** THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER ACTIVE ** Whose Data? aims to make it easier for Canadians to answer key questions about who owns -- and what options we have to control -- data collected about us via common online (eg. social media platforms) and offline (eg. health records) activities. Read more about why this project is inactive -->
_Thanks so much for your interest in contributing to Whose Data?
If you haven't read the Contributor Guidelines yet, please have a look before diving in._
Update, change, or add information to a case
A company or organization that Whose Data? is researching is called a ‘case’.
You will find all the cases Whose Data? is working on, or has verified in this folder.
You're invited to suggest updates, changes and to add information to any of these cases! Here's how:
Add the information, using Markdown for formatting. Here's a great Markdown cheatsheet.
Click 'Preview Changes' if you want to see what you additions will look like
When you're done, scroll to the bottom and under Commit Changes write a short note about what you changed/added, make sure 'create a new branch' is selected, and click the green 'Commit Changes' button!
This will create a pull request in Github, asking me to review and approve the changes. Once this happens, if your suggestion is approved the article will be updated!
_Thanks so much for your interest in contributing to Whose Data? If you haven't read the Contributor Guidelines yet, please have a look before diving in._
Update, change, or add information to a case
A company or organization that Whose Data? is researching is called a ‘case’.
You will find all the cases Whose Data? is working on, or has verified in this folder.
You're invited to suggest updates, changes and to add information to any of these cases! Here's how:
This will create a pull request in Github, asking me to review and approve the changes. Once this happens, if your suggestion is approved the article will be updated!
Questions or comments?
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