saltyorg / Saltbox

Ansible-based solution for rapidly deploying a Docker containerized cloud media server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Allow Customizing Traefik Entrypoints Per Role #130

Closed owine closed 1 year ago

owine commented 1 year ago

Instead of always using the default web and websecure entrypoints, this request would allow for customizing those on a per role basis to fine tune control over how certain services can be accessed via Traefik.

Example: Certain services accessible via Tailscale (specific host IP address) or other VPN only and not accessible publicly. In this instance, custom Traefik entrypoint(s) could be defined in the Traefik config for that address only. For services that should have this restriction, the new custom entrypoint(s) would be applied to the Docker labels for the container at run time.

Ideally, there would be the ability to flip the default entrypoints as well. In this scenario, the default entrypoint(s) are as specified in a global variable and role variables could flip them to the default web and websecure if public access is desired.