samchon / tgrid

TypeScript RPC (Remote Procedure Call) for WebSocket and Worker protocols
MIT License
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Parametric value undefined be null in RFC (Remote Function Call) #15

Closed samchon closed 5 years ago

samchon commented 5 years ago


Call remote function (1, 2, undefined) -> be (1, 2, null)

Code occuring the bug

import { WebServer } from "tgrid/protocols/web/WebServer";
import { WebConnector } from "tgrid/protocols/web/WebConnector";
import { Driver } from "tgrid/basic/Driver";

class Something
    public trace(...args: any[]): void

async function main(): Promise<void>
    let server: WebServer = new WebServer();
    await, async acceptor =>
        await acceptor.accept(new Something());

    let connector: WebConnector = new WebConnector();
    await connector.connect("ws://");

    let something: Driver<Something> = connector.getDriver<Something>();
    await something.trace(1, { obj: {} }, undefined, "text");

    await connector.close();
    await server.close();
1 { obj: {} } null 'text'


console.log(JSON.stringify([1, 2, undefined, 'text']));
'[1, 2, null, "text"]'

When insert an undefined value in an Array and stringify the Array, the undefined value is printed as a null value. That's the reason why such error has been occurred. Thus, the only way to avoid such error is to changing data structure the Invoke, message structure for RFC.

If the Invoke.IFunction represents parametric values as not atomic values, but being capsuled into objects, the bug must be fixed.

export namespace Invoke
    export interface IFunction
        uid: number;
        listener: string;
        parameters: IParameter[];
    export interface IParameter
        type: string;
        value: any;