samchen2009 / ekanban

a kanban plugin for redmine
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Drag and Drop #51

Closed arunsd closed 10 years ago

arunsd commented 10 years ago


We have installed the redmine using bitnami and installed ekanban plugin after that The few issues we are facing are

  1. On drag and drop from one status to another is not working.
  2. On double click there is no kanban card is shown

These two things are working in your demo.

May be we missed something to get these features. Appreciate your help.

Thanks, Arun

prmartinuk commented 10 years ago

Have you got Redmine running in a subfolder (e.g. )?

Due to issue #41, I had exactly the issue you describe because I had Redmine in a subfolder. You can workaround it by using the webserver's URL rewriting (mapping /kanban_apis to /redmine/kanban_apis).

arunsd commented 10 years ago


We are new to this. Can you please let us know where exactly we need to do this URL rewriting and its sample format.

It will save alot of time for us

Appreciate your help.

Thanks, Arun

prmartinuk commented 10 years ago

I don't have a bitnami install so I am basing a lot of this off bitnami's support pages.

If you edit "installdir/apps/redmine/conf/httpd-prefix.conf" in a text editor.

You should find two lines:

ProxyPass /redmine balancer://redmine_cluster
ProxyPassReverse /redmine balancer://redmine_cluster

After those two line ADD these two lines:

ProxyPass /kanban_apis balancer://redmine_cluster/kanban_apis
ProxyPassReverse /kanban_apis balancer://redmine_cluster/kanban_apis

And the restart Apache.

arunsd commented 10 years ago

We tried that out. Still we face the same issues

  1. No kanban card is shown on double click
  2. There is no status change happening on drag and drop on kanban board

Plz find the configuration below on httpd-prefix.conf

Alias /redmine/ "C:\MyApp\BitNami\redmine-2.3.2-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/public/" Alias /redmine "C:\MyApp\BitNami\redmine-2.3.2-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/public"

ProxyPass /redmine balancer://redminecluster ProxyPassReverse /redmine balancer://redminecluster

ProxyPass /kanban_apis balancer://redmine_cluster/kanban_apis ProxyPassReverse /kanban_apis balancer://redmine_cluster/kanban_apis

<Proxy balancer://redminecluster> BalancerMember


Include "C:\MyApp\BitNami\redmine-2.3.2-1/apps/redmine/conf/httpd-app.conf"

prmartinuk commented 10 years ago

Ah, your Redmine load balancing cluster is called redminecluster (rather than redmine_cluster)

In which case the two lines I suggested you add should have read:

ProxyPass /kanban_apis balancer://redminecluster/kanban_apis
ProxyPassReverse /kanban_apis balancer://redminecluster/kanban_apis

and then restart apache.

arunsd commented 10 years ago


Sorry about that. We corrected it and Now its working. Let us check all cases and if we notice some issues, we will get back to you. You guys are doing a really good work, especially very fast responses Thanks alot. Really appreciate your time and support


banterCZ commented 10 years ago

I am using bitnami with Redmine 2.3.3-0. I edited httpd-prefix.conf as you suggest but I get the following error during Apache start:

Syntax error on line 10 of /home/banter/redmine-2.3.3-0/apps/redmine/conf/httpd-prefix.conf: BalancerMember must define remote proxy server