samba-in-kubernetes / samba-operator

An operator for a Samba as a service on PVCs in kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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expose to external using TCP ingress #189

Open gioppoluca opened 2 years ago

gioppoluca commented 2 years ago

I'm using traefik as ingress controller.

Is it possible to ask the operator to create the service that exposes the share only as a cluster IP so that it will be possible to use the ingresstcp resource to expose the service through the ingress controller?

phlogistonjohn commented 2 years ago

In the SmbCommonConfig we support a network option 'publish' that helps control what kinds of services get created:

However, without checking the code I also thought we created Services with cluster IP access by default. Let me know if you think this is wrong, or if you think I'm not understanding your question. I'm happy to discuss this further.

gioppoluca commented 2 years ago

If I am correct if I define network as external the operator create a load balancer but I need only to get an ingrestcp. So the proposal is to have an option not to create the load balancer or to specify the type of the service and maybe the a template of resource to create

phlogistonjohn commented 2 years ago

If I am correct if I define network as external the operator create a load balancer

Yes, that's correct

but I need only to get an ingrestcp. So the proposal is to have an option not to create the load balancer

You can still have the operator create the Service w/o load balancer. Have you tried it? If so, how does that service fail to work with traefik/ingress tcp? I ask to better learn what others are doing. Also maybe there's a bug and I just haven't hit it yet.

or to specify the type of the service and maybe the a template of resource to create

We certainly think that we need to do more templating for pods, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch to do more templating for services too. It's a good idea, thanks!

gioppoluca commented 2 years ago

How can i have the operator create the service without loadbalancer? I did not found the option

spuiuk commented 2 years ago

I created two smbshares. 1) smbshare2 - non clustered smbshare 2) smbshare3 - clustered smbshare.

I see the following services on my kubernetes cluster $ kubectl get service -o wide NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE SELECTOR kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 7d22h smbshare2 ClusterIP 445/TCP 110s smbshare3 ClusterIP 445/TCP 3m8s

for both smbshare2 and smbshare3 service, the type is set to ClusterIP.

thiscantbeserious commented 2 years ago

The OP is misunderstanding the very simple fact that you can just deploy an IngressRoute for any ClusterIP Services like that with Traefik:

kind: IngressRoute
  name: portainer-dashboard
  namespace: portainer
    - web
    - websecure
    - match: Host(``) # Hostname to match
      kind: Rule
      services: # Service to redirect requests to
        - name: portainer
          port: 9000
          kind: Service
          namespace: portainer
        - name: sso
          namespace: traefik-system
    secretName: my-cert