salvadordf / CEF4Delphi

CEF4Delphi is an open source project to embed Chromium-based browsers in applications made with Delphi or Lazarus/FPC for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
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Regarding the issue of extension loading, HelloWorldExt and PageColorExt #507

Closed sxmxta closed 3 months ago

sxmxta commented 3 months ago

hello I changed the HelloWorldExt and PageColorExt examples to Lazarus and they won't work properly

The load extension button can be used normally There is no response after clicking the pop-up extension button

salvadordf commented 3 months ago


According to the CEF project maintainer Alloy support for extensions has not been specifically removed. However, it is untested/unsupported for anything other than PDF Viewer and Print Preview.

He recently added that You can use extensions with the Chrome runtime

The HelloWorldExt and PageColorExt demos are old examples and I should remove them because they stopped working in recent CEF versions.

Read this issue about the future of the alloy and chrome runtime modes in CEF.