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] .com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main libwind0-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libhx509-5-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libkrb5-26-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libheimntlm0-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libgssapi3-heimdal amd64 1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main libsasl2-modules-db amd64 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main libsasl2-2 amd64 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1
  Could not resolve 'archive
2015-05-16 16:52:11,329 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493]'
Err trusty/main libldap-2.4-2 amd64 2.4.31-1+nmu2ubuntu8
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main librtmp0 amd64 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libcurl3-gnutls amd64 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.5
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libglib2.0-0 amd64 2.40.2-0ubuntu1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main libdbus-glib-1-2 amd64 0.100.2-1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main sgml-base all 1.26+nmu4ubuntu1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libgirepository-1.0-1 amd64 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main gir1.2-gli
2015-05-16 16:52:11,831 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] b-2.0 amd64 1.40.0-1ubuntu0.2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main iso-codes all 3.52-1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main libglib2.0-data all 2.40.2-0ubuntu1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main libsasl2-modules amd64 2.1.25.dfsg1-17build1
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main python-apt-common all
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main python3-apt amd64
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main python3-dbus amd64 1.2.0-2build2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main python3-gi amd64 3.12.0-1ubuntu1
  Could not resolve ''
2015-05-16 16:52:12,332 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] ubuntu/ trusty/main shared-mime-info amd64 1.2-0ubuntu3
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main xml-core all 0.13+nmu2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main python3-pycurl amd64 7.19.3-0ubuntu3
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty/main xz-utils amd64 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main unattended-upgrades all 0.82.1ubuntu2.2
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main python3-software-properties all
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-updates/main software-properties-common all
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-security/main libcurl3-gnutls amd64 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.5
  Could not res
2015-05-16 16:52:12,834 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] olve ''
Err trusty-security/main libxml2 amd64 2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.4
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-security/main openssl amd64 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.11
  Could not resolve ''
Err trusty-security/main ca-certificates all 20141019ubuntu0.14.04.1
  Could not resolve ''
E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch
2015-05-16 16:52:13,335 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] al/libhcrypto4-heimdal_1.6~git20131207+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch http://archive.
2015-05-16 16:52:13,836 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493]  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch
2015-05-16 16:52:14,338 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] .0/libglib2.0-0_2.40.2-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could no
2015-05-16 16:52:14,840 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] t resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubun
2015-05-16 16:52:15,342 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493]  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch
2015-05-16 16:52:15,843 [salt.utils.vt.Terminal.PID-7230.STDOUT][INFO    ][6493] b  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve ''

E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
 * ERROR: Failed to run install_ubuntu_stable_deps()!!!
2015-05-16 16:52:16,946 [salt.minion      ][INFO    ][6493] Returning information for job: 20150516165153983165
2015-05-16 16:52:16,947 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][6493] Re-using SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')

Additionally, included /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/config

# Template used to create this container: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu
# Parameters passed to the template: --release trusty --arch amd64
# For additional config options, please look at lxc.container.conf(5)

# Common configuration
lxc.include = /usr/share/lxc/config/ubuntu.common.conf

# Container specific configuration
lxc.rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/rootfs
lxc.mount = /var/lib/lxc/testbuntu-01/fstab
lxc.utsname = testbuntu-01
lxc.arch = amd64

# Network configuration = 1
cheuschober commented 9 years ago

I excluded the bootstrap script from the log above for the sake of brevity.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@cheuschober the log clearly indicates that your container lacks network connectivity somehow, either direct IP or maybe a dns resolution problem.

My first series of patches can help you to be sure that the network profile you are trying to apply, ..., is really applied.

you can attach your running container for debugging purpose and run some ifconfig, ping, dig, cat /etc/resolv.conf and alike to know what is its current state.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

Make sure that your host has masqueraded your container network correctly, as i said you yesterday and that the network is working in your containers, as the bootstrap seeding script requires that.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

@kiorky, Just building up a fork in which to apply those patches. As originally suggested, there's something about how network_profile wasn't being pushed forward -- see the /var/lib/lxc config. If you'll note the configuration samples above, it should work especially considering that salt-call lxc.init and normal lxc-create arguments work. It's acting as though the network_profile I've passed is being ignored.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Configuration reference:

kiorky commented 9 years ago

No, lxc.create is different, lxc.init touchs and push new settings in the LXC config, but not lxc.create. With my patches, the difference is now that there are less chance that your profile settings got ignored.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

Maybe are you on irc or somewhere to chat a bit more directly, this would be helpful to eliminate any environment issue and isolate real bugs.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

related to #23830

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@terminalmage the last commit i pushed should totally finish to repair current. 7dc2d207a6ca76a333842fedd5aee1f6fd571522

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

I can confirm that thanks to @kiorky 's outstanding effort cloud init and network profiles all work. Woohoo!

kiorky commented 9 years ago

There may be another issue, calling from our custom code, but which can be a real issue in the runner I am on my way to debug it out ...

Process Process-1:4:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 114, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/", line 1090, in _thread_return
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/", line 1229, in _return_pub
    ret_val = channel.send(load, timeout=timeout)
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/utils/", line 77, in wrap
    ret = self._block_future(ret)
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/utils/", line 87, in _block_future
    return future.result()
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 209, in result
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 810, in run
    yielded = self.gen.throw(*sys.exc_info())
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/transport/", line 207, in send
    ret = yield self._crypted_transfer(load, tries=tries, timeout=timeout)
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 807, in run
    value = future.result()
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 209, in result
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 810, in run
    yielded = self.gen.throw(*sys.exc_info())
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/transport/", line 180, in _crypted_transfer
    ret = yield _do_transfer()
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 807, in run
    value = future.result()
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 209, in result
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/", line 212, in wrapper
    yielded = next(result)
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/transport/", line 165, in _do_transfer
    data = yield self.message_client.send(self._package_load(self.auth.crypticle.dumps(load)),
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/", line 1162, in dumps
    return self.encrypt(self.PICKLE_PAD + self.serial.dumps(obj))
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/src/salt/salt/", line 122, in dumps
    return msgpack.dumps(msg)
  File "/salt-venv/mastersalt/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/msgpack/", line 47, in packb
    return Packer(**kwargs).pack(o)
  File "msgpack/_packer.pyx", line 223, in msgpack._packer.Packer.pack (msgpack/_packer.cpp:223)
  File "msgpack/_packer.pyx", line 225, in msgpack._packer.Packer.pack (msgpack/_packer.cpp:225)
  File "msgpack/_packer.pyx", line 184, in msgpack._packer.Packer._pack (msgpack/_packer.cpp:184)
  File "msgpack/_packer.pyx", line 184, in msgpack._packer.Packer._pack (msgpack/_packer.cpp:184)
  File "msgpack/_packer.pyx", line 220, in msgpack._packer.Packer._pack (msgpack/_packer.cpp:220)
TypeError: can't serialize <object object at 0x7f3b70cac650>
kiorky commented 9 years ago

i suspect the odicts from interfaces to interfer when coming from salt cloud.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

Uhm, no, in fact it is network profile which is "marker" in certain cases which cant be packed, ok i know how to fix that one too.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@jfindlay i dont remember about your priority schemes, but actually, since 3 monthes, lxc support is again, broken. (so maybe p3 should be increased)

kiorky commented 9 years ago

PRs: #23898 #23897

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

I should add that I encountered another bug with the cloud interface, specifically, when deleting that vaguely looks like some kind of payload change (it tries to delete a container named '[change'. Haven't had time to work up a full log / bug report but one is forthcoming. It was repeatable a few times.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

You should grab the latest version of my modules @cheuschober

kiorky commented 9 years ago

i think that 8b7df18ac1068380ef2e51bff96255fef60e677c may address it

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@cheuschober The links i have you this we, for you to test:

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

@kiorky, I'll take a look at that tomorrow at the latest and report back.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

@kiorky, Apologies that I didn't have the time to complete a full report but the most recent set of modules failed this call:

$ salt-run lxc.init base-03 host=salt profile=ubuntu network_profile=ubuntu master=''

The relevant error message is:

Invalid return for base-03: ERROR: base-03 is not attachable. {'salt': {'ret': 'ERROR: base-03 is not attachable.', 'out': 'nested'}}

The profiles are unchanged from how they were reported above.

Happy to provide specific details you might need.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

The containers are created but not started.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

I tried it again with an older modules/ and it worked. I forget when I pulled, it was either at:


kiorky commented 9 years ago

you may test from the code which is now either on develop or on the new pr (lxc: path support #23982 )

i ve done extensivly tests today, without reproducing your bug

cheuschober commented 9 years ago


Tried a few things today a more proper report follows:



salt --versions-report
                  Salt: 2015.5.0
                Python: 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56)
                Jinja2: 2.7.2
              M2Crypto: 0.21.1
        msgpack-python: 0.3.0
          msgpack-pure: Not Installed
              pycrypto: 2.6.1
               libnacl: Not Installed
                PyYAML: 3.10
                 ioflo: Not Installed
                 PyZMQ: 14.0.1
                  RAET: Not Installed
                   ZMQ: 4.0.4
                  Mako: 0.9.1
 Debian source package: 2015.5.0+ds-1trusty1


      link: lxcbr0
      type: veth
      flags: up

    template: ubuntu
      release: trusty
      arch: amd64

    clone_from: ubuntu_1404_amd64_base

Cloud Provider

  target: salt
  provider: lxc

Cloud Profile

  provider: 'lxc-master'
  profile: ubuntu_1404_amd64_base
  network_profile: ubuntu
  master: ''

Cloud Map

  - etcd-01
  - etcd-02
  - etcd-03

Test results in next post.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago



salt-call lxc.init

$ salt-call -l debug --log-file-level debug --log-file /tmp/salt-call-init.log lxc.init call-01 profile=ubuntu_1404_amd64_base network_profile=default_bridge master=''


[DEBUG   ] Checking if LXC container call-01 is attachable
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded
Passed invalid arguments: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'path'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cli/", line 138, in call
    ret['return'] = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 1434, in init
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 3724, in run
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 3553, in _run
TypeError: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'path'

log file

2015-05-21 02:58:07,842 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][4170] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
2015-05-21 02:58:07,863 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][4170] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 02:58:07,864 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][4170] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 02:58:08,124 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][4170] Initializing new SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-21 02:58:08,137 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][4170] Decrypting the current master AES key
2015-05-21 02:58:08,138 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][4170] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem
2015-05-21 02:58:08,173 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][4170] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem
2015-05-21 02:58:08,186 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][4170] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-21 02:58:08,188 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][4170] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-21 02:58:08,192 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][4170] LazyLoaded lxc.init
2015-05-21 02:58:08,194 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][4170] LazyLoaded config.get
2015-05-21 02:58:08,196 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][4170] LazyLoaded cmd.run_stdout
2015-05-21 02:58:08,196 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:08,250 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:08,302 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:08,355 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'brctl show' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:08,360 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: bridge name bridge id       STP enabled interfaces
lxcbr0      8000.000000000000   no
2015-05-21 02:58:08,362 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:08,418 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-create -n call-01 -f /tmp/tmp2_swWr -t ubuntu -- --release trusty --arch amd64' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:14,797 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: Checking cache download in /var/cache/lxc/trusty/rootfs-amd64 ... 
Copy /var/cache/lxc/trusty/rootfs-amd64 to /var/lib/lxc/call-01/rootfs ... 
Copying rootfs to /var/lib/lxc/call-01/rootfs ...
Generating locales...
  en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date
Generation complete.

# The default user is 'ubuntu' with password 'ubuntu'!
# Use the 'sudo' command to run tasks as root in the container.
2015-05-21 02:58:14,798 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stderr: Creating SSH2 RSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 DSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 ECDSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 ED25519 key; this may take some time ...
update-rc.d: warning: default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match ssh Default-Stop values (none)
invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start.

Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC'
Local time is now:      Thu May 21 02:58:14 UTC 2015.
Universal Time is now:  Thu May 21 02:58:14 UTC 2015.
2015-05-21 02:58:14,799 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:14,860 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: call-01
2015-05-21 02:58:14,861 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-info -n call-01' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:14,872 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: Name:           call-01
State:          STOPPED
2015-05-21 02:58:14,874 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'brctl show' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:14,879 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: bridge name bridge id       STP enabled interfaces
lxcbr0      8000.000000000000   no
2015-05-21 02:58:14,884 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls -P /var/lib/lxc' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:14,937 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: call-01
2015-05-21 02:58:14,938 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-info -P /var/lib/lxc -n call-01' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:14,948 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: Name:           call-01
State:          STOPPED
2015-05-21 02:58:14,949 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-start -f /var/lib/lxc/call-01/config -d -P /var/lib/lxc -n call-01' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:15,002 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-wait -P /var/lib/lxc -n call-01 -s RUNNING' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:15,040 [][DEBUG   ][4170] output: 
2015-05-21 02:58:15,044 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls -P /var/lib/lxc' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:15,154 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: call-01
2015-05-21 02:58:15,156 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-info -P /var/lib/lxc -n call-01' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:15,184 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: Name:           call-01
State:          RUNNING
PID:            4476
CPU use:        0.05 seconds
BlkIO use:      2.89 MiB
Memory use:     2.88 MiB
Link:           vethYK4QPN
 TX bytes:      168 bytes
 RX bytes:      180 bytes
 Total bytes:   348 bytes
2015-05-21 02:58:15,186 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:15,291 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: call-01
2015-05-21 02:58:15,292 [][INFO    ][4170] Executing command 'lxc-info -n call-01' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 02:58:15,321 [][DEBUG   ][4170] stdout: Name:           call-01
State:          RUNNING
PID:            4476
CPU use:        0.10 seconds
BlkIO use:      4.13 MiB
Memory use:     3.94 MiB
Link:           vethYK4QPN
 TX bytes:      168 bytes
 RX bytes:      180 bytes
 Total bytes:   348 bytes
2015-05-21 02:58:15,322 [salt.loaded.ext.module.lxc][DEBUG   ][4170] Checking if LXC container call-01 is attachable
2015-05-21 02:58:15,345 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][4170] LazyLoaded
cheuschober commented 9 years ago



salt-call lxc.init

salt-call -l debug --log-file-level debug --log-file /vagrant/salt-call-init.log lxc.init call-02 profile=ubuntu_1404_amd64_base network_profile=default_bridge master=''


[DEBUG   ] stdout: bridge name  bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
lxcbr0          8000.000000000000       no
[DEBUG   ] Checking if LXC container call-02 is attachable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cli/", line 138, in call
    ret['return'] = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 1375, in init
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 3379, in run
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 3229, in _run
    '{0} is not attachable.'.format(name))
CommandExecutionError: call-02 is not attachable.
Error running 'lxc.init': call-02 is not attachable.


2015-05-21 03:29:14,405 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][7916] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion
2015-05-21 03:29:14,431 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][7916] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 03:29:14,431 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][7916] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 03:29:14,701 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][7916] Initializing new SAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', 'salt', 'tcp://')
2015-05-21 03:29:14,714 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][7916] Decrypting the current master AES key
2015-05-21 03:29:14,715 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][7916] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem
2015-05-21 03:29:14,747 [salt.crypt       ][DEBUG   ][7916] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem
2015-05-21 03:29:14,759 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][7916] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-21 03:29:14,760 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][7916] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-21 03:29:14,765 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][7916] LazyLoaded lxc.init
2015-05-21 03:29:14,767 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][7916] LazyLoaded cmd.run_stdout
2015-05-21 03:29:14,769 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:14,822 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:14,878 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][7916] LazyLoaded config.get
2015-05-21 03:29:14,880 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:14,934 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'brctl show' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:14,938 [][DEBUG   ][7916] stdout: bridge name bridge id       STP enabled interfaces
lxcbr0      8000.000000000000   no
2015-05-21 03:29:14,940 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:14,993 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-create -n call-02 -f /tmp/tmpzwN7pS -t ubuntu -- --release trusty --arch amd64' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:20,166 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-ls' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:20,230 [][DEBUG   ][7916] stdout: call-02
2015-05-21 03:29:20,232 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'lxc-info -n call-02' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:20,243 [][DEBUG   ][7916] stdout: Name:           call-02
State:          STOPPED
2015-05-21 03:29:20,246 [][INFO    ][7916] Executing command 'brctl show' in directory '/root'
2015-05-21 03:29:20,250 [][DEBUG   ][7916] stdout: bridge name bridge id       STP enabled interfaces
lxcbr0      8000.000000000000   no
2015-05-21 03:29:20,255 [salt.loaded.ext.module.lxc][DEBUG   ][7916] Checking if LXC container call-02 is attachable
cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Note: the above represents the current (head) of that branch as-of a few minutes before the timestamp.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago



salt-call lxc.init

salt-call -l debug --log-file-level debug --log-file /vagrant/salt-call-init.log lxc.init call-03 profile=ubuntu_1404_amd64_base network_profile=default_bridge master=''


                  Container created
                  Container configuration updated
                  Continer successfully bootstrapped
        Container 'call-03' successfully initialized

master connection

$ salt-key -L
Accepted Keys:
Denied Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys
$ salt-key -a call-03 -y
$ salt 'call-03'


Excluded for length

salt-run lxc.init

salt-run lxc.init -l debug --log-file-level debug --log-file /vagrant/salt-call-init.log run-03 host=salt profile=ubuntu_1404_amd64_base network_profile=default_bridge master=''

run log

2015-05-21 03:56:01,027 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][15399] LazyLoaded lxc.init
2015-05-21 03:56:01,030 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,030 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,031 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.031166'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,033 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'fun': 'runner.lxc.init', 'jid': '20150521035601029404', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', '_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.032636'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,034 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-21 03:56:01,044 [][INFO    ][15399] Searching for LXC Hosts
2015-05-21 03:56:01,045 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master
2015-05-21 03:56:01,074 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/formulas.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,074 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/formulas.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,076 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,077 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,078 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 03:56:01,080 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Missing configuration file: ~/.saltrc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,081 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,081 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,082 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.081817'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,098 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][15399] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-21 03:56:01,100 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][15399] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521035601089849 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 03:56:06.100149
2015-05-21 03:56:01,208 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][15399] jid 20150521035601089849 return from salt
2015-05-21 03:56:01,209 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][15399] jid 20150521035601089849 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 03:56:01,235 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master
2015-05-21 03:56:01,260 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/formulas.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,261 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/formulas.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,263 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,263 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,265 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 03:56:01,266 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Missing configuration file: ~/.saltrc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,267 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,267 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,268 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.268122'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,275 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,276 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 03:56:01,277 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.277261'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,280 [][INFO    ][15399] Container key will be preauthorized
2015-05-21 03:56:01,280 [][INFO    ][15399] Creating container(s) '['run-03']' on host 'salt'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,298 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][15399] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-21 03:56:01,302 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][15399] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521035601282436 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 04:06:01.301717
2015-05-21 03:56:01,526 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][15399] jid 20150521035601282436 return from salt
2015-05-21 03:56:01,527 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][15399] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-21 03:56:01,533 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'message': {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('run-03', [{'comment': "At least one of 'template', 'image', and 'profile' is required", 'changes': {}, 'name': 'run-03'}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}, '_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.532651'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,586 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][15399] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-21 03:56:01,589 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][15399] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150521035601029404', 'return': {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('run-03', [{'comment': "At least one of 'template', 'image', and 'profile' is required", 'changes': {}, 'name': 'run-03'}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-21T03:56:01.588892', 'user': 'sudo_vagrant', 'fun': 'runner.lxc.init'}
2015-05-21 03:56:01,590 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master
2015-05-21 03:56:01,615 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,616 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,618 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 03:56:01,619 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master
2015-05-21 03:56:01,643 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/formulas.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,644 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/formulas.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,646 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf'
2015-05-21 03:56:01,646 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/master.d/lxc.conf
2015-05-21 03:56:01,912 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][15399] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-21 03:56:01,914 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][15399] Runner completed: 20150521035601029404
2015-05-21 03:56:01,940 [salt.runner      ][DEBUG   ][15399] Runner return: {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('run-03', [{'comment': "At least one of 'template', 'image', and 'profile' is required", 'changes': {}, 'name': 'run-03'}])]))]), 'ping_status': False, 'done': [], 'result': False, 'salt': []}
cheuschober commented 9 years ago

@kiorky, I think I had the best luck, with the above lxc module and 2015.05 runner and 2015.05 cloud modules but it was far from perfect. With

Notably, I had an authorization / RSA error when I tried to get pillar data on some containers and a cloud-map delete would always fail with what looked like a payload error. Will dummy those up now.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago


2015.5 (packaged) release: salt/runners/

2015.5 (packaged) release salt/cloud/clouds/


salt-call lxc.init

salt-call lxc.init -l debug --log-file-level debug --log-file /vagrant/salt-run-init.log call-04 profile=ubuntu_1404_amd64_base network_profile=default_bridge master=''


                  Container created
                  Container configuration updated
                  Continer successfully bootstrapped
        Container 'call-04' successfully initialized

salt-run lxc.init

salt-run lxc.init -l debug --log-file-level debug --log-file /vagrant/salt-call-init.log run-04 host=salt profile=ubuntu_1404_amd64_base network_profile=default_bridge master=''


[DEBUG   ] Runner return: {'comment': '', 'errors': OrderedDict([('salt', OrderedDict([('run-04', [])]))]), 'ping_status': True, 'done': [{'comment': "Container 'run-04' successfully initialized", 'container_name': 'run-04', 'changes': {'init': [{'create': 'Container created'}, {'config': 'Container configuration updated'}, {'bootstrap': 'Continer successfully bootstrapped'}, {'state': {'new': 'running', 'old': None}}]}, 'name': 'run-04', 'result': True}], 'result': True, 'salt': [{'comment': "Container 'run-04' successfully initialized", 'container_name': 'run-04', 'changes': {'init': [{'create': 'Container created'}, {'config': 'Container configuration updated'}, {'bootstrap': 'Continer successfully bootstrapped'}, {'state': {'new': 'running', 'old': None}}]}, 'name': 'run-04', 'result': True}]}

salt-cloud -p

salt-cloud -l debug --log-file /tmp/salt-cloud-init.log --log-file-level debug -p ubuntu_1404_amd64 cloud-04


                            Container created
                            Container configuration updated
                            Password(s) updated
                            DNS updated
                            Continer successfully bootstrapped
                  Container 'cloud-04' successfully initialized

master communication

salt 'cloud-04'

salt-cloud -m

sudo salt-cloud -l debug --log-file /tmp/salt-cloud-init.log --log-file-level debug --out json --out-indent 4 --out-file /tmp/map.log -m /etc/salt/cloud.maps.d/


    "etcd-01": {
        "comment": "", 
        "name": "etcd-01", 
        "runner_return": {
            "comment": "", 
            "errors": {
                "salt": {
                    "etcd-01": []
            "ping_status": true, 
            "done": [
                    "comment": "Container 'etcd-01' successfully initialized", 
                    "container_name": "etcd-01", 
                    "changes": {
                        "init": [
                                "create": "Container created"
                                "config": "Container configuration updated"
                                "password": "Password(s) updated"
                                "dns": "DNS updated"
                                "bootstrap": "Continer successfully bootstrapped"
                                "state": {
                                    "new": "running", 
                                    "old": null
                    "name": "etcd-01","result": true
            "result": true, 
            "salt": [
                    "comment": "Container 'etcd-01' successfully initialized", 
                    "container_name": "etcd-01", 
                    "changes": {
                        "init": [
                                "create": "Container created"
                                "config": "Container configuration updated"
                                "password": "Password(s) updated"
                                "dns": "DNS updated"
                                "bootstrap": "Continer successfully bootstrapped"
                                "state": {
                                    "new": "running", 
                                    "old": null
                    "name": "etcd-01", 
                    "result": true
        "result": false, 
        "Error": "Error while creating etcd-01,", 
        "changes": {}
    "etcd-02": {
        "comment": "", 
        "name": "etcd-02", 
        "runner_return": {
            "comment": "", 
            "errors": {
                "salt": {                    "etcd-02": []
            "ping_status": true, 
            "done": [
                    "comment": "Container 'etcd-02' successfully initialized", 
                    "container_name": "etcd-02", 
                    "changes": {
                        "init": [
                                "create": "Container created"
                                "config": "Container configuration updated"
                                "password": "Password(s) updated"
                                "dns": "DNS updated"
                                "bootstrap": "Continer successfully bootstrapped"
                                "state": {
                                    "new": "running", 
                                    "old": null
                    "name": "etcd-02", 
                    "result": true
            ],                                                                                                                                                                                           [79/9260]
            "result": true, 
            "salt": [
                    "comment": "Container 'etcd-02' successfully initialized", 
                    "container_name": "etcd-02", 
                    "changes": {
                        "init": [
                                "create": "Container created"
                                "config": "Container configuration updated"
                                "password": "Password(s) updated"
                                "dns": "DNS updated"
                                "bootstrap": "Continer successfully bootstrapped"
                                "state": {
                                    "new": "running", 
                                    "old": null
                    "name": "etcd-02", 
                    "result": true
        "result": false, 
        "Error": "Error while creating etcd-02,", 
        "changes": {}
    "etcd-03": {
        "comment": "", 
        "name": "etcd-03", 
        "runner_return": {
            "comment": "", 
            "errors": {
                "salt": {
                    "etcd-03": []
            },                                                                                                                                                                                          [30/9260]
            "ping_status": true, 
            "done": [
                    "comment": "Container 'etcd-03' successfully initialized", 
                    "container_name": "etcd-03", 
                    "changes": {
                        "init": [
                                "create": "Container created"
                                "config": "Container configuration updated"
                                "password": "Password(s) updated"
                                "dns": "DNS updated"
                                "bootstrap": "Continer successfully bootstrapped"
                                "state": {
                                    "new": "running", 
                                    "old": null
                    "name": "etcd-03", 
                    "result": true
            "result": true, 
            "salt": [
                    "comment": "Container 'etcd-03' successfully initialized", 
                    "container_name": "etcd-03", 
                    "changes": {
                        "init": [
                                "create": "Container created"
                                "config": "Container configuration updated"
                                "password": "Password(s) updated"                            }, 
                                "dns": "DNS updated"
                                "bootstrap": "Continer successfully bootstrapped"
                                "state": {
                                    "new": "running", 
                                    "old": null
                    "name": "etcd-03", 
                    "result": true
        "result": false, 
        "Error": "Error while creating etcd-03,", 
        "changes": {}

master communication

sudo salt 'etcd-*'

salt-cloud -d -m

$ salt-cloud -l debug --log-file /tmp/salt-cloud-destroy.log --log-file-level=debug --out=json --out-indent=4 --out-file=/tmp/map.log -d /etc/salt/cloud.maps.d/


No machines were found to be destroyed

lxc-ls --fancy

NAME      STATE    IPV4        IPV6  AUTOSTART  
etcd-01   RUNNING   -     YES        
etcd-02   RUNNING  -     YES        
etcd-03   RUNNING  -     YES        

cloud log

2015-05-21 05:32:05,334 [   ][INFO    ][10102] salt-cloud starting
2015-05-21 05:32:05,373 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] Could not LazyLoad parallels.avail_sizes
2015-05-21 05:32:05,374 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded parallels.avail_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:05,374 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded proxmox.avail_sizes
2015-05-21 05:32:05,375 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] Could not LazyLoad saltify.destroy
2015-05-21 05:32:05,375 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_sizes
2015-05-21 05:32:05,376 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_images
2015-05-21 05:32:05,376 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:05,377 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded rackspace.reboot
2015-05-21 05:32:05,377 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded openstack.list_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:05,377 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded rackspace.list_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:05,378 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:05,380 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:05,382 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:05,382 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:05,383 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:05.382530'}
2015-05-21 05:32:05,388 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:05,392 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:05,419 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-21 05:32:05,421 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10102] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053205411690 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:15.420456
2015-05-21 05:32:05,454 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10102] jid 20150521053205411690 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:05,454 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10102] jid 20150521053205411690 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:05,467 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10102] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053205455310 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:15.467309
2015-05-21 05:32:05,499 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10102] jid 20150521053205455310 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:05,499 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10102] jid 20150521053205455310 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:05,500 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:05,501 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:05,501 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:05,501 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:05.501239'}
2015-05-21 05:32:05,503 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150521053205500846', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:05.502762'}
2015-05-21 05:32:05,524 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-21 05:32:05,533 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:05,536 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 05:32:05,536 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 05:32:05,538 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:05,539 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:05,794 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-21 05:32:05,795 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-21 05:32:05,796 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:05,797 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-21 05:32:05,798 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10102] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150521053205500846', 'return': {'salt': True}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:05.797900', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-21 05:32:05,799 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:05,802 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 05:32:05,803 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 05:32:05,805 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:05,805 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10102] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,063 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:06,064 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][10102] Runner completed: 20150521053205500846
2015-05-21 05:32:06,116 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10102] Could not LazyLoad lxc.optimize_providers
2015-05-21 05:32:06,117 [       ][DEBUG   ][10102] The 'lxc' cloud driver is unable to be optimized.
2015-05-21 05:32:06,149 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] Could not LazyLoad parallels.avail_sizes
2015-05-21 05:32:06,150 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded parallels.avail_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:06,151 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded proxmox.avail_sizes
2015-05-21 05:32:06,151 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] Could not LazyLoad saltify.destroy
2015-05-21 05:32:06,152 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_sizes
2015-05-21 05:32:06,152 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_images
2015-05-21 05:32:06,153 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] Could not LazyLoad saltify.avail_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:06,154 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded rackspace.reboot
2015-05-21 05:32:06,154 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded openstack.list_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:06,154 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded rackspace.list_locations
2015-05-21 05:32:06,155 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,160 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,162 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:06,162 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:06,164 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:06.163654'}
2015-05-21 05:32:06,170 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,173 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,216 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-21 05:32:06,217 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053206183062 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:16.216952
2015-05-21 05:32:06,254 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206183062 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,254 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206183062 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:06,255 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:06,256 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:06,256 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:06,256 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:06.255994'}
2015-05-21 05:32:06,258 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150521053206255611', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:06.257648'}
2015-05-21 05:32:06,262 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-21 05:32:06,269 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,273 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 05:32:06,273 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 05:32:06,275 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,276 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,539 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-21 05:32:06,539 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-21 05:32:06,540 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:06,541 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-21 05:32:06,542 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150521053206255611', 'return': {'salt': True}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:06.541733', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-21 05:32:06,543 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,546 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 05:32:06,547 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 05:32:06,548 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,549 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,802 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:06,803 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][10176] Runner completed: 20150521053206255611
2015-05-21 05:32:06,855 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,859 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,860 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:06,860 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:06,861 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:06.860860'}
2015-05-21 05:32:06,867 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:06,872 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,881 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_load
2015-05-21 05:32:06,892 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053206873132 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:16.891761
2015-05-21 05:32:06,914 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206873132 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,914 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206873132 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:06,940 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053206932331 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:16.940362
2015-05-21 05:32:06,982 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206932331 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:06,982 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206932331 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:06,991 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053206982993 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:16.990705
2015-05-21 05:32:07,030 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206982993 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,030 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053206982993 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:07,140 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053207132045 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:17.139981
2015-05-21 05:32:07,172 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207132045 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,172 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207132045 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:07,281 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053207273194 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:17.281315
2015-05-21 05:32:07,339 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207273194 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,343 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207273194 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:07,455 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053207444294 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:17.455031
2015-05-21 05:32:07,502 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207444294 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,502 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207444294 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:07,613 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053207603375 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:17.612627
2015-05-21 05:32:07,659 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207603375 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,660 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207603375 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:07,775 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053207764318 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:17.774574
2015-05-21 05:32:07,810 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207764318 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,810 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207764318 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:07,923 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053207911553 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:17.922589
2015-05-21 05:32:07,971 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207911553 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:07,972 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053207911553 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:08,083 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] get_iter_returns for jid 20150521053208072876 sent to set(['salt']) will timeout at 05:32:18.082876
2015-05-21 05:32:08,107 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053208072876 return from salt
2015-05-21 05:32:08,107 [salt.client      ][DEBUG   ][10176] jid 20150521053208072876 found all minions set(['salt'])
2015-05-21 05:32:08,109 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded jobs.lookup_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:08,109 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PUB socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pub.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:08,109 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] MasterEvent PULL socket URI: ipc:///var/run/salt/master/master_event_pull.ipc
2015-05-21 05:32:08,109 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:08.109357'}
2015-05-21 05:32:08,111 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'fun': '', 'jid': '20150521053208108953', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:08.110611'}
2015-05-21 05:32:08,113 [salt.loader      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Error loading runners.nacl: libnacl import error, perhaps missing python libnacl package
2015-05-21 05:32:08,118 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:08,121 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 05:32:08,122 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 05:32:08,123 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:08,124 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:08,388 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded jinja.render
2015-05-21 05:32:08,389 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded yaml.render
2015-05-21 05:32:08,389 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded local_cache.get_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:08,391 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded nested.output
2015-05-21 05:32:08,397 [salt.utils.event ][DEBUG   ][10176] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150521053208108953', 'return': {'salt': {'frozen': {}, 'running': {'call-02': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe3a:a291', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:3A:A2:91', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073703829503L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe3a:a291', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe3a:a291', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe3a:a291', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/call-02/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/call-02/rootfs'}, 'call-03': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe21:a808', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:21:A8:08', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073697632255L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe21:a808', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe21:a808', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe21:a808', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/call-03/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/call-03/rootfs'}, 'call-04': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:feb2:902f', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:B2:90:2F', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073687859199L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:feb2:902f', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:feb2:902f', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:feb2:902f', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/call-04/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/call-04/rootfs'}, 'cloud-04': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe99:2b71', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:99:2B:71', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073688170495L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe99:2b71', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe99:2b71', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe99:2b71', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/cloud-04/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/cloud-04/rootfs'}, 'etcd-01': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe10:cc54', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:10:CC:54', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073671864319L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe10:cc54', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe10:cc54', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe10:cc54', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/etcd-01/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/etcd-01/rootfs'}, 'etcd-02': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe1e:d7d2', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:1E:D7:D2', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073658707967L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe1e:d7d2', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe1e:d7d2', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe1e:d7d2', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/etcd-02/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/etcd-02/rootfs'}, 'etcd-03': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe83:1b27', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:83:1B:27', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073539325951L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe83:1b27', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe83:1b27', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe83:1b27', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/etcd-03/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/etcd-03/rootfs'}, 'run-04': {'memory_limit': 18446744073709551615L, 'private_ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'private_ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe0b:906b', '', '::1'], 'nics': [{'hwaddr': 'AC:DE:48:0B:90:6B', 'link': 'lxcbr0', 'flags': 'up', 'name': 'eth0', 'type': 'veth'}], 'memory_free': 18446744073696755711L, 'private_ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe0b:906b', '::1'], 'public_ips': [], 'public_ipv4_ips': [], 'ips': ['', 'fe80::aede:48ff:fe0b:906b', '', '::1'], 'state': 'running', 'public_ipv6_ips': [], 'ipv6_ips': ['fe80::aede:48ff:fe0b:906b', '::1'], 'size': '19229144', 'config': '/var/lib/lxc/run-04/config', 'ipv4_ips': ['', ''], 'rootfs': '/var/lib/lxc/run-04/rootfs'}}, 'stopped': {}}}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:32:08.396366', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
2015-05-21 05:32:08,397 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:08,401 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
2015-05-21 05:32:08,401 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
2015-05-21 05:32:08,403 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
2015-05-21 05:32:08,404 [salt.config      ][DEBUG   ][10176] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
2015-05-21 05:32:08,676 [salt.utils.lazy  ][DEBUG   ][10176] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
2015-05-21 05:32:08,677 [salt.client.mixins][INFO    ][10176] Runner completed: 20150521053208108953

salt-cloud -d

$ salt-cloud -l debug --log-file /tmp/salt-cloud-destroy.log --log-file-level=debug --out=json --out-indent=4 --out-file=/tmp/map.log -d etcd-03


The following virtual machines are set to be destroyed:

Proceed? [N/y] 
[DEBUG   ] Sending event - data = {'jid': '20150521053904698281', 'return': {'salt': {'state': {'new': None, 'old': 'running'}, 'result': True}}, 'success': True, '_stamp': '2015-05-21T05:39:04.984433', 'user': 'UNKNOWN', 'fun': ''}
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
[DEBUG   ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf'
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf
[DEBUG   ] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: salt
[DEBUG   ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/cloud
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded local_cache.prep_jid
[INFO    ] Runner completed: 20150521053904698281
[ERROR   ] There was an error destroying machines: 'change'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/", line 189, in run
    ret = mapper.destroy(names, cached=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/", line 1006, in destroy
    ret = self.clouds[fun](name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cloud/clouds/", line 380, in destroy
    ret['result'] = cret['change']
KeyError: 'change'

lxc-ls --fancy

NAME      STATE    IPV4        IPV6  AUTOSTART  
etcd-01   RUNNING   -     YES        
etcd-02   RUNNING  -     YES        
cheuschober commented 9 years ago

@kiorky / @terminalmage I hope this offers some insight. To me, it seems like the state of @kiorky's lxc_profiles branch roughly three days ago was the most stable for the 2015.5 release with the only major issue being what's happening with the cloud delete. Since it's a big lift to change runners/cloud modules, I would hope a little light tooling in modules/ could nip that since it looks like it does its job but just has the wrong payload at exit.

I did also recently receive a wierd RSA error that prevented pillars from making it to minion sthat I didn't capture and haven't been able to reproduce so I'm going to ignore for now until it reasserts.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Actually, I should be more specific, the state of @kiorky's modules/ is the most stable for the workflows I'm attempting. Using cloud or runner from that branch, as shown above, caused errors.

cheuschober commented 9 years ago

Oh, something to addd re: the two destroy functions, when they die, they do so before their keys have been cleared as salt-key -L still knows about them.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@cheuschober im afraid you were not using the correct branch anymore.

The former have been merged, and the new are on:

kiorky commented 9 years ago

Thus said, i didnt tested recently cloud/delete, so i dont think you have something new on that front in there.

kiorky commented 9 years ago

@cheuschober i justed fixed on the lxc_path branch:

[DEBUG   ] Checking if LXC container call-01 is attachable
[DEBUG   ] LazyLoaded
Passed invalid arguments: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'path'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/cli/", line 138, in call
    ret['return'] = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 1434, in init
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 3724, in run
  File "/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/", line 3553, in _run
TypeError: run() got an unexpected keyword argument 'path'
kiorky commented 9 years ago

(which you could not have on 2015.5, path support is specific to develop)

kiorky commented 9 years ago

I do not reproduce your deletion bug (anymore !?)

                foobar5 was destroyed

both key & container were purged.