samhh / dotfiles

Configuring the universe with Nix.
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Write as root in nvim #259

Closed samhh closed 2 years ago

samhh commented 2 years ago

Since the change to doas (, I no longer have a sudoedit utility, and there's no vetted and widely-used alternative. I can doas nvim file, but I've no user config. There is no support in suda.vim.

Thus I'd like to be able edit normally and then write with something like :w !doas tee % > /dev/null. This would actually be a usability win over sudoedit as I needn't remember to use a different command until I write, so forgetting isn't a PITA.

However this currently isn't possible in nvim, see: (and

samhh commented 2 years ago

With NixOS there's not really any reason to need to edit as root. All the relevant Nix configs are managed in dotfiles and symlinked in.