saltysimulations / salty-747

An open-source modification for the default MSFS 747-8, aiming to improve the lacking features and realism of the default aircraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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APR mode not working in version 5.1 #459

Open Waltch opened 2 years ago

Waltch commented 2 years ago

I can fly the B747-8 of Saltysimulations without problem and also the Autopilot works very well. However, on any ILS approach I cannot load the APR mode (localizer and G/S). The localizer button alone works okay and turns green when selected, but when I click the APR button it does not turn green and the G/S is not followed (I intercept it from below). And yes, the ILS is correctly set because the magenta diamonds appear in the PFD.

Any ideas?

Waltch commented 2 years ago

Hi Have now installed the development version of the B747-8 and now the APR for the ILS works again. Very strange

snuffalo commented 2 years ago

I am having the same issue. Just attempted an ILS approach on 7L at PANC from hdg select. I have confirmed the ILS frequency is correct, 109.9 with a heading of 074. On the APP page of the FMC, i see "---"'s for the ILS and CRS values, but when in the MAP page of the fmc, the VOR L is showing the frequency and the DME correctly. I have uninstalled and re-installed the development branch and will attempt again and report back.

snuffalo commented 2 years ago

Same results at PANC after a re-install. However, at KSEA, the ILS behaved as expected.

snuffalo commented 2 years ago

I should've guessed, my issue was caused by the payware PANC airport i purchased from sim-wings. once I deleted this scenery and went back to the default airport, everything worked fine. Thanks so much to the team developing the Salty747!

Timberolic commented 2 years ago

Come on over to our Discord! It makes communicating a lot easier for us.

As for your scenery, it's most likely possible to use it with the LOC and G/S being functional! Just go to your MSFS Directory (make sure the sim is closed), find the content.xml file and delete it. Then, with the scenery in your Community folder, launch the sim and the .xml will repopulate. See if that helps!