saltyorg / Sandbox

Saltbox Sandbox
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Traefik 3 migration problems #215

Closed maximuskowalski closed 11 months ago

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

Going to try to keep moving rather than get bogged down on issues so these are the apps not working currently.

saltydk commented 1 year ago may be the cause, you could try and approach LSIO about it?

saltydk commented 1 year ago
  PUID: "{{ uid }}"
  PGID: "{{ gid }}"
  TZ: "{{ tz }}"
  JAVA_OPTS: "-Dserver.use-forward-headers=true"

seems to resolve the issue you wrote on discord but to me it seems like it has other issues as well.

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

JAVA_OPTS: "-Dserver.use-forward-headers=true"

That was what fixed airsonic, I did try running with that but I don't think dockerfile is set up to take the ENV. Will be aiming to get as much as possible working ASAP for now.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

It fixes the http vs https issue, since they use the same framework if I had to take a guess.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

Wait.. I have been looking in the wrong spot then. :|

saltydk commented 1 year ago

Dockerfile doesn't have anything to do with runtime stuff though. That is the entrypoint and S6 services in this case.

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

That is what I meant by "looking in the wrong spot" not the github vs gitlab.

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

Have merged my last lot of changes, TESTED UP TO L's, the Ms - Ss still to check. Added to first post things that need to be followed up.

owine commented 1 year ago

not sure how to deal with olivetin_traefik_middleware_api: "{{ traefik_global_middleware }}"

I have no idea why this is there and it can simply be nuked.

owine commented 1 year ago

Committed changes that should get the db roles working again. Needed to replace var used for mysql root password since it changed with the new image.

owine commented 1 year ago

Committed changes that should get the db roles working again. Needed to replace var used for mysql root password since it changed with the new image.


This will cause CI to fail from this point forward as the var changes correspond to changes on the Saltbox traefik3 branch.

RaneyDazed commented 1 year ago

makemkv seems to work fine, medusa is giving me an update error, not sure if its expected?

2023-01-03 17:03:40 WARNING  Thread_0 :: [] Unable to contact github, can't check for update: 
ConnectionError(MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with URL:
 /orgs/pymedusa (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at
 0x7f8b1cf50c40>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again'))"))
maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

No problems with medusa for me and I was able to check for update.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

miniflux is broken because these are empty:

saltydk commented 1 year ago

I suspect the multi-instance work made the omit break the intended behavior.

saltydk commented 1 year ago should fix miniflux.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

I'm not getting gateway timeout on homeassistant. May want to recheck that.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

Committed changes that should get the db roles working again. Needed to replace var used for mysql root password since it changed with the new image. 2263c1a

This will cause CI to fail from this point forward as the var changes correspond to changes on the Saltbox traefik3 branch.

Should be fine after I made a temporary edit to checkout the traefik3 saltbox branch in the CI.

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

I'm not getting gateway timeout on homeassistant. May want to recheck that.

So yours worked fine and I can tick it off? I have a crappy VPS it sometimes doesn't work so good.

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

Photoprism: fails on my vps - no /dev/dri/

2023-01-05 11:52:51,247 p=1549934 u=root n=ansible | TASK [photoprism : Resources | Tasks | Docker | Create Docker Container | Create Docker Container] **********************************************************
2023-01-05 11:52:51,247 p=1549934 u=root n=ansible | Thursday 05 January 2023  11:52:51 +1100 (0:00:00.124)       0:01:40.372 ****** 
2023-01-05 11:52:58,637 p=1549934 u=root n=ansible | fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 1, "changed": false, "msg": "Error starting container 58e6fd4b95f3fd82a78238e7a8f6eaa211beaf70bc3cce1aab34b7c3b570e374: 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/containers/58e6fd4b95f3fd82a78238e7a8f6eaa211beaf70bc3cce1aab34b7c3b570e374/start: Internal Server Error (\"error gathering device information while adding custom device \"/dev/dri\": no such file or directory\")"}
RaneyDazed commented 1 year ago

I think I made that pr, should I remove that? or I guess should it be removed? Not sure how we're doing this.

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

What PR?

RaneyDazed commented 1 year ago

for photoprism. I think I added /dev/dri when testing in SB mod. Must have forgotten to remove?

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

Oh, I am not sure - plex and other apps use it if it exists, so perhaps it might need to be checked for existence first. Once I get through all the role tests I'll come back to trying to fix things unless they have already been fixed.

If you want to try to fix it you are more than welcome to, just remember to do it on the T3 branch and test it on the T3 branch.

owine commented 1 year ago

Remove it as a default (set to blank) and do this in the role

- name: Docker Devices Task
  ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "{{ resources_tasks_path }}/docker/set_docker_devices_variable.yml"
  when: or gpu.nvidia
RaneyDazed commented 1 year ago

Ok, give me a sec to get vscode up : )

owine commented 1 year ago


This is how the arrs are in the main repo so I think this is fine

owine commented 1 year ago

Stash works, issue is related to - since we deploy Authelia by default we should set the config bit appropriately

Not related to t3 migration so I am marking complete

owine commented 1 year ago

Testing the following roles:

keldian commented 1 year ago
omegabrr - 404 - may just need config, no idea what it does.

At the moment the root URL doesn't point to anything. There's no frontend—it's strictly for API requests via https://omegabrr.domain.tld/api/webhook/trigger. I suppose we could have Traefik map the endpoint to the root URL but meh.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

What is the current status, anything that needs my intervention or?

maximuskowalski commented 1 year ago

Trying to keep first post updated - unchecked boxes need some looking at but I believe we have made a full first pass over everything. Some regex things that I am not sure about from that post.

nextcloud - installs fine - may need to convert labels, regex middleware traefik_robotstxt - labels, regex middleware

saltydk commented 1 year ago

Maybe edit the main post to have the full status as we go along as this all seems very confusing.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

I don't see any problems with the Nextcloud regex middleware as I don't think that went through any changes.

saltydk commented 1 year ago

traefik_robotstxt: Should be fixed now.