sameersbn / docker-redmine

Docker Image for Redmine
MIT License
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Can't download large files #538

Closed marcosguedes closed 3 months ago

marcosguedes commented 5 months ago

Hi everyone, thanks a bunch for this project! I've been using Redmine with the provided docker-compose.yml for a few months now. I'm on 5.0.5 and it's all working fine, however, I noticed I can upload large files by changing NGINX_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE but I can't download them. It fails midway.

My nginx reverse proxy gets the error upstream prematurely closed connection while reading upstream so I believe the error might come from nginx or unicorn timeouts inside the docker.

Here's my environment config (minus sensitive settings)

    image: sameersbn/postgresql:9.6-4
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: redmine-postgresql
      - "5484:5432"

    build: ./
    image: sameersbn/redmine:5.0.5
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: redmine
      - postgresql
      - "4000:80"

      - /srv/docker/redmine/redmine:/home/redmine/data
      - /srv/docker/redmine/redmine-logs:/var/log/redmine

      - REDMINE_PORT=4000
      - REDMINE_HTTPS=true




      - UNICORN_TIMEOUT = 600

I've changed all timeouts on my nginx reverse proxy to 600s so I don't think that's the cause.

nginx and unicorn logs on /srv/docker/redmine/redmine-logs/ don't provide any clues. Doing docker logs redmine --follow also doesn't show any errors. I don't know what else I should check to troubleshoot this

I'm think the issue stems from nginx timeouts because I had similar problems on other projects with redmine installed manually. However, the logs don't show anything. Is there a way I can troubleshoot this better and/or change nginx timeouts if at all possible?

Thank you

jcormier commented 5 months ago

Note the config for the internal nginx config can be found here:

If you want to try modifying it, you can volume mount over it.

    - ./config/nginx/redmine:/etc/docker-redmine/runtime/config/nginx/redmine:ro

And you can reload just nginx

docker-compose exec -T redmine nginx -s reload

I've changed all timeouts on my nginx reverse proxy

Do you get the same timeout if you try downloading the file going around your reverse proxy?

marcosguedes commented 5 months ago

I can't go around my reverse proxy as this server is being directly served by another machine.

Mounting over it looks like the ticket, but proxy_read_timeout and proxy_connect_timeout are already fairly generous with 300s. My assumption was wrong. I'll have to look for another cause. I'll keep it posted here if I happen to find out

Nevertheless thanks. I'm not well versed with docker and that technique will help me in the future

jcormier commented 5 months ago

I did just try to upload then download a 3.4GB iso on a fresh repo and it downloaded without issue. Though it was all run locally on my machine so ideal case networking, but atleasts its possible.

jcormier commented 3 months ago
