samdark / yii2-cookbook

Yii 2.0 Community Cookbook
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SEO web page tags recipe #76

Closed mrsurname closed 8 years ago

mrsurname commented 8 years ago

Btw, Alexander, is it ok to write recipe about how to enable pretty URL? I know it is already mentioned in a lot of places. But maybe it will be good to have it inside SEO essentials section. In order to have all such information in one place.

samdark commented 8 years ago

@summerknight yes, that's a good idea.

samdark commented 8 years ago

Another topics could be canonical URLs and slugs.

mrsurname commented 8 years ago

Another question related to SEO theme. GridView and it's filters. By default when you use filters a very long query string is appeared. Is there a good explanation how to make it pretty?

For SEO it may be ok, for example if you want to increase amount of pages based on GridView filters (of course have to manage possible content duplications because of this). In other situations for SEO PJAX will be ok.

samdark commented 8 years ago

A long query string is actually good for SEO in this case. You definitely don't want all these variations in your search index.

mrsurname commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to change GridView search link format? In order to avoid something like this (GridView by default): specialties?Search%5Bname%5D=&Search%5Baddr%5D=fd&Search%5Bphone%5D=&Search%5Bsite%5D=

Sometimes it is not good, for example if user wants to share the link. It is very long and very strange so users will not click on it.

samdark commented 8 years ago

Probably yes. I haven't tried to.

mrsurname commented 8 years ago

Two new recipes are added: how to leverage browser caching, reusing views via partials

samdark commented 8 years ago


samdark commented 8 years ago

Merged with adjustments. Thanks!