samapriya / awesome-gee-community-datasets

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Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent Maps #107

Closed hannah-rae closed 1 year ago

hannah-rae commented 1 year ago

Dataset Name

Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent Maps at 30m resolution for year 2015. Available by region (ordered by suggested priority for adding to catalog):

  1. Africa
  2. South Asia, Afghanistan, Iran
  3. Southeast and Northeast Asia
  4. South America
  5. Europe, Central Asia, Russia, Middle East
  6. Australia, New Zealand, China, Mongolia
  7. North America

DOI available for each region, e.g., for Africa: 10.5067/MEaSUREs/GFSAD/GFSAD30AFCE.001 See this article for more info.

Data access: Multiple options via LPDAAC (see here)


License Information: The dataset does not come with an explicit license, however it is made publicly accessible and various sources can be attributed to show that this is permissive. When I asked the PI about a license, he referred me to quote sources from the following websites:

Curated by: Prasad S. Thenkabail (PI) and team.

Keywords: Agriculture, Global Land Cover and Land Use

Last updated: 2016

samapriya commented 1 year ago

This has been completed along with the newly released LGRIP30 Crop extent layer you can find links to them in the changelog

hannah-rae commented 1 year ago

you are awesome @samapriya !!