salvadorbs / Asuite

ASuite is a simple open source portable launcher for Microsoft Windows.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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heap.trc crash, don't know how to reproduce #96

Closed megabugman closed 3 years ago

megabugman commented 3 years ago

C:\Users\username\Downloads\ASuite21a_win32\ASuite.exe Heap dump by heaptrc unit of C:\Users\username\Downloads\ASuite21a_win32\ASuite.exe 1042063 memory blocks allocated : 586552823/587454384 1042061 memory blocks freed : 586552703/587454264 2 unfreed memory blocks : 120 True heap size : 917504 (160 used in System startup) True free heap : 916608 Should be : 916840 Call trace for block $0000000001623380 size 48 $0000000100012CEB $000000010000F2F0 $000000010039C606 ENUMERATEFORMATS, line 4543 of VirtualTrees.pas $00000001003C4EA7 GETNATIVECLIPBOARDFORMATS, line 22166 of VirtualTrees.pas $000000010039FA6B CREATE, line 99 of include/intf/win32/ $00000001003CFB05 CUTTOCLIPBOARD, line 26659 of VirtualTrees.pas $00000001001371E0 ACTCUTEXECUTE, line 208 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $0000000100148A5C $000000010018ED44 EXECUTE, line 98 of include/ $0000000100190BCC EXECUTE, line 246 of include/ $00000001001487FB $0000000100189D6D CLICK, line 86 of include/ $000000010018A5AA DOCLICKED, line 293 of include/ $000000010000FEC1 $0000000100258484 DOWINDOWPROC, line 2058 of win32/ $0000000100259E47 WINDOWPROC, line 2676 of win32/ Call trace for block $0000000007F45D70 size 72 $0000000100012C12 $000000010000FABA $000000010001074A $000000010039FA0E CREATE, line 94 of include/intf/win32/ $00000001003CFB05 CUTTOCLIPBOARD, line 26659 of VirtualTrees.pas $00000001001371E0 ACTCUTEXECUTE, line 208 of Forms/Forms.Main.pas $0000000100148A5C $000000010018ED44 EXECUTE, line 98 of include/ $0000000100190BCC EXECUTE, line 246 of include/ $00000001001487FB $0000000100189D6D CLICK, line 86 of include/ $000000010018A5AA DOCLICKED, line 293 of include/ $000000010000FEC1 $0000000100258484 DOWINDOWPROC, line 2058 of win32/ $0000000100259E47 WINDOWPROC, line 2676 of win32/ $00007FFF6A63E858

maybe this is also useful:

20210718 23355841 info Execute Autorun List (Startup) 20210718 23355841 info Refresh List 20210718 23355841 + Database.Manager.TDBManager(062c49c0).SaveData 20210718 23355841 - 00.000.000 20210718 23355841 info Saving ASuite SQLite Database 20210718 23355841 cache SynSQLite3.TSQLDatabase(01689d60) asuite.sqlite cache flushed 20210718 23355841 SQL SynSQLite3.TSQLDatabase(01689d60) 19us asuite.sqlite BEGIN TRANSACTION; 20210718 23355841 info Saving ASuite List 20210718 23355841 info Saving ASuite Version 20210718 23355841 SQL mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB(063bcb90) 120us returned 1 row as 57 B SELECT ID,Major,Minor,Revision,Build FROM tbl_version 20210718 23355841 res SynSQLite3.TSQLDatabase(01689d60) [{"ID":1,"Major":2,"Minor":1,"Revision":0,"Build":1264}] 20210718 23355842 cache SynSQLite3.TSQLDatabase(01689d60) asuite.sqlite cache flushed 20210718 23355842 DB mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB(063bcb90) prepared 33us asuite.sqlite UPDATE tbl_version SET Major=?,Minor=?,Revision=?,Build=? WHERE RowID=? 20210718 23355842 SQL mORMotSQLite3.TSQLRestServerDB(063bcb90) 15us UPDATE tbl_version SET Major=:(2):,Minor=:(1):,Revision=:(0):,Build=:(1264): WHERE RowID=:(1): 20210718 23355842 SQL SynSQLite3.TSQLDatabase(01689d60) 9us asuite.sqlite COMMIT TRANSACTION; 20210718 23355842 info Start thread to get all icons 20210718 23355842 + Icons.Thread.TTreeIconsThread(0638a550).Execute 20210718 23355842 - 00.000.000 20210718 23355842 + GraphicMenu.ThemeEngine.TThemeEngine(07e42020).LoadTheme 20210718 23355842 - 00.000.000 20210718 23355842 info Found theme.ini - Loading it 20210718 23360407 + DataModules.TrayMenu.TdmTrayMenu(062cc710).UpdateClassicMenu 20210718 23360407 - 00.000.000 20210718 23360407 EXCOS EExternalException (c0000094) [] at $00000001001DCCDA RAISEGDBEXCEPTION, line 50 of laztracer.pas

salvadorbs commented 3 years ago

But before the crash, did you only cut and paste one or more elements of the list?

I found a memory leak of the component displaying the list (when cut and paste an element), but I can't reproduce the crash.

megabugman commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how I managed to run into this issue. I'll keep you informed once I know more. Please feel free to close this issue unresolved in case you don't hear from me in within a month.

megabugman commented 3 years ago

can't provide any reproduction steps (yet) image


salvadorbs commented 3 years ago

From what I see, the crash seems connected with this issue #104 and the memory leak does not seem to be the cause.

For the memory leak, you will probably need to clean the clipboard (if inside, the data is asuite) when the software is closed.

megabugman commented 3 years ago

104 is most likely fixed, or I cannot reproduce the crash, hence I close this until I can provide steps to reproduce.