samapriya / awesome-gee-community-datasets

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Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon, and water #187

Closed Martin-Jung closed 10 months ago

Martin-Jung commented 11 months ago

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Dataset description

Areas of global conservation importance for biodiversity, carbon and/or water

Content: A series of global priority layers are provided from the NatureMap project. These maps were created by jointly optimizing biodiversity and NCPs such as carbon and/or water. They describe on a continuous scale the amount of land area with the greatest upper potential value for expanding conservation efforts. Note that conservation in this context should be interpreted as not prescriptive (e.g. specifically the establishment of protected areas), but rather means that a certain area harbour great biophysical potential for contributing to the conservation of biodiversity, carbon and water assets.

Usage notes: Maps are supplied at 10km resolution. Maps can either start from a blank state (ignoring existing conservation areas) or build on the global protected area network that was established in 2019. Different layers are available for obtaining either priorities for biodiversity only, or for biodiversity and carbon and/or water. A separate distinction is whether maps include stratifications by biome. For more details there please consult Jung et al. (2021). The ranks for each layer are area-specific and can be used to extract summary statistics by simple subsetting. For example: To obtain the top 30% of land area for biodiversity and carbon, one needs to create a mask of all areas lower than a value of 30 from the respective ranked layers.

Temporal resolution Covering roughly the period of 2015 to 2019

Spatial resolution: 10 km (50 km versions are available as well on the data repository)

Filename suffix description:

'minshort_speciestargets' =- Problem formulation where targets were achieved by minimzing a shortfall

'repruns10' =- The number of representative that were used to create the ranked layer

'' =- Species distribution were split by biome, thus creating separate targets for subpopulation

'withPA' =- Fractions of current protected areas (Date: WDPA 2019) were locked in as baseline and starting budget. Approximately 15% of the globe. Note that not entire grid cells, but fractions were locked in and build opon!

'carbon' =- Carbon was included in the prioritization and jointly optimized together with the other assets by giving it equal weighting (see manuscript)

'water' =- Water was included in the prioritization and jointly optimized together with the other assets by giving it equal weighting (see manuscript)

The layers can be navigated openly through a dedicated Earth engine app (conservation importance) . Coarser grained versions at 50km are also available (see Zenodo data repository) but not uploaded to Google Earth Engine.


Earth Engine Snippet if dataset already in GEE

// ------------------------ //
// Import the layers
// -- Biodiv --
var biodiv_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversity/minshort_speciestargets_biome__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodiv_pa_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversity/minshort_speciestargets_biome_withPA_esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodiv = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversity/minshort_speciestargets_esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodiv_pa = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversity/minshort_speciestargetswithPA_esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
// -- Biodiv Carbon--
var biodivcarbon_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbon/minshort_speciestargets_biome__carbon__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivcarbon_pa_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbon/minshort_speciestargets_biome_withPA_carbon__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivcarbon = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbon/minshort_speciestargets_carbon__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivcarbon_pa = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbon/minshort_speciestargetswithPA_carbon__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
// -- Biodiv water--
var biodivwater_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitywater/minshort_speciestargets_biome__water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivwater_pa_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitywater/minshort_speciestargets_biome_withPA_water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivwater = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitywater/minshort_speciestargets_water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivwater_pa = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitywater/minshort_speciestargetswithPA_water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
// -- Biodiv carbonwater--
var biodivcarbonwater_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbonwater/minshort_speciestargets_biome__carbon__water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivcarbonwater_pa_biome = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbonwater/minshort_speciestargets_biome_withPA_carbon__water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivcarbonwater = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbonwater/minshort_speciestargets_carbon__water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
var biodivcarbonwater_pa = ee.Image("users/Uploads/naturemap/biodiversitycarbonwater/minshort_speciestargetswithPA_carbon__water__esh10km_repruns10_ranked");
// ------------------------ //

// Define SLD style of discrete intervals to apply to the image.
var default_colours = {min: 1, max: 100, palette: ['7a0403','c92903','f56918','fbb938','c9ef34','74fe5d','1be5b5','35abf8','4662d8','30123b']};

// Default entries
var what = "Biodiversity, carbon and water";

// Visualize
Map.addLayer(biodivcarbon, default_colours, "Biodiversity and Carbon", true);

// The layers are area-consistent, thus through subsetting it becomes possible to identify for example
// the 10% of land-areas with the greatest conservation value for biodiversity

var bio30x30 = biodiv.expression("b(0) <= 10");

Map.addLayer(bio30x30, {}, "Top 10% value for biodiversity only", true);

Enter license information

CC-BY-SA 4.0


biodiversity, conservation importance, priorities, carbon, water

Code of Conduct

samapriya commented 10 months ago

I have copied over the assets and renamed them a bit such as removing double underscores and splitting up words like biodiversitywater to biodiversity-water you can check out the draft page here goal is to push this tomorrow or next week. Let me know if you have thoughts/comments I can also keep the original paths if you would prefer that

Martin-Jung commented 10 months ago

Thanks, looks great. Thanks for the listing!