Path alias is already a useful feature when running code analysis, however, the output is always path relative to the found module.
This may not be always desirable, like, for instance, when working with modular projects and/or monorepos, since the output will be outside the scope of the main project.
I'm already trying some solutions for this one, but I need further testing to make sure it doesn't break anything.
Probably there will be more feature requests related to modular projects, but I'm hoping this one will be enough.
Path alias is already a useful feature when running code analysis, however, the output is always path relative to the found module.
This may not be always desirable, like, for instance, when working with modular projects and/or monorepos, since the output will be outside the scope of the main project.
I'm already trying some solutions for this one, but I need further testing to make sure it doesn't break anything.
Probably there will be more feature requests related to modular projects, but I'm hoping this one will be enough.