sameersbn / docker-wowza

Dockerfile to containerize Wowza Streaming Engine
MIT License
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Still running 4.1.2 #14

Closed rainabba closed 8 years ago

rainabba commented 8 years ago

Based on the README, I started with docker pull sameersbn/wowza:4.1.2-8, but from what I'd seen in commits and issues, I was expecting to end up running 4.3 and I'm still running 4.1.2. Is there another image I should have pulled, was my expectation off, or did something not work as expected?

jshimko commented 8 years ago

I don't see a 4.3 on Docker Hub, but tag :latest was built 2 days ago...

So I'd probably start there.

rainabba commented 8 years ago

this is the commit that had me thinking 4.3 was available, but now I'm thinking that's only if I build my own image and that's what you meant by not seeing a 4.3 on Docker Hub. Is that the case? I really am just getting my sea legs with docker ;)

jshimko commented 8 years ago

I haven't used this container for 4.3 yet, so I'm not totally sure the state of things. Looks like things got reverted a few weeks ago...

rainabba commented 8 years ago

:latest is 4.3.0 :) Curious, since that's your dockerhub account, I would have expected you to know it was 4.3.0 so it seems that someone else is responsible. Do you have an integration routine that made it possible for someone else to contribute and that resulted in :latest being build automatically (and with their contributions)?

jshimko commented 8 years ago

Nope, not my account (here or on Docker Hub). I'm just someone who uses this project and happens to be pretty familiar with Wowza and Docker. :)

rainabba commented 8 years ago

Ahh. You've been so responsive and knowledgeable that I had it in my head that you were sameersbn :)

I know this is off-topic and out of scope in addition to being a closed issue so I don't really expect a reply, but I'd be grateful for one as their support (who I've also asked) is slow.

At the moment, I'm still trying to get NVIDIA support working and wowza support suggested I ensure I was updated so I'm following directions to try and update to 4.4.0 inside the container, which if I understand right will be reverted if I restart so now I'm curious if I can effectively snapshot this running container and version it as a new one. I can't get the engine to stop and allow the update though.

The update script insists that the service is running even though I've tried to stop it the ways I could find ( ).

Looking into the script I see that it's checking for a process using ps ax|grep wms-bootstrap.jar|grep -v grep

I can run sudo /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/bin/ && sudo /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/manager/bin/ && ps ax|grep wms-bootstrap.jar|grep -v grep and I immediately have another pid like it's restarting itself. I do see "WowzaStreamingEngineManager (PID: {previouspid}) is stopping.... Shutdown complete." before the ps output.

So how do I stop 4.3.0 so I can update it? :)

sameersbn commented 8 years ago

Hi. 4.1.2 is the last release version of wowza that was made with this image. Since 4.2.x wowza has changed their packaging system as a result of which we could not perform unattended installations that is required to complete the build of this image.

In PR #10 @mtneug added a feature to install the newer wowza releases using expect at runtime (not build time). You can follow the discussion in the PR thread. I believe it all works. But have currently not tagged a new release with this image cause I wanted to properly review the latest changes, which due to time constraints I haven't been able to do yet.

rainabba commented 8 years ago

:latest is delivering 4.3.0, but I had to upgrade to 4.4.0 manually (needed for GPU acceleration on EC2 G2 instance) and couldn't stop the Engine because it was insisting restarting, so I had to edit their update script to ignore that fact. Luckily it worked anyway. On Feb 25, 2016 10:19 PM, "Sameer Naik" wrote:

Hi. 4.1.2 is the last release version of wowza that was made with this image. Since 4.2.x wowza has changed their packaging system as a result of which we could not perform unattended installations that is required to complete the build of this image.

In PR #10 @mtneug added a feature to install the newer wowza releases using expect at runtime (not build time). You can follow the discussion in the PR thread. I believe it all works. But have currently not tagged a new release with this image cause I wanted to properly review the latest changes, which due to time constraints I haven't been able to do yet.

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