sameer / svg2gcode

Convert vector graphics to g-code for pen plotters, laser engravers, and other CNC machines
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Warn when viewbox is missing #21

Closed matopeto closed 6 months ago

matopeto commented 2 years ago

I exported SVG from "Affinity photo" (with without viewBox option, so #20 is not the issue in this case)

SVG look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg width="354px" height="1181px" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.5;">
    <g transform="matrix(0.30102,0,0,1,4.19388,0)">
        <path d="M6,1175L1182,1179L1178,3L6,1L6,1175Z" style="fill:none;stroke:rgb(255,0,57);stroke-width:1.13px;"/>

so width="354px" height="1181px" it is cca 3x10cm with 300 DPI

i run svg2gcode and specify --dpi=300

cargo run --release -- examples/affinityexport-wo-viewbox.svg --dpi=300 --off 'M4' --on 'M5' -o out.gcode

And it generates:

G90;svg > g > path
G0 X17263.872 Y38396.67199999839
G1 X1035830.93889024 Y0 F300
G1 X1032366.42505728 Y11288621.567999998 F300
G1 X17263.872 Y11307819.904 F300
G1 X17263.872 Y38396.67199999839 F300

Values are very high 1035830.93889024

Also if i run command without DPI option (it should use 96 default)

cargo run --release -- examples/affinityexport-wo-viewbox.svg --off 'M4' --on 'M5' -o out.gcode

But it generates also "nonsense" values:

G90;svg > g > path
G0 X53949.6 Y119989.59999999404
G1 X3236971.684032 Y0 F300
G1 X3226145.078304 Y35276942.39999999 F300
G1 X53949.6 Y35336937.199999996 F300
G1 X53949.6 Y119989.59999999404 F300
sameer commented 2 years ago

Hi matopeto,

The lack of a viewBox attribute is definitely causing some issues here. Do you know why it is missing? Looking at the W3 specs I see:

All elements that establish a new viewport (see elements that establish viewports), plus the ‘marker’, ‘pattern’ and ‘view’ elements have attribute ‘viewBox’.

... The following elements establish new viewports:

  • The ‘svg’ element ...

So svg2gcode expects a viewBox to be present and uses that for some calculations.

matopeto commented 2 years ago

@sameer OK, thanks for explenation. So if svg without viewbox is not supported, maybe showing some error would be appropriate.

Do you know why it is missing?

Viewbox in my svg is missing becase i check "without viewbox" checkbox in export. I was thinking it will be workaround for #20

sameer commented 2 years ago

Good point, I'll add some logic to make that required.

sameer commented 6 months ago

This should be resolved after which now accounts for viewboxes that don't exist.

I plan to publish and release this soon