saltstack / salt

Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale. Install Salt from the Salt package repositories here:
Apache License 2.0
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"comment":"Unable to manage file: " #56411

Open myongyun opened 4 years ago

myongyun commented 4 years ago

When I copy files: oozie_cp_file: file.managed:

return : { "file_|-oozie_cpfile|-/home/oozie-5.2.0.tar.gz_|-managed":{ "comment":"Unable to manage file: ", "name":"/home/oozie-5.2.0.tar.gz", "start_time":"03:37:49.519210", "result":false, "duration":7660.117, "__run_num":0, "sls__":"oozie.oozie_cp_file", "changes":{



minion log: 2020-03-19 03:37:57,178 [salt.state :322 ][ERROR ][19454] Unable to manage file:

file size: oozie-5.2.0.tar.gz 851M

I can't find the reason for the failure!

frogunder commented 4 years ago

@myongyun Thank you for reporting this issue.

What is your output of salt --versions ?

Also what is/are the command(s) you run when seeing this behavior?


myongyun commented 4 years ago

salt 3000

myongyun commented 4 years ago

I call state file via salt-api 。

myongyun commented 4 years ago

Salt Version: Salt: 3000

Dependency Versions: cffi: Not Installed cherrypy: unknown dateutil: Not Installed docker-py: Not Installed gitdb: Not Installed gitpython: Not Installed Jinja2: 2.7.2 libgit2: Not Installed M2Crypto: Not Installed Mako: Not Installed msgpack-pure: Not Installed msgpack-python: 0.6.2 mysql-python: 1.2.5 pycparser: Not Installed pycrypto: 2.6.1 pycryptodome: Not Installed pygit2: Not Installed Python: 2.7.5 (default, Aug 7 2019, 00:51:29) python-gnupg: Not Installed PyYAML: 3.11 PyZMQ: 15.3.0 smmap: Not Installed timelib: Not Installed Tornado: 4.5.3 ZMQ: 4.1.4

System Versions: dist: centos 7.7.1908 Core locale: ANSI_X3.4-1968 machine: x86_64 release: 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 system: Linux version: CentOS Linux 7.7.1908 Core

myongyun commented 4 years ago
