samanjalilian / Pore-Network-Modeling-of-Porous-Media

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A Quick Visualization of the Project's Network #2

Open samanjalilian opened 2 years ago

samanjalilian commented 2 years ago

Here, we have a quick demonstration of the project's main idea. Pictures are extracted from Paraview. We consider three types of networks for the washcoat: 1) In the first network, the washcoat only consists of nanopores.


2) The washcoat has a dual-porosity structure due to the existence of porous microparticles. Accordingly, the problem has two scales: macroscale and microscale.


3) In the third network, like the previous one, the washcoat has macro and micro scales, but this time, both macro and micro scales have hierarchical structures. 3

We define:


masoodmoghaddam commented 2 years ago

what is the size of network in first case?

samanjalilian commented 2 years ago

Actually, in the first network, the Pore-to-Pore distance is about 100nm. On other hand. the length of the channel is 4 cm and its height (washcoat is included) is something around 6 mm. Hence, we have 400,000 pores in length and 60,000 pores in height! This means that total number of pores is 24,000,000,000! Considering our current computational resources, generating a network with the mentioned number of pores is impossible. That is why we have to jump straight into second and third networks. In these networks, we can put a considerable number of nanopores in each microparticle, and significantly reduce the computational cost. The second network with the microporosity equal to zero, can act exactly like the first network.

samanjalilian commented 2 years ago

We have to consider a value for the length and the height of the channel and keep them unchanged in the whole simulation. are the 3cm length and 3mm height ok? @masoodmoghaddam

samanjalilian commented 2 years ago

For now, we consider a 3 cm length and a 4 mm height. In the future, we can change it.