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Intelligent transaction tagging for data-loving Monzonauts
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Scheduled monthly dependency update for April #17

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Update certifi from 2018.11.29 to 2019.3.9.

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Update django from 2.1.4 to 2.2.

Changelog ### 2.2 ``` ======================== *1 April 2019* Welcome to Django 2.2! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-2.2>`, as well as some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-2.2>` you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 2.1 or earlier. We've :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features <deprecated-features-2.2>`. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing project. Django 2.2 is designated as a :term:`long-term support release`. It will receive security updates for at least three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 1.11, will end in April 2020. Python compatibility ==================== Django 2.2 supports Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. We **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series. .. _whats-new-2.2: What's new in Django 2.2 ======================== Constraints ----------- The new :class:`~django.db.models.CheckConstraint` and :class:`~django.db.models.UniqueConstraint` classes enable adding custom database constraints. Constraints are added to models using the :attr:`Meta.constraints <django.db.models.Options.constraints>` option. Minor features -------------- :mod:`django.contrib.admin` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added a CSS class to the column headers of :class:`~django.contrib.admin.TabularInline`. :mod:`django.contrib.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The ``HttpRequest`` is now passed as the first positional argument to :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.configure_user`, if it accepts it. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added Oracle support for the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.Envelope` function. * Added SpatiaLite support for the :lookup:`coveredby` and :lookup:`covers` lookups. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new ``ordering`` argument for :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` determines the ordering of the aggregated elements. * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.BTreeIndex`, :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.HashIndex` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.SpGistIndex` classes allow creating ``B-Tree``, ``hash``, and ``SP-GiST`` indexes in the database. * :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.BrinIndex` now has the ``autosummarize`` parameter. * The new ``search_type`` parameter of :class:`` allows searching for a phrase or raw expression. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added path matching to the :option:`collectstatic --ignore` option so that patterns like ``/vendor/*.js`` can be used. Database backends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added result streaming for :meth:`.QuerySet.iterator` on SQLite. Generic Views ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :meth:`View.setup <django.views.generic.base.View.setup>` hook initializes view attributes before calling :meth:`~django.views.generic.base.View.dispatch`. It allows mixins to setup instance attributes for reuse in child classes. Internationalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support and translations for the Armenian language. Management Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :option:`--force-color` option forces colorization of the command output. * :djadmin:`inspectdb` now creates models for foreign tables on PostgreSQL. * :option:`inspectdb --include-views` now creates models for materialized views on Oracle and PostgreSQL. * The new :option:`inspectdb --include-partitions` option allows creating models for partition tables on PostgreSQL. In older versions, models are created child tables instead the parent. * :djadmin:`inspectdb` now introspects :class:`~django.db.models.DurationField` for Oracle and PostgreSQL, and :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField` for SQLite. * On Oracle, :djadmin:`dbshell` is wrapped with ``rlwrap``, if available. ``rlwrap`` provides a command history and editing of keyboard input. * The new :option:`makemigrations --no-header` option avoids writing header comments in generated migration file(s). This option is also available for :djadmin:`squashmigrations`. * :djadmin:`runserver` can now use `Watchman <>`_ to improve the performance of watching a large number of files for changes. Migrations ~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :option:`migrate --plan` option prints the list of migration operations that will be performed. * ``NoneType`` can now be serialized in migrations. * You can now :ref:`register custom serializers <custom-migration-serializers>` for migrations. Models ~~~~~~ * Added support for PostgreSQL operator classes (:attr:`.Index.opclasses`). * Added support for partial indexes (:attr:`.Index.condition`). * Added the :class:`~django.db.models.functions.NullIf` and :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Reverse` database functions, as well as many :ref:`math database functions <math-functions>`. * Setting the new ``ignore_conflicts`` parameter of :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_create` to ``True`` tells the database to ignore failure to insert rows that fail uniqueness constraints or other checks. * The new :class:`~django.db.models.functions.ExtractIsoYear` function extracts ISO-8601 week-numbering years from :class:`~django.db.models.DateField` and :class:`~django.db.models.DateTimeField`, and the new :lookup:`iso_year` lookup allows querying by an ISO-8601 week-numbering year. * The new :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_update` method allows efficiently updating specific fields on multiple model instances. * Django no longer always starts a transaction when a single query is being performed, such as ````, ``QuerySet.update()``, and ``Model.delete()``. This improves the performance of autocommit by reducing the number of database round trips. * Added SQLite support for the :class:`~django.db.models.StdDev` and :class:`~django.db.models.Variance` functions. * The handling of ``DISTINCT`` aggregation is added to the :class:`~django.db.models.Aggregate` class. Adding :attr:`allow_distinct = True <django.db.models.Aggregate.allow_distinct>` as a class attribute on ``Aggregate`` subclasses allows a ``distinct`` keyword argument to be specified on initialization to ensure that the aggregate function is only called for each distinct value of ``expressions``. * The :meth:`.RelatedManager.add`, :meth:`~.RelatedManager.create`, :meth:`~.RelatedManager.remove`, :meth:`~.RelatedManager.set`, ``get_or_create()``, and ``update_or_create()`` methods are now allowed on many-to-many relationships with intermediate models. The new ``through_defaults`` argument is used to specify values for new intermediate model instance(s). Requests and Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added :attr:`.HttpRequest.headers` to allow simple access to a request's headers. Serialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * You can now deserialize data using natural keys containing :ref:`forward references <natural-keys-and-forward-references>` by passing ``handle_forward_references=True`` to ``serializers.deserialize()``. Additionally, :djadmin:`loaddata` handles forward references automatically. Tests ~~~~~ * The new :meth:`.SimpleTestCase.assertURLEqual` assertion checks for a given URL, ignoring the ordering of the query string. :meth:`~.SimpleTestCase.assertRedirects` uses the new assertion. * The test :class:`~.django.test.Client` now supports automatic JSON serialization of list and tuple ``data`` when ``content_type='application/json'``. * The new :setting:`ORACLE_MANAGED_FILES <TEST_ORACLE_MANAGED_FILES>` test database setting allows using Oracle Managed Files (OMF) tablespaces. * Deferrable database constraints are now checked at the end of each :class:`~django.test.TestCase` test on SQLite 3.20+, just like on other backends that support deferrable constraints. These checks aren't implemented for older versions of SQLite because they would require expensive table introspection there. * :class:`~django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner` now skips the setup of databases not :ref:`referenced by tests<testing-multi-db>`. URLs ~~~~ * The new :attr:`.ResolverMatch.route` attribute stores the route of the matching URL pattern. Validators ~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`.MaxValueValidator`, :class:`.MinValueValidator`, :class:`.MinLengthValidator`, and :class:`.MaxLengthValidator` now accept a callable ``limit_value``. .. _backwards-incompatible-2.2: Backwards incompatible changes in 2.2 ===================================== Database backend API -------------------- This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database backends. * Third-party database backends must implement support for table check constraints or set ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_table_check_constraints`` to ``False``. * Third party database backends must implement support for ignoring constraints or uniqueness errors while inserting or set ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_ignore_conflicts`` to ``False``. * Third party database backends must implement introspection for ``DurationField`` or set ``DatabaseFeatures.can_introspect_duration_field`` to ``False``. * ``DatabaseFeatures.uses_savepoints`` now defaults to ``True``. * Third party database backends must implement support for partial indexes or set ``DatabaseFeatures.supports_partial_indexes`` to ``False``. * ``DatabaseIntrospection.table_name_converter()`` and ``column_name_converter()`` are removed. Third party database backends may need to instead implement ``DatabaseIntrospection.identifier_converter()``. In that case, the constraint names that ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_constraints()`` returns must be normalized by ``identifier_converter()``. * SQL generation for indexes is moved from :class:`~django.db.models.Index` to ``SchemaEditor`` and these ``SchemaEditor`` methods are added: * ``_create_primary_key_sql()`` and ``_delete_primary_key_sql()`` * ``_delete_index_sql()`` (to pair with ``_create_index_sql()``) * ``_delete_unique_sql`` (to pair with ``_create_unique_sql()``) * ``_delete_fk_sql()`` (to pair with ``_create_fk_sql()``) * ``_create_check_sql()`` and ``_delete_check_sql()`` * The third argument of ``DatabaseWrapper.__init__()``, ``allow_thread_sharing``, is removed. Admin actions are no longer collected from base ``ModelAdmin`` classes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For example, in older versions of Django:: from django.contrib import admin class BaseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): actions = ['a'] class SubAdmin(BaseAdmin): actions = ['b'] ``SubAdmin`` will have actions ``'a'`` and ``'b'``. Now ``actions`` follows standard Python inheritance. To get the same result as before:: class SubAdmin(BaseAdmin): actions = BaseAdmin.actions + ['b'] :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ------------------------- * Support for GDAL 1.9 and 1.10 is dropped. ``TransactionTestCase`` serialized data loading ----------------------------------------------- Initial data migrations are now loaded in :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase` at the end of the test, after the database flush. In older versions, this data was loaded at the beginning of the test, but this prevents the :option:`test --keepdb` option from working properly (the database was empty at the end of the whole test suite). This change shouldn't have an impact on your tests unless you've customized :class:`~django.test.TransactionTestCase`'s internals. ``sqlparse`` is required dependency ----------------------------------- To simplify a few parts of Django's database handling, `sqlparse <>`_ is now a required dependency. It's automatically installed along with Django. ``cached_property`` aliases --------------------------- In usage like:: from django.utils.functional import cached_property class A: cached_property def base(self): return ... alias = base ``alias`` is not cached. Where the problem can be detected (Python 3.6 and later), such usage now raises ``TypeError: Cannot assign the same cached_property to two different names ('base' and 'alias').`` Use this instead:: import operator class A: ... alias = property(operator.attrgetter('base')) Permissions for proxy models ---------------------------- :ref:`Permissions for proxy models <proxy-models-permissions-topic>` are now created using the content type of the proxy model rather than the content type of the concrete model. A migration will update existing permissions when you run :djadmin:`migrate`. In the admin, the change is transparent for proxy models having the same ``app_label`` as their concrete model. However, in older versions, users with permissions for a proxy model with a *different* ``app_label`` than its concrete model couldn't access the model in the admin. That's now fixed, but you might want to audit the permissions assignments for such proxy models (``[add|view|change|delete]_myproxy``) prior to upgrading to ensure the new access is appropriate. Finally, proxy model permission strings must be updated to use their own ``app_label``. For example, for ``app.MyProxyModel`` inheriting from ``other_app.ConcreteModel``, update ``user.has_perm('other_app.add_myproxymodel')`` to ``user.has_perm('app.add_myproxymodel')``. Merging of form ``Media`` assets -------------------------------- Form ``Media`` assets are now merged using a topological sort algorithm, as the old pairwise merging algorithm is insufficient for some cases. CSS and JavaScript files which don't include their dependencies may now be sorted incorrectly (where the old algorithm produced results correctly by coincidence). Audit all ``Media`` classes for any missing dependencies. For example, widgets depending on ``django.jQuery`` must specify ``js=['admin/js/jquery.init.js', ...]`` when :ref:`declaring form media assets <assets-as-a-static-definition>`. Miscellaneous ------------- * To improve readability, the ``UUIDField`` form field now displays values with dashes, e.g. ``550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000`` instead of ``550e8400e29b41d4a716446655440000``. * On SQLite, ``PositiveIntegerField`` and ``PositiveSmallIntegerField`` now include a check constraint to prevent negative values in the database. If you have existing invalid data and run a migration that recreates a table, you'll see ``CHECK constraint failed``. * For consistency with WSGI servers, the test client now sets the ``Content-Length`` header to a string rather than an integer. * The return value of :func:`django.utils.text.slugify` is no longer marked as HTML safe. * The default truncation character used by the :tfilter:`urlizetrunc`, :tfilter:`truncatechars`, :tfilter:`truncatechars_html`, :tfilter:`truncatewords`, and :tfilter:`truncatewords_html` template filters is now the real ellipsis character (``…``) instead of 3 dots. You may have to adapt some test output comparisons. * Support for bytestring paths in the template filesystem loader is removed. * :func:`django.utils.http.urlsafe_base64_encode` now returns a string instead of a bytestring, and :func:`django.utils.http.urlsafe_base64_decode` may no longer be passed a bytestring. * Support for ``cx_Oracle`` < 6.0 is removed. * The minimum supported version of ``mysqlclient`` is increased from 1.3.7 to 1.3.13. * The minimum supported version of SQLite is increased from 3.7.15 to 3.8.3. * In an attempt to provide more semantic query data, ``NullBooleanSelect`` now renders ``<option>`` values of ``unknown``, ``true``, and ``false`` instead of ``1``, ``2``, and ``3``. For backwards compatibility, the old values are still accepted as data. * :attr:` <>` ``max_length`` is increased from 80 to 150 characters. * Tests that violate deferrable database constraints now error when run on SQLite 3.20+, just like on other backends that support such constraints. * To catch usage mistakes, the test :class:`~django.test.Client` and :func:`django.utils.http.urlencode` now raise ``TypeError`` if ``None`` is passed as a value to encode because ``None`` can't be encoded in GET and POST data. Either pass an empty string or omit the value. * The :djadmin:`ping_google` management command now defaults to ``https`` instead of ``http`` for the sitemap's URL. If your site uses http, use the new :option:`ping_google --sitemap-uses-http` option. If you use the :func:`~django.contrib.sitemaps.ping_google` function, set the new ``sitemap_uses_https`` argument to ``False``. * :djadmin:`runserver` no longer supports `pyinotify` (replaced by Watchman). * The :class:`~django.db.models.Avg`, :class:`~django.db.models.StdDev`, and :class:`~django.db.models.Variance` aggregate functions now return a ``Decimal`` instead of a ``float`` when the input is ``Decimal``. * Tests will fail on SQLite if apps without migrations have relations to apps with migrations. This has been a documented restriction since migrations were added in Django 1.7, but it fails more reliably now. You'll see tests failing with errors like ``no such table: <app_label>_<model>``. This was observed with several third-party apps that had models in tests without migrations. You must add migrations for such models. .. _deprecated-features-2.2: Features deprecated in 2.2 ========================== Model ``Meta.ordering`` will no longer affect ``GROUP BY`` queries ------------------------------------------------------------------ A model's ``Meta.ordering`` affecting ``GROUP BY`` queries (such as ``.annotate().values()``) is a common source of confusion. Such queries now issue a deprecation warning with the advice to add an ``order_by()`` to retain the current query. ``Meta.ordering`` will be ignored in such queries starting in Django 3.1. Miscellaneous ------------- * ``django.utils.timezone.FixedOffset`` is deprecated in favor of :class:`datetime.timezone`. * The undocumented ``QuerySetPaginator`` alias of ``django.core.paginator.Paginator`` is deprecated. * The ``FloatRangeField`` model and form fields in ``django.contrib.postgres`` are deprecated in favor of a new name, ``DecimalRangeField``, to match the underlying ``numrange`` data type used in the database. * The ``FILE_CHARSET`` setting is deprecated. Starting with Django 3.1, files read from disk must be UTF-8 encoded. * ```` is deprecated due to the intractable problems that it has. Use :class:`.ManifestStaticFilesStorage` or a third-party cloud storage instead. * :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.configure_user` is now passed ``request`` as the first positional argument, if it accepts it. Support for overrides that don't accept it will be removed in Django 3.1. * The :attr:`.SimpleTestCase.allow_database_queries`, :attr:`.TransactionTestCase.multi_db`, and :attr:`.TestCase.multi_db` attributes are deprecated in favor of :attr:`.SimpleTestCase.databases`, :attr:`.TransactionTestCase.databases`, and :attr:`.TestCase.databases`. These new attributes allow databases dependencies to be declared in order to prevent unexpected queries against non-default databases to leak state between tests. The previous behavior of ``allow_database_queries=True`` and ``multi_db=True`` can be achieved by setting ``databases='__all__'``. ========================== ``` ### 2.1.8 ``` ========================== *April 1, 2019* Django 2.1.8 fixes a bug in 2.1.7. Bugfixes ======== * Prevented admin inlines for a ``ManyToManyField``\'s implicit through model from being editable if the user only has the view permission (:ticket:`30289`). ========================== ``` ### 2.1.7 ``` ========================== *February 11, 2019* Django 2.1.7 fixes a packaging error in 2.1.6. Bugfixes ======== * Corrected packaging error from 2.1.6 (:ticket:`30175`). ========================== ``` ### 2.1.5 ``` ========================== *January 4, 2019* Django 2.1.5 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 2.1.4. CVE-2019-3498: Content spoofing possibility in the default 404 page ------------------------------------------------------------------- An attacker could craft a malicious URL that could make spoofed content appear on the default page generated by the ``django.views.defaults.page_not_found()`` view. The URL path is no longer displayed in the default 404 template and the ``request_path`` context variable is now quoted to fix the issue for custom templates that use the path. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed compatibility with mysqlclient 1.3.14 (:ticket:`30013`). * Fixed a schema corruption issue on SQLite 3.26+. You might have to drop and rebuild your SQLite database if you applied a migration while using an older version of Django with SQLite 3.26 or later (:ticket:`29182`). * Prevented SQLite schema alterations while foreign key checks are enabled to avoid the possibility of schema corruption (:ticket:`30023`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.1.4 (which enabled keep-alive connections) where request body data isn't properly consumed for such connections (:ticket:`30015`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.1.4 where ``InlineModelAdmin.has_change_permission()`` is incorrectly called with a non-``None`` ``obj`` argument during an object add (:ticket:`30050`). ========================== ```
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Update markupsafe from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1.

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Update packaging from 18.0 to 19.0.

Changelog ### 19.0 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix string representation of PEP 508 direct URL requirements with markers. * Better handling of file URLs This allows for using ``file:///absolute/path``, which was previously prevented due to the missing ``netloc``. This allows for all file URLs that ``urlunparse`` turns back into the original URL to be valid. ```
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Update port-for from 0.3.1 to 0.4.

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Update psycopg2 from to 2.7.7.

Changelog ### 2.7.7 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Cleanup of the cursor results assignment code, which might have solved double free and inconsistencies in concurrent usage (:tickets:`346, 384`). - Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.0.2q. ```
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Update pygments from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1.

Changelog ### 2.3.1 ``` ------------- (released Dec 16, 2018) - Updated lexers: * ASM (PR784) * Chapel (PR735) * Clean (PR621) * CSound (PR684) * Elm (PR744) * Fortran (PR747) * GLSL (PR740) * Haskell (PR745) * Hy (PR754) * Igor Pro (PR764) * PowerShell (PR705) * Python (PR720, 1299, PR715) * SLexer (PR680) * YAML (PR762, PR724) - Fix invalid string escape sequences - Fix `FutureWarning` introduced by regex changes in Python 3.7 ```
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Update pyparsing from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1.

Changelog ### 2.3.1 ``` ----------------------------- - POSSIBLE API CHANGE: this release fixes a bug when results names were attached to a MatchFirst or Or object containing an And object. Previously, a results name on an And object within an enclosing MatchFirst or Or could return just the first token in the And. Now, all the tokens matched by the And are correctly returned. This may result in subtle changes in the tokens returned if you have this condition in your pyparsing scripts. - New staticmethod ParseException.explain() to help diagnose parse exceptions by showing the failing input line and the trace of ParserElements in the parser leading up to the exception. explain() returns a multiline string listing each element by name. (This is still an experimental method, and the method signature and format of the returned string may evolve over the next few releases.) Example: define a parser to parse an integer followed by an alphabetic word expr = pp.Word(pp.nums).setName("int") + pp.Word(pp.alphas).setName("word") try: parse a string with a numeric second value instead of alpha expr.parseString("123 355") except pp.ParseException as pe: print_(pp.ParseException.explain(pe)) Prints: 123 355 ^ ParseException: Expected word (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) __main__.ExplainExceptionTest pyparsing.And - {int word} pyparsing.Word - word explain() will accept any exception type and will list the function names and parse expressions in the stack trace. This is especially useful when an exception is raised in a parse action. Note: explain() is only supported under Python 3. - Fix bug in dictOf which could match an empty sequence, making it infinitely loop if wrapped in a OneOrMore. - Added unicode sets to pyparsing_unicode for Latin-A and Latin-B ranges. - Added ability to define custom unicode sets as combinations of other sets using multiple inheritance. class Turkish_set(pp.pyparsing_unicode.Latin1, pp.pyparsing_unicode.LatinA): pass turkish_word = pp.Word(Turkish_set.alphas) - Updated state machine import examples, with state machine demos for: . traffic light . library book checkin/checkout . document review/approval In the traffic light example, you can use the custom 'statemachine' keyword to define the states for a traffic light, and have the state classes auto-generated for you: statemachine TrafficLightState: Red -> Green Green -> Yellow Yellow -> Red Similar for state machines with named transitions, like the library book state example: statemachine LibraryBookState: New -(shelve)-> Available Available -(reserve)-> OnHold OnHold -(release)-> Available Available -(checkout)-> CheckedOut CheckedOut -(checkin)-> Available Once the classes are defined, then additional Python code can reference those classes to add class attributes, instance methods, etc. See the examples in examples/statemachine - Added an example parser for the decaf language. This language is used in CS compiler classes in many colleges and universities. - Fixup of docstrings to Sphinx format, inclusion of test files in the source package, and convert markdown to rst throughout the distribution, great job by Matěj Cepl! - Expanded the whitespace characters recognized by the White class to include all unicode defined spaces. Suggested in Issue 51 by rtkjbillo. - Added optional postParse argument to ParserElement.runTests() to add a custom callback to be called for test strings that parse successfully. Useful for running tests that do additional validation or processing on the parsed results. See updated example. - Removed distutils fallback in If installing the package fails, please update to the latest version of setuptools. Plus overall project code cleanup (CRLFs, whitespace, imports, etc.), thanks Jon Dufresne! - Fix bug in CaselessKeyword, to make its behavior consistent with Keyword(caseless=True). Fixes Issue 65 reported by telesphore. ```
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Update pytz from 2018.7 to 2018.9.

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Update pyyaml from 3.13 to 5.1.

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Update sphinx from 1.8.2 to 2.0.0.

Changelog ### 2.0.0 ``` ==================================== Dependencies ------------ * LaTeX builder now depends on TeX Live 2015 or above. * LaTeX builder (with ``'pdflatex'`` :confval:`latex_engine`) will process Unicode Greek letters in text (not in math mark-up) via the text font and will not escape them to math mark-up. See the discussion of the ``'fontenc'`` key of :confval:`latex_elements`; such (optional) support for Greek adds, for example on Ubuntu xenial, the ``texlive-lang-greek`` and (if default font set-up is not modified) ``cm-super(-minimal)`` as additional Sphinx LaTeX requirements. * LaTeX builder with :confval:`latex_engine` set to ``'xelatex'`` or to ``'lualatex'`` requires (by default) the ``FreeFont`` fonts, which in Ubuntu xenial are provided by package ``fonts-freefont-otf``, and e.g. in Fedora 29 via package ``texlive-gnu-freefont``. * requests 2.5.0 or above * The six package is no longer a dependency * The sphinxcontrib-websupport package is no longer a dependency * Some packages are separated to sub packages: - sphinxcontrib.applehelp - sphinxcontrib.devhelp - sphinxcontrib.htmlhelp - sphinxcontrib.jsmath - sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml - sphinxcontrib.qthelp Incompatible changes -------------------- * Drop python 2.7 and 3.4 support * Drop docutils 0.11 support * The default setting for :confval:`master_doc` is changed to ``'index'`` which has been longly used as default of sphinx-quickstart. * LaTeX: Move message resources to ``sphinxmessage.sty`` * LaTeX: Stop using ``\captions<lang>`` macro for some labels * LaTeX: for ``'xelatex'`` and ``'lualatex'``, use the ``FreeFont`` OpenType fonts as default choice (refs: 5645) * LaTeX: ``'xelatex'`` and ``'lualatex'`` now use ``\small`` in code-blocks (due to ``FreeMono`` character width) like ``'pdflatex'`` already did (due to ``Courier`` character width). You may need to adjust this via :confval:`latex_elements` ``'fvset'`` key, in case of usage of some other OpenType fonts (refs: 5768) * LaTeX: Greek letters in text are not escaped to math mode mark-up, and they will use the text font not the math font. The ``LGR`` font encoding must be added to the ``'fontenc'`` key of :confval:`latex_elements` for this to work (only if it is needed by the document, of course). * LaTeX: setting the :confval:`language` to ``'en'`` triggered ``Sonny`` option of ``fncychap``, now it is ``Bjarne`` to match case of no language specified. (refs: 5772) * 5770: doctest: Follow :confval:`highlight_language` on highlighting doctest block. As a result, they are highlighted as python3 by default. * The order of argument for ``HTMLTranslator``, ``HTML5Translator`` and ``ManualPageTranslator`` are changed * LaTeX: hard-coded redefinitions of ``\lsection`` and ``\lsubsection`` formerly done during loading of ``'manual'`` docclass get executed later, at time of ``\sphinxtableofcontents``. This means that custom user definitions from LaTeX preamble now get overwritten. Use ``\sphinxtableofcontentshook`` to insert custom user definitions. See :ref:`latex-macros`. * quickstart: Simplify generated ```` * 4148: quickstart: some questions are removed. They are still able to specify via command line options * websupport: unbundled from sphinx core. Please use sphinxcontrib-websupport * C++, the visibility of base classes is now always rendered as present in the input. That is, ``private`` is now shown, where it was ellided before. * LaTeX: graphics inclusion of oversized images rescales to not exceed the text width and height, even if width and/or height option were used. (refs: 5956) * epub: ``epub_title`` defaults to the :confval:`project` option * 4550: All tables and figures without ``align`` option are displayed to center * 4587: html: Output HTML5 by default Deprecated ---------- * Support for evaluating Python 2 syntax is deprecated. This includes configuration files which should be converted to Python 3. * The arguments of ``EpubBuilder.build_mimetype()``, ``EpubBuilder.build_container()``, ``EpubBuilder.bulid_content()``, ``EpubBuilder.build_toc()`` and ``EpubBuilder.build_epub()`` * The arguments of ``Epub3Builder.build_navigation_doc()`` * The config variables - :confval:`html_experimental_html5_writer` * The ``encoding`` argument of ``autodoc.Documenter.get_doc()``, ``autodoc.DocstringSignatureMixin.get_doc()``, ``autodoc.DocstringSignatureMixin._find_signature()``, and ``autodoc.ClassDocumenter.get_doc()`` are deprecated. * The ``importer`` argument of ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockModule`` * The ``nodetype`` argument of `` is_meta_keywords()`` * The ``suffix`` argument of ``env.doc2path()`` is deprecated. * The string style ``base`` argument of ``env.doc2path()`` is deprecated. * The fallback to allow omitting the ``filename`` argument from an overridden ``IndexBuilder.feed()`` method is deprecated. * ``sphinx.addnodes.abbreviation`` * ``sphinx.application.Sphinx._setting_up_extension`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.cmd.quickstart.term_decode()`` * ``sphinx.cmd.quickstart.TERM_ENCODING`` * ``sphinx.config.check_unicode()`` * ``sphinx.config.string_classes`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockImporter`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.warn()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.genopt`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.warnings`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.result`` * ``sphinx.ext.doctest.doctest_encode()`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.registry.SphinxComponentRegistry.add_source_input()`` * ``sphinx.roles.abbr_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.emph_literal_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.menusel_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.index_role()`` * ``sphinx.roles.indexmarkup_role()`` * ``sphinx.testing.util.remove_unicode_literal()`` * ``sphinx.util.attrdict`` * ``sphinx.util.force_decode()`` * ``sphinx.util.get_matching_docs()`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.Parameter`` * ``sphinx.util.jsonimpl`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.EEXIST`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.EINVAL`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.ENOENT`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.EPIPE`` * ``sphinx.util.osutil.walk()`` * ``sphinx.util.PeekableIterator`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.NoneType`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.TextIOWrapper`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.UnicodeMixin`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.htmlescape`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.indent`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.sys_encoding`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.terminal_safe()`` * ``sphinx.util.pycompat.u`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.ExtBabel`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator._make_visit_admonition()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.babel_defmacro()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.collect_footnotes()`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.generate_numfig_format()`` * ``sphinx.writers.texinfo.TexinfoTranslator._make_visit_admonition()`` * ``sphinx.writers.text.TextTranslator._make_depart_admonition()`` * template variables for LaTeX template - ``logo`` - ``numfig_format`` - ``pageautorefname`` - ``translatablestrings`` For more details, see :ref:`deprecation APIs list <dev-deprecated-apis>`. Features added -------------- * 1618: The search results preview of generated HTML documentation is reader-friendlier: instead of showing the snippets as raw reStructuredText markup, Sphinx now renders the corresponding HTML. This means the Sphinx extension `Sphinx: pretty search results`__ is no longer necessary. Note that changes to the search function of your custom or 3rd-party HTML template might overwrite this improvement. __ * 4182: autodoc: Support :confval:`suppress_warnings` * 5533: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` supports ``member-order`` * 5394: autodoc: Display readable names in type annotations for mocked objects * 5459: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` accepts ``True`` as a value * 1148: autodoc: Add :rst:dir:`autodecorator` directive for decorators * 5635: autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_mock_imports` to mock external libraries on importing targets * 4018: htmlhelp: Add :confval:`htmlhelp_file_suffix` and :confval:`htmlhelp_link_suffix` * 5559: text: Support complex tables (colspan and rowspan) * LaTeX: support rendering (not in math, yet) of Greek and Cyrillic Unicode letters in non-Cyrillic document even with ``'pdflatex'`` as :confval:`latex_engine` (refs: 5645) * 5660: The ``versionadded``, ``versionchanged`` and ``deprecated`` directives are now generated with their own specific CSS classes (``added``, ``changed`` and ``deprecated``, respectively) in addition to the generic ``versionmodified`` class. * 5841: apidoc: Add --extensions option to sphinx-apidoc * 4981: C++, added an alias directive for inserting lists of declarations, that references existing declarations (e.g., for making a synopsis). * C++: add ``cpp:struct`` to complement ``cpp:class``. * 1341 the HTML search considers words that contain a search term of length three or longer a match. * 4611: epub: Show warning for duplicated ToC entries * 1851: Allow to omit an argument for :rst:dir:`code-block` directive. If omitted, it follows :rst:dir:`highlight` or :confval:`highlight_language` * 4587: html: Add :confval:`html4_writer` to use old HTML4 writer * 6016: HTML search: A placeholder for the search summary prevents search result links from changing their position when the search terminates. This makes navigating search results easier. * 5196: linkcheck also checks remote images exist * 5924: githubpages: create CNAME file for custom domains when :confval:`html_baseurl` set * 4261: autosectionlabel: restrict the labeled sections by new config value; :confval:`autosectionlabel_maxdepth` Bugs fixed ---------- * 1682: LaTeX: writer should not translate Greek unicode, but use textgreek package * 5247: LaTeX: PDF does not build with default font config for Russian language and ``'xelatex'`` or ``'lualatex'`` as :confval:`latex_engine` (refs: 5251) * 5248: LaTeX: Greek letters in section titles disappear from PDF bookmarks * 5249: LaTeX: Unicode Greek letters in math directive break PDF build (fix requires extra set-up, see :confval:`latex_elements` ``'textgreek'`` key and/or :confval:`latex_engine` setting) * 5772: LaTeX: should the Bjarne style of fncychap be used for English also if passed as language option? * 5179: LaTeX: (lualatex only) escaping of ``>`` by ``\textgreater{}`` is not enough as ``\textgreater{}\textgreater{}`` applies TeX-ligature * LaTeX: project name is not escaped if :confval:`latex_documents` omitted * LaTeX: authors are not shown if :confval:`latex_documents` omitted * HTML: Invalid HTML5 file is generated for a glossary having multiple terms for one description (refs: 4611) * QtHelp: OS dependent path separator is used in .qhp file * HTML search: search always returns nothing when multiple search terms are used and one term is shorter than three characters Testing -------- * Stop to use ``SPHINX_TEST_TEMPDIR`` envvar ``` ### 1.8.6 ``` Dependencies ------------ Incompatible changes -------------------- Deprecated ---------- Features added -------------- Bugs fixed ---------- Testing -------- ``` ### 1.8.5 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * LaTeX: Remove extraneous space after author names on PDF title page (refs: 6004) * 6026: LaTeX: A cross reference to definition list does not work * 6046: LaTeX: ``TypeError`` is raised when invalid latex_elements given * 6067: LaTeX: images having a target are concatenated to next line * 6067: LaTeX: images having a target are not aligned even if specified * 6149: LaTeX: ``:index:`` role in titles causes ``Use of \icentercr doesn't match its definition`` error on latexpdf build * 6019: imgconverter: Including multipage PDF fails * 6047: autodoc: ``autofunction`` emits a warning for method objects * 6028: graphviz: Ensure the graphviz filenames are reproducible * 6068: doctest: ``skipif`` option may remove the code block from documentation * 6136: ``:name:`` option for ``math`` directive causes a crash * 6139: intersphinx: ValueError on failure reporting * 6135: changes: Fix UnboundLocalError when any module found * 3859: manpage: code-block captions are not displayed correctly ``` ### 1.8.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 3707: latex: no bold checkmark (✔) available. * 5605: with the documentation language set to Chinese, English words could not be searched. * 5889: LaTeX: user ``numfig_format`` is stripped of spaces and may cause build failure * C++, fix hyperlinks for declarations involving east cv-qualifiers. * 5755: C++, fix duplicate declaration error on function templates with constraints in the return type. * C++, parse unary right fold expressions and binary fold expressions. * pycode could not handle egg files on windows * 5928: KeyError: 'DOCUTILSCONFIG' when running build * 5936: LaTeX: PDF build broken by inclusion of image taller than page height in an admonition * 5231: "make html" does not read and build "po" files in "locale" dir * 5954: ``:scale:`` image option may break PDF build if image in an admonition * 5966: mathjax has not been loaded on incremental build * 5960: LaTeX: modified PDF layout since September 2018 TeXLive update of :file:`parskip.sty` * 5948: LaTeX: duplicated labels are generated for sections * 5958: versionadded directive causes crash with Python 3.5.0 * 5995: autodoc: autodoc_mock_imports conflict with metaclass on Python 3.7 * 5871: texinfo: a section title ``.`` is not allowed ``` ### 1.8.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * LaTeX: it is possible to insert custom material to appear on back of title page, see discussion of ``'maketitle'`` key of :confval:`latex_elements` (``'manual'`` docclass only) Bugs fixed ---------- * 5725: mathjax: Use CDN URL for "latest" version by default * 5460: html search does not work with some 3rd party themes * 5520: LaTeX, caption package incompatibility since Sphinx 1.6 * 5614: autodoc: incremental build is broken when builtin modules are imported * 5627: qthelp: index.html missing in QtHelp * 5659: linkcheck: crashes for a hyperlink containing multibyte character * 5754: DOC: Fix some mistakes in :doc:`/latex` * 5810: LaTeX: sphinxVerbatim requires explicit "hllines" set-up since 1.6.6 (refs: 1238) * 5636: C++, fix parsing of floating point literals. * 5496 (again): C++, fix assertion in partial builds with duplicates. * 5724: quickstart: sphinx-quickstart fails when $LC_ALL is empty * 1956: Default is not PEP8-compliant * 5849: LaTeX: document class ``\maketitle`` is overwritten with no possibility to use original meaning in place of Sphinx custom one * 5834: apidoc: wrong help for ``--tocfile`` * 5800: todo: crashed if todo is defined in TextElement * 5846: htmlhelp: convert hex escaping to decimal escaping in .hhc/.hhk files * htmlhelp: broken .hhk file generated when title contains a double quote ```
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Update sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update tornado from 5.1.1 to 6.0.2.

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pyup-bot commented 5 years ago

Closing this in favor of #18