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[discussion] refactor inconsistent module naming #30533

Closed sjorge closed 4 years ago

sjorge commented 8 years ago

As mentioned by @damon-atkins in PR #30414

There are indeed lots of ways modules get named, below is a table of what we currently have and what there virtualname is.

filename virtualname loaded shadow os = %BSD% darwin_pkgutil os = MacOS sysctl os = MacOS apache os_family = Debian postgres which = pg_createcluster ip os_family = Debian service os in ('Debian', 'Raspbian', 'Devuan') sysctl os = FreeBSD jail os = FreeBSD kmod kernel = FreeBSD pkg os = FreeBSD and os_release > 10 ports os = FreeBSD service os = FreeBSD service os = Gentoo acl which = getfacl ip which = ip and not os_family in ('Debian', 'RedHat') lvm which = lvm sysctl kernel = Linux group kernel = Darwin and os_releaseinfo > (10, 7) shadow salt.utils.is_darwin softwareupdate salt.utils.is_darwin timezone salt.utils.is_darwin user kernel = Darwin and os_releaseinfo > (10, 7) sysctl os = NetBSD service os = NetBSD and path /etc/rc.subr sysctl os = OpenBSD pkg os = OpenBSD service os = OpenBSD and path /etc/rc.d/rc.subr and not path /usr/sbin/rcctl service os = OpenBSD and path /usr/sbin/rcctl desktop salt.utils.is_darwin ip os_family = RedHat imgadm salt.utils.is_smartos_globalzone and which = imgadm virst vmadm in modules vmadm salt.utils.is_smartos_globalzone and which = vmadm fmadm salt.utils.is_sunos() and which = fmdump and which = fmadm group kernel = SunOS shadow kernel = SunOS system salt.utils.is_sunos and which = shutdown user kernel = SunOS and HAS_PWD pkg kernel = SunOS and kernelrelease > 5.10 pkg kernel = SunOS and kernelrelease <= 5.10 autoruns salt.utils.is_windows win_dacl salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_WINDOWS_MODULES disk salt.utils.is_windows win_dns_client salt.utils.is_windows dsc salt.utils.is_windows file salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_WINDOWS_MODULES firewall salt.utils.is_windows group salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_DEPENDENCIES win_iis salt.utils.is_windows ip salt.utils.is_windows network salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_DEPENDENCIES ntp salt.utils.is_windows win_path salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_WIN32 pkg salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_DEPENDENCIES powercfg os = Windows winrepo salt.utils.is_windows win_servermanager salt.utils.is_windows service salt.utils.is_windows shadow salt.utils.is_windows status salt.utils.is_windows and has_required_packages: system salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_WIN32NET_MODS task salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_DEPENDENCIES timezone salt.utils.is_windows and which = tzutil update salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_DEPENDENCIES user salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_WIN32NET_MODS win_wua salt.utils.is_windows and HAS_DEPENDENCIES

^ the list probably not even complete, aptpkg, yumpkg,... come to mind

In have a proposal to clean this up, I will update this issues this weekend with a proposal to refactor this. Seeing this will be a massive change (not feature wise but layout wise) I think It's best there is a discussion up front so there is no wasted time doing stuff that won't get merged.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

I propose the following naming convention:


I also realized there is no proper platform grains. e.g.

bsd = os:openbsd, os:freebsd, ... linux = kernel:linux solaris = kernel:sunos(, kernel:illumos*) windows = kernel:windows


module format notes {virtualname}.py gem works the same on all platforms, nothing special {virtualname}_{os}.py linux systems have there own flavor {virtualname}_{os}.py solaris-like systems have there own flavor {virtualname}_{os_variant}.py bsd systems have there own flavor {virtualname}_{os_family}.py debian family linux systems do it like X {virtualname}_{os_family}.py redhat family linux systems do it like Y {virtualname}_{os}.py windows systems do it like X {virtualname}_{os}.py vmadm is very specific to SmartOS {virtualname}_{variant}.py some systems use apt to manage packages {virtualname}_{variant}.py some systems use yum to manage packages {virtualname}_{variant}_{os_family}.py solaris systems use pkg to manage packages, tool is not compatible with openbsd pkg {virtualname}_{variant}_{os}.py openbsd systems use pkg to manage packages, tool is not compatible with solaris pkg

Making the uniform will require a lot of refactoring (on it self not a big problem). I'm not sure how to maintain backwards compatibility though :-1:

sjorge commented 8 years ago

concrete example for fixing the systems modules

old filename new filename virtualname loaded systems G@kernel:linux and which = shutdown systems G@os:windows and HAS_WIN32NET_MODS systems G@kernel:sunos and which = shutdown

Of course the doc refs should also reflect the new filenames.

The above refactor should be backwards compatible! However some others like for pkg would be nearly impossible to do without breaking backwards compat :(

The-Loeki commented 8 years ago

There's been work on module 'dirs', would that not a much cleaner refactor if it can be done properly?


Although for this layout to work, further improvements would seem to have to be made to the module dir stuff on at least the 2015.8 branch

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

Yes "Dirs" like above would make it nicer, but comments in #30533 have indicated its not straight forward.

If stuff might break, could a warning be printed and then continue by calling the new module code. Maybe a tool to search yaml and optionally replace it.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

It's worse than that though, I little too to search files for X and print a warning line X has been replaced by Y should not be too hard.

I also like the dirs approach, something did occur to me too... if we rename all that stuff it will make back porting/forward porting less easy. This is definitely something to consider too.

I also suggest this does not happen withing the 2015.x release but if it should be in a release with the major (year) bumped.

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

I would suggest the warning starts in 2015.x to say it will be removed in 2016.x Or both work in 2015.x

The-Loeki commented 8 years ago

Well the versioning scheme doesn't work that way, it'd be something like +X periodic table elements deprecation warning, so considering we're all waiting for Boron (5), the warning'd be like 'this module will dissapear in Salt Neon (10)' & just wait & see what version number Neon would actually get.

Also I'm not so sure about the porting problems; by far most stuff should already be using the virtual names (e.g. pkg rather than package_freebsd) through the LazyLoader, which would leave manual provider config stanzas; it'd be easy to temporarily wrap those stanza's through a compat dict

provider = {
'freebsdpkg': 'pkg.fbsd',
'yum_pkg': 'pkg.yum',
}.get(provider, provider)

or something like that :)

jfindlay commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the great discussion on this. I think that if users are already using modules through their __virtualname__ refactoring their real names should not be too much of a problem. @whiteinge and @thatch45 may have some further comments.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

@jfindlay: It will probably break the provides section of the minion config.

But yes if they use purely __virtualnames__ they should be OK for most. The windows ones would still have odd virtual names, but so be it.


old filename new filename virtualname win_servermanager

But for those a deprecated in warning could be added, and a temperarly mapping of win_servermanager to servermanager ?

jfindlay commented 8 years ago

@sjorge, I think you mean #30519.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

Yeah you are right linked the wrong issue/pr.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

Shell we start with trying to clean this up a but by renaming a few like so: {virtualname}[_{variant}][_{os|os_family|kernel}].py or shall we go for the directory approach mentioned in #issuecomment-173944984? The later would probably need some work to the loader I'm guessing.

The-Loeki commented 8 years ago

IMHO {virtualname}[_{variant}][_{specific}].py system is eloquent & elegant. IMHO the directory layout would be even more eloquent & elegant. If it's decided to go with the latter (eventually), it'd be a shame to spend time on the former.

As you mention, the loader would need some work. and preserving backwards compatibility for that change (although there's a grand total of 1 module now in a subdir layout) might be more difficult. Personally I'd like to hear more from the Salt devs & their view on the (future of) the Loader/'sub'module system to see how feasible the idea is.

jfindlay commented 8 years ago

I know @thatch45 has had strong reasons not to nest execution modules, so we should check with him before proposing to rearchitect the structure.

lorengordon commented 8 years ago

@sjorge, what is the reasoning for Windows modules to have 'win_' prepended to the virtualname? I don't think that's necessary. I rather like the semantics of having the same module name across all OSes.

Or are you saying that some modules do that today, which would get a deprecation warning while they switch to the new style, and that the new style does away with such prepending?

sjorge commented 8 years ago

@lorengordon If you look at the first table, the windows modules do so now (sadly)

lorengordon commented 8 years ago

Right, some Windows modules do that now. I'd rather not formalize that, though, and have all Windows modules do that...

sjorge commented 8 years ago

Those prefixes should be dropped, so for a time we'd need to support both with win_ and without.

lorengordon commented 8 years ago

Right, ok, so the latter part of my first comment. That works for me. Just trying to confirm that the direction of intent is to deprecate the 'win_' semantics for virtualnames.

basepi commented 8 years ago

I do not anticipate the directory path going anywhere in the near future. It would be a much more disruptive change.

I really like the {virtualname}[_{variant}][_{os|os_family|kernel}].py proposed solution. I think it's clean and consistent, and way easier to see which modules provide for the same virtualname, and what that virtualname is.

We can create a map of old names and compare with a warn_until for the provides configuration. Otherwise I don't think anything else should break (in theory) since we use virtualname.

I will note that backporting and merging forward will be made more difficult as a result of this change, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

@twangboy is renaming some mac modules

sjorge commented 8 years ago

I'll give it a shot this weekend to see if I can get one of the easier ones (system) to match: {virtualname}[_{variant}][_{os|os_family|kernel}].py, it should not need odd virtual mappings.

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

It would be easy (i assume) to add a test that checks file names are prefixed with the virtual name. It also makes it easy to rename if it needs to be os/platform specific at a latter date.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

@damon-atkins where would that check be added? a githook?

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

I am assuming Jenkins would do it as part of salts internal testing

sjorge commented 8 years ago

Oh yeah Jenkins would make a lot of sense

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

Be aware of mac renames #30556 #30555 #30558 #30557 #30551 #30552

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

So in Jenkins you someone would add an allow pattern... if a new os, platform, etc came along it would be add to the allow list. This way the naming standard is inforced.

basepi commented 8 years ago

The mac renames are all new, unreleased modules anyway.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

Cool, so not to much worrying about that. If the PR for the system module looks good I will see if I can do some others during my lunch breaks :)

basepi commented 8 years ago

Jenkins should be great for this, we can probably add it to the linter along with our custom checks like cli examples. (I assume we can, I'm actually not that familiar with our linting setup)

thatch45 commented 8 years ago

Sorry this took me so long to catch up on, my weekend was insane.

  1. Do not do dirs, the loader does handle it better now but it would be a real problem for user distributed modules
  2. I will completely agree with the proposed file name scheme, it is good.
  3. We need to allow the loaded to be able to abstract multiple virtualnames for deprecation paths to work, so that we can fix the bad windows virtualnames like win_dns_client.
  4. name changes should be deprecated until the Nitrogen release (which should be around 2017.3 ish timeframe)

Did I miss anything?

sjorge commented 8 years ago

@thatch45 don't think you missed anything. I poked around a bit for item 3. but some of the dirty guts of saltstack are still not my friend. I think @basepi was going to look at this later this week.

thatch45 commented 8 years ago

Oh, I think I might have to do item 3, this is adding a dunder keyword to the loader or adding list support to the virtualname, which might be hairy, so I will look at that first.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

Ack, ping me here once you have something. I have a PR for system open that is blocked on this (as providers would break without this)

thatch45 commented 8 years ago

I may have missed something, provides map to filenames, item 3 in my list is to allow multiple virtualnames. I am not quite sure on how to solve the provider filename change, I will need to spend more time on that.

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

Off topic a bit. But is their a reason for grains/ being one large large and growing file (1800 lines) to load, vs more like modules. E.g which calls

sjorge commented 8 years ago

I also find the one big file for grains uneasy to manage. But I work in that way less than I do in modules. I wouldn't seeing this refactored.

thatch45 commented 8 years ago

Yes, please do not try to refactor grains modules.

basepi commented 8 years ago

@thatch45 My thought for provider overrides was just to manually create a map of old to new filenames. If one of the old filenames shows up in the provider overrides, we just replace it with the new filename, and throw a warn_until.

basepi commented 8 years ago

Do we need multiple virtualnames? None of the virtualnames will be changing, right?

thatch45 commented 8 years ago

@basepi that plan for provides works, good thinking.

As for changing virtualnames, I am sure we will want to change some eventually, so we should look into adding the ability to do so

sjorge commented 8 years ago

We should probably drop the win_ prefix while we are at it

~ sjorge

On 27 Jan 2016, at 22:27, Thomas S Hatch wrote:

@basepi that plan for provides works, good thinking.

As for changing virtualnames, I am sure we will want to change some eventually, so we should look into adding the ability to do so

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

whiteinge commented 8 years ago

Please involve @jacobhammons here.

twangboy commented 8 years ago

I would like to keep (win/mac) somewhere in the filenames. I agree they should be removed from the virtual name. We need to standardize our file naming.

sjorge commented 8 years ago

@twangboy I'm not sure what you mean by keep the win/mac in the filename -> ->

As per the above proposed new naming convention. Both would have a virtual name of 'system'.

(darwin could probably be replaced with mac though)

twangboy commented 8 years ago

@sjorge I don't know how many times I've written a new module only to find someone has already done it. The file names would be for convenience for dumb guys like me. If everything started with mac_ I could see all the mac modules together and see what's missing. If they all ended with mac, I could see that there's not a mac module for such and such a command. As it stands now, they're all just mixed together with no distinction in the filenames as to which OS the module applies.

damon-atkins commented 8 years ago

"Darwin" might be a bit to generic ??? e.g. iPhone 5+, iPad Air, iPod, Apple TV & Mac's See also (includes a table of results)

sjorge commented 8 years ago

@damon-atkins: sure we could settle on mac instead of darwin, I went for darwin in my propasal because salt.utils.is_darwin() is often used to check if we are on Mac OS X or not.

@twangboy: how would it be different with the propose name change? You can still see at a glance if something will work or not with the new naming, if you want know if system would be available on mac os x. You can check if there is a file called if there is none you can have a quick check of to see if it is in the generic one.

If you want to inplement say a dnsmasq module for mac, you can check if there is one called (which is probably OS agnostic) or (for the odd case it would be vastly different on mac)

Worst case a ls * will give you a quick overview.

twangboy commented 8 years ago

@sjorge I don't care what the format is for the file name as long as there's some indication that a module exists for a specific OS.