Closed ttys42 closed 8 years ago
Where does the crash trace place the issue? If this is into swift then there is nothing I can do about it. Due to this not happening in objective-c I am leaning towards saying this is not the fault of my library.
You're right - the trace showed a problem in swift not in your library. Sorry for any confusion and keep up the good work!
You should be opening an issue on this with the swift team, I'm not sure if it is improper usage of the API or an actual problem with swift though.
I'm getting an EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP) crash when trying to use SDMMD_AMDeviceCopyValue with a key on a device which does not support the key (like phone number on iPod) Running the code in objective-c will cause a console log but no crash while using the code below in swift will cause the crash.
Call in obj-c
NSLog(@"%@",(NSString*)CFBridgingRelease(SDMMD_AMDeviceCopyValue(device, NULL, CFSTR(kPhoneNumber))));