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Make salt.states.virt consistent with salt.modules.virt and add virt.reset #64955

Open ngaugler opened 1 year ago

ngaugler commented 1 year ago

salt.states.virt has inconsistencies making it difficult to appropriately interface with libvirt. Within libvirt one can perform both a soft and hard shutdown or reboot/reset of a guest domain. The module salt.modules.virt functions seem to appropriately reflect these features, but the state salt.states.virt functions are inconsistent and intermingle terminology. Documentation is also inconsistent as well adding more confusion.

Below is a mapping showing some basic inconsistencies:

Type Task libvirt Module State
soft shutdown shutdown salt.modules.virt.shutdown salt.states.virt.stopped
hard power off destroy salt.modules.virt.stop salt.states.virt.powered_off
soft reboot reboot salt.modules.virt.reboot salt.states.virt.rebooted
hard reset reset salt.modules.virt.reset N/A

It's inconsistency makes it difficult to anticipate what command will be sent to libvirt. It's so difficult that even the documentation for salt.states.virt.powered_off shows the wrong example in the SLS YAML and lists virt.stopped

It would be easy to add the missing salt.states.virt.reset function, but ideally this entire state would be revamped to be consistent with the module. Also, the documentation should be fixed to reflect the right command.

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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whytewolf commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the report. so. state modules always differ greatly from the execution modules, by design. they are not meant to be one to one comparisons. states are meant to be a description of how the thing should be. it uses the execution modules to get to that state. reset and reboot are actions taken, not states. they should be handled by a mod_watch function.

take the service state as an example of how this should be.

there is no service state function for restart or reload. there is a mod_watch that gets triggered when watched states happen. that triggers a restart or reload.

So there is work to be done. the documentation being one piece, that definitely needs updated. and the creation of a mod_watch function to handle reset and reboot.