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[linux_acl] #62210

Open talentix-ch opened 2 years ago

talentix-ch commented 2 years ago


This problems make the state acl.present unusable. Saltstack has no reliable solution for managing ACLs - a basic Linux function. Saltstack-users have to manage ACLs with own scripts instead. I assume other configuration management tools have no problems with such a basic function.

The Linux engineers at Zurich University of Applied Sciences kindly ask the Saltstack developers to fix this state. We may support the development of a refactored version by supporting the developer with testing. Contact

Setup on-prem vm, salt-master 3004.1 (Ubuntu 18.04) on-prem vm, salt-minion 3004 (Ubuntu 18.04)


**TEST A: Clear all ACLs, then check**


setfacl -R -b /TEST/typo3

TEST ACLs with Linux command:

getfacl /TEST/typo3

file: TEST/typo3

owner: www-data

group: www-data

flags: -s-

user::rwx group::rwx other::---

TEST ACLs with Saltstack module command:

salt-call acl.getfacl /TEST/typo3 user: |_


The salt module **acl.getfacl** combines the linux permissions (rwx) with the ACLs and indicates that ACLs are set. This is a bug. The command **getfacl** shows correctly, that no ACLs for user www-data are set.

**TEST B: Set ACLs for user www-data and check**
State to apply:
{{ slspath }}> Set ACLs TEST A:
    - name: /TEST/typo3
    - acl_type: user
    - acl_name: www-data
    - perms: rwx

PROBLEM 2: The state will not apply ACLs required to be set. This is probably because the salt module falsely reports that ACLs are set.

Testing ACLs returns this result:

getfacl /TEST/typo3

# file: TEST/typo3
# owner: www-data
# group: www-data
# flags: -s-

TEST C: Set ACLs for user www-data by UID and check State to apply:

{{ slspath }}> Set ACLs TEST B:
    - name: /TEST/typo3
    - acl_type: user
    - acl_name: 33
    - perms: rwx

PROBLEM 3: Applying the ACLs by UID will correctly set the ACLs. But the ACLs are set repeatedly each time when the state applied.

More Problems The state acl.present has countless errors and needs bug-fixes / refactoring by a person that really understands Linux ACLs. Some examples:

Today we are using scripts to set ACLs running by This is far from ideal and we should be able to use saltack acl.present - but this state is very buggy.

And of course we'd like to have the possibility to make use of the special permission perms:rwX for folders recursively. The large X specifies to set the execute-ACL on folders but not change ACLs on files.

welcome[bot] commented 2 years ago

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