v 1.1.0
Use Go 1.5
Change license to MIT
Add docker-machine based auto-scaling for docker executor
Add support for external cache server
Add support for sh, allowing to run builds on images without the bash
Add support for passing the artifacts between stages
Add docker-pull-policy, it removes the docker-image-ttl
Add docker-network-mode
Add git to gitlab-runner:alpine
Add support for CapAdd, CapDrop and Devices by docker executor
Add support for passing the name of artifacts archive (artifacts:name)
Add support for running runner as system service on OSX
Refactor: The build trace is now implemented by network module
Refactor: Remove CGO dependency on Windows
Fix: Create alternative aliases for docker services (uses -)
Fix: VirtualBox port race condition
Fix: Create cache for all builds, including tags
Fix: Make the shell executor more verbose when the process cannot be started
Fix: Pass gitlab-ci.yml variables to build container created by docker executor
Fix: Don't restore cache if not defined in gitlab-ci.yml
Fix: Always use json-file when starting docker containers
Fix: Error level checking for Windows Batch and PowerShell
From the list does not seem like any additional work is required other than bump the version to 1.1.0
New features
From the list does not seem like any additional work is required other than bump the version to 1.1.0