sam-sam98 / MIDI-Autofill

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Raspberry Pi Performance Evaluation #24

Open MasonAsh opened 3 years ago

MasonAsh commented 3 years ago

I've already done some level of performance evaluation with the Raspberry Pi 4B, but we need more extensive testing and data collection.

Things that should be tested:

MasonAsh commented 3 years ago

I tested out the MIDI editor app on the Raspberry PI 4B with Raspberry PI Os.

Distro: Raspberry PI Os (January 11th 2021 release) Browser: Chromium

It feels decent to use. Notes can be dropped and moved around pretty easily. There is a small but noticeable latency when dragging around notes. When playing the seek head seems to be a little bit slow.

Keep in mind this app might not necessarily be designed to be used on low end hardware, and it still runs well.

It should be easy to make a web app that performs well on the Pi, but some optimization steps will need to be done.

MasonAsh commented 3 years ago

Created Magenta benchmarking suites using the benny benchmarking framework in node.

The benchmarking suites export the data in csv format.

Benchmarking suites include:

The benchmarking code can be found in the magenta-experimentation branch.

MasonAsh commented 3 years ago

Graphs created and added to the final design document.