samdobson / monzo-coffee

Intelligent transaction tagging for data-loving Monzonauts
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Scheduled monthly dependency update for June #31

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Update babel from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0.

Changelog ### 2.8.0 ``` ------------- Improvements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 36.0 - Aarni Koskela (679) * Messages: Don't even open files with the "ignore" extraction method - sebleblanc (678) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ * Numbers: Fix formatting very small decimals when quantization is disabled - Lev Lybin, miluChen (662) * Messages: Attempt to sort all messages – Mario Frasca (651, 606) Docs ~~~~ * Add years to changelog - Romuald Brunet * Note that installation requires pytz - Steve (Gadget) Barnes ```
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Update certifi from 2019.6.16 to 2020.4.5.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: - Docs:

Update django from 2.2.4 to 3.0.6.

Changelog ### 3.0.6 ``` ========================== *May 4, 2020* Django 3.0.6 fixes a bug in 3.0.5. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a crash when filtering a ``Subquery()`` annotation of a queryset containing a single related field against a ``SimpleLazyObject`` (:ticket:`31420`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.5 ``` ========================== *April 1, 2020* Django 3.0.5 fixes several bugs in 3.0.4. Bugfixes ======== * Added the ability to handle ``.po`` files containing different plural equations for the same language (:ticket:`30439`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation and ``Subquery()`` annotation that collides with a field name (:ticket:`31377`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.4 ``` ========================== *March 4, 2020* Django 3.0.4 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.0.3. CVE-2020-9402: Potential SQL injection via ``tolerance`` parameter in GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle ============================================================================================================ GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle were subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted ``tolerance``. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a data loss possibility when using caching from async code (:ticket:`31253`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a file response using a temporary file to be closed incorrectly (:ticket:`31240`). * Fixed a data loss possibility in the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_for_update`. When using related fields or parent link fields with :ref:`multi-table-inheritance` in the ``of`` argument, the corresponding models were not locked (:ticket:`31246`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused misplacing parameters in logged SQL queries on Oracle (:ticket:`31271`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0.3 that caused misplacing parameters of SQL queries when subtracting ``DateField`` or ``DateTimeField`` expressions on MySQL (:ticket:`31312`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that didn't include subqueries spanning multivalued relations in the ``GROUP BY`` clause (:ticket:`31150`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.3 ``` ========================== *February 3, 2020* Django 3.0.3 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.0.2. CVE-2020-7471: Potential SQL injection via ``StringAgg(delimiter)`` =================================================================== :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` aggregation function was subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted ``delimiter``. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a crash when subtracting ``DateField``, ``DateTimeField``, or ``TimeField`` from a ``Subquery()`` annotation (:ticket:`31133`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation and ``Exists()`` annotation (:ticket:`31136`). * Relaxed the system check added in Django 3.0 to reallow use of a sublanguage in the :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE` setting, when a base language is available in Django but the sublanguage is not (:ticket:`31141`). * Added support for using enumeration types ``TextChoices``, ``IntegerChoices``, and ``Choices`` in templates (:ticket:`31154`). * Fixed a system check to ensure the ``max_length`` attribute fits the longest choice, when a named group contains only non-string values (:ticket:`31155`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 that caused a crash of :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` with ``filter`` argument when used in a ``Subquery`` (:ticket:`31097`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2.7 that caused :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.get_FOO_display` to work incorrectly when overriding inherited choices (:ticket:`31124`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.prefetch_related()`` for ``GenericForeignKey`` with a custom ``ContentType`` foreign key (:ticket:`31190`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.2 ``` ========================== *January 2, 2020* Django 3.0.2 fixes several bugs in 3.0.1. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that didn't include columns referenced by a ``Subquery()`` in the ``GROUP BY`` clause (:ticket:`31094`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``QuerySet.exists()`` crashed if a queryset contained an aggregation over a ``Subquery()`` (:ticket:`31109`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 that caused a migration crash on PostgreSQL 10+ when adding a foreign key and changing data in the same migration (:ticket:`31106`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where loading fixtures crashed for models defining a :attr:`~django.db.models.Field.default` for the primary key (:ticket:`31071`). ========================== ``` ### 3.0.1 ``` ========================== *December 18, 2019* Django 3.0.1 fixes a security issue and several bugs in 3.0. CVE-2019-19844: Potential account hijack via password reset form ================================================================ By submitting a suitably crafted email address making use of Unicode characters, that compared equal to an existing user email when lower-cased for comparison, an attacker could be sent a password reset token for the matched account. In order to avoid this vulnerability, password reset requests now compare the submitted email using the stricter, recommended algorithm for case-insensitive comparison of two identifiers from `Unicode Technical Report 36, section 2.11.2(B)(2)`__. Upon a match, the email containing the reset token will be sent to the email address on record rather than the submitted address. .. __: Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 by restoring the ability to use Django inside Jupyter and other environments that force an async context, by adding an option to disable :ref:`async-safety` mechanism with :envvar:`DJANGO_ALLOW_ASYNC_UNSAFE` environment variable (:ticket:`31056`). * Fixed a regression in Django 3.0 where ``RegexPattern``, used by :func:`~django.urls.re_path`, returned positional arguments to be passed to the view when all optional named groups were missing (:ticket:`31061`). * Reallowed, following a regression in Django 3.0, :class:`~django.db.models.expressions.Window` expressions to be used in conditions outside of queryset filters, e.g. in :class:`~django.db.models.expressions.When` conditions (:ticket:`31060`). * Fixed a data loss possibility in :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.forms.SplitArrayField`. When using with ``ArrayField(BooleanField())``, all values after the first ``True`` value were marked as checked instead of preserving passed values (:ticket:`31073`). ======================== ``` ### 3.0 ``` ======================== *December 2, 2019* Welcome to Django 3.0! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-3.0>`, as well as some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-3.0>` you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 2.2 or earlier. We've :ref:`dropped some features<removed-features-3.0>` that have reached the end of their deprecation cycle, and we've :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features <deprecated-features-3.0>`. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing project. Python compatibility ==================== Django 3.0 supports Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. We **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series. The Django 2.2.x series is the last to support Python 3.5. Third-party library support for older version of Django ======================================================= Following the release of Django 3.0, we suggest that third-party app authors drop support for all versions of Django prior to 2.2. At that time, you should be able to run your package's tests using ``python -Wd`` so that deprecation warnings appear. After making the deprecation warning fixes, your app should be compatible with Django 3.0. .. _whats-new-3.0: What's new in Django 3.0 ======================== MariaDB support --------------- Django now officially supports `MariaDB <>`_ 10.1 and higher. See :ref:`MariaDB notes <mariadb-notes>` for more details. ASGI support ------------ Django 3.0 begins our journey to making Django fully async-capable by providing support for running as an `ASGI <>`_ application. This is in addition to our existing WSGI support. Django intends to support both for the foreseeable future. Async features will only be available to applications that run under ASGI, however. At this stage async support only applies to the outer ASGI application. Internally everything remains synchronous. Asynchronous middleware, views, etc. are not yet supported. You can, however, use ASGI middleware around Django's application, allowing you to combine Django with other ASGI frameworks. There is no need to switch your applications over unless you want to start experimenting with asynchronous code, but we have :doc:`documentation on deploying with ASGI </howto/deployment/asgi/index>` if you want to learn more. Note that as a side-effect of this change, Django is now aware of asynchronous event loops and will block you calling code marked as "async unsafe" - such as ORM operations - from an asynchronous context. If you were using Django from async code before, this may trigger if you were doing it incorrectly. If you see a ``SynchronousOnlyOperation`` error, then closely examine your code and move any database operations to be in a synchronous child thread. Exclusion constraints on PostgreSQL ----------------------------------- The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint` class enable adding exclusion constraints on PostgreSQL. Constraints are added to models using the :attr:`Meta.constraints <django.db.models.Options.constraints>` option. Filter expressions ------------------ Expressions that output :class:`~django.db.models.BooleanField` may now be used directly in ``QuerySet`` filters, without having to first annotate and then filter against the annotation. Enumerations for model field choices ------------------------------------ Custom enumeration types ``TextChoices``, ``IntegerChoices``, and ``Choices`` are now available as a way to define :attr:`.Field.choices`. ``TextChoices`` and ``IntegerChoices`` types are provided for text and integer fields. The ``Choices`` class allows defining a compatible enumeration for other concrete data types. These custom enumeration types support human-readable labels that can be translated and accessed via a property on the enumeration or its members. See :ref:`Enumeration types <field-choices-enum-types>` for more details and examples. Minor features -------------- :mod:`django.contrib.admin` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for the ``admin_order_field`` attribute on properties in :attr:`.ModelAdmin.list_display`. * The new :meth:`ModelAdmin.get_inlines() <django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.get_inlines>` method allows specifying the inlines based on the request or model instance. * Select2 library is upgraded from version 4.0.3 to 4.0.7. * jQuery is upgraded from version 3.3.1 to 3.4.1. :mod:`django.contrib.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new ``reset_url_token`` attribute in :class:`~django.contrib.auth.views.PasswordResetConfirmView` allows specifying a token parameter displayed as a component of password reset URLs. * Added :class:`~django.contrib.auth.backends.BaseBackend` class to ease customization of authentication backends. * Added :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.get_user_permissions()` method to mirror the existing :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.get_group_permissions()` method. * Added HTML ``autocomplete`` attribute to widgets of username, email, and password fields in :mod:`django.contrib.auth.forms` for better interaction with browser password managers. * :djadmin:`createsuperuser` now falls back to environment variables for password and required fields, when a corresponding command line argument isn't provided in non-interactive mode. * :attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.REQUIRED_FIELDS` now supports :class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField`\s. * The new :meth:`.UserManager.with_perm` method returns users that have the specified permission. * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from 150,000 to 180,000. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Allowed MySQL spatial lookup functions to operate on real geometries. Previous support was limited to bounding boxes. * Added the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.GeometryDistance` function, supported on PostGIS. * Added support for the ``furlong`` unit in :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance`. * The :setting:`GEOIP_PATH` setting now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. * The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geoip2.GeoIP2` class now accepts :class:`pathlib.Path` ``path``. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.RangeOperators` helps to avoid typos in SQL operators that can be used together with :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.RangeField`. * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.RangeBoundary` expression represents the range boundaries. * The new :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.operations.AddIndexConcurrently` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.operations.RemoveIndexConcurrently` classes allow creating and dropping indexes ``CONCURRENTLY`` on PostgreSQL. :mod:`django.contrib.sessions` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :meth:`~django.contrib.sessions.backends.base.SessionBase.get_session_cookie_age()` method allows dynamically specifying the session cookie age. :mod:`django.contrib.syndication` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added the ``language`` class attribute to the :class:`django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed` to customize a feed language. The default value is :func:`~django.utils.translation.get_language()` instead of :setting:`LANGUAGE_CODE`. Cache ~~~~~ * :func:`~django.utils.cache.add_never_cache_headers` and :func:`~django.views.decorators.cache.never_cache` now add the ``private`` directive to ``Cache-Control`` headers. File Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :meth:`.Storage.get_alternative_name` method allows customizing the algorithm for generating filenames if a file with the uploaded name already exists. Forms ~~~~~ * Formsets may control the widget used when ordering forms via :attr:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet.can_order` by setting the :attr:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet.ordering_widget` attribute or overriding :attr:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet.get_ordering_widget()`. Internationalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added the :setting:`LANGUAGE_COOKIE_HTTPONLY`, :setting:`LANGUAGE_COOKIE_SAMESITE`, and :setting:`LANGUAGE_COOKIE_SECURE` settings to set the ``HttpOnly``, ``SameSite``, and ``Secure`` flags on language cookies. The default values of these settings preserve the previous behavior. * Added support and translations for the Uzbek language. Logging ~~~~~~~ * The new ``reporter_class`` parameter of :class:`~django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler` allows providing an ``django.views.debug.ExceptionReporter`` subclass to customize the traceback text sent to site :setting:`ADMINS` when :setting:`DEBUG` is ``False``. Management Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :option:`compilemessages --ignore` option allows ignoring specific directories when searching for ``.po`` files to compile. * :option:`showmigrations --list` now shows the applied datetimes when ``--verbosity`` is 2 and above. * On PostgreSQL, :djadmin:`dbshell` now supports client-side TLS certificates. * :djadmin:`inspectdb` now introspects :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` when a foreign key has a unique or primary key constraint. * The new :option:`--skip-checks` option skips running system checks prior to running the command. * The :option:`startapp --template` and :option:`startproject --template` options now support templates stored in XZ archives (``.tar.xz``, ``.txz``) and LZMA archives (``.tar.lzma``, ``.tlz``). Models ~~~~~~ * Added hash database functions :class:`~django.db.models.functions.MD5`, :class:`~django.db.models.functions.SHA1`, :class:`~django.db.models.functions.SHA224`, :class:`~django.db.models.functions.SHA256`, :class:`~django.db.models.functions.SHA384`, and :class:`~django.db.models.functions.SHA512`. * Added the :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Sign` database function. * The new ``is_dst`` parameter of the :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Trunc` database functions determines the treatment of nonexistent and ambiguous datetimes. * ``connection.queries`` now shows ``COPY … TO`` statements on PostgreSQL. * :class:`~django.db.models.FilePathField` now accepts a callable for ``path``. * Allowed symmetrical intermediate table for self-referential :class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField`. * The ``name`` attributes of :class:`~django.db.models.CheckConstraint`, :class:`~django.db.models.UniqueConstraint`, and :class:`~django.db.models.Index` now support app label and class interpolation using the ``'%(app_label)s'`` and ``'%(class)s'`` placeholders. * The new :attr:`.Field.descriptor_class` attribute allows model fields to customize the get and set behavior by overriding their :py:ref:`descriptors <descriptors>`. * :class:`~django.db.models.Avg` and :class:`~django.db.models.Sum` now support the ``distinct`` argument. * Added :class:`~django.db.models.SmallAutoField` which acts much like an :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField` except that it only allows values under a certain (database-dependent) limit. Values from ``1`` to ``32767`` are safe in all databases supported by Django. * :class:`~django.db.models.AutoField`, :class:`~django.db.models.BigAutoField`, and :class:`~django.db.models.SmallAutoField` now inherit from ``IntegerField``, ``BigIntegerField`` and ``SmallIntegerField`` respectively. System checks and validators are now also properly inherited. * :attr:`.FileField.upload_to` now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. * :class:`~django.db.models.CheckConstraint` is now supported on MySQL 8.0.16+. * The new ``allows_group_by_selected_pks_on_model()`` method of ``django.db.backends.base.BaseDatabaseFeatures`` allows optimization of ``GROUP BY`` clauses to require only the selected models' primary keys. By default, it's supported only for managed models on PostgreSQL. To enable the ``GROUP BY`` primary key-only optimization for unmanaged models, you have to subclass the PostgreSQL database engine, overriding the features class ``allows_group_by_selected_pks_on_model()`` method as you require. See :ref:`Subclassing the built-in database backends <subclassing-database-backends>` for an example. Requests and Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Allowed :class:`~django.http.HttpResponse` to be initialized with :class:`memoryview` content. * For use in, for example, Django templates, :attr:`.HttpRequest.headers` now allows lookups using underscores (e.g. ``user_agent``) in place of hyphens. .. _whats-new-security-3.0: Security ~~~~~~~~ * :setting:`X_FRAME_OPTIONS` now defaults to ``'DENY'``. In older versions, the :setting:`X_FRAME_OPTIONS` setting defaults to ``'SAMEORIGIN'``. If your site uses frames of itself, you will need to explicitly set ``X_FRAME_OPTIONS = 'SAMEORIGIN'`` for them to continue working. * :setting:`SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF` now defaults to ``True``. With this enabled, :class:`` sets the :ref:`x-content-type-options` header on all responses that do not already have it. * :class:`` can now send the :ref:`Referrer-Policy <referrer-policy>` header. Tests ~~~~~ * The new test :class:`~django.test.Client` argument ``raise_request_exception`` allows controlling whether or not exceptions raised during the request should also be raised in the test. The value defaults to ``True`` for backwards compatibility. If it is ``False`` and an exception occurs, the test client will return a 500 response with the attribute :attr:`~django.test.Response.exc_info`, a tuple providing information of the exception that occurred. * Tests and test cases to run can be selected by test name pattern using the new :option:`test -k` option. * HTML comparison, as used by :meth:`~django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertHTMLEqual`, now treats text, character references, and entity references that refer to the same character as equivalent. * Django test runner now supports headless mode for selenium tests on supported browsers. Add the ``--headless`` option to enable this mode. * Django test runner now supports ``--start-at`` and ``--start-after`` options to run tests starting from a specific top-level module. * Django test runner now supports a ``--pdb`` option to spawn a debugger at each error or failure. .. _backwards-incompatible-3.0: Backwards incompatible changes in 3.0 ===================================== ```` when providing a default for the primary key ------------------------------------------------------------- :meth:`` no longer attempts to find a row when saving a new ``Model`` instance and a default value for the primary key is provided, and always performs a single ``INSERT`` query. In older Django versions, ```` performed either an ``INSERT`` or an ``UPDATE`` based on whether or not the row exists. This makes calling ```` while providing a default primary key value equivalent to passing :ref:`force_insert=True <ref-models-force-insert>` to model's ``save()``. Attempts to use a new ``Model`` instance to update an existing row will result in an ``IntegrityError``. In order to update an existing model for a specific primary key value, use the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.update_or_create` method or ``QuerySet.filter(pk=…).update(…)`` instead. For example:: >>> MyModel.objects.update_or_create(pk=existing_pk, defaults={'name': 'new name'}) >>> MyModel.objects.filter(pk=existing_pk).update(name='new name') Database backend API -------------------- This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database backends. * The second argument of ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_geometry_type()`` is now the row description instead of the column name. * ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_field_type()`` may no longer return tuples. * If the database can create foreign keys in the same SQL statement that adds a field, add ``SchemaEditor.sql_create_column_inline_fk`` with the appropriate SQL; otherwise, set ``DatabaseFeatures.can_create_inline_fk = False``. * ``DatabaseFeatures.can_return_id_from_insert`` and ``can_return_ids_from_bulk_insert`` are renamed to ``can_return_columns_from_insert`` and ``can_return_rows_from_bulk_insert``. * Database functions now handle :class:`datetime.timezone` formats when created using :class:`datetime.timedelta` instances (e.g. ``timezone(timedelta(hours=5))``, which would output ``'UTC+05:00'``). Third-party backends should handle this format when preparing :class:`~django.db.models.DateTimeField` in ``datetime_cast_date_sql()``, ``datetime_extract_sql()``, etc. * Entries for ``AutoField``, ``BigAutoField``, and ``SmallAutoField`` are added to ``DatabaseOperations.integer_field_ranges`` to support the integer range validators on these field types. Third-party backends may need to customize the default entries. * ``DatabaseOperations.fetch_returned_insert_id()`` is replaced by ``fetch_returned_insert_columns()`` which returns a list of values returned by the ``INSERT … RETURNING`` statement, instead of a single value. * ``DatabaseOperations.return_insert_id()`` is replaced by ``return_insert_columns()`` that accepts a ``fields`` argument, which is an iterable of fields to be returned after insert. Usually this is only the auto-generated primary key. :mod:`django.contrib.admin` --------------------------- * Admin's model history change messages now prefers more readable field labels instead of field names. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ------------------------- * Support for PostGIS 2.1 is removed. * Support for SpatiaLite 4.1 and 4.2 is removed. * Support for GDAL 1.11 and GEOS 3.4 is removed. Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.4 ---------------------------------- Upstream support for PostgreSQL 9.4 ends in December 2019. Django 3.0 supports PostgreSQL 9.5 and higher. Dropped support for Oracle 12.1 ------------------------------- Upstream support for Oracle 12.1 ends in July 2021. Django 2.2 will be supported until April 2022. Django 3.0 officially supports Oracle 12.2 and 18c. Removed private Python 2 compatibility APIs ------------------------------------------- While Python 2 support was removed in Django 2.0, some private APIs weren't removed from Django so that third party apps could continue using them until the Python 2 end-of-life. Since we expect apps to drop Python 2 compatibility when adding support for Django 3.0, we're removing these APIs at this time. * ``django.test.utils.str_prefix()`` - Strings don't have 'u' prefixes in Python 3. * ``django.test.utils.patch_logger()`` - Use :meth:`unittest.TestCase.assertLogs` instead. * ``django.utils.lru_cache.lru_cache()`` - Alias of :func:`functools.lru_cache`. * ``django.utils.decorators.available_attrs()`` - This function returns ``functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS``. * ``django.utils.decorators.ContextDecorator`` - Alias of :class:`contextlib.ContextDecorator`. * ``django.utils._os.abspathu()`` - Alias of :func:`os.path.abspath`. * ``django.utils._os.upath()`` and ``npath()`` - These functions do nothing on Python 3. * ``django.utils.six`` - Remove usage of this vendored library or switch to `six <>`_. * ``django.utils.encoding.python_2_unicode_compatible()`` - Alias of ``six.python_2_unicode_compatible()``. * ``django.utils.functional.curry()`` - Use :func:`functools.partial` or :class:`functools.partialmethod`. See :commit:`5b1c389603a353625ae1603`. * ``django.utils.safestring.SafeBytes`` - Unused since Django 2.0. New default value for the ``FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS`` setting ------------------------------------------------------------- In older versions, the :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS` setting defaults to ``None``. With the default :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS`, this results in uploaded files having different permissions depending on their size and which upload handler is used. ``FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSION`` now defaults to ``0o644`` to avoid this inconsistency. New default values for security settings ---------------------------------------- To make Django projects more secure by default, some security settings now have more secure default values: * :setting:`X_FRAME_OPTIONS` now defaults to ``'DENY'``. * :setting:`SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF` now defaults to ``True``. See the *What's New* :ref:`Security section <whats-new-security-3.0>` above for more details on these changes. Miscellaneous ------------- * ``ContentType.__str__()`` now includes the model's ``app_label`` to disambiguate models with the same name in different apps. * Because accessing the language in the session rather than in the cookie is deprecated, ``LocaleMiddleware`` no longer looks for the user's language in the session and :func:`django.contrib.auth.logout` no longer preserves the session's language after logout. * :func:`django.utils.html.escape` now uses :func:`html.escape` to escape HTML. This converts ``'`` to ``&x27;`` instead of the previous equivalent decimal code ``&39;``. * The ``django-admin test -k`` option now works as the :option:`unittest -k<unittest.-k>` option rather than as a shortcut for ``--keepdb``. * Support for ``pywatchman`` < 1.2.0 is removed. * :func:`~django.utils.http.urlencode` now encodes iterable values as they are when ``doseq=False``, rather than iterating them, bringing it into line with the standard library :func:`urllib.parse.urlencode` function. * ``intword`` template filter now translates ``1.0`` as a singular phrase and all other numeric values as plural. This may be incorrect for some languages. * Assigning a value to a model's :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey` or :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` ``'_id'`` attribute now unsets the corresponding field. Accessing the field afterwards will result in a query. * :func:`~django.utils.cache.patch_vary_headers` now handles an asterisk ``'*'`` according to :rfc:`7231section-7.1.4`, i.e. if a list of header field names contains an asterisk, then the ``Vary`` header will consist of a single asterisk ``'*'``. * On MySQL 8.0.16+, ``PositiveIntegerField`` and ``PositiveSmallIntegerField`` now include a check constraint to prevent negative values in the database. * ``alias=None`` is added to the signature of :meth:`.Expression.get_group_by_cols`. * Support for ``sqlparse`` < 0.2.2 is removed. * ``RegexPattern``, used by :func:`~django.urls.re_path`, no longer returns keyword arguments with ``None`` values to be passed to the view for the optional named groups that are missing. .. _deprecated-features-3.0: Features deprecated in 3.0 ========================== ``django.utils.encoding.force_text()`` and ``smart_text()`` ----------------------------------------------------------- The ``smart_text()`` and ``force_text()`` aliases (since Django 2.0) of ``smart_str()`` and ``force_str()`` are deprecated. Ignore this deprecation if your code supports Python 2 as the behavior of ``smart_str()`` and ``force_str()`` is different there. Miscellaneous ------------- * ``django.utils.http.urlquote()``, ``urlquote_plus()``, ``urlunquote()``, and ``urlunquote_plus()`` are deprecated in favor of the functions that they're aliases for: :func:`urllib.parse.quote`, :func:`~urllib.parse.quote_plus`, :func:`~urllib.parse.unquote`, and :func:`~urllib.parse.unquote_plus`. * ``django.utils.translation.ugettext()``, ``ugettext_lazy()``, ``ugettext_noop()``, ``ungettext()``, and ``ungettext_lazy()`` are deprecated in favor of the functions that they're aliases for: :func:`django.utils.translation.gettext`, :func:`~django.utils.translation.gettext_lazy`, :func:`~django.utils.translation.gettext_noop`, :func:`~django.utils.translation.ngettext`, and :func:`~django.utils.translation.ngettext_lazy`. * To limit creation of sessions and hence favor some caching strategies, :func:`django.views.i18n.set_language` will stop setting the user's language in the session in Django 4.0. Since Django 2.1, the language is always stored in the :setting:`LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME` cookie. * ``django.utils.text.unescape_entities()`` is deprecated in favor of :func:`html.unescape`. Note that unlike ``unescape_entities()``, ``html.unescape()`` evaluates lazy strings immediately. * To avoid possible confusion as to effective scope, the private internal utility ``is_safe_url()`` is renamed to ``url_has_allowed_host_and_scheme()``. That a URL has an allowed host and scheme doesn't in general imply that it's "safe". It may still be quoted incorrectly, for example. Ensure to also use :func:`~django.utils.encoding.iri_to_uri` on the path component of untrusted URLs. .. _removed-features-3.0: Features removed in 3.0 ======================= These features have reached the end of their deprecation cycle and are removed in Django 3.0. See :ref:`deprecated-features-2.0` for details on these changes, including how to remove usage of these features. * The ``django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2`` module is removed. * ``django.shortcuts.render_to_response()`` is removed. * The ``DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE`` setting is removed. * ``HttpRequest.xreadlines()`` is removed. * Support for the ``context`` argument of ``Field.from_db_value()`` and ``Expression.convert_value()`` is removed. * The ``field_name`` keyword argument of ``QuerySet.earliest()`` and ``latest()`` is removed. See :ref:`deprecated-features-2.1` for details on these changes, including how to remove usage of these features. * The ``ForceRHR`` GIS function is removed. * ``django.utils.http.cookie_date()`` is removed. * The ``staticfiles`` and ``admin_static`` template tag libraries are removed. * ``django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.staticfiles.static()`` is removed. =========================== ``` ### 2.2.12 ``` =========================== *April 1, 2020* Django 2.2.12 fixes a bug in 2.2.11. Bugfixes ======== * Added the ability to handle ``.po`` files containing different plural equations for the same language (:ticket:`30439`). =========================== ``` ### 2.2.11 ``` =========================== *March 4, 2020* Django 2.2.11 fixes a security issue and a data loss bug in 2.2.10. CVE-2020-9402: Potential SQL injection via ``tolerance`` parameter in GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle ============================================================================================================ GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle were subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted ``tolerance``. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a data loss possibility in the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_for_update`. When using related fields or parent link fields with :ref:`multi-table-inheritance` in the ``of`` argument, the corresponding models were not locked (:ticket:`31246`). =========================== ``` ### 2.2.10 ``` =========================== *February 3, 2020* Django 2.2.10 fixes a security issue in 2.2.9. CVE-2020-7471: Potential SQL injection via ``StringAgg(delimiter)`` =================================================================== :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg` aggregation function was subject to SQL injection, using a suitably crafted ``delimiter``. ========================== ``` ### 2.2.9 ``` ========================== *December 18, 2019* Django 2.2.9 fixes a security issue and a data loss bug in 2.2.8. CVE-2019-19844: Potential account hijack via password reset form ================================================================ By submitting a suitably crafted email address making use of Unicode characters, that compared equal to an existing user email when lower-cased for comparison, an attacker could be sent a password reset token for the matched account. In order to avoid this vulnerability, password reset requests now compare the submitted email using the stricter, recommended algorithm for case-insensitive comparison of two identifiers from `Unicode Technical Report 36, section 2.11.2(B)(2)`__. Upon a match, the email containing the reset token will be sent to the email address on record rather than the submitted address. .. __: Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a data loss possibility in :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.forms.SplitArrayField`. When using with ``ArrayField(BooleanField())``, all values after the first ``True`` value were marked as checked instead of preserving passed values (:ticket:`31073`). ========================== ``` ### 2.2.8 ``` ========================== *December 2, 2019* Django 2.2.8 fixes a security issue, several bugs in 2.2.7, and adds compatibility with Python 3.8. CVE-2019-19118: Privilege escalation in the Django admin. ========================================================= Since Django 2.1, a Django model admin displaying a parent model with related model inlines, where the user has view-only permissions to a parent model but edit permissions to the inline model, would display a read-only view of the parent model but editable forms for the inline. Submitting these forms would not allow direct edits to the parent model, but would trigger the parent model's ``save()`` method, and cause pre and post-save signal handlers to be invoked. This is a privilege escalation as a user who lacks permission to edit a model should not be able to trigger its save-related signals. To resolve this issue, the permission handling code of the Django admin interface has been changed. Now, if a user has only the "view" permission for a parent model, the entire displayed form will not be editable, even if the user has permission to edit models included in inlines. This is a backwards-incompatible change, and the Django security team is aware that some users of Django were depending on the ability to allow editing of inlines in the admin form of an otherwise view-only parent model. Given the complexity of the Django admin, and in-particular the permissions related checks, it is the view of the Django security team that this change was necessary: that it is not currently feasible to maintain the existing behavior whilst escaping the potential privilege escalation in a way that would avoid a recurrence of similar issues in the future, and that would be compatible with Django's *safe by default* philosophy. For the time being, developers whose applications are affected by this change should replace the use of inlines in read-only parents with custom forms and views that explicitly implement the desired functionality. In the longer term, adding a documented, supported, and properly-tested mechanism for partially-editable multi-model forms to the admin interface may occur in Django itself. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a data loss possibility in the admin changelist view when a custom :ref:`formset's prefix <formset-prefix>` contains regular expression special characters, e.g. ``'$'`` (:ticket:`31031`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2.1 that caused a crash when migrating permissions for proxy models with a multiple database setup if the ``default`` entry was empty (:ticket:`31021`). * Fixed a data loss possibility in the :meth:`~django.db.models.query.QuerySet.select_for_update()`. When using ``'self'`` in the ``of`` argument with :ref:`multi-table inheritance <multi-table-inheritance>`, a parent model was locked instead of the queryset's model (:ticket:`30953`). ========================== ``` ### 2.2.7 ``` ========================== *November 4, 2019* Django 2.2.7 fixes several bugs in 2.2.6. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a crash when using a ``contains``, ``contained_by``, ``has_key``, ``has_keys``, or ``has_any_keys`` lookup on :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField`, if the right or left hand side of an expression is a key transform (:ticket:`30826`). * Prevented :option:`migrate --plan` from showing that ``RunPython`` operations are irreversible when ``reverse_code`` callables don't have docstrings or when showing a forward migration plan (:ticket:`30870`). * Fixed migrations crash on PostgreSQL when adding an :class:`~django.db.models.Index` with fields ordering and :attr:`~.Index.opclasses` (:ticket:`30903`). * Restored the ability to override :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.get_FOO_display` (:ticket:`30931`). ========================== ``` ### 2.2.6 ``` ========================== *October 1, 2019* Django 2.2.6 fixes several bugs in 2.2.5. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed migrations crash on SQLite when altering a model containing partial indexes (:ticket:`30754`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2.4 that caused a crash when filtering with a ``Subquery()`` annotation of a queryset containing :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField` or :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField` (:ticket:`30769`). ========================== ``` ### 2.2.5 ``` ========================== *September 2, 2019* Django 2.2.5 fixes several bugs in 2.2.4. Bugfixes ======== * Relaxed the system check added in Django 2.2 for models to reallow use of the same ``db_table`` by multiple models when database routers are installed (:ticket:`30673`). * Fixed crash of ``KeyTransform()`` for :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField` and :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.fields.HStoreField` when using on expressions with params (:ticket:`30672`). * Fixed a regression in Django 2.2 where :attr:`ModelAdmin.list_filter <django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.list_filter>` choices to foreign objects don't respect a model's ``Meta.ordering`` (:ticket:`30449`). ========================== ```
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Update docutils from 0.15.2 to 0.16.

Changelog ### 0.16 ``` ========================= .. Note:: Docutils 0.15.x is the last version supporting Python 2.6, 3.3 and 3.4. Docutils 0.16.x supports Python 2.7 and Python >= 3.5 natively, without the use of the ``2to3`` tool. * reStructuredText: - Keep `backslash escapes`__ in the document tree. This allows, e.g., escaping of author-separators in `bibliographic fields`__. __ __ docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.htmlbibliographic-fields * LaTeX writer: - Informal titles of type "rubric" default to bold-italic and left aligned. - Deprecate ``\docutilsrole`` prefix for styling commands: use ``\DUrole`` instead. - Fix topic subtitle. - Add "latex writers" to the `config_section_dependencies`. - Ignore classes for `rubric` elements (class wrapper interferes with LaTeX formatting). * tools/ - New option "--html-writer" allows to select "html__" (default), "html4" or "html5". __ html: docs/user/html.htmlhtml * docutils/ - Remove the `handle_io_errors` option from io.FileInput/Output. * docutils/ - If `auto_id_prefix`_ ends with "%", this is replaced with the tag name. .. _auto_id_prefix: docs/user/config.htmlauto-id-prefix * Various bugfixes and improvements (see HISTORY_). ```
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Update gunicorn from 19.9.0 to 20.0.4.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update idna from 2.8 to 2.9.

Changelog ### 2.9 ``` ++++++++++++++++ - Update to Unicode 12.1.0. - Prohibit A-labels ending with a hyphen (Thanks, Julien Bernard!) - Future-proofing: Test on Python 3.7 and 3.8, don't immediately fail should Python 4 come along. - Made BSD 3-clause license clearer ```
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Update imagesize from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.

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Update jinja2 from 2.10.1 to 2.11.2.

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Update packaging from 19.1 to 20.4.

Changelog ### 20.4 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Canonicalize version before comparing specifiers. (:issue:`282`) * Change type hint for ``canonicalize_name`` to return ``packaging.utils.NormalizedName``. This enables the use of static typing tools (like mypy) to detect mixing of normalized and un-normalized names. ``` ### 20.3 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix changelog for 20.2. ``` ### 20.2 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a bug that caused a 32-bit OS that runs on a 64-bit ARM CPU (e.g. ARM-v8, aarch64), to report the wrong bitness. ``` ### 20.1 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a bug caused by reuse of an exhausted iterator. (:issue:`257`) ``` ### 20.0 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add type hints (:issue:`191`) * Add proper trove classifiers for PyPy support (:issue:`198`) * Scale back depending on ``ctypes`` for manylinux support detection (:issue:`171`) * Use ```` where appropriate for ``packaging.tags`` (:issue:`193`) * Expand upon the API provded by ``packaging.tags``: ``interpreter_name()``, ``mac_platforms()``, ``compatible_tags()``, ``cpython_tags()``, ``generic_tags()`` (:issue:`187`) * Officially support Python 3.8 (:issue:`232`) * Add ``major``, ``minor``, and ``micro`` aliases to ``packaging.version.Version`` (:issue:`226`) * Properly mark ``packaging`` has being fully typed by adding a `py.typed` file (:issue:`226`) ``` ### 19.2 ``` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Remove dependency on ``attrs`` (:issue:`178`, :issue:`179`) * Use appropriate fallbacks for CPython ABI tag (:issue:`181`, :issue:`185`) * Add manylinux2014 support (:issue:`186`) * Improve ABI detection (:issue:`181`) * Properly handle debug wheels for Python 3.8 (:issue:`172`) * Improve detection of debug builds on Windows (:issue:`194`) ```
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Update psycopg2 from 2.8.3 to 2.8.5.

Changelog ### 2.8.5 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed use of `!connection_factory` and `!cursor_factory` together (:ticket:`1019`). - Added support for `~logging.LoggerAdapter` in `~psycopg2.extras.LoggingConnection` (:ticket:`1026`). - `~psycopg2.extensions.Column` objects in `cursor.description` can be sliced (:ticket:`1034`). - Added AIX support (:ticket:`1061`). - Fixed `~copy.copy()` of `~psycopg2.extras.DictCursor` rows (:ticket:`1073`). ``` ### 2.8.4 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed building with Python 3.8 (:ticket:`854`). - Don't swallow keyboard interrupts on connect when a password is specified in the connection string (:ticket:`898`). - Don't advance replication cursor when the message wasn't confirmed (:ticket:`940`). - Fixed inclusion of ``time.h`` on linux (:ticket:`951`). - Fixed int overflow for large values in `~psycopg2.extensions.Column.table_oid` and `~psycopg2.extensions.Column.type_code` (:ticket:`961`). - `~psycopg2.errorcodes` map and `~psycopg2.errors` classes updated to PostgreSQL 12. - Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.1.1d and PostgreSQL at least 11.4. ```
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Update pygments from 2.4.2 to 2.6.1.

Changelog ### 2.6 ``` ----------- (released March 8, 2020) - Running Pygments on Python 2.x is no longer supported. (The Python 2 lexer still exists.) - Added lexers: * Linux kernel logs (PR1310) * LLVM MIR (PR1361) * MiniScript (PR1397) * Mosel (PR1287, PR1326) * Parsing Expression Grammar (PR1336) * ReasonML (PR1386) * Ride (PR1319, PR1321) * Sieve (PR1257) * USD (PR1290) * WebIDL (PR1309) - Updated lexers: * Apache2 (PR1378) * Chapel (PR1357) * CSound (PR1383) * D (PR1375, PR1362) * Idris (PR1360) * Perl6/Raku lexer (PR1344) * Python3 (PR1382, PR1385) * Rust: Updated lexer to cover more builtins (mostly macros) and miscellaneous new syntax (PR1320) * SQL: Add temporal support keywords (PR1402) - The 256-color/true-color terminal formatters now support the italic attribute in styles (PR1288) - Support HTTP 2/3 header (PR1308) - Support missing reason in HTTP header (PR1322) - Boogie/Silver: support line continuations and triggers, move contract keywords to separate category (PR1299) - GAS: support C-style comments (PR1291) - Fix names in S lexer (PR1330, PR1333) - Fix numeric literals in Ada (PR1334) - Recognize ``.mjs`` files as Javascript (PR1392) - Recognize ``.eex`` files as Elixir (PR1387) - Fix ``re.MULTILINE`` usage (PR1388) - Recognize ``pipenv`` and ``poetry`` dependency & lock files (PR1376) - Improve font search on Windows (1247) - Remove unused script block (1401) ``` ### 2.5.2 ``` ------------- (released November 29, 2019) - Fix incompatibility with some setuptools versions (PR1316) - Fix lexing of ReST field lists (PR1279) - Fix lexing of Matlab keywords as field names (PR1282) - Recognize double-quoted strings in Matlab (PR1278) - Avoid slow backtracking in Vim lexer (PR1312) - Fix Scala highlighting of types (PR1315) - Highlight field lists more consistently in ReST (PR1279) - Fix highlighting Matlab keywords in field names (PR1282) - Recognize Matlab double quoted strings (PR1278) - Add some Terraform keywords - Update Modelica lexer to 3.4 - Update Crystal examples ``` ### 2.5.1 ``` ------------- (released November 26, 2019) - This release fixes a packaging issue. No functional changes. ``` ### 2.5.0 ``` ------------- (released November 26, 2019) - Added lexers: * Email (PR1246) * Erlang, Elixir shells (PR823, 1521) * Notmuch (PR1264) * `Scdoc <>`_ (PR1268) * `Solidity <>`_ (1214) * `Zeek <>`_ (new name for Bro) (PR1269) * `Zig <>`_ (PR820) - Updated lexers: * Apache2 Configuration (PR1251) * Bash sessions (1253) * CSound (PR1250) * Dart * Dockerfile * Emacs Lisp * Handlebars (PR773) * Java (1101, 987) * Logtalk (PR1261) * Matlab (PR1271) * Praat (PR1277) * Python3 (PR1255, PR1400) * Ruby * YAML (1528) * Velocity - Added styles: * Inkpot (PR1276) - The ``PythonLexer`` class is now an alias for the former ``Python3Lexer``. The old ``PythonLexer`` is available as ``Python2Lexer``. Same change has been done for the ``PythonTracebackLexer``. The ``python3`` option for the ``PythonConsoleLexer`` is now true by default. - Bump ``NasmLexer`` priority over ``TasmLexer`` for ``.asm`` files (fixes 1326) - Default font in the ``ImageFormatter`` has been updated (928, PR1245) - Test suite switched to py.test, removed nose dependency (1490) - Reduce ``TeraTerm`` lexer score -- it used to match nearly all languages (1256) - Treat ``Skylark``/``Starlark`` files as Python files (PR1259) - Image formatter: actually respect ``line_number_separator`` option - Add LICENSE file to wheel builds - Agda: fix lambda highlighting - Dart: support ` annotations - Dockerfile: accept ``FROM ... AS`` syntax - Emacs Lisp: add more string functions - GAS: accept registers in directive arguments - Java: make structural punctuation (braces, parens, colon, comma) ``Punctuation``, not ``Operator`` (987) - Java: support ``var`` contextual keyword (1101) - Matlab: Fix recognition of ``function`` keyword (PR1271) - Python: recognize ``.jy`` filenames (976) - Python: recognize ``f`` string prefix (1156) - Ruby: support squiggly heredocs - Shell sessions: recognize Virtualenv prompt (PR1266) - Velocity: support silent reference syntax ```
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Update pyparsing from 2.4.2 to 2.4.7.

Changelog ### 2.4.7 ``` --------------------------------------------- - Backport of selected fixes from 3.0.0 work: . Each bug with Regex expressions . And expressions not properly constructing with generator . Traceback abbreviation . Bug in delta_time example . Fix regexen in pyparsing_common.real and .sci_real . Avoid FutureWarning on Python 3.7 or later . Cleanup output in runTests if comments are embedded in test string ``` ### 2.4.6 ``` ------------------------------ - Fixed typos in White mapping of whitespace characters, to use correct "\u" prefix instead of "u\". - Fix bug in left-associative ternary operators defined using infixNotation. First reported on StackOverflow by user Jeronimo. - Backport of pyparsing_test namespace from 3.0.0, including TestParseResultsAsserts mixin class defining unittest-helper methods: . def assertParseResultsEquals( self, result, expected_list=None, expected_dict=None, msg=None) . def assertParseAndCheckList( self, expr, test_string, expected_list, msg=None, verbose=True) . def assertParseAndCheckDict( self, expr, test_string, expected_dict, msg=None, verbose=True) . def assertRunTestResults( self, run_tests_report, expected_parse_results=None, msg=None) . def assertRaisesParseException(self, exc_type=ParseException, msg=None) To use the methods in this mixin class, declare your unittest classes as: from pyparsing import pyparsing_test as ppt class MyParserTest(ppt.TestParseResultsAsserts, unittest.TestCase): ... ``` ### 2.4.5 ``` ------------------------------ - NOTE: final release compatible with Python 2.x. - Fixed issue with reading README.rst as part of's initialization of the project's long_description, with a non-ASCII space character causing errors when installing from source on platforms where UTF-8 is not the default encoding. ``` ### 2.4.4 ``` -------------------------------- - Unresolved symbol reference in 2.4.3 release was masked by stdout buffering in unit tests, thanks for the prompt heads-up, Ned Batchelder! ``` ### 2.4.3 ``` ------------------------------ - Fixed a bug in ParserElement.__eq__ that would for some parsers create a recursion error at parser definition time. Thanks to Michael Clerx for the assist. (Addresses issue 123) - Fixed bug in indentedBlock where a block that ended at the end of the input string could cause pyparsing to loop forever. Raised as part of discussion on StackOverflow with geckos. - Backports from pyparsing 3.0.0: . __diag__.enable_all_warnings() . Fixed bug in PrecededBy which caused infinite recursion, issue 127 . support for using regex-compiled RE to construct Regex expressions ```
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Update python-dotenv from 0.10.3 to 0.13.0.

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Update pytz from 2019.2 to 2020.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update pyyaml from 5.1.2 to 5.3.1.

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Update requests from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0.

Changelog ### 2.23.0 ``` ------------------- **Improvements** - Remove defunct reference to `prefetch` in Session `__attrs__` (5110) **Bugfixes** - Requests no longer outputs password in basic auth usage warning. (5099) **Dependencies** - Pinning for `chardet` and `idna` now uses major version instead of minor. This hopefully reduces the need for releases everytime a dependency is updated. ```
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Update six from 1.12.0 to 1.15.0.

Changelog ### 1.15.0 ``` ------ - Pull request 331: Optimize `six.ensure_str` and `six.ensure_binary`. ``` ### 1.14.0 ``` ------ - Issue 288, pull request 289: Add `six.assertNotRegex`. - Issue 317: `six.moves._dummy_thread` now points to the `_thread` module on Python 3.9+. Python 3.7 and later requires threading and deprecated the `_dummy_thread` module. - Issue 308, pull request 314: Remove support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.2. - Issue 250, issue 165, pull request 251: `six.wraps` now ignores missing attributes. This follows the Python 3.2+ standard library behavior. ``` ### 1.13.0 ``` ------ - Issue 298, pull request 299: Add `six.moves.dbm_ndbm`. - Issue 155: Add `six.moves.collections_abc`, which aliases the `collections` module on Python 2-3.2 and the `` on Python 3.3 and greater. - Pull request 304: Re-add distutils fallback in ``. - Pull request 305: On Python 3.7, `with_metaclass` supports classes using PEP 560 features. ```
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Update snowballstemmer from 1.9.0 to 2.0.0.

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Update sphinx from 2.1.2 to 3.0.4.

Changelog ### 3.0.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7567: autodoc: parametrized types are shown twice for generic types * 7637: autodoc: system defined TypeVars are shown in Python 3.9 * 7696: html: Updated jQuery version from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1 for security reasons * 7611: md5 fails when OpenSSL FIPS is enabled * 7626: release package does not contain ``CODE_OF_CONDUCT`` ``` ### 3.0.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, parse array declarators with static, qualifiers, and VLA specification. Bugs fixed ---------- * 7516: autodoc: crashes if target object raises an error on accessing its attributes ``` ### 3.0.2 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, parse attributes and add :confval:`c_id_attributes` and :confval:`c_paren_attributes` to support user-defined attributes. Bugs fixed ---------- * 7461: py domain: fails with IndexError for empty tuple in type annotation * 7510: py domain: keyword-only arguments are documented as having a default of None * 7418: std domain: :rst:role:`term` role could not match case-insensitively * 7461: autodoc: empty tuple in type annotation is not shown correctly * 7479: autodoc: Sphinx builds has been slower since 3.0.0 on mocking * C++, fix spacing issue in east-const declarations. * 7414: LaTeX: Xindy language options were incorrect * sphinx crashes with ImportError on python3.5.1 ``` ### 3.0.1 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 7418: std domain: :rst:dir:`term` role becomes case sensitive Bugs fixed ---------- * 7428: py domain: a reference to class ``None`` emits a nitpicky warning * 7445: py domain: a return annotation ``None`` in the function signature is not converted to a hyperlink when using intersphinx * 7418: std domain: duplication warning for glossary terms is case insensitive * 7438: C++, fix merging overloaded functions in parallel builds. * 7422: autodoc: fails with ValueError when using autodoc_mock_imports * 7435: autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='description'`` doesn't suppress typehints in signature for classes/methods * 7451: autodoc: fails with AttributeError when an object returns non-string object as a ``__doc__`` member * 7423: crashed when giving a non-string object to logger * 7479: html theme: Do not include xmlns attribute with HTML 5 doctype * 7426: html theme: Escape some links in HTML templates ``` ### 3.0.0 ``` * 7364: autosummary: crashed when :confval:`autosummary_generate` is False * 7370: autosummary: raises UnboundLocalError when unknown module given * 7367: C++, alternate operator spellings are now supported. * C, alternate operator spellings are now supported. * 7368: C++, comma operator in expressions, pac
pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Closing this in favor of #35