sameersbn / docker-gitlab

Dockerized GitLab
MIT License
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Unable to upgrade from 16.1.5 #2954

Open LewS opened 3 weeks ago

LewS commented 3 weeks ago

I've successfully upgraded a 12.4.2 clone to 16.1.5 with an aim to upgrade beyond to the latest, however whenever I change the docker-gitlab version above 16.1.5 we encounter a previously described error in the db migration script in... "6 is not a known status value /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.0.0/gems/state_machines-0.5.0/lib/state_machines/state_collection.rb:78:in `match!'" This was previously described in #2938 which was closed with reference to it already being listed in #2944, however the later details the inability to upgrade from 15.7.0 to 17.0.0 with reference to postgres, whereas #2938 details gitlab 16.1.6 to 16.3.7; my problem is to upgrade from 16.1.5 to anything higher (aside from the missing 16.1.6). 16.1.5 is running with a migrated pg 15 running via aws RDS. Are we able to get some clarity on how we are getting a status value that is not known, and what we can do to move past it?

FluffyDiscord commented 3 weeks ago

Same issue here

FluffyDiscord commented 2 weeks ago

@LewS it took some time experimenting , but I successfully migrated from ancient source-installed Gitlab to Docker latest - 1. Posting here what I did as a reference:

From Target #checkout_source_tag Note Time
13.5.3 13.12.15 sameersbn/gitlab:13.12.4 30m
13.12.15 14.1.8 sameersbn/gitlab:14.1.1 #14_2_5 2h
14.1.8 14.2.7 sameersbn/gitlab:14.2.5 #14_2_5 30m
14.2.7 14.3.6 sameersbn/gitlab:14.3.3 30m
14.3.6 14.5.4 sameersbn/gitlab:14.5.2 30m
14.5.4 14.6.7 sameersbn/gitlab:14.6.3 30m
14.6.7 14.8.6 sameersbn/gitlab:14.8.4 30m
14.8.6 14.9.5 sameersbn/gitlab:14.9.3 30m
14.9.5 15.0.5 sameersbn/gitlab:15.0.3 1h
15.0.5 15.4.6 #15_4_6 16 migrations 1h*
15.4.6 15.11.13 24 migrations 🤦 2h
15.11.13 16.3.7 sameersbn/gitlab:16.3.6 Before updating Gitlab image version, first update database image from 12-20200524 to 14-20230628 and wait for psql to upgrade. 1h
16.3.7 16.7.8 sameersbn/gitlab:16.7.7 2h
16.7.8 16.11.5 sameersbn/gitlab:16.11.4 1h
16.11.5 17.1.1 1h

wait-until-background-migrations-are-done after each update.


The target image is not available at sameersbn/gitlab. The workaround is rather easy, but time consuming. You need to build the Docker images locally on your machine, where you have your Gitlab instance. Each build took me around 2000 seconds, YMMV.

  1. mkdir sammeersbn_git
  2. cd sammeersbn_git
  3. git clone . (or use https if required)
  4. git restore .
  5. git checkout 13.12.4 (the 13.12.4 is the source tag you want to use)
  6. nano Dockerfile
  7. change ARG VERSION=13.12.4 (at the top) and GITALY_SERVER_VERSION=13.12.4 (slightly lower from the version arg) to the target image version, in this case to 13.12.15
  8. apply #psql_repo_fix if needed
  9. save and exit
  10. docker build -t sameersbn/gitlab:13.12.15 . where 13.12.15 is the target image version
  11. take a ~2000 seconds break

Now repeat steps 4 to 11 whenever image is missing.


After bringing the Gitlab Docker container up, go to Admin -> Monitoring -> Background Migrations. Wait until you no longer have error 502, and then until every migration is done.


Older Gitlab images use removed PostgreSQL Ubuntu repository. Not a problem. You need to replace it in Dockerfile - change deb focal-pgdg main to deb bionic-pgdg main .


After Background Migrations are done:

  1. Enter the container docker compose exec -it gitlab bash
  2. Run each one, wait for green Done
  3. bundle exec rake gitlab:background_migrations:finalize[CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob,events,id,'[["id"]\, ["id_convert_to_bigint"]]']
  4. bundle exec rake gitlab:background_migrations:finalize[CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob,ci_builds,id,'[["id"\, "stage_id"]\, ["id_convert_to_bigint"\, "stage_id_convert_to_bigint"]]']
  5. bundle exec rake gitlab:background_migrations:finalize[CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob,ci_builds_metadata,id,'[["id"]\, ["id_convert_to_bigint"]]']
  6. bundle exec rake gitlab:background_migrations:finalize[CopyColumnUsingBackgroundMigrationJob,taggings,id,'[["id"\, "taggable_id"]\, ["id_convert_to_bigint"\, "taggable_id_convert_to_bigint"]]'] If you miss this, upgrading further will be impossible. You will break your Gitlab instance.


Wait until said migration is in process, then: