Open OrangeDog opened 3 years ago
Spitting into three names makes it work:
Download DSU intaller:
- name: /tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin
- source:
- source_hash: 007ec6a263e24ffaa09d94240ebd658d1b11213be1a045f5c74247d03c5306d0
- keep_source: false
- mode: 744
- prereq:
- cmd: Run DSU installer
Run DSU installer:
- name: /tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin -q
- creates: /usr/sbin/dsu
Cleanup DSU installer:
- name: /tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin
- require:
- cmd: Run DSU installer
Description During first application of a highstate to a new minion I got this error.
Steps to Reproduce the behavior Apply the above SLS to a minion without
.Debug log
``` 2021-02-15 12:07:57,287 [][DEBUG ] Results of YAML rendering: OrderedDict([('/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin', OrderedDict([('file.managed', [OrderedDict([('source', '')]), OrderedDict([('source_hash', '11f5d93166dcca29c7ef2f0d7ca346e18e6c849b990c89c27ee11fbffe769c2a')]), OrderedDict([('keep_source', False)]), OrderedDict([('mode', 744)]), OrderedDict([('prereq', [OrderedDict([('cmd', '/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin')])])])]), ('', [OrderedDict([('creates', '/usr/sbin/dsu')])])])), ('cleanup-dell-8ctk7', OrderedDict([('file.absent', [OrderedDict([('name', '/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin')]), OrderedDict([('require', [OrderedDict([('cmd', '/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin')])])])])]))]) 2021-02-15 12:07:57,287 [salt.template ][PROFILE ] Time (in seconds) to render '/var/cache/salt/minion/files/dell/dell/init.sls' using 'yaml' renderer: 0.0021343231201171875 2021-02-15 12:07:57,289 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded config.option 2021-02-15 12:07:57,293 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded file.managed 2021-02-15 12:07:57,295 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded 2021-02-15 12:07:57,296 [salt.state ][INFO ] Running state [/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin] at time 12:07:57.296209 2021-02-15 12:07:57,307 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded db.load 2021-02-15 12:07:57,316 [salt.loader ][DEBUG ] Failed to import module es_policy 2021-02-15 12:07:57,358 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion 2021-02-15 12:07:57,358 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/_schedule.conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/default_env.conf' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/default_env.conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/events.conf' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/events.conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/logging.conf' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/logging.conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/misc.conf' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/misc.conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,359 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Including configuration from '/etc/salt/minion.d/output.conf' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,360 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion.d/output.conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,360 [salt.config ][DEBUG ] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: 2021-02-15 12:07:57,470 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad boto3.assign_funcs: 'boto3.assign_funcs' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,470 [salt.loader ][DEBUG ] Error loading module.boto3_elasticsearch: __init__ failed 2021-02-15 12:07:57,569 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded idem.hub 2021-02-15 12:07:57,751 [][DEBUG ] DSC: Only available on Windows systems 2021-02-15 12:07:57,760 [][DEBUG ] Module PSGet: Only available on Windows systems 2021-02-15 12:07:57,786 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad acme.cert: 'acme' __virtual__ returned False: The ACME execution module cannot be loaded: letsencrypt-auto not installed. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,787 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded apache.config 2021-02-15 12:07:57,787 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded apache.a2enconf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,787 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded apache.a2enmod 2021-02-15 12:07:57,787 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded apache.a2ensite 2021-02-15 12:07:57,794 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad augeas.execute: 'augeas.execute' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,794 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded azurearm_compute.availability_set_create_or_update 2021-02-15 12:07:57,795 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded azurearm_dns.zones_list_by_resource_group 2021-02-15 12:07:57,795 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded azurearm_network.check_ip_address_availability 2021-02-15 12:07:57,795 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded azurearm_resource.resource_group_check_existence 2021-02-15 12:07:57,796 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto3_elasticache.cache_cluster_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,796 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto3_elasticsearch.describe_elasticsearch_domain 2021-02-15 12:07:57,797 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto3_route53.find_hosted_zone 2021-02-15 12:07:57,797 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto3_sns.topic_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,797 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_apigateway.describe_apis 2021-02-15 12:07:57,798 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_asg.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,798 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_cfn.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,798 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_cloudfront.get_distribution 2021-02-15 12:07:57,798 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_cloudtrail.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,799 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_cloudwatch.get_alarm 2021-02-15 12:07:57,799 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_cloudwatch_event.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,799 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_cognitoidentity.describe_identity_pools 2021-02-15 12:07:57,799 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_datapipeline.create_pipeline 2021-02-15 12:07:57,800 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_dynamodb.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,800 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_ec2.get_key 2021-02-15 12:07:57,800 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_elasticache.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,800 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_elasticsearch_domain.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,801 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_elb.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,801 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_elbv2.target_group_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,801 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_iam.get_user 2021-02-15 12:07:57,802 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_iam.role_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,802 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_iot.policy_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,802 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_kinesis.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,802 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_kms.describe_key 2021-02-15 12:07:57,803 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_lambda.function_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,803 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_asg.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,803 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_rds.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,804 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_route53.get_record 2021-02-15 12:07:57,804 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_s3.get_object_metadata 2021-02-15 12:07:57,804 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_s3_bucket.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,804 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_secgroup.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,805 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_sns.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,805 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_sqs.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,805 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded boto_vpc.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,805 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded bower.list 2021-02-15 12:07:57,806 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded chef.client 2021-02-15 12:07:57,806 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded chocolatey.install 2021-02-15 12:07:57,807 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded cimc.get_system_info 2021-02-15 12:07:57,808 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded cisconso.set_data_value 2021-02-15 12:07:57,809 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded csf.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,809 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded cyg.list 2021-02-15 12:07:57,809 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded ddns.update 2021-02-15 12:07:57,810 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded chassis.cmd 2021-02-15 12:07:57,814 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,819 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,823 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,827 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad docker.version: 'docker.version' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,829 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded eselect.exec_action 2021-02-15 12:07:57,832 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded esxi.cmd 2021-02-15 12:07:57,835 [][INFO ] Executing command ['git', '--version'] in directory '/root' 2021-02-15 12:07:57,838 [][DEBUG ] stdout: git version 2.25.1 2021-02-15 12:07:57,838 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded github.list_users 2021-02-15 12:07:57,840 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded glanceng.image_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,840 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded glusterfs.list_volumes 2021-02-15 12:07:57,841 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded elasticsearch.exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,845 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded icinga2.generate_ticket 2021-02-15 12:07:57,846 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded idem.hub 2021-02-15 12:07:57,846 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded ifttt.trigger_event 2021-02-15 12:07:57,850 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad influxdb08.db_exists: 'influxdb08.db_exists' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,854 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad influxdb08.db_exists: 'influxdb08.db_exists' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,859 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,863 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,867 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,871 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad influxdb.db_exists: 'influxdb.db_exists' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,873 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded ipset.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,874 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded kapacitor.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,874 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystone.auth 2021-02-15 12:07:57,875 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.domain_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,875 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.endpoint_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,875 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.group_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,875 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.project_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,875 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.role_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,875 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.role_grant 2021-02-15 12:07:57,876 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.service_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,876 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystoneng.user_get 2021-02-15 12:07:57,876 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded keystore.list 2021-02-15 12:07:57,881 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad '' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:57,881 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded layman.add 2021-02-15 12:07:57,881 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded libcloud_dns.list_zones 2021-02-15 12:07:57,882 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded libcloud_loadbalancer.list_balancers 2021-02-15 12:07:57,882 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded libcloud_storage.list_containers 2021-02-15 12:07:57,883 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded logadm.list_conf 2021-02-15 12:07:57,883 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded lvs.get_rules 2021-02-15 12:07:57,884 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded lvs.get_rules 2021-02-15 12:07:57,884 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded lxd.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,884 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded lxd.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,884 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded lxd.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,885 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded lxd.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,886 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded makeconf.get_var 2021-02-15 12:07:57,888 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded memcached.status 2021-02-15 12:07:57,888 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mongodb.db_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,889 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mongodb.user_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,889 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded monit.summary 2021-02-15 12:07:57,889 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mssql.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,889 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mssql.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,890 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mssql.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,890 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mssql.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,890 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mysql.db_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,890 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mysql.grant_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,891 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mysql.query 2021-02-15 12:07:57,891 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded mysql.user_create 2021-02-15 12:07:57,895 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_networks 2021-02-15 12:07:57,895 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_subnets 2021-02-15 12:07:57,895 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_subnets 2021-02-15 12:07:57,896 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded neutronng.list_subnets 2021-02-15 12:07:57,896 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded nftables.version 2021-02-15 12:07:57,896 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded npm.list 2021-02-15 12:07:57,897 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded openvswitch.bridge_create 2021-02-15 12:07:57,898 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded openvswitch.port_add 2021-02-15 12:07:57,899 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded panos.commit 2021-02-15 12:07:57,900 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded pdbedit.create 2021-02-15 12:07:57,901 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded pecl.list 2021-02-15 12:07:57,995 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded portage_config.get_missing_flags 2021-02-15 12:07:57,995 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.cluster_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,995 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.user_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,996 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.create_extension 2021-02-15 12:07:57,996 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.group_create 2021-02-15 12:07:57,996 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.datadir_init 2021-02-15 12:07:57,996 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.language_create 2021-02-15 12:07:57,997 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.privileges_grant 2021-02-15 12:07:57,997 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.schema_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,997 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.tablespace_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,997 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded postgres.user_exists 2021-02-15 12:07:57,999 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded 2021-02-15 12:07:58,001 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded rabbitmq.list_upstreams 2021-02-15 12:07:58,006 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad rbac.profile_list: 'rbac.profile_list' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,006 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded rdp.enable 2021-02-15 12:07:58,010 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad redis.set_key: 'redis.set_key' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,012 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad reg.read_value: 'reg.read_value' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,014 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded selinux.getenforce 2021-02-15 12:07:58,018 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad vmadm.create: 'vmadm.create' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,019 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded snapper.diff 2021-02-15 12:07:58,019 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded splunk.list_users 2021-02-15 12:07:58,019 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded splunk_search.get 2021-02-15 12:07:58,023 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded tls.cert_info 2021-02-15 12:07:58,023 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded tomcat.status 2021-02-15 12:07:58,023 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded trafficserver.set_config 2021-02-15 12:07:58,024 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded vagrant.version 2021-02-15 12:07:58,025 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded victorops.create_event 2021-02-15 12:07:58,026 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded virt.node_info 2021-02-15 12:07:58,027 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_dacl.add_ace 2021-02-15 12:07:58,027 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_dns_client.add_dns 2021-02-15 12:07:58,031 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad firewall.get_config: 'firewall.get_config' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,032 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_iis.create_site 2021-02-15 12:07:58,036 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad lgpo.set: 'lgpo.set' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,036 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_path.rehash 2021-02-15 12:07:58,037 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_pki.get_stores 2021-02-15 12:07:58,037 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_servermanager.install 2021-02-15 12:07:58,037 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_smtp_server.get_server_setting 2021-02-15 12:07:58,037 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded win_snmp.get_agent_settings 2021-02-15 12:07:58,038 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded wordpress.show_plugin 2021-02-15 12:07:58,039 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded xmpp.send_msg 2021-02-15 12:07:58,041 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded zk_concurrency.lock 2021-02-15 12:07:58,042 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded zonecfg.create 2021-02-15 12:07:58,042 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] LazyLoaded zookeeper.create 2021-02-15 12:07:58,045 [salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ] Could not LazyLoad cmd.mod_run_check: 'cmd.mod_run_check' is not available. 2021-02-15 12:07:58,045 [salt.state ][INFO ] Running state [/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin] at time 12:07:58.045876 2021-02-15 12:07:58,046 [salt.state ][INFO ] Executing state file.managed for [/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin] 2021-02-15 12:07:58,049 [salt.transport.zeromq][DEBUG ] Initializing new AsyncZeroMQReqChannel for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', '', 'tcp://', 'aes') 2021-02-15 12:07:58,049 [salt.crypt ][DEBUG ] Initializing new AsyncAuth for ('/etc/salt/pki/minion', '', 'tcp://') 2021-02-15 12:07:58,049 [salt.transport.zeromq][DEBUG ] Connecting the Minion to the Master URI (for the return server): tcp:// 2021-02-15 12:07:58,049 [salt.transport.zeromq][DEBUG ] Trying to connect to: tcp:// 2021-02-15 12:07:58,050 [salt.utils.http ][DEBUG ] Requesting URL using GET method 2021-02-15 12:07:58,050 [salt.utils.http ][DEBUG ] Using backend: tornado 2021-02-15 12:07:58,258 [salt.state ][ERROR ] Specified sha256 checksum for /tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin (11f5d93166dcca29c7ef2f0d7ca346e18e6c849b990c89c27ee11fbffe769c2a) does not match actual checksum (007ec6a263e24ffaa09d94240ebd658d1b11213be1a045f5c74247d03c5306d0) 2021-02-15 12:07:58,258 [salt.state ][INFO ] Completed state [/tmp/dell-8ctk7.bin] at time 12:07:58.258821 (duration_in_ms=212.945) 2021-02-15 12:07:58,303 [salt.transport.zeromq][DEBUG ] Closing AsyncZeroMQReqChannel instance 2021-02-15 12:07:58,304 [salt.transport.zeromq][DEBUG ] Closing AsyncZeroMQReqChannel instance 2021-02-15 12:07:58,304 [salt.transport.zeromq][DEBUG ] Closing AsyncZeroMQReqChannel instance 2021-02-15 12:07:58,307 [salt.log.setup ][ERROR ] An un-handled exception was caught by salt's global exception handler: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison ```Expected behavior
Versions Report
salt-call --versions-report
``` Salt Version: Salt: 3002.2 Dependency Versions: cffi: Not Installed cherrypy: Not Installed dateutil: 2.7.3 docker-py: Not Installed gitdb: Not Installed gitpython: Not Installed Jinja2: 2.10.1 libgit2: 0.28.3 M2Crypto: 0.31.0 Mako: Not Installed msgpack: 0.6.2 msgpack-pure: Not Installed mysql-python: Not Installed pycparser: Not Installed pycrypto: Not Installed pycryptodome: 3.6.1 pygit2: 1.0.3 Python: 3.8.5 (default, Jul 28 2020, 12:59:40) python-gnupg: 0.4.5 PyYAML: 5.3.1 PyZMQ: 18.1.1 smmap: Not Installed timelib: Not Installed Tornado: 4.5.3 ZMQ: 4.3.2 System Versions: dist: ubuntu 20.04 focal locale: iso8859-1 machine: x86_64 release: 5.4.0-65-generic system: Linux version: Ubuntu 20.04 focal ```