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[BUG] output=grain - Whitespace in dictionary key #58135

Open Darkentik opened 4 years ago

Darkentik commented 4 years ago

Description I'm writing a state for automate Icingaweb2 database stuff. For checking if someone has changed the password of an account "admin" i will check the pasword_hash and must save the output to the grains to be able to use the content of the grain for later checks. My problem now is that in the dictionary of the grain is a key called "rows returned" that has a whitespace in his name. So i'm not able to call it with salt-call grains.get icingaweb2:mysql_check_user:rows returned. But if this key would be called "rows_returned" then i can call it with salt-call grains.get icingaweb2:mysql_check_user:rows_returned.

Setup State:

Check_user_{{ username }}_and_password:
    - database: icingaweb2
    - query: "Select name,password_hash FROM icingaweb_user WHERE name = 'admin' AND password_hash = '{{ user['pwdhash'] }}';"
    - output: grain
    - grain: icingaweb2
    - key: mysql_check_user

debianserver: ~/ $ salt-call grains.get icingaweb2:mysql_check_user

        - name
        - password_hash
    query time:
    rows returned:

Expected behavior debianserver: ~/ $ salt-call grains.get icingaweb2:mysql_check_user

        - name
        - password_hash
    query time:

Versions Report

salt --versions-report (Provided by running salt --versions-report. Please also mention any differences in master/minion versions.) Salt Version: Salt: 2019.2.5 Dependency Versions: cffi: Not Installed cherrypy: Not Installed dateutil: 2.7.3 docker-py: Not Installed gitdb: Not Installed gitpython: Not Installed ioflo: Not Installed Jinja2: 2.10 libgit2: Not Installed libnacl: Not Installed M2Crypto: Not Installed Mako: Not Installed msgpack-pure: Not Installed msgpack-python: 0.5.6 mysql-python: 1.3.10 pycparser: Not Installed pycrypto: 2.6.1 pycryptodome: Not Installed pygit2: Not Installed Python: 3.7.3 (default, Jul 25 2020, 13:03:44) python-gnupg: Not Installed PyYAML: 3.13 PyZMQ: 17.1.2 RAET: Not Installed smmap: Not Installed timelib: Not Installed Tornado: 4.5.3 ZMQ: 4.3.1 System Versions: dist: debian 10.5 locale: UTF-8 machine: x86_64 release: 4.19.0-9-amd64 system: Linux version: debian 10.5
garethgreenaway commented 4 years ago

@Darkentik Thanks for the report. We should handle in this code, most likely with a configurable option to convert white space. As a workaround if you wrap the grains key in quotes you'll be able to retrieve the value.

Darkentik commented 4 years ago

@garethgreenaway Hey, thanks for reply. I struggled into weired behavior. First i got it running with your mentioned idea to use quotes in the pillar path but then after some days it don't work anymore and i figured out that it was running ok after removing the quotes. I'm working out a complex automation for Icinga2 with Icingaweb2 and am trying to handle all the database stuff. Because there are no state modules to check data in DB tables i must write my own logic using mysql_query modul from salt. This is a snip of my Salt code for handling DB stuff to check if a DB schema is present or must be imported:

    - database: icingaweb2
    - query: "SHOW tables;"
    - output: grain
    - grain: icingaweb2
    - key: mysql_check_tables

Check download folder for Icingaweb2 mysql schema is present:
    - name: /srv/icingaweb2
    - user: root
    - group: root

{%- set schema = salt['pillar.get']('icingaweb2:install_files:mysql_schema') %}
Download icingaweb2 MySQL Schema file from aptcache Server:
    - name: wget -O /srv/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.schema.sql {{ schema.srcpath }}{{ schema.filename }}
    - require:
      - file: Check download folder for Icingaweb2 mysql schema is present

{%- set checkreturn = salt['grains.get']('icingaweb2:mysql_check_tables:rows returned') %}

{%- if checkreturn is defined and checkreturn == 0 %}

Import DB schema for Icingaweb2:
    - name: mysql -u root -D icingaweb2 < /srv/icingaweb2/icingaweb2.schema.sql
    - onfail:
      - mysql_query: Check_icingaweb2_schema_exists
    - require:
      - cmd: "Download icingaweb2 MySQL Schema file from aptcache Server"

{%- endif %}

After this code i also checking with the state modul "" if a user is stored in a table for Icingaweb2 and then ask some use cases with if and do other stuff. Maybe this is interesting why i was run into this scenario to find out about the whitespace in key from the return of the state modul "" storing data into the GRAINS.

Best regards. Darkentik