Closed XiXiongMaoXiong closed 2 years ago
Hi Thank you for your contribution. I will review and add this feature in the new version.
Add this feature in v1.0
hi please make Dialect-enum public , currently it is package-private! and "public String monthName(int month, Dialect dialect)" isn't practical
@samanzamani thanks
Hi @pooryadb Thank you for your report. I will fix this in the next version.
@samanzamani make new release, please
v1.3.3 released
سلام Failed to resolve: com.github.samanzamani:PersianDate:1.3.4 این خطا میده
ولی وقتی releaseImplementation 'com.github.samanzamani:PersianDate:1.3.4' میزارم رفع میشه خطا ولی val persianDate = PersianDate(date) خطا میده تو Jetpack
PersianDate نمیشناسه
سلام @momeni1367 لطفا یک موضوع جدید برای این مسئله باز کنید تا بهم ریختگی ایجاد نشه. ممنون
Salaam! For the next release please add an optional parameter to monthName() method to return back names in different Persian dialects (Kurdi, Afghani, Irani).
What I am trying to achieve is:
return PersianDate(TimeUtils.getNowMills()).monthName()
But for now it just returns it in Iranian name (e.g. Aazar).
Thanks a world!