salvadorbs / Asuite

ASuite is a simple open source portable launcher for Microsoft Windows.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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alpha app closes with right click option "show classic menu" #104

Closed megabugman closed 3 years ago

megabugman commented 3 years ago

image bug the app probably crashes, not checked though. OK, enough bug huntin for today, I guess :)

salvadorbs commented 3 years ago

I should have fixed this some time ago (after the release of alpha1). If you can retest it, go ahead, so we can close this issue.

OK, enough bug huntin for today, I guess :) Eheh. Thank you very much for your time!

megabugman commented 3 years ago

nope issue persists (sort of), it crashed, but atm it works :/ image

megabugman commented 3 years ago

crashed again, Houston we got a problem here :) image

megabugman commented 3 years ago

haha, gotcha :)

  1. show modal about
  2. right click -> reproducible crash (at least for me) crash

maybe this is also useful: 20210721 22022344 info Opening form Property Item (No name23) 20210721 22022344 + Frame.Properties.General.Software.TfrmSWGeneralPropertyPage(0634c310).I 20210721 22022344 - 00.000.000 20210721 22022344 + Frame.Properties.Advanced.TfrmAdvancedPropertyPage(063ea6c0).I 20210721 22022344 - 00.000.000 20210721 22022344 + Frame.Properties.EnvironmentVars.TfrmEnvironmentVars(0cad97b0).I 20210721 22022344 - 00.000.000 20210721 22022345 + Frame.Properties.Behavior.TfrmBehaviorPropertyPage(0656ac50).I 20210721 22022345 - 00.000.000 20210721 22031218 info Opening form Shortcut Grabber 20210721 22031525 + DataModules.TrayMenu.TdmTrayMenu(05ef5ba0).UpdateClassicMenu 20210721 22031525 - 00.000.000 20210721 22031525 EXCOS EExternalException (c0000094) [] at $00000001001DCB6A RAISEGDBEXCEPTION, line 50 of laztracer.pas

salvadorbs commented 3 years ago

I tried it on my computer and had no problems. At this point, let's try to increase the logs to understand what happens (so as to also take advantage of the opportunity to improve ASuite logging).

I made a new branch and consequently a pull request, so as to have a build with some more logs in the UpdateClassicMenu function (where the problem seems to be):

Can you test this build and send me the log file? We hope the stack trace is logged.

megabugman commented 3 years ago

so far, the crash did not yet occur but I found another issue: new issue

i'll try to repro the crash...

megabugman commented 3 years ago

I found something, but this is not the crash issue, this build is more stable so far :)

Heap dump by heaptrc unit of D:\ASuite Debug build - win32\bin\ASuite.exe 108365 memory blocks allocated : 40658989/40807248 108363 memory blocks freed : 40658869/40807128 2 unfreed memory blocks : 120 True heap size : 1114112 (160 used in System startup) True free heap : 1113216 Should be : 1113448 Call trace for block $00000000015E1030 size 48 $0000000100012E4B $000000010000F3B0 $00000001003DDAF6 ENUMERATEFORMATS, line 4549 of VirtualTrees.pas $0000000100406407 GETNATIVECLIPBOARDFORMATS, line 22191 of VirtualTrees.pas $00000001003E0F3B CREATE, line 99 of include/intf/win32/ $0000000100411065 CUTTOCLIPBOARD, line 26684 of VirtualTrees.pas $000000010016C374 ACTCUTEXECUTE, line 209 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $000000010017E4AC $00000001001C24D4 EXECUTE, line 98 of include/ $00000001001C435C EXECUTE, line 246 of include/ $000000010017E24B $00000001001BD0BD CLICK, line 86 of include/ $00

Heap dump by heaptrc unit of D:\ASuite Debug build - win32\bin\ASuite.exe 108365 memory blocks allocated : 40658989/40807248 108363 memory blocks freed : 40658869/40807128 2 unfreed memory blocks : 120 True heap size : 1114112 (160 used in System startup) True free heap : 1113216 Should be : 1113448 Call trace for block $00000000015E1030 size 48 $0000000100012E4B $000000010000F3B0 $00000001003DDAF6 ENUMERATEFORMATS, line 4549 of VirtualTrees.pas $0000000100406407 GETNATIVECLIPBOARDFORMATS, line 22191 of VirtualTrees.pas $00000001003E0F3B CREATE, line 99 of include/intf/win32/ $0000000100411065 CUTTOCLIPBOARD, line 26684 of VirtualTrees.pas $000000010016C374 ACTCUTEXECUTE, line 209 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $000000010017E4AC $00000001001C24D4 EXECUTE, line 98 of include/ $00000001001C435C EXECUTE, line 246 of include/ $000000010017E24B $00000001001BD0BD CLICK, line 86 of include/ $00

$00000001001BD94A DOCLICKED, line 296 of include/menuitem. $000000010000FF81 $000000010028F388 DOWINDOWPROC, line 2145 of win32/ $0000000100290DF0 WINDOWPROC, line 2775 of win32/ Call trace for block $0000000007F0E1F0 size 72 $0000000100012D72 $000000010000FB7A $000000010001080A $00000001003E0EDE CREATE, line 94 of include/intf/win32/ $0000000100411065 CUTTOCLIPBOARD, line 26684 of VirtualTrees.pas $000000010016C374 ACTCUTEXECUTE, line 209 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $000000010017E4AC $00000001001C24D4 EXECUTE, line 98 of include/ $00000001001C435C EXECUTE, line 246 of include/ $000000010017E24B $00000001001BD0BD CLICK, line 86 of include/ $00000001001BD94A DOCLICKED, line 296 of include/ $000000010000FF81 $000000010028F388 DOWINDOWPROC, line 2145 of win32/ $0000000100290DF0 WINDOWPROC, line 2775 of win32/win3


this is a/the issue with separators

megabugman commented 3 years ago

I renamed the themes folder in desperate attempt, now application cannot longer be closed, somehow fair, I got a warning, nevertheless an app should always manage to close itself :)

heap.trc, log seems to work:

D:\ASuite Debug build - win32\bin\ASuite.exe Heap dump by heaptrc unit of D:\ASuite Debug build - win32\bin\ASuite.exe 95592 memory blocks allocated : 38979900/39051192 95582 memory blocks freed : 38979299/39050568 10 unfreed memory blocks : 601 True heap size : 2457600 (160 used in System startup) True free heap : 2454592 Should be : 2454896 Call trace for block $00000000064CD190 size 131 $000000010001AF09 $0000000100012E4B $000000010000AFDB $000000010000A0FD $000000010003CEB2 $000000010003E0E0 $0000000100032D98 SHOWEXCEPTION, line 1547 of include/ $0000000100031E80 HANDLEEXCEPTION, line 1245 of include/ $00000001000324F0 RUNLOOP, line 1385 of include/ $000000010018F16B APPRUN, line 54 of include/ $000000010003249A RUN, line 1371 of include/ $000000010000373C main, line 56 of ASuite.lpr $00000001000037A6 $0000000100018CF0 $0000000100003507 $00007FFB22467034 Call trace for block $0000000007F90FA0 size 49 $0000000100012D72 $0000000100009D93 $000000010000AFF2 $000000010000A0FD $0000000100032CA9 SHOWEXCEPTION, line 1535 of include/ $0000000100031E80 HANDLEEXCEPTION, line 1245 of include/ $00000001000324F0 RUNLOOP, line 1385 of include/ $000000010018F16B APPRUN, line 54 of include/ $000000010003249A RUN, line 1371 of include/ $000000010000373C main, line 56 of ASuite.lpr $00000001000037A6 $0000000100018CF0 $0000000100003507 $00007FFB22467034 $00007FFB22A62651 $00007FFB1DB4A919 Call trace for block $000000000C672E40 size 40 $0000000100012E6B $00000001000191C6 $0000000100019675 $00007FFB22AB217F $00007FFB22A61454 $00007FFB22A611A5 $00007FFB20304ED9 $000000010001903B $000000010004998A $0000000100012668 $0000000100012702 $000000010001209E $0000000100587316 SAVEDATA, line 202 of Library/Database.Manager.pas $0000000100165D3A SAVELIST, line 190 of Library/Kernel.Instance.pas $000000010016D39B MISAVELISTCLICK, line 459 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $00000001001BD095 CLICK, line 83 of include/ Call trace for block $00000000064CCAB0 size 128 $000000010001AD8B $0000000100012E4B $0000000100018F5A $0000000100019013 $000000010004998A $0000000100012668 $0000000100012702 $000000010001209E $0000000100587316 SAVEDATA, line 202 of Library/Database.Manager.pas $0000000100165D3A SAVELIST, line 190 of Library/Kernel.Instance.pas $000000010016D39B MISAVELISTCLICK, line 459 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $00000001001BD095 CLICK, line 83 of include/ $00000001001BD94A DOCLICKED, line 296 of include/ $000000010000FF81 $000000010028F388 DOWINDOWPROC, line 2145 of win32/ $0000000100290DF0 WINDOWPROC, line 2775 of win32/ Call trace for block $000000000C672840 size 24 $0000000100012D72 $


->granted that's not fair!

megabugman commented 3 years ago

OK, i give up. you can't force an knock out :)

-> could not reproduce the right mouse button crash so far with

megabugman commented 3 years ago

I guess the issue is gone, I'll re-open or create a new ticket when crash re-occures.

salvadorbs commented 3 years ago

In ASuite.log there is no exception?

salvadorbs commented 3 years ago

Found. If there is a separator in the list, ASuite will fail when you try to open the classicmenu. In the new build, the problem is handled, but not visually reported to the user (there is just something in the log).

Before solving it, I want to try to improve the logs and add an error message.

I reopen the issue.

Edit: New build with better exception logs and bug separator in ClassicMenu fixed:

megabugman commented 3 years ago

no more crashes in latest build