Closed marthinkondjeni closed 4 weeks ago
Please upload the file to review and understand what may have gone wrong.
Here is the file 00-828-7458.pdf
I get the following output. Please review the version of PDFIO you are using. Please set up a fresh environment and try. I used the trunk build. If you are seeing the issue with the last released build, may be we need to release a new version.
IT Audit Senior Manager | Risk Advisory
Company Description
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory,
tax and related services. Our global network of member firms and related entities in more than 150
countries and territories (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”) serves four out of five Fortune Global
500® companies. Learn how Deloitte’s approximately 410,000 people make an impact that matters at
Job Description
What impact will you make?
Every day, your work will make an impact that matters, while you thrive in a dynamic culture of inclusion,
collaboration and high performance. As the undisputed leader in professional services, Deloitte is where
you’ll find unrivaled opportunities to succeed and realize your full potential.
Main Purpose of Job
Supports business area leadership in the implementation of strategic plan. Focus on the management
and delivery of client engagements, as well as sales and practice development. Develop highperforming
people, leading and supporting them to make an impact that matters, and setting the direction to deliver
exceptional client service.
Key Performance areas:
Delivery Excellence
Involved in all facets of IT risk management including assessment, reporting, and developing action
plans to address risks;
Plan and execute IT internal and external audits as well as IT governance reviews;
Audit security configurations, authorizations, change control processes, and operations at various
clients using different tools and platforms;
Participate in the development of new tools, solutions and market offerings;
Perform project tasks independently, and direct the efforts of others;
Extensive client liaison and engagement with related stakeholders;
Managing and/or contributing to overall Deloitte office roles and functions;
Prepares project plan to meet objectives within established budget and timeline and recognizes when
plans should be adjusted to meet objectives;
Develops budget, scope and staffing recommendations based on understanding of client budget and
project economics;
Communicates business objectives and desired outcomes to guide the work of others;
Ensures that team’s work meets quality assurance standards and that all relevant risks have been
identified and appropriately addressed;
Recognizes potential independence or related issues and takes appropriate action, includingBase.TTY(RawFD(15) open, 0 bytes waiting)
tried with PDFIO v.1.1.14 the latest version with Julia version 1.10.0.
I see no issues. Here are the package files for comparison.
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Thank you so much. The issue was on my side. When I uploaded the file from Windows to Linux, it got corrupted.
Good day, I am following the documentation but I am getting this error
pdPageExtractText(stdout,pdDocGetPage(pdDocOpen("Job_Adverts/00-828-7458.pdf"), 1))