sam0402 / ArchQ

ArchQ Linux for Audiophiles
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Diretta and Memory Player #8

Open zaurux opened 2 months ago

zaurux commented 2 months ago

Hi Sam, thank you for your work. I don't know if you know Diretta. I suppose I am. The designer of this protocol is currently working on a player that bypasses alsa and promises to be of excellent quality. My first question concerns the use of a Diretta box, which requires a driver to be installed. Of course this integration is only interesting if ArchQ users are using Diretta. Links to the project and a test:

Have a good day ;)

sam0402 commented 2 months ago

Diretta releases the linux kernel compiled with Diretta driver for Gentoo Linux. ArchQ needs the source code of the Diretta driver to compile with the kernel, using Gentoo a good choice for Diretta.

zaurux commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for your reply. It seems that the developer (Yu) is making the packages available.

curl -OL for the drivers, which actually have to be compiled curl -OL to download MemoryPlayHostLinux (nothing to compile, just choose the version) curl -OL to download MemoryPlayController

GentooPlayer is certainly an interesting platform but, as soon as I can, I'm going to dig into the Arch track that I enjoyed with your Rpi4 images. ArchQ seems simple and effective. I've also heard of CachyOS for its work on kernels and latency. MemoryPlayer seems un good way..

sam0402 commented 2 months ago

This is Diretta box driver(alsa_bridge.ko) for ArchQ Q441 kernel. You can download the file and auto extract it as below command. wget -O - | tar -I zstd -xvf - then ./ gcc12_x64_v1 to install the driver. Hope this driver works well.