samfisherirl / UIAViewer.ahk-for-UIAutomation.ahk

UIAViewer.ahk for UIAutomation.ahk, with some modifications
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Feature request: "Run" button for macro script #7

Open Descolada opened 1 year ago

Descolada commented 1 year ago

UIA-v2 UIAViewer contains a macro creator that also has a "Test" button, which will execute the code in the macro code edit by writing it to a temporary file and running it with the same AHK exe that the Viewer was started with (also hides UIAViewer for the time, and has a timeout of 30 seconds which if reached will kill the script). This allows to quickly test out the created scripts. I haven't implemented it myself, because I'm still mostly developing UIA-v2 and don't have the time.

Perhaps you want to implement that feature in UIAViewer (if you have time)?