samdmarshall / SDK-Builder

Script for building Xcode SDKs
5 stars 4 forks source link

SDK not being created (possibly permissions error) #1

Closed samdmarshall closed 9 years ago

samdmarshall commented 9 years ago

I have another error :

Creating SDK from template...
Copying additional SDK resources...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 239, in <module>
  File "", line 226, in main
    copy_internal(sdk_item_dir, args.sdk, kPrivateSDK, kVerboseLogLevel);
  File "", line 114, in copy_internal
    iterate_sdk(path, template_path, sdk_path, kVerboseLogLevel)
  File "", line 91, in iterate_sdk
  File "", line 27, in make_dir
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/AppleInternal/OrderFiles'

Seems /AppleInternal/OrderFiles doesn't exist. And, it's true, it doesn't exist on my HD (but it does exist in the PrivateSDK)

Quoted from, original issue closed as it is on the wrong repo. I've created this issue here to further investigate the problem.

@perfaram Could you please re-run the script with the flag "-vvvvvvvvvv" so it turns on more verbose logging and there might be more information as to what the issue is. You may need to check to see if an invalid SDK folder was created, you can find them by entering xcrun --show-sdk-path --sdk macosx in a terminal and then navigating up a folder from there. In a stock install of Xcode 6.X you should only have MacOSX10.10.sdk and MacOSX10.9.sdk. If there are other folders, please remove them and re-run the script. If the problem persists please try executing as sudo because it might be a permissions problem from an Mac App Store install vs installing Xcode when downloaded on a dmg from the developer portal.

perfaram commented 9 years ago

Okay, the thing is, I managed to get it working by putting manually the "missing" files. Now, I removed the created privatesdk to try what you asked to. Here's the result with -vvvvvvvvv flag :

Creating SDK from template...
Using base SDK path: /Applications/
Copying framework: 'Accelerate'
Copying framework: 'Accounts'
Copying framework: 'AddressBook'
Copying framework: 'AGL'
Copying framework: 'AppKit'
Copying framework: 'AppKitScripting'
Copying framework: 'AppleScriptKit'
Copying framework: 'AppleScriptObjC'
Copying framework: 'AppleShareClientCore'
Copying framework: 'ApplicationServices'
Copying framework: 'AudioToolbox'
Copying framework: 'AudioUnit'
Copying framework: 'AudioVideoBridging'
Copying framework: 'Automator'
Copying framework: 'AVFoundation'
Copying framework: 'AVKit'
Copying framework: 'CalendarStore'
Copying framework: 'Carbon'
Copying framework: 'CFNetwork'
Copying framework: 'Cocoa'
Copying framework: 'Collaboration'
Copying framework: 'CoreAudio'
Copying framework: 'CoreAudioKit'
Copying framework: 'CoreData'
Copying framework: 'CoreFoundation'
Copying framework: 'CoreGraphics'
Copying framework: 'CoreLocation'
Copying framework: 'CoreMedia'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaIO'
Copying framework: 'CoreMIDI'
Copying framework: 'CoreMIDIServer'
Copying framework: 'CoreServices'
Copying framework: 'CoreText'
Copying framework: 'CoreVideo'
Copying framework: 'CoreWiFi'
Copying framework: 'CoreWLAN'
Copying framework: 'DirectoryService'
Copying framework: 'DiscRecording'
Copying framework: 'DiscRecordingUI'
Copying framework: 'DiskArbitration'
Copying framework: 'DrawSprocket'
Copying framework: 'DVComponentGlue'
Copying framework: 'DVDPlayback'
Copying framework: 'EventKit'
Copying framework: 'ExceptionHandling'
Copying framework: 'ForceFeedback'
Copying framework: 'Foundation'
Copying framework: 'FWAUserLib'
Copying framework: 'GameController'
Copying framework: 'GameKit'
Copying framework: 'GLKit'
Copying framework: 'GLUT'
Copying framework: 'GSS'
Copying framework: 'ICADevices'
Copying framework: 'ImageCaptureCore'
Copying framework: 'ImageIO'
Copying framework: 'IMServicePlugIn'
Copying framework: 'InputMethodKit'
Copying framework: 'InstallerPlugins'
Copying framework: 'InstantMessage'
Copying framework: 'IOBluetooth'
Copying framework: 'IOBluetoothUI'
Copying framework: 'IOKit'
Copying framework: 'IOSurface'
Copying framework: 'JavaFrameEmbedding'
Copying framework: 'JavaScriptCore'
Copying framework: 'JavaVM'
Copying framework: 'Kerberos'
Copying framework: 'Kernel'
Copying framework: 'LatentSemanticMapping'
Copying framework: 'LDAP'
Copying framework: 'MapKit'
Copying framework: 'MediaAccessibility'
Copying framework: 'MediaLibrary'
Copying framework: 'MediaToolbox'
Copying framework: 'NetFS'
Copying framework: 'OpenAL'
Copying framework: 'OpenCL'
Copying framework: 'OpenDirectory'
Copying framework: 'OpenGL'
Copying framework: 'OSAKit'
Copying framework: 'PCSC'
Copying framework: 'PreferencePanes'
Copying framework: 'PubSub'
Copying framework: 'QTKit'
Copying framework: 'Quartz'
Copying framework: 'QuartzCore'
Copying framework: 'QuickLook'
Copying framework: 'QuickTime'
Copying framework: 'Ruby'
Copying framework: 'RubyCocoa'
Copying framework: 'SceneKit'
Copying framework: 'ScreenSaver'
Copying framework: 'Scripting'
Copying framework: 'ScriptingBridge'
Copying framework: 'Security'
Copying framework: 'SecurityFoundation'
Copying framework: 'SecurityInterface'
Copying framework: 'ServiceManagement'
Copying framework: 'Social'
Copying framework: 'SpriteKit'
Copying framework: 'StoreKit'
Copying framework: 'SyncServices'
Copying framework: 'System'
Copying framework: 'SystemConfiguration'
Copying framework: 'Tcl'
Copying framework: 'Tk'
Copying framework: 'TWAIN'
Copying framework: 'VideoDecodeAcceleration'
Copying framework: 'VideoToolbox'
Copying framework: 'WebKit'
Copying framework: 'vecLib'
Copying framework: 'vImage'
Copying framework: 'ATS'
Copying framework: 'ColorSync'
Copying framework: 'CoreGraphics'
Copying framework: 'CoreText'
Copying framework: 'HIServices'
Copying framework: 'ImageIO'
Copying framework: 'LangAnalysis'
Copying framework: 'PrintCore'
Copying framework: 'QD'
Copying framework: 'SpeechSynthesis'
Copying framework: 'MediaBrowser'
Copying framework: 'CarbonSound'
Copying framework: 'CommonPanels'
Copying framework: 'Help'
Copying framework: 'HIToolbox'
Copying framework: 'HTMLRendering'
Copying framework: 'ImageCapture'
Copying framework: 'Ink'
Copying framework: 'NavigationServices'
Copying framework: 'OpenScripting'
Copying framework: 'Print'
Copying framework: 'SecurityHI'
Copying framework: 'SpeechRecognition'
Copying framework: 'PMBrowser'
Copying framework: 'AE'
Copying framework: 'CarbonCore'
Copying framework: 'DictionaryServices'
Copying framework: 'LaunchServices'
Copying framework: 'Metadata'
Copying framework: 'OSServices'
Copying framework: 'SearchKit'
Copying framework: 'IMServicePlugInSupport'
Copying framework: 'CoreBluetooth'
Copying framework: 'JavaNativeFoundation'
Copying framework: 'JavaRuntimeSupport'
Copying framework: 'CFOpenDirectory'
Copying framework: 'ImageKit'
Copying framework: 'PDFKit'
Copying framework: 'QuartzComposer'
Copying framework: 'QuartzFilters'
Copying framework: 'QuickLookUI'
Copying framework: 'CoreImage'
Copying framework: 'ScalableUserInterface'
Copying framework: 'WebCore'
Copying framework: 'AccessibilityBundles'
Copying framework: 'AccountsDaemon'
Copying framework: 'Admin'
Copying framework: 'AirTrafficHost'
Copying framework: 'Altitude'
Copying framework: 'AOSAccounts'
Copying framework: 'AOSKit'
Copying framework: 'AOSMigrate'
Copying framework: 'AOSNotification'
Copying framework: 'AOSUI'
Copying framework: 'AppContainer'
Copying framework: 'Apple80211'
Copying framework: 'AppleAppSupport'
Copying framework: 'AppleFSCompression'
Copying framework: 'AppleGVA'
Copying framework: 'AppleGVACore'
Copying framework: 'AppleLDAP'
Copying framework: 'AppleProfileFamily'
Copying framework: 'ApplePushService'
Copying framework: 'AppleScript'
Copying framework: 'AppleSRP'
Copying framework: 'AppleSystemInfo'
Copying framework: 'AppleVA'
Copying framework: 'AppSandbox'
Copying framework: 'Assistant'
Copying framework: 'AssistantServices'
Copying framework: 'AssistiveControlSupport'
Copying framework: 'AVConference'
Copying framework: 'AVCore'
Copying framework: 'AVFoundationCF'
Copying framework: 'Backup'
Copying framework: 'BezelServices'
Copying framework: 'Bom'
Copying framework: 'BookKit'
Copying framework: 'BookmarkDAV'
Copying framework: 'BrowserKit'
Copying framework: 'ByteRangeLocking'
Copying framework: 'Calculate'
Copying framework: 'CalDAV'
Copying framework: 'CalendarAgent'
Copying framework: 'CalendarAgentLink'
Copying framework: 'CalendarDraw'
Copying framework: 'CalendarFoundation'
Copying framework: 'CalendarPersistence'
Copying framework: 'CalendarUI'
Copying framework: 'CaptiveNetwork'
Copying framework: 'CharacterPicker'
Copying framework: 'ChunkingLibrary'
Copying framework: 'ClockMenuExtraPreferences'
Copying framework: 'CloudServices'
Copying framework: 'CommerceKit'
Copying framework: 'CommonAuth'
Copying framework: 'CommonCandidateWindow'
Copying framework: 'CommunicationsFilter'
Copying framework: 'ConfigProfileHelper'
Copying framework: 'ConfigurationProfiles'
Copying framework: 'ContactsAssistantServices'
Copying framework: 'ContactsAutocomplete'
Copying framework: 'ContactsData'
Copying framework: 'ContactsFoundation'
Copying framework: 'ContactsUI'
Copying framework: 'CoreADI'
Copying framework: 'CoreAUC'
Copying framework: 'CoreAVCHD'
Copying framework: 'CoreChineseEngine'
Copying framework: 'CoreDaemon'
Copying framework: 'CoreDAV'
Copying framework: 'CoreFP'
Copying framework: 'CoreHandwriting'
Copying framework: 'CoreKE'
Copying framework: 'CoreLSKD'
Copying framework: 'CoreLSKDMSE'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaAuthoring'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaIOServicesPrivate'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaPrivate'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaStream'
Copying framework: 'CorePDF'
Copying framework: 'CoreProfile'
Copying framework: 'CoreRAID'
Copying framework: 'CoreRecents'
Copying framework: 'CoreRecognition'
Copying framework: 'CoreSDB'
Copying framework: 'CoreServicesInternal'
Copying framework: 'CoreSymbolication'
Copying framework: 'CoreThemeDefinition'
Copying framework: 'CoreUI'
Copying framework: 'CoreUtils'
Copying framework: 'CoreWLANKit'
Copying framework: 'CrashReporterSupport'
Copying framework: 'DashboardClient'
Copying framework: 'DataDetectors'
Copying framework: 'DataDetectorsCore'
Copying framework: 'DCERPC'
Copying framework: 'DebugSymbols'
Copying framework: 'DesktopServicesPriv'
Copying framework: 'DeviceLink'
Copying framework: 'DeviceToDeviceKit'
Copying framework: 'DeviceToDeviceManager'
Copying framework: 'DiagnosticLogCollection'
Copying framework: 'DigiHubPreference'
Copying framework: 'DirectoryEditor'
Copying framework: 'DirectoryServer'
Copying framework: 'DiskImages'
Copying framework: 'DiskManagement'
Copying framework: 'DisplayServices'
Copying framework: 'DMNotification'
Copying framework: 'DVD'
Copying framework: 'EAP8021X'
Copying framework: 'EasyConfig'
Copying framework: 'EFILogin'
Copying framework: 'EmailAddressing'
Copying framework: 'ExchangeWebServices'
Copying framework: 'FaceCore'
Copying framework: 'FaceCoreLight'
Copying framework: 'FamilyControls'
Copying framework: 'FileSync'
Copying framework: 'FinderKit'
Copying framework: 'FindMyMac'
Copying framework: 'FTClientServices'
Copying framework: 'FTServices'
Copying framework: 'FWAVC'
Copying framework: 'FWAVCPrivate'
Copying framework: 'GameKitServices'
Copying framework: 'GenerationalStorage'
Copying framework: 'GeoKit'
Copying framework: 'GeoServices'
Copying framework: 'GPUSupport'
Copying framework: 'GraphicsAppSupport'
Copying framework: 'GraphKit'
Copying framework: 'HDAInterface'
Copying framework: 'Heimdal'
Copying framework: 'HeimODAdmin'
Copying framework: 'HelpData'
Copying framework: 'IASUtilities'
Copying framework: 'iCalendar'
Copying framework: 'ICANotifications'
Copying framework: 'IconServices'
Copying framework: 'IDS'
Copying framework: 'IDSCore'
Copying framework: 'IDSFoundation'
Copying framework: 'IDSSystemPreferencesSignIn'
Copying framework: 'iLifeMediaBrowser'
Copying framework: 'IMAP'
Copying framework: 'IMAVCore'
Copying framework: 'IMCore'
Copying framework: 'IMDaemonCore'
Copying framework: 'IMDMessageServices'
Copying framework: 'IMDPersistence'
Copying framework: 'IMFoundation'
Copying framework: 'IMTranscoding'
Copying framework: 'IMTransferServices'
Copying framework: 'IncomingCallFilter'
Copying framework: 'Install'
Copying framework: 'International'
Copying framework: 'InternetAccounts'
Copying framework: 'IntlPreferences'
Copying framework: 'IOAccelerator'
Copying framework: 'IOAccelMemoryInfo'
Copying framework: 'IOPlatformPluginFamily'
Copying framework: 'iPod'
Copying framework: 'iPodSync'
Copying framework: 'ISSupport'
Copying framework: 'iTunesAccess'
Copying framework: 'JavaApplicationLauncher'
Copying framework: 'JavaLaunching'
Copying framework: 'KerberosHelper'
Copying framework: 'kperf'
Copying framework: 'Librarian'
Copying framework: 'LibraryRepair'
Copying framework: 'login'
Copying framework: 'LoginUIKit'
Copying framework: 'Lookup'
Copying framework: 'MachineSettings'
Copying framework: 'Mail'
Copying framework: 'MailCore'
Copying framework: 'MailService'
Copying framework: 'MailUI'
Copying framework: 'ManagedClient'
Copying framework: 'Mangrove'
Copying framework: 'Marco'
Copying framework: 'MDSChannel'
Copying framework: 'MediaControlSender'
Copying framework: 'MediaKit'
Copying framework: 'MediaUI'
Copying framework: 'MessageProtection'
Copying framework: 'MessagesHelperKit'
Copying framework: 'MessagesKit'
Copying framework: 'MMCS'
Copying framework: 'MMCSServices'
Copying framework: 'MobileDevice'
Copying framework: 'MonitorPanel'
Copying framework: 'MultitouchSupport'
Copying framework: 'NetAuth'
Copying framework: 'NetFSServer'
Copying framework: 'NetworkDiagnosticsUI'
Copying framework: 'NetworkMenusCommon'
Copying framework: 'NetworkStatistics'
Copying framework: 'Notes'
Copying framework: 'Noticeboard'
Copying framework: 'nt'
Copying framework: 'OAuth'
Copying framework: 'OfficeImport'
Copying framework: 'oncrpc'
Copying framework: 'OpenDirectoryConfig'
Copying framework: 'OpenDirectoryConfigUI'
Copying framework: 'PackageKit'
Copying framework: 'PacketFilter'
Copying framework: 'PassKit'
Copying framework: 'PasswordServer'
Copying framework: 'PerformanceAnalysis'
Copying framework: 'PhoneNumbers'
Copying framework: 'PhysicsKit'
Copying framework: 'PlatformHardwareManagement'
Copying framework: 'PodcastProducerCore'
Copying framework: 'PodcastProducerKit'
Copying framework: 'PreferencePanesSupport'
Copying framework: 'PrintingPrivate'
Copying framework: 'ProKit'
Copying framework: 'ProofReader'
Copying framework: 'ProtocolBuffer'
Copying framework: 'PSNormalizer'
Copying framework: 'RemoteViewServices'
Copying framework: 'Restore'
Copying framework: 'RTCReporting'
Copying framework: 'Safari'
Copying framework: 'SafariServices'
Copying framework: 'SAObjects'
Copying framework: 'SCEP'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReader'
Copying framework: 'ScreenSharing'
Copying framework: 'SecCodeWrapper'
Copying framework: 'SecureNetworking'
Copying framework: 'SecurityTokend'
Copying framework: 'SemanticDocumentManagement'
Copying framework: 'ServerFoundation'
Copying framework: 'ServerInformation'
Copying framework: 'SetupAssistantSupport'
Copying framework: 'ShareKit'
Copying framework: 'Sharing'
Copying framework: 'Shortcut'
Copying framework: 'SleepServices'
Copying framework: 'Slideshows'
Copying framework: 'SMBClient'
Copying framework: 'SocialAppsCore'
Copying framework: 'SocialUI'
Copying framework: 'SoftwareUpdate'
Copying framework: 'SpeechDictionary'
Copying framework: 'SpeechObjects'
Copying framework: 'SpeechRecognitionCore'
Copying framework: 'SpotlightIndex'
Copying framework: 'SPSupport'
Copying framework: 'StoreJavaScript'
Copying framework: 'StoreUI'
Copying framework: 'StoreXPCServices'
Copying framework: 'StreamingZip'
Copying framework: 'Suggestions'
Copying framework: 'Symbolication'
Copying framework: 'Symptoms'
Copying framework: 'SyncedDefaults'
Copying framework: 'SyncServicesUI'
Copying framework: 'SystemAdministration'
Copying framework: 'SystemMigration'
Copying framework: 'SystemUIPlugin'
Copying framework: 'TCC'
Copying framework: 'TrustEvaluationAgent'
Copying framework: 'Ubiquity'
Copying framework: 'UIRecording'
Copying framework: 'Uninstall'
Copying framework: 'UniversalAccess'
Copying framework: 'VCXMPP'
Copying framework: 'VectorKit'
Copying framework: 'VideoConference'
Copying framework: 'VideoProcessing'
Copying framework: 'ViewBridge'
Copying framework: 'vmutils'
Copying framework: 'WeatherKit'
Copying framework: 'WebContentAnalysis'
Copying framework: 'WebFilterDNS'
Copying framework: 'WebInspector'
Copying framework: 'WebInspectorUI'
Copying framework: 'WebKit2'
Copying framework: 'WhitePages'
Copying framework: 'WiFiCloudSyncEngine'
Copying framework: 'WirelessDiagnosticsSupport'
Copying framework: 'XMPPCore'
Copying framework: 'XPCObjects'
Copying framework: 'XPCService'
Copying framework: 'XQuery'
Copying framework: 'AccessibilityClient'
Copying framework: 'GKSPerformance'
Copying framework: 'ICE'
Copying framework: 'LegacyHandle'
Copying framework: 'SimpleKeyExchange'
Copying framework: 'snatmap'
Copying framework: 'ViceroyTrace'
Copying framework: 'SafariDAVNotifier'
Copying framework: 'CommerceCore'
Copying framework: 'CFDirectoryServer'
Copying framework: 'ImageIO'
Copying framework: 'ImageKit'
Copying framework: 'QuartzComposer'
Copying framework: 'DistributionKit'
Copying framework: 'OSInstall'
Copying framework: 'loginsupport'
Copying framework: 'LoginUICore'
Copying framework: 'PackageUIKit'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderBrailleDriver'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderCore'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderOutput'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderOutputServer'
Copying framework: 'IMRenderingFoundation'
Copying framework: 'DictationServices'
Copying framework: 'ManagedEvent'
Copying framework: 'SymptomAnalytics'
Copying framework: 'SymptomEvaluator'
Copying framework: 'SymptomPresentationFeed'
Copying framework: 'SymptomReporter'
Copying framework: 'AutoLoader'
Copying framework: 'SlingShot+10_6'
Copying framework: 'UAEHCommon'
Copying framework: 'UniversalAccessCore'
Copying framework: 'Apollo'
Copying framework: 'libxml'
Copying framework: 'Pear'
Copying framework: 'uxmi'
Copying framework: 'XMPPToolkit'
Copying additional SDK resources...
Copying: AppleInternal
Copying: System
Copying: usr

Obviously, it worked. Now, removing everything and retrying without the manually copied files (AppleInternal) :

$ > sudo python --sdk ~/Documents/Devs/OSXPrivateSDK/PrivateSDK10.9 -vvvvvvvvvv
Creating SDK from template...
Using base SDK path: /Applications/
Copying framework: 'Accelerate'
Copying framework: 'Accounts'
Copying framework: 'AddressBook'
Copying framework: 'AGL'
Copying framework: 'AppKit'
Copying framework: 'AppKitScripting'
Copying framework: 'AppleScriptKit'
Copying framework: 'AppleScriptObjC'
Copying framework: 'AppleShareClientCore'
Copying framework: 'ApplicationServices'
Copying framework: 'AudioToolbox'
Copying framework: 'AudioUnit'
Copying framework: 'AudioVideoBridging'
Copying framework: 'Automator'
Copying framework: 'AVFoundation'
Copying framework: 'AVKit'
Copying framework: 'CalendarStore'
Copying framework: 'Carbon'
Copying framework: 'CFNetwork'
Copying framework: 'Cocoa'
Copying framework: 'Collaboration'
Copying framework: 'CoreAudio'
Copying framework: 'CoreAudioKit'
Copying framework: 'CoreData'
Copying framework: 'CoreFoundation'
Copying framework: 'CoreGraphics'
Copying framework: 'CoreLocation'
Copying framework: 'CoreMedia'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaIO'
Copying framework: 'CoreMIDI'
Copying framework: 'CoreMIDIServer'
Copying framework: 'CoreServices'
Copying framework: 'CoreText'
Copying framework: 'CoreVideo'
Copying framework: 'CoreWiFi'
Copying framework: 'CoreWLAN'
Copying framework: 'DirectoryService'
Copying framework: 'DiscRecording'
Copying framework: 'DiscRecordingUI'
Copying framework: 'DiskArbitration'
Copying framework: 'DrawSprocket'
Copying framework: 'DVComponentGlue'
Copying framework: 'DVDPlayback'
Copying framework: 'EventKit'
Copying framework: 'ExceptionHandling'
Copying framework: 'ForceFeedback'
Copying framework: 'Foundation'
Copying framework: 'FWAUserLib'
Copying framework: 'GameController'
Copying framework: 'GameKit'
Copying framework: 'GLKit'
Copying framework: 'GLUT'
Copying framework: 'GSS'
Copying framework: 'ICADevices'
Copying framework: 'ImageCaptureCore'
Copying framework: 'ImageIO'
Copying framework: 'IMServicePlugIn'
Copying framework: 'InputMethodKit'
Copying framework: 'InstallerPlugins'
Copying framework: 'InstantMessage'
Copying framework: 'IOBluetooth'
Copying framework: 'IOBluetoothUI'
Copying framework: 'IOKit'
Copying framework: 'IOSurface'
Copying framework: 'JavaFrameEmbedding'
Copying framework: 'JavaScriptCore'
Copying framework: 'JavaVM'
Copying framework: 'Kerberos'
Copying framework: 'Kernel'
Copying framework: 'LatentSemanticMapping'
Copying framework: 'LDAP'
Copying framework: 'MapKit'
Copying framework: 'MediaAccessibility'
Copying framework: 'MediaLibrary'
Copying framework: 'MediaToolbox'
Copying framework: 'NetFS'
Copying framework: 'OpenAL'
Copying framework: 'OpenCL'
Copying framework: 'OpenDirectory'
Copying framework: 'OpenGL'
Copying framework: 'OSAKit'
Copying framework: 'PCSC'
Copying framework: 'PreferencePanes'
Copying framework: 'PubSub'
Copying framework: 'QTKit'
Copying framework: 'Quartz'
Copying framework: 'QuartzCore'
Copying framework: 'QuickLook'
Copying framework: 'QuickTime'
Copying framework: 'Ruby'
Copying framework: 'RubyCocoa'
Copying framework: 'SceneKit'
Copying framework: 'ScreenSaver'
Copying framework: 'Scripting'
Copying framework: 'ScriptingBridge'
Copying framework: 'Security'
Copying framework: 'SecurityFoundation'
Copying framework: 'SecurityInterface'
Copying framework: 'ServiceManagement'
Copying framework: 'Social'
Copying framework: 'SpriteKit'
Copying framework: 'StoreKit'
Copying framework: 'SyncServices'
Copying framework: 'System'
Copying framework: 'SystemConfiguration'
Copying framework: 'Tcl'
Copying framework: 'Tk'
Copying framework: 'TWAIN'
Copying framework: 'VideoDecodeAcceleration'
Copying framework: 'VideoToolbox'
Copying framework: 'WebKit'
Copying framework: 'vecLib'
Copying framework: 'vImage'
Copying framework: 'ATS'
Copying framework: 'ColorSync'
Copying framework: 'CoreGraphics'
Copying framework: 'CoreText'
Copying framework: 'HIServices'
Copying framework: 'ImageIO'
Copying framework: 'LangAnalysis'
Copying framework: 'PrintCore'
Copying framework: 'QD'
Copying framework: 'SpeechSynthesis'
Copying framework: 'MediaBrowser'
Copying framework: 'CarbonSound'
Copying framework: 'CommonPanels'
Copying framework: 'Help'
Copying framework: 'HIToolbox'
Copying framework: 'HTMLRendering'
Copying framework: 'ImageCapture'
Copying framework: 'Ink'
Copying framework: 'NavigationServices'
Copying framework: 'OpenScripting'
Copying framework: 'Print'
Copying framework: 'SecurityHI'
Copying framework: 'SpeechRecognition'
Copying framework: 'PMBrowser'
Copying framework: 'AE'
Copying framework: 'CarbonCore'
Copying framework: 'DictionaryServices'
Copying framework: 'LaunchServices'
Copying framework: 'Metadata'
Copying framework: 'OSServices'
Copying framework: 'SearchKit'
Copying framework: 'IMServicePlugInSupport'
Copying framework: 'CoreBluetooth'
Copying framework: 'JavaNativeFoundation'
Copying framework: 'JavaRuntimeSupport'
Copying framework: 'CFOpenDirectory'
Copying framework: 'ImageKit'
Copying framework: 'PDFKit'
Copying framework: 'QuartzComposer'
Copying framework: 'QuartzFilters'
Copying framework: 'QuickLookUI'
Copying framework: 'CoreImage'
Copying framework: 'ScalableUserInterface'
Copying framework: 'WebCore'
Copying framework: 'AccessibilityBundles'
Copying framework: 'AccountsDaemon'
Copying framework: 'Admin'
Copying framework: 'AirTrafficHost'
Copying framework: 'Altitude'
Copying framework: 'AOSAccounts'
Copying framework: 'AOSKit'
Copying framework: 'AOSMigrate'
Copying framework: 'AOSNotification'
Copying framework: 'AOSUI'
Copying framework: 'AppContainer'
Copying framework: 'Apple80211'
Copying framework: 'AppleAppSupport'
Copying framework: 'AppleFSCompression'
Copying framework: 'AppleGVA'
Copying framework: 'AppleGVACore'
Copying framework: 'AppleLDAP'
Copying framework: 'AppleProfileFamily'
Copying framework: 'ApplePushService'
Copying framework: 'AppleScript'
Copying framework: 'AppleSRP'
Copying framework: 'AppleSystemInfo'
Copying framework: 'AppleVA'
Copying framework: 'AppSandbox'
Copying framework: 'Assistant'
Copying framework: 'AssistantServices'
Copying framework: 'AssistiveControlSupport'
Copying framework: 'AVConference'
Copying framework: 'AVCore'
Copying framework: 'AVFoundationCF'
Copying framework: 'Backup'
Copying framework: 'BezelServices'
Copying framework: 'Bom'
Copying framework: 'BookKit'
Copying framework: 'BookmarkDAV'
Copying framework: 'BrowserKit'
Copying framework: 'ByteRangeLocking'
Copying framework: 'Calculate'
Copying framework: 'CalDAV'
Copying framework: 'CalendarAgent'
Copying framework: 'CalendarAgentLink'
Copying framework: 'CalendarDraw'
Copying framework: 'CalendarFoundation'
Copying framework: 'CalendarPersistence'
Copying framework: 'CalendarUI'
Copying framework: 'CaptiveNetwork'
Copying framework: 'CharacterPicker'
Copying framework: 'ChunkingLibrary'
Copying framework: 'ClockMenuExtraPreferences'
Copying framework: 'CloudServices'
Copying framework: 'CommerceKit'
Copying framework: 'CommonAuth'
Copying framework: 'CommonCandidateWindow'
Copying framework: 'CommunicationsFilter'
Copying framework: 'ConfigProfileHelper'
Copying framework: 'ConfigurationProfiles'
Copying framework: 'ContactsAssistantServices'
Copying framework: 'ContactsAutocomplete'
Copying framework: 'ContactsData'
Copying framework: 'ContactsFoundation'
Copying framework: 'ContactsUI'
Copying framework: 'CoreADI'
Copying framework: 'CoreAUC'
Copying framework: 'CoreAVCHD'
Copying framework: 'CoreChineseEngine'
Copying framework: 'CoreDaemon'
Copying framework: 'CoreDAV'
Copying framework: 'CoreFP'
Copying framework: 'CoreHandwriting'
Copying framework: 'CoreKE'
Copying framework: 'CoreLSKD'
Copying framework: 'CoreLSKDMSE'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaAuthoring'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaIOServicesPrivate'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaPrivate'
Copying framework: 'CoreMediaStream'
Copying framework: 'CorePDF'
Copying framework: 'CoreProfile'
Copying framework: 'CoreRAID'
Copying framework: 'CoreRecents'
Copying framework: 'CoreRecognition'
Copying framework: 'CoreSDB'
Copying framework: 'CoreServicesInternal'
Copying framework: 'CoreSymbolication'
Copying framework: 'CoreThemeDefinition'
Copying framework: 'CoreUI'
Copying framework: 'CoreUtils'
Copying framework: 'CoreWLANKit'
Copying framework: 'CrashReporterSupport'
Copying framework: 'DashboardClient'
Copying framework: 'DataDetectors'
Copying framework: 'DataDetectorsCore'
Copying framework: 'DCERPC'
Copying framework: 'DebugSymbols'
Copying framework: 'DesktopServicesPriv'
Copying framework: 'DeviceLink'
Copying framework: 'DeviceToDeviceKit'
Copying framework: 'DeviceToDeviceManager'
Copying framework: 'DiagnosticLogCollection'
Copying framework: 'DigiHubPreference'
Copying framework: 'DirectoryEditor'
Copying framework: 'DirectoryServer'
Copying framework: 'DiskImages'
Copying framework: 'DiskManagement'
Copying framework: 'DisplayServices'
Copying framework: 'DMNotification'
Copying framework: 'DVD'
Copying framework: 'EAP8021X'
Copying framework: 'EasyConfig'
Copying framework: 'EFILogin'
Copying framework: 'EmailAddressing'
Copying framework: 'ExchangeWebServices'
Copying framework: 'FaceCore'
Copying framework: 'FaceCoreLight'
Copying framework: 'FamilyControls'
Copying framework: 'FileSync'
Copying framework: 'FinderKit'
Copying framework: 'FindMyMac'
Copying framework: 'FTClientServices'
Copying framework: 'FTServices'
Copying framework: 'FWAVC'
Copying framework: 'FWAVCPrivate'
Copying framework: 'GameKitServices'
Copying framework: 'GenerationalStorage'
Copying framework: 'GeoKit'
Copying framework: 'GeoServices'
Copying framework: 'GPUSupport'
Copying framework: 'GraphicsAppSupport'
Copying framework: 'GraphKit'
Copying framework: 'HDAInterface'
Copying framework: 'Heimdal'
Copying framework: 'HeimODAdmin'
Copying framework: 'HelpData'
Copying framework: 'IASUtilities'
Copying framework: 'iCalendar'
Copying framework: 'ICANotifications'
Copying framework: 'IconServices'
Copying framework: 'IDS'
Copying framework: 'IDSCore'
Copying framework: 'IDSFoundation'
Copying framework: 'IDSSystemPreferencesSignIn'
Copying framework: 'iLifeMediaBrowser'
Copying framework: 'IMAP'
Copying framework: 'IMAVCore'
Copying framework: 'IMCore'
Copying framework: 'IMDaemonCore'
Copying framework: 'IMDMessageServices'
Copying framework: 'IMDPersistence'
Copying framework: 'IMFoundation'
Copying framework: 'IMTranscoding'
Copying framework: 'IMTransferServices'
Copying framework: 'IncomingCallFilter'
Copying framework: 'Install'
Copying framework: 'International'
Copying framework: 'InternetAccounts'
Copying framework: 'IntlPreferences'
Copying framework: 'IOAccelerator'
Copying framework: 'IOAccelMemoryInfo'
Copying framework: 'IOPlatformPluginFamily'
Copying framework: 'iPod'
Copying framework: 'iPodSync'
Copying framework: 'ISSupport'
Copying framework: 'iTunesAccess'
Copying framework: 'JavaApplicationLauncher'
Copying framework: 'JavaLaunching'
Copying framework: 'KerberosHelper'
Copying framework: 'kperf'
Copying framework: 'Librarian'
Copying framework: 'LibraryRepair'
Copying framework: 'login'
Copying framework: 'LoginUIKit'
Copying framework: 'Lookup'
Copying framework: 'MachineSettings'
Copying framework: 'Mail'
Copying framework: 'MailCore'
Copying framework: 'MailService'
Copying framework: 'MailUI'
Copying framework: 'ManagedClient'
Copying framework: 'Mangrove'
Copying framework: 'Marco'
Copying framework: 'MDSChannel'
Copying framework: 'MediaControlSender'
Copying framework: 'MediaKit'
Copying framework: 'MediaUI'
Copying framework: 'MessageProtection'
Copying framework: 'MessagesHelperKit'
Copying framework: 'MessagesKit'
Copying framework: 'MMCS'
Copying framework: 'MMCSServices'
Copying framework: 'MobileDevice'
Copying framework: 'MonitorPanel'
Copying framework: 'MultitouchSupport'
Copying framework: 'NetAuth'
Copying framework: 'NetFSServer'
Copying framework: 'NetworkDiagnosticsUI'
Copying framework: 'NetworkMenusCommon'
Copying framework: 'NetworkStatistics'
Copying framework: 'Notes'
Copying framework: 'Noticeboard'
Copying framework: 'nt'
Copying framework: 'OAuth'
Copying framework: 'OfficeImport'
Copying framework: 'oncrpc'
Copying framework: 'OpenDirectoryConfig'
Copying framework: 'OpenDirectoryConfigUI'
Copying framework: 'PackageKit'
Copying framework: 'PacketFilter'
Copying framework: 'PassKit'
Copying framework: 'PasswordServer'
Copying framework: 'PerformanceAnalysis'
Copying framework: 'PhoneNumbers'
Copying framework: 'PhysicsKit'
Copying framework: 'PlatformHardwareManagement'
Copying framework: 'PodcastProducerCore'
Copying framework: 'PodcastProducerKit'
Copying framework: 'PreferencePanesSupport'
Copying framework: 'PrintingPrivate'
Copying framework: 'ProKit'
Copying framework: 'ProofReader'
Copying framework: 'ProtocolBuffer'
Copying framework: 'PSNormalizer'
Copying framework: 'RemoteViewServices'
Copying framework: 'Restore'
Copying framework: 'RTCReporting'
Copying framework: 'Safari'
Copying framework: 'SafariServices'
Copying framework: 'SAObjects'
Copying framework: 'SCEP'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReader'
Copying framework: 'ScreenSharing'
Copying framework: 'SecCodeWrapper'
Copying framework: 'SecureNetworking'
Copying framework: 'SecurityTokend'
Copying framework: 'SemanticDocumentManagement'
Copying framework: 'ServerFoundation'
Copying framework: 'ServerInformation'
Copying framework: 'SetupAssistantSupport'
Copying framework: 'ShareKit'
Copying framework: 'Sharing'
Copying framework: 'Shortcut'
Copying framework: 'SleepServices'
Copying framework: 'Slideshows'
Copying framework: 'SMBClient'
Copying framework: 'SocialAppsCore'
Copying framework: 'SocialUI'
Copying framework: 'SoftwareUpdate'
Copying framework: 'SpeechDictionary'
Copying framework: 'SpeechObjects'
Copying framework: 'SpeechRecognitionCore'
Copying framework: 'SpotlightIndex'
Copying framework: 'SPSupport'
Copying framework: 'StoreJavaScript'
Copying framework: 'StoreUI'
Copying framework: 'StoreXPCServices'
Copying framework: 'StreamingZip'
Copying framework: 'Suggestions'
Copying framework: 'Symbolication'
Copying framework: 'Symptoms'
Copying framework: 'SyncedDefaults'
Copying framework: 'SyncServicesUI'
Copying framework: 'SystemAdministration'
Copying framework: 'SystemMigration'
Copying framework: 'SystemUIPlugin'
Copying framework: 'TCC'
Copying framework: 'TrustEvaluationAgent'
Copying framework: 'Ubiquity'
Copying framework: 'UIRecording'
Copying framework: 'Uninstall'
Copying framework: 'UniversalAccess'
Copying framework: 'VCXMPP'
Copying framework: 'VectorKit'
Copying framework: 'VideoConference'
Copying framework: 'VideoProcessing'
Copying framework: 'ViewBridge'
Copying framework: 'vmutils'
Copying framework: 'WeatherKit'
Copying framework: 'WebContentAnalysis'
Copying framework: 'WebFilterDNS'
Copying framework: 'WebInspector'
Copying framework: 'WebInspectorUI'
Copying framework: 'WebKit2'
Copying framework: 'WhitePages'
Copying framework: 'WiFiCloudSyncEngine'
Copying framework: 'WirelessDiagnosticsSupport'
Copying framework: 'XMPPCore'
Copying framework: 'XPCObjects'
Copying framework: 'XPCService'
Copying framework: 'XQuery'
Copying framework: 'AccessibilityClient'
Copying framework: 'GKSPerformance'
Copying framework: 'ICE'
Copying framework: 'LegacyHandle'
Copying framework: 'SimpleKeyExchange'
Copying framework: 'snatmap'
Copying framework: 'ViceroyTrace'
Copying framework: 'SafariDAVNotifier'
Copying framework: 'CommerceCore'
Copying framework: 'CFDirectoryServer'
Copying framework: 'ImageIO'
Copying framework: 'ImageKit'
Copying framework: 'QuartzComposer'
Copying framework: 'DistributionKit'
Copying framework: 'OSInstall'
Copying framework: 'loginsupport'
Copying framework: 'LoginUICore'
Copying framework: 'PackageUIKit'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderBrailleDriver'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderCore'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderOutput'
Copying framework: 'ScreenReaderOutputServer'
Copying framework: 'IMRenderingFoundation'
Copying framework: 'DictationServices'
Copying framework: 'ManagedEvent'
Copying framework: 'SymptomAnalytics'
Copying framework: 'SymptomEvaluator'
Copying framework: 'SymptomPresentationFeed'
Copying framework: 'SymptomReporter'
Copying framework: 'AutoLoader'
Copying framework: 'SlingShot+10_6'
Copying framework: 'UAEHCommon'
Copying framework: 'UniversalAccessCore'
Copying framework: 'Apollo'
Copying framework: 'libxml'
Copying framework: 'Pear'
Copying framework: 'uxmi'
Copying framework: 'XMPPToolkit'
Copying additional SDK resources...
Copying: AppleInternal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 239, in <module>
  File "", line 226, in main
    copy_internal(sdk_item_dir, args.sdk, kPrivateSDK, kVerboseLogLevel);
  File "", line 114, in copy_internal
    iterate_sdk(path, template_path, sdk_path, kVerboseLogLevel)
  File "", line 91, in iterate_sdk
  File "", line 27, in make_dir
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/AppleInternal/OrderFiles'

Running xcrun, I get nothing except stock SDK (10.10) but no 10.9 (weird, as it appears in xCode).

perfaram commented 9 years ago

Note that I use sudo.

samdmarshall commented 9 years ago

What happens when you run xcodebuild -showsdks ?

sam@Pegasus/Users/sam $ xcodebuild -showsdks
    OS X Private (10.9)             -sdk PrivateMacOSX10.9
    OS X Private (10.10)            -sdk PrivateMacOSX10.10
    OS X 10.9                       -sdk macosx10.9
    OS X 10.10                      -sdk macosx10.10

    iOS 8.1                         -sdk iphoneos8.1

iOS Simulator SDKs:
    Simulator - iOS 8.1             -sdk iphonesimulator8.1

Also was this a MAS install of Xcode or a developer portal install?

samdmarshall commented 9 years ago

Bumping this to see if there are any updates on this yet?

perfaram commented 9 years ago

Yupyup, sorry. Here's the output of xcodebuild -showsdks

    OS X 10.9                       -sdk macosx10.9
    OS X 10.10                      -sdk macosx10.10

    iOS 8.1                         -sdk iphoneos8.1

iOS Simulator SDKs:
    Simulator - iOS 8.1             -sdk iphonesimulator8.1

(I deleted the two private ones)

perfaram commented 9 years ago

Now, with only OSX10.10 privates :

    OS X Private (10.10)            -sdk PrivateMacOSX10.10
    OS X 10.9                       -sdk macosx10.9
    OS X 10.10                      -sdk macosx10.10

    iOS 8.1                         -sdk iphoneos8.1

iOS Simulator SDKs:
    Simulator - iOS 8.1             -sdk iphonesimulator8.1
samdmarshall commented 9 years ago

OK, what about where you installed it from? That is important because there is a difference in how permissions are setup when you install Xcode? Was this installed from the Mac App Store or downloaded on a DMG from the developer center?

perfaram commented 9 years ago

Installed from App store.

samdmarshall commented 9 years ago

I've added some more logging statements, if you could pull down a fresh copy of PrivateSDK repo and try running it again with at least 5 "v"s in the verbose flag, that might shed some more light as to what is going on.

The script descends through the private sdk directory recursively, so it cannot just skip creating necessary directories unless something is changing the filesystem from underneath it.

perfaram commented 9 years ago

I'm going to... but tomorrow, if it's ok for you. Gonna sleep now :sleeping:

samdmarshall commented 9 years ago

Someone else brought the same issue to me and it ended up being some bad path handling. I have pushed a fix for it and it doesn't seem to happen anymore. Please reopen a new issue if this comes back.