Open andeya opened 1 month ago
I'm running on windows. I have also had problems with the server hanging on "salvo_core::server: wait for all connections to close" which never seems to return.
I have a endpoint that signals shutdown and I have tried both handle.stop_graceful(None) and handle.stop_forible(), I have also scheduled the shutdowns to occur after the endpoint returns without success.
I was going to attempt a time wait.
if alive_connections.load(Ordering::Acquire) > 0 {
tracing::info!("waiting for all connections to close.");
tokio::select! {
_ = notify.notified() => {
tracing::info!("All connections closed.");
_ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)) => {
tracing::warn!("Timeout waiting for connections to close.");
The waiting occurs even when stop_forible() is called.
INFO salvo_core::server: force stop server
salvo_core::server: wait for all connections to close
I can work on a sample that demonstrates.
I forked and that works fine for testing modifications. I am able to force close and exit the app, but I am still holding the port open after termination when run from a detached process of the server. If I run it from cmd.exe separately, it does close the port. There's something about being detached from the server and asking the server to exit that causes issue for me.
I think the detached process is holding the socket open from inheritance.
use windows::Win32::Foundation::HANDLE;
use windows::Win32::System::Threading::{SetHandleInformation, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT};
fn disable_handle_inheritance(socket_handle: HANDLE) -> Result<()> {
unsafe {
SetHandleInformation(socket_handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
the other thing to try is:
// Set the `SO_REUSEADDR` option to allow reusing the address
// Optionally, you can set `SO_REUSEPORT` (if the platform supports it)
// socket.set_reuse_port(true)?;
I'm not sure how to get the raw handle. I will keep trying.
I implemented
impl AsRawSocket for TcpAcceptor {
fn as_raw_socket(&self) -> std::os::windows::io::RawSocket {
and tried setting
let raw_socket = ipv4_listener.as_raw_socket();
println!("Raw socket handle: {}", raw_socket);
use windows::Win32::Foundation::HANDLE;
use windows::Win32::Foundation::{SetHandleInformation, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT};
let raw_socket = std_listener.as_raw_socket();
// // Cast the SOCKET (u64) to a HANDLE and set the handle information
unsafe {
let r=SetHandleInformation(HANDLE(raw_socket as *mut _), 0, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT);
this is no good; as we need a HANDLE and not a SOCKET. I don't see a good safe way to do this. it's annoying inheritance is on by default on windows sockets.
at this point I have confirmed the inheritance is the problem for my hanging connection.
use windows::core::PWSTR;
use windows::Win32::Foundation::CloseHandle;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
pub trait CommandExtDetached {
fn spawn_detached(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()>;
impl CommandExtDetached for Command {
fn spawn_detached(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Initialize the STARTUPINFOW structure
let mut si: STARTUPINFOW = STARTUPINFOW::default();
si.cb = std::mem::size_of::<STARTUPINFOW>() as u32;
// Collect the program and args into Vec<String> to avoid moving the iterator
let command = self.get_program();
let args: Vec<String> = self.get_args().map(|arg| arg.to_string_lossy().to_string()).collect();
// Create the full command line, similar to the working function
let command_line = format!("{} {}", command.to_string_lossy(), args.join(" "));
// Convert the command line string to a wide string (UTF-16)
let mut command_line_wide: Vec<u16> = OsStr::new(&command_line)
.collect(); // Null-terminate the wide string
// Print out the command line for debugging
println!("Command Line: {}", command_line);
unsafe {
let result = CreateProcessW(
PWSTR::null(), // Application name (None here, using command line)
PWSTR(command_line_wide.as_mut_ptr()), // Command line (executable + arguments)
None, // Process security attributes
None, // Thread security attributes
false, // Inherit handles
DETACHED_PROCESS, // Creation flags (detached process)
None, // Environment block
None, // Current directory
if result.is_ok() {
println!("Process created successfully");
// Close handles to process and thread
let _ = CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
let _ = CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
} else {
eprintln!("Failed to create process: {:?}", result.err());
Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Failed to create process"))
using the above I'm able to run commands that don't inherit the socket. I can run 'cargo run --release' and 'cargo run' and the two instances will close each other and grab 5800 accordingly. All my calls to Command::spawn() have to be replaced with spawn_detached() - not a huge deal.
maybe there's a better way. this works for me for now; maybe not a concern of salvo.
@andeya is on ubuntu and another concern most likely. @andeya can you say any more about what is going on when this occurs. from the cap it looks like
I still think there might be a need for
tokio::select! {
_ = notify.notified() => {
tracing::info!("All connections closed.");
_ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)) => {
tracing::warn!("Timeout waiting for connections to close.");
I need to come up with a good way to test the graceful shutdowns and would like to understand how you're using rsproxy to experience your concern @andeya
Describe the bug After enabling graceful shutdown, the process often gets stuck when exiting and can only be resolved by forcefully killing the process.
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