Challenge 3 Feedback
Overall: 11/24 : passing because other parts of your code are strong, but look over the path generation and update your code.
Feedback based on Challenge 3 Rubric:
Read & output 3/4
good use of methods and encapsulation here.
Graph class 2/4
DFS 2/4
does not correctly compute the path as you are returning vertices visited. Need to store the parent and recreate after the method runs.
Code organization 2/4
create a separate graph class
consider not nesting dfs in the dfs_recursive method - it is more testable as a separate utility method that is called and sent the necessary environment.
Testing 1/4
some unit tests - need to add more and exception handling.
Challenge 3 Feedback Overall: 11/24 : passing because other parts of your code are strong, but look over the path generation and update your code.
Feedback based on Challenge 3 Rubric: