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salt-master 2016.11.4 crashes on CentOS 7 with error "RSA key format is not supported" #40889

Closed craigafinch closed 5 years ago

craigafinch commented 7 years ago

Description of Issue/Question

Within the past day, package updates were applied to a CentOS 7 salt master server, upgrading salt-master and salt-minion to 2016.11.4, and installing python2-pycryptodomex (presumably as a dependency). The salt-master on this server now crashes immediately with the error "RSA key format is not supported." No configs have been altered on this master recently. It was running 2016.11.3, and was stable for months. Now it is dead.


I copied the latest /etc/salt/master.rpmnew config file to /etc/salt/master and edited the file_roots section. I made no other changes. This is a very "vanilla" installation of Salt.

Steps to Reproduce Issue

Starting point: CentOS 7 host with Salt 2016.11.3 running

  1. Run yum update
  2. The following four updates (nothing else) were applied on April 25:
    Apr 25 05:49:21 Installed: python2-pycryptodomex.x86_64 3.4.3-1.el7
    Apr 25 05:49:25 Updated: salt.noarch 2016.11.4-1.el7
    Apr 25 05:49:25 Updated: salt-minion.noarch 2016.11.4-1.el7
    Apr 25 05:49:32 Updated: salt-master.noarch 2016.11.4-1.el
  3. Upon restart, the salt-master service crashes with the following error message:
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/bin/salt-master", line 22, in <module>
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: salt_master()
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/", line 90, in salt_master
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: master.start()
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/cli/", line 204, in start
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: super(Master, self).start()
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/utils/", line 947, in start
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: self.prepare()
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/cli/", line 185, in prepare
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: self.master = salt.master.Master(self.config)
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/", line 399, in __init__
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: SMaster.__init__(self, opts)
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/", line 119, in __init__
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: self.master_key = salt.crypt.MasterKeys(self.opts)
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/", line 233, in __init__
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: self.key = self.__get_keys()
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/", line 285, in __get_keys
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: key = RSA.importKey(
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/Cryptodome/PublicKey/", line 739, in import_key
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: return _import_keyDER(der, passphrase)
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/Cryptodome/PublicKey/", line 683, in _import_keyDER
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 salt-master[2845]: ValueError: RSA key format is not supported
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 systemd[1]: salt-master.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Apr 26 02:13:55 ueb-salt-01 systemd[1]: Failed to start The Salt Master Server.
    -- Subject: Unit salt-master.service has failed
    -- Defined-By: systemd
    -- Support:
    -- Unit salt-master.service has failed.
    -- The result is failed.

### Versions Report

Salt Version: Salt: 2016.11.4

Dependency Versions: cffi: Not Installed cherrypy: Not Installed dateutil: Not Installed docker-py: Not Installed gitdb: Not Installed gitpython: Not Installed ioflo: Not Installed Jinja2: 2.7.2 libgit2: Not Installed libnacl: Not Installed M2Crypto: Not Installed Mako: Not Installed msgpack-pure: Not Installed msgpack-python: 0.4.8 mysql-python: Not Installed pycparser: Not Installed pycrypto: 2.6.1 pycryptodome: 3.4.3 pygit2: Not Installed Python: 2.7.5 (default, Nov 6 2016, 00:28:07) python-gnupg: Not Installed PyYAML: 3.11 PyZMQ: 15.3.0 RAET: Not Installed smmap: Not Installed timelib: Not Installed Tornado: 4.2.1 ZMQ: 4.1.4

System Versions: dist: centos 7.3.1611 Core machine: x86_64 release: 3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64 system: Linux version: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core

BernhardGruen commented 7 years ago


I just had a similar problem with a salt-minion on CentOS 7. For me it worked if I deinstall the package python2-pycryptodomex.x86_64. It is a install dependency of salt. So you have to deinstall it with rpm -e --nodeps python2-pycryptodomex.x86_64

The following error was there before I deinstalled the package (the minion did run perfectly with 2016.11.3):

[DEBUG   ] Decrypting the current master AES key
[DEBUG   ] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem
[CRITICAL] The Salt Master server's public key did not authenticate!
The master may need to be updated if it is a version of Salt lower than 2016.11.4, or
If you are confident that you are connecting to a valid Salt Master, then remove the master public key and restart the Salt Minion.
The master public key can be found at:

Just for completeness this is my versions report:

[08:54 .../salt/minion.d]# salt-minion --versions-report
Salt Version:
           Salt: 2016.11.4

Dependency Versions:
           cffi: Not Installed
       cherrypy: Not Installed
       dateutil: 1.5
      docker-py: Not Installed
          gitdb: Not Installed
      gitpython: Not Installed
          ioflo: Not Installed
         Jinja2: 2.7.2
        libgit2: Not Installed
        libnacl: Not Installed
       M2Crypto: 0.21.1
           Mako: 0.8.1
   msgpack-pure: Not Installed
 msgpack-python: 0.4.8
   mysql-python: Not Installed
      pycparser: Not Installed
       pycrypto: 2.6.1
   pycryptodome: 3.4.3
         pygit2: Not Installed
         Python: 2.7.5 (default, Nov  6 2016, 00:28:07)
   python-gnupg: 0.3.8
         PyYAML: 3.11
          PyZMQ: 15.3.0
           RAET: Not Installed
          smmap: Not Installed
        timelib: Not Installed
        Tornado: 4.2.1
            ZMQ: 4.1.4

System Versions:
           dist: centos 7.3.1611 Core
        machine: x86_64
        release: 3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64
         system: Linux
        version: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
Ch3LL commented 7 years ago

I am having a hard time replicating this. Are you guys also ruining centos in FIPS mode like the other issue?

I have tried both a clean install and upgrade from 2016.11.3 on centos7 VM and cannot see the same behavior.

Can either of you share a sanitized version of their master config?

craigafinch commented 7 years ago


##### Primary configuration settings #####
# This configuration file is used to manage the behavior of the Salt Master.
# Values that are commented out but have an empty line after the comment are
# defaults that do not need to be set in the config. If there is no blank line
# after the comment then the value is presented as an example and is not the
# default.

# Per default, the master will automatically include all config files
# from master.d/*.conf (master.d is a directory in the same directory
# as the main master config file).
#default_include: master.d/*.conf

# The address of the interface to bind to:

# Whether the master should listen for IPv6 connections. If this is set to True,
# the interface option must be adjusted, too. (For example: "interface: '::'")
#ipv6: False

# The tcp port used by the publisher:
#publish_port: 4505

# The user under which the salt master will run. Salt will update all
# permissions to allow the specified user to run the master. The exception is
# the job cache, which must be deleted if this user is changed. If the
# modified files cause conflicts, set verify_env to False.
#user: root

# The port used by the communication interface. The ret (return) port is the
# interface used for the file server, authentication, job returns, etc.
#ret_port: 4506

# Specify the location of the daemon process ID file:
#pidfile: /var/run/

# The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir,
# sock_dir, log_file, autosign_file, autoreject_file, extension_modules,
# key_logfile, pidfile:
#root_dir: /

# The path to the master's configuration file.
#conf_file: /etc/salt/master

# Directory used to store public key data:
#pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/master

# Key cache. Increases master speed for large numbers of accepted
# keys. Available options: 'sched'. (Updates on a fixed schedule.)
# Note that enabling this feature means that minions will not be
# available to target for up to the length of the maintanence loop
# which by default is 60s.
#key_cache: ''

# Directory to store job and cache data:
# This directory may contain sensitive data and should be protected accordingly.
#cachedir: /var/cache/salt/master

# Directory for custom modules. This directory can contain subdirectories for
# each of Salt's module types such as "runners", "output", "wheel", "modules",
# "states", "returners", etc.
#extension_modules: <no default>

# Directory for custom modules. This directory can contain subdirectories for
# each of Salt's module types such as "runners", "output", "wheel", "modules",
# "states", "returners", "engines", etc.
# Like 'extension_modules' but can take an array of paths
#module_dirs: <no default>
#   - /var/cache/salt/minion/extmods

# Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup:
#verify_env: True

# Set the number of hours to keep old job information in the job cache:
#keep_jobs: 24

# The number of seconds to wait when the client is requesting information
# about running jobs.
#gather_job_timeout: 10

# Set the default timeout for the salt command and api. The default is 5
# seconds.
#timeout: 5

# The loop_interval option controls the seconds for the master's maintenance
# process check cycle. This process updates file server backends, cleans the
# job cache and executes the scheduler.
#loop_interval: 60

# Set the default outputter used by the salt command. The default is "nested".
#output: nested

# Set the default output file used by the salt command. Default is to output
# to the CLI and not to a file. Functions the same way as the "--out-file"
# CLI option, only sets this to a single file for all salt commands.
#output_file: None

# Return minions that timeout when running commands like
#show_timeout: True

# By default, output is colored. To disable colored output, set the color value
# to False.
#color: True

# Do not strip off the colored output from nested results and state outputs
# (true by default).
# strip_colors: False

# To display a summary of the number of minions targeted, the number of
# minions returned, and the number of minions that did not return, set the
# cli_summary value to True. (False by default.)
#cli_summary: False

# Set the directory used to hold unix sockets:
#sock_dir: /var/run/salt/master

# The master can take a while to start up when lspci and/or dmidecode is used
# to populate the grains for the master. Enable if you want to see GPU hardware
# data for your master.
# enable_gpu_grains: False

# The master maintains a job cache. While this is a great addition, it can be
# a burden on the master for larger deployments (over 5000 minions).
# Disabling the job cache will make previously executed jobs unavailable to
# the jobs system and is not generally recommended.
#job_cache: True

# Cache minion grains, pillar and mine data via the cache subsystem in the
# cachedir or a database.
#minion_data_cache: True

# Cache subsystem module to use for minion data cache.
#cache: localfs
# Enables a fast in-memory cache booster and sets the expiration time.
#memcache_expire_seconds: 0
# Set a memcache limit in items (bank + key) per cache storage (driver + driver_opts).
#memcache_max_items: 1024
# Each time a cache storage got full cleanup all the expired items not just the oldest one.
#memcache_full_cleanup: False
# Enable collecting the memcache stats and log it on `debug` log level.
#memcache_debug: False

# Store all returns in the given returner.
# Setting this option requires that any returner-specific configuration also
# be set. See various returners in salt/returners for details on required
# configuration values. (See also, event_return_queue below.)
#event_return: mysql

# On busy systems, enabling event_returns can cause a considerable load on
# the storage system for returners. Events can be queued on the master and
# stored in a batched fashion using a single transaction for multiple events.
# By default, events are not queued.
#event_return_queue: 0

# Only return events matching tags in a whitelist, supports glob matches.
#  - salt/master/a_tag
#  - salt/run/*/ret

# Store all event returns **except** the tags in a blacklist, supports globs.
#  - salt/master/not_this_tag
#  - salt/wheel/*/ret

# Passing very large events can cause the minion to consume large amounts of
# memory. This value tunes the maximum size of a message allowed onto the
# master event bus. The value is expressed in bytes.
#max_event_size: 1048576

# By default, the master AES key rotates every 24 hours. The next command
# following a key rotation will trigger a key refresh from the minion which may
# result in minions which do not respond to the first command after a key refresh.
# To tell the master to ping all minions immediately after an AES key refresh, set
# ping_on_rotate to True. This should mitigate the issue where a minion does not
# appear to initially respond after a key is rotated.
# Note that ping_on_rotate may cause high load on the master immediately after
# the key rotation event as minions reconnect. Consider this carefully if this
# salt master is managing a large number of minions.
# If disabled, it is recommended to handle this event by listening for the
# 'aes_key_rotate' event with the 'key' tag and acting appropriately.
# ping_on_rotate: False

# By default, the master deletes its cache of minion data when the key for that
# minion is removed. To preserve the cache after key deletion, set
# 'preserve_minion_cache' to True.
# WARNING: This may have security implications if compromised minions auth with
# a previous deleted minion ID.
#preserve_minion_cache: False

# If max_minions is used in large installations, the master might experience
# high-load situations because of having to check the number of connected
# minions for every authentication. This cache provides the minion-ids of
# all connected minions to all MWorker-processes and greatly improves the
# performance of max_minions.
# con_cache: False

# The master can include configuration from other files. To enable this,
# pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or
# absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory
# the main master configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use
# of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this
# option, then the master will log a warning message.
# Include a config file from some other path:
# include: /etc/salt/extra_config
# Include config from several files and directories:
# include:
#   - /etc/salt/extra_config

#####  Large-scale tuning settings   #####
# Max open files
# Each minion connecting to the master uses AT LEAST one file descriptor, the
# master subscription connection. If enough minions connect you might start
# seeing on the console (and then salt-master crashes):
#   Too many open files (tcp_listener.cpp:335)
#   Aborted (core dumped)
# By default this value will be the one of `ulimit -Hn`, ie, the hard limit for
# max open files.
# If you wish to set a different value than the default one, uncomment and
# configure this setting. Remember that this value CANNOT be higher than the
# hard limit. Raising the hard limit depends on your OS and/or distribution,
# a good way to find the limit is to search the internet. For example:
#   raise max open files hard limit debian
#max_open_files: 100000

# The number of worker threads to start. These threads are used to manage
# return calls made from minions to the master. If the master seems to be
# running slowly, increase the number of threads. This setting can not be
# set lower than 3.
#worker_threads: 5

# Set the ZeroMQ high water marks

# The listen queue size / backlog
#zmq_backlog: 1000

# The publisher interface ZeroMQPubServerChannel
#pub_hwm: 1000

# These two ZMQ HWM settings, salt_event_pub_hwm and event_publisher_pub_hwm
# are significant for masters with thousands of minions.  When these are
# insufficiently high it will manifest in random responses missing in the CLI
# and even missing from the job cache.  Masters that have fast CPUs and many
# cores with appropriate worker_threads will not need these set as high.

# On deployment with 8,000 minions, 2.4GHz CPUs, 24 cores, 32GiB memory has
# these settings:
#   salt_event_pub_hwm: 128000
#   event_publisher_pub_hwm: 64000

# ZMQ high-water-mark for SaltEvent pub socket
#salt_event_pub_hwm: 20000

# ZMQ high-water-mark for EventPublisher pub socket
#event_publisher_pub_hwm: 10000

# The master may allocate memory per-event and not
# reclaim it.
# To set a high-water mark for memory allocation, use
# ipc_write_buffer to set a high-water mark for message
# buffering.
# Value: In bytes. Set to 'dynamic' to have Salt select
# a value for you. Default is disabled.
# ipc_write_buffer: 'dynamic'

#####        Security settings       #####
# Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off
# authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for
# the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode
# you do so at your own risk!
#open_mode: False

# Enable auto_accept, this setting will automatically accept all incoming
# public keys from the minions. Note that this is insecure.
#auto_accept: False

# Time in minutes that an incoming public key with a matching name found in
# pki_dir/minion_autosign/keyid is automatically accepted. Expired autosign keys
# are removed when the master checks the minion_autosign directory.
# 0 equals no timeout
# autosign_timeout: 120

# If the autosign_file is specified, incoming keys specified in the
# autosign_file will be automatically accepted. This is insecure.  Regular
# expressions as well as globing lines are supported.
#autosign_file: /etc/salt/autosign.conf

# Works like autosign_file, but instead allows you to specify minion IDs for
# which keys will automatically be rejected. Will override both membership in
# the autosign_file and the auto_accept setting.
#autoreject_file: /etc/salt/autoreject.conf

# Enable permissive access to the salt keys. This allows you to run the
# master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to
# your pki_dir. To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group
# you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure. If an autosign_file
# is specified, enabling permissive_pki_access will allow group access to that
# specific file.
#permissive_pki_access: False

# Allow users on the master access to execute specific commands on minions.
# This setting should be treated with care since it opens up execution
# capabilities to non root users. By default this capability is completely
# disabled.
#  larry:
#    -
#    - network.*
# Blacklist any of the following users or modules
# This example would blacklist all non sudo users, including root from
# running any commands. It would also blacklist any use of the "cmd"
# module. This is completely disabled by default.
# Check the list of configured users in client ACL against users on the
# system and throw errors if they do not exist.
#client_acl_verify: True
#  users:
#    - root
#    - '^(?!sudo_).*$'   #  all non sudo users
#  modules:
#    - cmd
# WARNING: client_acl and client_acl_blacklist options are deprecated and will
# be removed in the future releases. Use publisher_acl and
# publisher_acl_blacklist instead.

# Enforce publisher_acl & publisher_acl_blacklist when users have sudo
# access to the salt command.
#sudo_acl: False

# The external auth system uses the Salt auth modules to authenticate and
# validate users to access areas of the Salt system.
#  pam:
#    fred:
#      - test.*
# Time (in seconds) for a newly generated token to live. Default: 12 hours
#token_expire: 43200
# Allow eauth users to specify the expiry time of the tokens they generate.
# A boolean applies to all users or a dictionary of whitelisted eauth backends
# and usernames may be given.
# token_expire_user_override:
#   pam:
#     - fred
#     - tom
#   ldap:
#     - gary
#token_expire_user_override: False

# Allow minions to push files to the master. This is disabled by default, for
# security purposes.
#file_recv: False

# Set a hard-limit on the size of the files that can be pushed to the master.
# It will be interpreted as megabytes. Default: 100
#file_recv_max_size: 100

# Signature verification on messages published from the master.
# This causes the master to cryptographically sign all messages published to its event
# bus, and minions then verify that signature before acting on the message.
# This is False by default.
# Note that to facilitate interoperability with masters and minions that are different
# versions, if sign_pub_messages is True but a message is received by a minion with
# no signature, it will still be accepted, and a warning message will be logged.
# Conversely, if sign_pub_messages is False, but a minion receives a signed
# message it will be accepted, the signature will not be checked, and a warning message
# will be logged. This behavior went away in Salt 2014.1.0 and these two situations
# will cause minion to throw an exception and drop the message.
# sign_pub_messages: False

# Use TLS/SSL encrypted connection between master and minion.
# Can be set to a dictionary containing keyword arguments corresponding to Python's
# 'ssl.wrap_socket' method.
# Default is None.
#    keyfile: <path_to_keyfile>
#    certfile: <path_to_certfile>
#    ssl_version: PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

#####     Salt-SSH Configuration     #####

# Pass in an alternative location for the salt-ssh roster file
#roster_file: /etc/salt/roster

# Define locations for roster files so they can be chosen when using Salt API.
# An administrator can place roster files into these locations. Then when
# calling Salt API, parameter 'roster_file' should contain a relative path to
# these locations. That is, "roster_file=/foo/roster" will be resolved as
# "/etc/salt/roster.d/foo/roster" etc. This feature prevents passing insecure
# custom rosters through the Salt API.
# - /etc/salt/roster.d
# - /opt/salt/some/more/rosters

# The log file of the salt-ssh command:
#ssh_log_file: /var/log/salt/ssh

# Pass in minion option overrides that will be inserted into the SHIM for
# salt-ssh calls. The local minion config is not used for salt-ssh. Can be
# overridden on a per-minion basis in the roster (`minion_opts`)
#  gpg_keydir: /root/gpg

# Set this to True to default to using ~/.ssh/id_rsa for salt-ssh
# authentication with minions
#ssh_use_home_key: False

#####    Master Module Management    #####
# Manage how master side modules are loaded.

# Add any additional locations to look for master runners:
#runner_dirs: []

# Enable Cython for master side modules:
#cython_enable: False

#####      State System settings     #####
# The state system uses a "top" file to tell the minions what environment to
# use and what modules to use. The state_top file is defined relative to the
# root of the base environment as defined in "File Server settings" below.
#state_top: top.sls

# The master_tops option replaces the external_nodes option by creating
# a plugable system for the generation of external top data. The external_nodes
# option is deprecated by the master_tops option.
# To gain the capabilities of the classic external_nodes system, use the
# following configuration:
# master_tops:
#   ext_nodes: <Shell command which returns yaml>
#master_tops: {}

# The external_nodes option allows Salt to gather data that would normally be
# placed in a top file. The external_nodes option is the executable that will
# return the ENC data. Remember that Salt will look for external nodes AND top
# files and combine the results if both are enabled!
#external_nodes: None

# The renderer to use on the minions to render the state data
#renderer: yaml_jinja

# The Jinja renderer can strip extra carriage returns and whitespace
# See
# If this is set to True the first newline after a Jinja block is removed
# (block, not variable tag!). Defaults to False, corresponds to the Jinja
# environment init variable "trim_blocks".
#jinja_trim_blocks: False
# If this is set to True leading spaces and tabs are stripped from the start
# of a line to a block. Defaults to False, corresponds to the Jinja
# environment init variable "lstrip_blocks".
#jinja_lstrip_blocks: False

# The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first
# failure detected in the state execution, defaults to False
#failhard: False

# The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way
# state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed.
# The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False
# all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed.
#state_verbose: True

# The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line
# output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse'
# the output will be shortened to a single line.  If set to 'mixed', the output
# will be terse unless a state failed, in which case that output will be full.
# If set to 'changes', the output will be full unless the state didn't change.
#state_output: full

# Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by
# setting to 'True'. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically
# aggregate just those types.
# state_aggregate:
#   - pkg
#state_aggregate: False

# Send progress events as each function in a state run completes execution
# by setting to 'True'. Progress events are in the format
# 'salt/job/<JID>/prog/<MID>/<RUN NUM>'.
#state_events: False

#####      File Server settings      #####
# Salt runs a lightweight file server written in zeromq to deliver files to
# minions. This file server is built into the master daemon and does not
# require a dedicated port.

# The file server works on environments passed to the master, each environment
# can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file
# roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be
# reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file.
# Example:
# file_roots:
#   base:
#     - /srv/salt/
#   dev:
#     - /srv/salt/dev/services
#     - /srv/salt/dev/states
#   prod:
#     - /srv/salt/prod/services
#     - /srv/salt/prod/states
#  base:
#    - /srv/salt

    - /srv/salt
    - /srv/formulas/mysql-formula
    - /srv/salt/dev
    - /srv/salt/stage
    - /srv/salt/prod

# When using multiple environments, each with their own top file, the
# default behaviour is an unordered merge. To prevent top files from # being merged together and instead to only use the top file from the
# requested environment, set this value to 'same'.
#top_file_merging_strategy: merge

# To specify the order in which environments are merged, set the ordering
# in the env_order option. Given a conflict, the last matching value will
# win.
#env_order: ['base', 'dev', 'prod']

# If top_file_merging_strategy is set to 'same' and an environment does not
# contain a top file, the top file in the environment specified by default_top
# will be used instead.
#default_top: base

# The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on
# the master server. The default is md5 but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384
# and sha512 are also supported.
# WARNING: While md5 is also supported, do not use it due to the high chance
# of possible collisions and thus security breach.
# Prior to changing this value, the master should be stopped and all Salt
# caches should be cleared.
#hash_type: sha256

# The buffer size in the file server can be adjusted here:
#file_buffer_size: 1048576

# A regular expression (or a list of expressions) that will be matched
# against the file path before syncing the modules and states to the minions.
# This includes files affected by the file.recurse state.
# For example, if you manage your custom modules and states in subversion
# and don't want all the '.svn' folders and content synced to your minions,
# you could set this to '/\.svn($|/)'. By default nothing is ignored.
#  - '/\.svn($|/)'
#  - '/\.git($|/)'

# A file glob (or list of file globs) that will be matched against the file
# path before syncing the modules and states to the minions. This is similar
# to file_ignore_regex above, but works on globs instead of regex. By default
# nothing is ignored.
# file_ignore_glob:
#  - '*.pyc'
#  - '*/somefolder/*.bak'
#  - '*.swp'

# File Server Backend
# Salt supports a modular fileserver backend system, this system allows
# the salt master to link directly to third party systems to gather and
# manage the files available to minions. Multiple backends can be
# configured and will be searched for the requested file in the order in which
# they are defined here. The default setting only enables the standard backend
# "roots" which uses the "file_roots" option.
#  - roots
# To use multiple backends list them in the order they are searched:
#  - git
#  - roots
# Uncomment the line below if you do not want the file_server to follow
# symlinks when walking the filesystem tree. This is set to True
# by default. Currently this only applies to the default roots
# fileserver_backend.
#fileserver_followsymlinks: False
# Uncomment the line below if you do not want symlinks to be
# treated as the files they are pointing to. By default this is set to
# False. By uncommenting the line below, any detected symlink while listing
# files on the Master will not be returned to the Minion.
#fileserver_ignoresymlinks: True
# By default, the Salt fileserver recurses fully into all defined environments
# to attempt to find files. To limit this behavior so that the fileserver only
# traverses directories with SLS files and special Salt directories like _modules,
# enable the option below. This might be useful for installations where a file root
# has a very large number of files and performance is impacted. Default is False.
# fileserver_limit_traversal: False
# The fileserver can fire events off every time the fileserver is updated,
# these are disabled by default, but can be easily turned on by setting this
# flag to True
#fileserver_events: False

# Git File Server Backend Configuration
# Optional parameter used to specify the provider to be used for gitfs. Must
# be one of the following: pygit2, gitpython, or dulwich. If unset, then each
# will be tried in that same order, and the first one with a compatible
# version installed will be the provider that is used.
#gitfs_provider: pygit2

# Along with gitfs_password, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
# gitfs_user: ''

# Along with gitfs_user, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
# This parameter is not required if the repository does not use authentication.
#gitfs_password: ''

# By default, Salt will not authenticate to an HTTP (non-HTTPS) remote.
# This parameter enables authentication over HTTP. Enable this at your own risk.
#gitfs_insecure_auth: False

# Along with gitfs_privkey (and optionally gitfs_passphrase), is used to
# authenticate to SSH remotes. This parameter (or its per-remote counterpart)
# is required for SSH remotes.
#gitfs_pubkey: ''

# Along with gitfs_pubkey (and optionally gitfs_passphrase), is used to
# authenticate to SSH remotes. This parameter (or its per-remote counterpart)
# is required for SSH remotes.
#gitfs_privkey: ''

# This parameter is optional, required only when the SSH key being used to
# authenticate is protected by a passphrase.
#gitfs_passphrase: ''

# When using the git fileserver backend at least one git remote needs to be
# defined. The user running the salt master will need read access to the repo.
# The repos will be searched in order to find the file requested by a client
# and the first repo to have the file will return it.
# When using the git backend branches and tags are translated into salt
# environments.
# Note: file:// repos will be treated as a remote, so refs you want used must
# exist in that repo as *local* refs.
#  - git://
#  - file:///var/git/saltmaster
# The gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate
# errors when contacting the gitfs backend. You might want to set this to
# false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but
# keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True
# is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport.
#gitfs_ssl_verify: True
# The gitfs_root option gives the ability to serve files from a subdirectory
# within the repository. The path is defined relative to the root of the
# repository and defaults to the repository root.
#gitfs_root: somefolder/otherfolder
#####         Pillar settings        #####
# Salt Pillars allow for the building of global data that can be made selectively
# available to different minions based on minion grain filtering. The Salt
# Pillar is laid out in the same fashion as the file server, with environments,
# a top file and sls files. However, pillar data does not need to be in the
# highstate format, and is generally just key/value pairs.
#  base:
#    - /srv/pillar
#  - hiera: /etc/hiera.yaml
#  - cmd_yaml: cat /etc/salt/yaml

# The ext_pillar_first option allows for external pillar sources to populate
# before file system pillar. This allows for targeting file system pillar from
# ext_pillar.
#ext_pillar_first: False

# The external pillars permitted to be used on-demand using pillar.ext
#  - libvirt
#  - virtkey

# The pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate
# errors when contacting the pillar gitfs backend. You might want to set this to
# false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but
# keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True
# is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport.
#pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify: True

# The pillar_opts option adds the master configuration file data to a dict in
# the pillar called "master". This is used to set simple configurations in the
# master config file that can then be used on minions.
#pillar_opts: False

# The pillar_safe_render_error option prevents the master from passing pillar
# render errors to the minion. This is set on by default because the error could
# contain templating data which would give that minion information it shouldn't
# have, like a password! When set true the error message will only show:
#   Rendering SLS 'my.sls' failed. Please see master log for details.
#pillar_safe_render_error: True

# The pillar_source_merging_strategy option allows you to configure merging strategy
# between different sources. It accepts five values: none, recurse, aggregate, overwrite,
# or smart. None will not do any merging at all. Recurse will merge recursively mapping of data.
# Aggregate instructs aggregation of elements between sources that use the #!yamlex renderer. Overwrite
# will overwrite elements according the order in which they are processed. This is
# behavior of the 2014.1 branch and earlier. Smart guesses the best strategy based
# on the "renderer" setting and is the default value.
#pillar_source_merging_strategy: smart

# Recursively merge lists by aggregating them instead of replacing them.
#pillar_merge_lists: False

# Set this option to 'True' to force a 'KeyError' to be raised whenever an
# attempt to retrieve a named value from pillar fails. When this option is set
# to 'False', the failed attempt returns an empty string. Default is 'False'.
#pillar_raise_on_missing: False

# Git External Pillar (git_pillar) Configuration Options
# Specify the provider to be used for git_pillar. Must be either pygit2 or
# gitpython. If unset, then both will be tried in that same order, and the
# first one with a compatible version installed will be the provider that
# is used.
#git_pillar_provider: pygit2

# If the desired branch matches this value, and the environment is omitted
# from the git_pillar configuration, then the environment for that git_pillar
# remote will be base.
#git_pillar_base: master

# If the branch is omitted from a git_pillar remote, then this branch will
# be used instead
#git_pillar_branch: master

# Environment to use for git_pillar remotes. This is normally derived from
# the branch/tag (or from a per-remote env parameter), but if set this will
# override the process of deriving the env from the branch/tag name.
#git_pillar_env: ''

# Path relative to the root of the repository where the git_pillar top file
# and SLS files are located.
#git_pillar_root: ''

# Specifies whether or not to ignore SSL certificate errors when contacting
# the remote repository.
#git_pillar_ssl_verify: False

# When set to False, if there is an update/checkout lock for a git_pillar
# remote and the pid written to it is not running on the master, the lock
# file will be automatically cleared and a new lock will be obtained.
#git_pillar_global_lock: True

# Git External Pillar Authentication Options
# Along with git_pillar_password, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
#git_pillar_user: ''

# Along with git_pillar_user, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
# This parameter is not required if the repository does not use authentication.
#git_pillar_password: ''

# By default, Salt will not authenticate to an HTTP (non-HTTPS) remote.
# This parameter enables authentication over HTTP.
#git_pillar_insecure_auth: False

# Along with git_pillar_privkey (and optionally git_pillar_passphrase),
# is used to authenticate to SSH remotes.
#git_pillar_pubkey: ''

# Along with git_pillar_pubkey (and optionally git_pillar_passphrase),
# is used to authenticate to SSH remotes.
#git_pillar_privkey: ''

# This parameter is optional, required only when the SSH key being used
# to authenticate is protected by a passphrase.
#git_pillar_passphrase: ''

# A master can cache pillars locally to bypass the expense of having to render them
# for each minion on every request. This feature should only be enabled in cases
# where pillar rendering time is known to be unsatisfactory and any attendant security
# concerns about storing pillars in a master cache have been addressed.
# When enabling this feature, be certain to read through the additional ``pillar_cache_*``
# configuration options to fully understand the tunable parameters and their implications.
# Note: setting ``pillar_cache: True`` has no effect on targeting Minions with Pillars.
# See
#pillar_cache: False

# If and only if a master has set ``pillar_cache: True``, the cache TTL controls the amount
# of time, in seconds, before the cache is considered invalid by a master and a fresh
# pillar is recompiled and stored.
#pillar_cache_ttl: 3600

# If and only if a master has set `pillar_cache: True`, one of several storage providers
# can be utililzed.
# `disk`: The default storage backend. This caches rendered pillars to the master cache.
#         Rendered pillars are serialized and deserialized as msgpack structures for speed.
#         Note that pillars are stored UNENCRYPTED. Ensure that the master cache
#         has permissions set appropriately. (Same defaults are provided.)
# memory: [EXPERIMENTAL] An optional backend for pillar caches which uses a pure-Python
#         in-memory data structure for maximal performance. There are several caveats,
#         however. First, because each master worker contains its own in-memory cache,
#         there is no guarantee of cache consistency between minion requests. This
#         works best in situations where the pillar rarely if ever changes. Secondly,
#         and perhaps more importantly, this means that unencrypted pillars will
#         be accessible to any process which can examine the memory of the ``salt-master``!
#         This may represent a substantial security risk.
#pillar_cache_backend: disk

#####          Syndic settings       #####
# The Salt syndic is used to pass commands through a master from a higher
# master. Using the syndic is simple. If this is a master that will have
# syndic servers(s) below it, then set the "order_masters" setting to True.
# If this is a master that will be running a syndic daemon for passthrough, then
# the "syndic_master" setting needs to be set to the location of the master server
# to receive commands from.

# Set the order_masters setting to True if this master will command lower
# masters' syndic interfaces.
#order_masters: False

# If this master will be running a salt syndic daemon, syndic_master tells
# this master where to receive commands from.
#syndic_master: masterofmasters

# This is the 'ret_port' of the MasterOfMaster:
#syndic_master_port: 4506

# PID file of the syndic daemon:
#syndic_pidfile: /var/run/

# The log file of the salt-syndic daemon:
#syndic_log_file: /var/log/salt/syndic

# The behaviour of the multi-syndic when connection to a master of masters failed.
# Can specify ``random`` (default) or ``ordered``. If set to ``random``, masters
# will be iterated in random order. If ``ordered`` is specified, the configured
# order will be used.
#syndic_failover: random

# The number of seconds for the salt client to wait for additional syndics to
# check in with their lists of expected minions before giving up.
#syndic_wait: 5

#####      Peer Publish settings     #####
# Salt minions can send commands to other minions, but only if the minion is
# allowed to. By default "Peer Publication" is disabled, and when enabled it
# is enabled for specific minions and specific commands. This allows secure
# compartmentalization of commands based on individual minions.

# The configuration uses regular expressions to match minions and then a list
# of regular expressions to match functions. The following will allow the
# minion authenticated as to execute functions from the test
# and pkg modules.
#    - test.*
#    - pkg.*
# This will allow all minions to execute all commands:
#  .*:
#    - .*
# This is not recommended, since it would allow anyone who gets root on any
# single minion to instantly have root on all of the minions!

# Minions can also be allowed to execute runners from the salt master.
# Since executing a runner from the minion could be considered a security risk,
# it needs to be enabled. This setting functions just like the peer setting
# except that it opens up runners instead of module functions.
# All peer runner support is turned off by default and must be enabled before
# using. This will enable all peer runners for all minions:
#  .*:
#    - .*
# To enable just the manage.up runner for the minion
#    - manage.up
#####         Mine settings     #####
# Restrict mine.get access from minions. By default any minion has a full access
# to get all mine data from master cache. In acl definion below, only pcre matches
# are allowed.
# mine_get:
#   .*:
#     - .*
# The example below enables minion to get 'network.interfaces' mine
# data only, minions web* to get all network.* and disk.* mine data and all other
# minions won't get any mine data.
# mine_get:
#     - network.interfaces
#   web.*:
#     - network.*
#     - disk.*

#####         Logging settings       #####
# The location of the master log file
# The master log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network
# location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.:
# ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI
# format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility>
#log_file: /var/log/salt/master
#log_file: file:///dev/log
#log_file: udp://loghost:10514

#log_file: /var/log/salt/master
#key_logfile: /var/log/salt/key

# The level of messages to send to the console.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# The following log levels are considered INSECURE and may log sensitive data:
# ['garbage', 'trace', 'debug']
#log_level: warning

# The level of messages to send to the log file.
# One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'.
# If using 'log_granular_levels' this must be set to the highest desired level.
#log_level_logfile: warning

# The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formatting
# can be seen here:
#log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
#log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

# The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can
# be seen here:
# Console log colors are specified by these additional formatters:
# %(colorlevel)s
# %(colorname)s
# %(colorprocess)s
# %(colormsg)s
# Since it is desirable to include the surrounding brackets, '[' and ']', in
# the coloring of the messages, these color formatters also include padding as
# well.  Color LogRecord attributes are only available for console logging.
#log_fmt_console: '%(colorlevel)s %(colormsg)s'
#log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
#log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'

# This can be used to control logging levels more specificically.  This
# example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets
# 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level:
#   log_granular_levels:
#     'salt': 'warning'
#     'salt.modules': 'debug'
#log_granular_levels: {}

#####         Node Groups           ######
# Node groups allow for logical groupings of minion nodes. A group consists of
# a group name and a compound target. Nodgroups can reference other nodegroups
# with 'N@' classifier. Ensure that you do not have circular references.
#  group1: ',, or bl*'
#  group2: 'G@os:Debian and'
#  group3: 'G@os:Debian and N@group1'
#  group4:
#    - 'G@foo:bar'
#    - 'or'
#    - 'G@foo:baz'

#####     Range Cluster settings     #####
# The range server (and optional port) that serves your cluster information
#range_server: range:80

#####  Windows Software Repo settings #####
# Location of the repo on the master:
#winrepo_dir_ng: '/srv/salt/win/repo-ng'
# List of git repositories to include with the local repo:
#  - ''

#####  Windows Software Repo settings - Pre 2015.8 #####
# Legacy repo settings for pre-2015.8 Windows minions.
# Location of the repo on the master:
#winrepo_dir: '/srv/salt/win/repo'
# Location of the master's repo cache file:
#winrepo_mastercachefile: '/srv/salt/win/repo/winrepo.p'
# List of git repositories to include with the local repo:
#  - ''

#####      Returner settings          ######
# Which returner(s) will be used for minion's result:
#return: mysql

######    Miscellaneous  settings     ######
# Default match type for filtering events tags: startswith, endswith, find, regex, fnmatch
#event_match_type: startswith

# Save runner returns to the job cache
#runner_returns: True

# Permanently include any available Python 3rd party modules into Salt Thin
# when they are generated for Salt-SSH or other purposes.
# The modules should be named by the names they are actually imported inside the Python.
# The value of the parameters can be either one module or a comma separated list of them.
#thin_extra_mods: foo,bar
Ch3LL commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the config i'll try with that config, although I don't see why just setting file roots would make a difference.

Can you answer my question above: Are you running in FIPS mode on centos?

craigafinch commented 7 years ago

I am not using FIPS mode. FYI, I'm running on Google Compute Engine.

Ch3LL commented 7 years ago

K thanks for clarifying. I might be able to get access to google compute engine but not sure. If so whats the name of the image you are using? (i'm not super familiar with GCE so apologies if i'm asking the wrong quesiton)

@BernhardGruen are you using a VM in a different cloud by chance? And if so can you share the name of your image you are using? I did my testing in aws with a centos 7 ami.

thatch45 commented 7 years ago

@craigafinch @BernhardGruen can you try this fix:


since we have not been able to replicate it yet?

craigafinch commented 7 years ago

@thatch45 @Ch3LL The suggested patch did not affect my problem. However, it got me into the code a bit, and I can reproduce the problem in a Python shell:

from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
path = "/etc/salt/pki/master/master.pem"
f = open(path, 'r')
master_key =


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/Cryptodome/PublicKey/", line 739, in import_key
    return _import_keyDER(der, passphrase)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/Cryptodome/PublicKey/", line 683, in _import_keyDER
    raise ValueError("RSA key format is not supported")
ValueError: RSA key format is not supported

If I repeat that procedure with /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem, I can load the RSA key successfully.

On the other hand, pycrypto can decode the master key, which is why the @BernhardGruen workaround works:

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA


<_RSAobj @0x5e426f789da2 n(2048),e,d,p,q,u,private>

I think you cannot reproduce the issue because it is specific to certain (older?) keys. pycryptodome is not quite the drop-in replacement for pycrypto that it claims to be.

How can I re-key my master and get my infrastructure up and running again? If I can re-key it, I can provide you with the key that breaks pycryptodome.

BernhardGruen commented 7 years ago

Just to note my Keys (master and some minions) are from 2012. I also found an unused Minion key in my backups that triggers the error message: Hope this helps.

BernhardGruen commented 7 years ago

Hello again,

I think I found out the real cause of the problem. The exponent is set to "1" in those old keys. Newer keys have a default value of 65537. Also keys generated with (a current version of) OpenSSL have this as a default value. It is not even possible to generate keys with an exponent of "1" with OpenSSL anymore (because it is considered unsafe).

I also found out the commit to salt that changed that behaviour: This was changed in 2013. This means that all keys generated with Salt before this date should be considered unsafe and we all have to change our (minion and master) keys pretty soon @craigafinch.

All in all this bug seems to be unsolvable without manual intervention on the side of the salt administrators @Ch3LL @thatch45 .

damon-atkins commented 7 years ago

It might be worth checking for this in salt code for a few generations rather than reporting a warning, followed by reporting a nice error and the master/minion not starting at all.

BernhardGruen commented 7 years ago

@damon-atkins I am quite sure there was no warning displayed before on any of our systems.

BernhardGruen commented 7 years ago

@craigafinch I found the following in the documentation: ( mentioned in ) It describes a method to regenerate all keys. The timeframe of 60 seconds is quite short unfortunately.

damon-atkins commented 7 years ago

Sorry. If its an insecure key, then print a warning or error to the log and point people to salt.runners.manage.key_rege

thatch45 commented 7 years ago

This does make sense, of course if you have those old keys they should be regenerated and it is nice to see crypto libs FINALLY warning about this

craigafinch commented 7 years ago

The remaining mystery is why my master key generated less than one year ago is breaking pycryptodome. I will save a copy of my key, re-key, and then do some analysis on the old master.

thatch45 commented 7 years ago

yes, we have been unable to replicate that, the only thing I could see would be that our reading of the rsa key headers (pycryptodome changed them) would do it

craigafinch commented 7 years ago

I re-keyed my Salt infrastructure. I had to do this manually, but fortunately, I have only a handful of minions. @BernhardGruen suggestion won't work for me because my salt-master is down.

On the master:

  1. Remove the offending master key on the master server (in my case /etc/salt/pki/master/master.pem)
  2. Start salt-master
  3. Re-key with salt-run manage.key_regen
  4. Restart salt-master
  5. Re-accept all minion keys
  6. Get the new fingerprint for by running salt-key -F master

On each minion:

  1. rm /etc/salt/pki/minion/
  2. Paste new master key fingerprint into master_fingerprint in /etc/salt/minion
  3. Restart salt-minion

I ran some analysis on my old master key. The OpenSSL command-line tool is able to analyze it successfully:

openssl rsa -in master.pem -noout -text

Shall I submit this issue to the pycryptodome project, or would one of the Salt devs prefer to do that?

damon-atkins commented 7 years ago

Might be worth documenting this PR under topics/tutorials. i.e. how to replace the keys with manage.key_rege command and manually.

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

If this issue is closed prematurely, please leave a comment and we will gladly reopen the issue.

damon-atkins commented 6 years ago


stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

Thank you for updating this issue. It is no longer marked as stale.

garymm commented 5 years ago

I think the PyCrypto library is now only used as a fall-back when neither M2Crypto nor Cryptodome are available, so I'm not sure this is still an issue?

thatch45 commented 5 years ago

I don't think this is an issue anymore because if we do end up needing to use an older crypto lib then we change the pem format to be compatible.