@geeky-abhishek I have Started Working on UI Configuration through JSON file. Currently I don't have full access of Project but I have done some work:
1) Created JSON file for different directories (Chats, login, OTP, Starred-chat, Starred-chats, chat-item, fullscreen-loader, message-item and starred-chat-item). This is done to pass data from JSON file and use in different pages where required.
2) Passed Configurations from JSON file of Chats to the Chats page.
@geeky-abhishek I have Started Working on UI Configuration through JSON file. Currently I don't have full access of Project but I have done some work:
1) Created JSON file for different directories (Chats, login, OTP, Starred-chat, Starred-chats, chat-item, fullscreen-loader, message-item and starred-chat-item). This is done to pass data from JSON file and use in different pages where required.
2) Passed Configurations from JSON file of Chats to the Chats page.