Closed thibmonsel closed 1 year ago
Hi @thibmonsel,
Thank you for opening an issue. That is interesting, I have indeed changed the algorithm since the initial commit for the paper (hopefully improving a few corner cases). The initial code and results should be replicable from this commit .
I noticed you have closed this issue, are you still experiencing this issue? Please do let me know, and I will investigate this further to make the correct state again that originally replicated those results.
Thank you. Apologies for the delayed response, I have been on holiday for the past week, and I am back now.
All the best, Sam
Thanks for the response !
I seem to have an issue with saving and reloading the trained model for further investigation. This is most likely an other issue not related to torchlaplace
but Im not sure, I have never seen anything of the sort, I'm a bit clueless.
Here is the code snipped in order to reproduce the issue (normally you just need to give YOUR_PATH
I check the model weights are the same, models are in eval
mode. This is maybe because of the GRU
units however in ReverseGRUEncoder
your first hidden state is 0
so this doesn't seem to be the problem.
I tried on my local machine and on colab too.
I basically took your Tutorial 1 code and saved the model
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
from torch import nn
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# %matplotlib inline
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Model (encoder and Laplace representation func)
class ReverseGRUEncoder(nn.Module):
# Encodes observed trajectory into latent vector
def __init__(self, dimension_in, latent_dim, hidden_units, encode_obs_time=True):
super(ReverseGRUEncoder, self).__init__()
self.encode_obs_time = encode_obs_time
if self.encode_obs_time:
dimension_in += 1
self.gru = nn.GRU(dimension_in, hidden_units, 2, batch_first=True)
self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_units, latent_dim)
def forward(self, observed_data, observed_tp):
trajs_to_encode = observed_data # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
if self.encode_obs_time:
trajs_to_encode =
observed_tp.view(1, -1, 1).repeat(observed_data.shape[0], 1, 1),
reversed_trajs_to_encode = torch.flip(trajs_to_encode, (1,))
out, _ = self.gru(reversed_trajs_to_encode)
return self.linear_out(out[:, -1, :])
class LaplaceRepresentationFunc(nn.Module):
# SphereSurfaceModel : C^{b+k} -> C^{bxd} - In Riemann Sphere Co ords : b dim s reconstruction terms, k is latent encoding dimension, d is output dimension
def __init__(self, s_dim, output_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units=64):
super(LaplaceRepresentationFunc, self).__init__()
self.s_dim = s_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.linear_tanh_stack = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(s_dim * 2 + latent_dim, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, (s_dim) * 2 * output_dim),
for m in self.linear_tanh_stack.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
phi_max = torch.pi / 2.0
self.phi_scale = phi_max - -torch.pi / 2.0
def forward(self, i):
out = self.linear_tanh_stack(i.view(-1, self.s_dim * 2 + self.latent_dim)).view(
-1, 2 * self.output_dim, self.s_dim
theta = nn.Tanh()(out[:, : self.output_dim, :]) * torch.pi # From - pi to + pi
phi = (
nn.Tanh()(out[:, self.output_dim :, :]) * self.phi_scale / 2.0
- torch.pi / 2.0
+ self.phi_scale / 2.0
) # Form -pi / 2 to + pi / 2
return theta, phi
from import DataLoader
from torchlaplace.data_utils import basic_collate_fn
normalize_dataset = True
batch_size = 128
extrapolate = True
def sawtooth(trajectories_to_sample=100, t_nsamples=200):
# Toy sawtooth waveform. Simple to generate, for Differential Equation Datasets see (Note more complex DE take time to sample from, in some cases minutes).
t_end = 20.0
t_begin = t_end / t_nsamples
ti = torch.linspace(t_begin, t_end, t_nsamples).to(device)
def sampler(t, x0=0):
return (t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi) - torch.floor((t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi))
x0s = torch.linspace(0, 2 * torch.pi, trajectories_to_sample)
trajs = []
for x0 in x0s:
trajs.append(sampler(ti, x0))
y = torch.stack(trajs)
trajectories = y.view(trajectories_to_sample, -1, 1)
return trajectories, ti
trajectories, t = sawtooth(
if normalize_dataset:
samples = trajectories.shape[0]
dim = trajectories.shape[2]
traj = (
torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim))
- torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).mean(0)
) / torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).std(0)
trajectories = torch.reshape(traj, (samples, -1, dim))
train_split = int(0.8 * trajectories.shape[0])
test_split = int(0.9 * trajectories.shape[0])
traj_index = torch.randperm(trajectories.shape[0])
train_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[:train_split], :, :]
val_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[train_split:test_split], :, :]
test_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[test_split:], :, :]
input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2]
output_dim = input_dim
dltrain = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
dlval = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
dltest = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
"""### Instantiate model and sample prediction"""
latent_dim = 2
hidden_units = 64
encode_obs_time = True
s_recon_terms = 33
encoder = ReverseGRUEncoder(
hidden_units // 2,
laplace_rep_func = LaplaceRepresentationFunc(
s_recon_terms, output_dim, latent_dim
"""We can generate predictions using `laplace_reconstruct` as follows"""
from torchlaplace import laplace_reconstruct
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
for batch in dlval:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(
laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim
"""### Train end to end """
from time import time
from copy import deepcopy
learning_rate = 1e-3
epochs = 500
patience = None
if not patience:
patience = epochs
params = list(laplace_rep_func.parameters()) + list(encoder.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr=learning_rate)
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
best_loss = float("inf")
waiting = 0
for epoch in range(epochs):
iteration = 0
epoch_train_loss_it_cum = 0
start_time = time()
laplace_rep_func.train(), encoder.train()
for batch in dltrain:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(
laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim
loss = loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(params, 1)
epoch_train_loss_it_cum += loss.item()
iteration += 1
epoch_train_loss = epoch_train_loss_it_cum / iteration
epoch_duration = time() - start_time
# Validation step
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
cum_val_loss = 0
cum_val_batches = 0
for batch in dlval:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(
laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim
cum_val_loss += loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
cum_val_batches += 1
val_mse = cum_val_loss / cum_val_batches
if epoch % 100 == 0:
"[epoch={}] epoch_duration={:.2f} | train_loss={}\t| val_mse={}\t|".format(
epoch, epoch_duration, epoch_train_loss, val_mse
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0], c="r")
# Early stopping procedure
if val_mse < best_loss:
best_loss = val_mse
best_laplace_rep_func = deepcopy(laplace_rep_func.state_dict())
best_encoder = deepcopy(encoder.state_dict())
waiting = 0
elif waiting > patience:
waiting += 1
# Load best model
encoder.load_state_dict(best_encoder), YOUR_PATH), YOUR_PATH)
# Test step
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
cum_test_loss = 0
cum_test_batches = 0
for batch in dltest:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim)
cum_test_loss += loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
cum_test_batches += 1
test_mse = cum_test_loss / cum_test_batches
print(f"test_mse= {test_mse}")
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
In a separate file I load the model and do inference ie
from torch import nn
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Model (encoder and Laplace representation func)
class ReverseGRUEncoder(nn.Module):
# Encodes observed trajectory into latent vector
def __init__(self, dimension_in, latent_dim, hidden_units, encode_obs_time=True):
super(ReverseGRUEncoder, self).__init__()
self.encode_obs_time = encode_obs_time
if self.encode_obs_time:
dimension_in += 1
self.gru = nn.GRU(dimension_in, hidden_units, 2, batch_first=True)
self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_units, latent_dim)
def forward(self, observed_data, observed_tp):
trajs_to_encode = observed_data # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
if self.encode_obs_time:
trajs_to_encode =
observed_tp.view(1, -1, 1).repeat(observed_data.shape[0], 1, 1),
reversed_trajs_to_encode = torch.flip(trajs_to_encode, (1,))
out, _ = self.gru(reversed_trajs_to_encode)
return self.linear_out(out[:, -1, :])
class LaplaceRepresentationFunc(nn.Module):
# SphereSurfaceModel : C^{b+k} -> C^{bxd} - In Riemann Sphere Co ords : b dim s reconstruction terms, k is latent encoding dimension, d is output dimension
def __init__(self, s_dim, output_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units=64):
super(LaplaceRepresentationFunc, self).__init__()
self.s_dim = s_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.linear_tanh_stack = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(s_dim * 2 + latent_dim, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, (s_dim) * 2 * output_dim),
for m in self.linear_tanh_stack.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
phi_max = torch.pi / 2.0
self.phi_scale = phi_max - -torch.pi / 2.0
def forward(self, i):
out = self.linear_tanh_stack(i.view(-1, self.s_dim * 2 + self.latent_dim)).view(
-1, 2 * self.output_dim, self.s_dim
theta = nn.Tanh()(out[:, : self.output_dim, :]) * torch.pi # From - pi to + pi
phi = (
nn.Tanh()(out[:, self.output_dim :, :]) * self.phi_scale / 2.0
- torch.pi / 2.0
+ self.phi_scale / 2.0
) # Form -pi / 2 to + pi / 2
return theta, phi
from import DataLoader
from torchlaplace.data_utils import basic_collate_fn
normalize_dataset = True
batch_size = 128
extrapolate = True
def sawtooth(trajectories_to_sample=100, t_nsamples=200):
# Toy sawtooth waveform. Simple to generate, for Differential Equation Datasets see (Note more complex DE take time to sample from, in some cases minutes).
t_end = 20.0
t_begin = t_end / t_nsamples
ti = torch.linspace(t_begin, t_end, t_nsamples).to(device)
def sampler(t, x0=0):
return (t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi) - torch.floor((t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi))
x0s = torch.linspace(0, 2 * torch.pi, trajectories_to_sample)
trajs = []
for x0 in x0s:
trajs.append(sampler(ti, x0))
y = torch.stack(trajs)
trajectories = y.view(trajectories_to_sample, -1, 1)
return trajectories, ti
trajectories, t = sawtooth(
if normalize_dataset:
samples = trajectories.shape[0]
dim = trajectories.shape[2]
traj = (
torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim))
- torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).mean(0)
) / torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).std(0)
trajectories = torch.reshape(traj, (samples, -1, dim))
train_split = int(0.8 * trajectories.shape[0])
test_split = int(0.9 * trajectories.shape[0])
traj_index = torch.randperm(trajectories.shape[0])
train_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[:train_split], :, :]
val_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[train_split:test_split], :, :]
test_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[test_split:], :, :]
input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2]
output_dim = input_dim
dltest = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2]
output_dim = input_dim
latent_dim = 2
hidden_units = 64
encode_obs_time = True
s_recon_terms = 33
encoder = ReverseGRUEncoder(
hidden_units // 2,
laplace_rep_func = LaplaceRepresentationFunc(
s_recon_terms, output_dim, latent_dim
# Test step
from torchlaplace import laplace_reconstruct
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
cum_test_loss = 0
cum_test_batches = 0
for batch in dltest:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim)
# cum_test_loss += loss_fn(
# torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
# ).item()
for i in range(predictions.shape[0]):
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[i])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[i])
cum_test_batches += 1
test_mse = cum_test_loss / cum_test_batches
print(f"test_mse= {test_mse}")
The testing results are not identical. Here is an issue that looks similar.
This is interesting. My first thoughts, are that it is good to always use double floating point precision for the dataset values and numbers, as although PyTorch uses single floating precision by default, double floating precision has been shown to increase the accuracy of numerical inverse Laplace transform algorithms, such as the ones used here.
Thank you for posting the code, I will investigate this further and check the hyper parameters from the paper as well. It may take me a while.
This has most likely happened, as the original code used for the paper was refactored heavily into this library. Thank you for pointing this out.
Just checking, a few questions:
by hand?Are you able to replicate other results, i.e. for other datasets in the paper? Or are you only trying to replicate that specific dataset?
I am trying to reproduce only the results for the DDE of lotka-volterra.
Can you try setting early stopping to a very large value, i.e. float("inf") by hand?
Early stopping doesn't seem to change anything
As far as I have tested, the baseline of lokta-volterra
python -d lotka_volterra_system_with_delay
yields a test rmse not in the interval of confidence (
However, the python --viz
in the folder examples
does have a test mse in the paper's range. But when the best model is saved and loaded into another file, we get some weird behavior.
Hi @thibmonsel
I was able to replicate the original results from the paper for the original requested comment of the test RMSE for Lokta volterra DDE.
For instance running python -d lotka_volterra_system_with_delay
the result of one random seed run is 14:52:16,534 root INFO Result: Neural Laplace - TEST RMSE: 0.046900781612333464
, which is within the test RMSE of .0475 ± .0061
as quoted in the paper and by yourself in your first comment.
I just refactored the code a little, cleaning up some new functionality in core, added some more unit tests and pushed and updated the latest PyPi package, bumping the repo's version to version 0.0.3
I was able to run the google colabs, and their results for the colab scripted datasets correlate to the original papers results.
Could you uninstall your version of torchlaplace
and install the latest version? That of version 0.0.3
Please do let me know what the results are when you have updated the package, and re-run the original command you intended. If you still receive differing results, could you try using a virtual environment and installing all the packages in a fresh virtual environment?
Keen to resolve this. Thank you!
Thanks for the response ! I seem to have an issue with saving and reloading the trained model for further investigation. This is most likely an other issue not related to
but Im not sure, I have never seen anything of the sort, I'm a bit clueless.Here is the code snipped in order to reproduce the issue (normally you just need to give
) I check the model weights are the same, models are ineval
mode. This is maybe because of theGRU
units however inReverseGRUEncoder
your first hidden state is0
so this doesn't seem to be the problem.I tried on my local machine and on colab too.
I basically took your Tutorial 1 code and saved the model
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility. from torch import nn import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # %matplotlib inline device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Model (encoder and Laplace representation func) class ReverseGRUEncoder(nn.Module): # Encodes observed trajectory into latent vector def __init__(self, dimension_in, latent_dim, hidden_units, encode_obs_time=True): super(ReverseGRUEncoder, self).__init__() self.encode_obs_time = encode_obs_time if self.encode_obs_time: dimension_in += 1 self.gru = nn.GRU(dimension_in, hidden_units, 2, batch_first=True) self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_units, latent_dim) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.linear_out.weight) def forward(self, observed_data, observed_tp): trajs_to_encode = observed_data # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) if self.encode_obs_time: trajs_to_encode = ( observed_data, observed_tp.view(1, -1, 1).repeat(observed_data.shape[0], 1, 1), ), dim=2, ) reversed_trajs_to_encode = torch.flip(trajs_to_encode, (1,)) out, _ = self.gru(reversed_trajs_to_encode) return self.linear_out(out[:, -1, :]) class LaplaceRepresentationFunc(nn.Module): # SphereSurfaceModel : C^{b+k} -> C^{bxd} - In Riemann Sphere Co ords : b dim s reconstruction terms, k is latent encoding dimension, d is output dimension def __init__(self, s_dim, output_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units=64): super(LaplaceRepresentationFunc, self).__init__() self.s_dim = s_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.linear_tanh_stack = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(s_dim * 2 + latent_dim, hidden_units), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(hidden_units, hidden_units), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(hidden_units, (s_dim) * 2 * output_dim), ) for m in self.linear_tanh_stack.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) phi_max = torch.pi / 2.0 self.phi_scale = phi_max - -torch.pi / 2.0 def forward(self, i): out = self.linear_tanh_stack(i.view(-1, self.s_dim * 2 + self.latent_dim)).view( -1, 2 * self.output_dim, self.s_dim ) theta = nn.Tanh()(out[:, : self.output_dim, :]) * torch.pi # From - pi to + pi phi = ( nn.Tanh()(out[:, self.output_dim :, :]) * self.phi_scale / 2.0 - torch.pi / 2.0 + self.phi_scale / 2.0 ) # Form -pi / 2 to + pi / 2 return theta, phi from import DataLoader from torchlaplace.data_utils import basic_collate_fn normalize_dataset = True batch_size = 128 extrapolate = True def sawtooth(trajectories_to_sample=100, t_nsamples=200): # Toy sawtooth waveform. Simple to generate, for Differential Equation Datasets see (Note more complex DE take time to sample from, in some cases minutes). t_end = 20.0 t_begin = t_end / t_nsamples ti = torch.linspace(t_begin, t_end, t_nsamples).to(device) def sampler(t, x0=0): return (t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi) - torch.floor((t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi)) x0s = torch.linspace(0, 2 * torch.pi, trajectories_to_sample) trajs = [] for x0 in x0s: trajs.append(sampler(ti, x0)) y = torch.stack(trajs) trajectories = y.view(trajectories_to_sample, -1, 1) return trajectories, ti trajectories, t = sawtooth( trajectories_to_sample=1000, t_nsamples=200, ) if normalize_dataset: samples = trajectories.shape[0] dim = trajectories.shape[2] traj = ( torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)) - torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).mean(0) ) / torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).std(0) trajectories = torch.reshape(traj, (samples, -1, dim)) train_split = int(0.8 * trajectories.shape[0]) test_split = int(0.9 * trajectories.shape[0]) traj_index = torch.randperm(trajectories.shape[0]) train_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[:train_split], :, :] val_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[train_split:test_split], :, :] test_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[test_split:], :, :] input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2] output_dim = input_dim dltrain = DataLoader( train_trajectories, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn( batch, t, data_type="train", extrap=extrapolate, ), ) dlval = DataLoader( val_trajectories, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn( batch, t, data_type="train", extrap=extrapolate, ), ) dltest = DataLoader( test_trajectories, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn( batch, t, data_type="train", extrap=extrapolate, ), ) """### Instantiate model and sample prediction""" latent_dim = 2 hidden_units = 64 encode_obs_time = True s_recon_terms = 33 encoder = ReverseGRUEncoder( input_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units // 2, encode_obs_time=encode_obs_time, ).to(device) laplace_rep_func = LaplaceRepresentationFunc( s_recon_terms, output_dim, latent_dim ).to(device) """We can generate predictions using `laplace_reconstruct` as follows""" from torchlaplace import laplace_reconstruct laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval() for batch in dlval: trajs_to_encode = batch[ "observed_data" ] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim) p = encoder( trajs_to_encode, observed_tp ) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"] predictions = laplace_reconstruct( laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim ) """### Train end to end """ from time import time from copy import deepcopy learning_rate = 1e-3 epochs = 500 patience = None if not patience: patience = epochs params = list(laplace_rep_func.parameters()) + list(encoder.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr=learning_rate) loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() best_loss = float("inf") waiting = 0 for epoch in range(epochs): iteration = 0 epoch_train_loss_it_cum = 0 start_time = time() laplace_rep_func.train(), encoder.train() for batch in dltrain: optimizer.zero_grad() trajs_to_encode = batch[ "observed_data" ] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim) p = encoder( trajs_to_encode, observed_tp ) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"] predictions = laplace_reconstruct( laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim ) loss = loss_fn( torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"]) ) loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(params, 1) optimizer.step() epoch_train_loss_it_cum += loss.item() iteration += 1 epoch_train_loss = epoch_train_loss_it_cum / iteration epoch_duration = time() - start_time # Validation step laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval() cum_val_loss = 0 cum_val_batches = 0 for batch in dlval: trajs_to_encode = batch[ "observed_data" ] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim) p = encoder( trajs_to_encode, observed_tp ) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"] predictions = laplace_reconstruct( laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim ) cum_val_loss += loss_fn( torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"]) ).item() cum_val_batches += 1 val_mse = cum_val_loss / cum_val_batches if epoch % 100 == 0: print( "[epoch={}] epoch_duration={:.2f} | train_loss={}\t| val_mse={}\t|".format( epoch, epoch_duration, epoch_train_loss, val_mse ) ) plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0]) plt.plot( tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], batch["data_to_predict"].detach().cpu()[0], "--", ) plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0], c="r") # Early stopping procedure if val_mse < best_loss: best_loss = val_mse best_laplace_rep_func = deepcopy(laplace_rep_func.state_dict()) best_encoder = deepcopy(encoder.state_dict()) waiting = 0 elif waiting > patience: break else: waiting += 1 # Load best model laplace_rep_func.load_state_dict(best_laplace_rep_func) encoder.load_state_dict(best_encoder), YOUR_PATH), YOUR_PATH) # Test step laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval() cum_test_loss = 0 cum_test_batches = 0 for batch in dltest: trajs_to_encode = batch[ "observed_data" ] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim) p = encoder( trajs_to_encode, observed_tp ) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"] predictions = laplace_reconstruct(laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim) print('predictions',predictions.shape) cum_test_loss += loss_fn( torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"]) ).item() plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0]) plt.plot( tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], batch["data_to_predict"].detach().cpu()[0], "--", ) plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0]) cum_test_batches += 1 test_mse = cum_test_loss / cum_test_batches print(f"test_mse= {test_mse}") plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0]) plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], batch["data_to_predict"].detach().cpu()[0], "--", ) plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
In a separate file I load the model and do inference ie
from torch import nn import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Model (encoder and Laplace representation func) class ReverseGRUEncoder(nn.Module): # Encodes observed trajectory into latent vector def __init__(self, dimension_in, latent_dim, hidden_units, encode_obs_time=True): super(ReverseGRUEncoder, self).__init__() self.encode_obs_time = encode_obs_time if self.encode_obs_time: dimension_in += 1 self.gru = nn.GRU(dimension_in, hidden_units, 2, batch_first=True) self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_units, latent_dim) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.linear_out.weight) def forward(self, observed_data, observed_tp): trajs_to_encode = observed_data # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) if self.encode_obs_time: trajs_to_encode = ( observed_data, observed_tp.view(1, -1, 1).repeat(observed_data.shape[0], 1, 1), ), dim=2, ) reversed_trajs_to_encode = torch.flip(trajs_to_encode, (1,)) out, _ = self.gru(reversed_trajs_to_encode) return self.linear_out(out[:, -1, :]) class LaplaceRepresentationFunc(nn.Module): # SphereSurfaceModel : C^{b+k} -> C^{bxd} - In Riemann Sphere Co ords : b dim s reconstruction terms, k is latent encoding dimension, d is output dimension def __init__(self, s_dim, output_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units=64): super(LaplaceRepresentationFunc, self).__init__() self.s_dim = s_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.linear_tanh_stack = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(s_dim * 2 + latent_dim, hidden_units), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(hidden_units, hidden_units), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(hidden_units, (s_dim) * 2 * output_dim), ) for m in self.linear_tanh_stack.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) phi_max = torch.pi / 2.0 self.phi_scale = phi_max - -torch.pi / 2.0 def forward(self, i): out = self.linear_tanh_stack(i.view(-1, self.s_dim * 2 + self.latent_dim)).view( -1, 2 * self.output_dim, self.s_dim ) theta = nn.Tanh()(out[:, : self.output_dim, :]) * torch.pi # From - pi to + pi phi = ( nn.Tanh()(out[:, self.output_dim :, :]) * self.phi_scale / 2.0 - torch.pi / 2.0 + self.phi_scale / 2.0 ) # Form -pi / 2 to + pi / 2 return theta, phi from import DataLoader from torchlaplace.data_utils import basic_collate_fn normalize_dataset = True batch_size = 128 extrapolate = True def sawtooth(trajectories_to_sample=100, t_nsamples=200): # Toy sawtooth waveform. Simple to generate, for Differential Equation Datasets see (Note more complex DE take time to sample from, in some cases minutes). t_end = 20.0 t_begin = t_end / t_nsamples ti = torch.linspace(t_begin, t_end, t_nsamples).to(device) def sampler(t, x0=0): return (t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi) - torch.floor((t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi)) x0s = torch.linspace(0, 2 * torch.pi, trajectories_to_sample) trajs = [] for x0 in x0s: trajs.append(sampler(ti, x0)) y = torch.stack(trajs) trajectories = y.view(trajectories_to_sample, -1, 1) return trajectories, ti trajectories, t = sawtooth( trajectories_to_sample=1000, t_nsamples=200, ) if normalize_dataset: samples = trajectories.shape[0] dim = trajectories.shape[2] traj = ( torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)) - torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).mean(0) ) / torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).std(0) trajectories = torch.reshape(traj, (samples, -1, dim)) train_split = int(0.8 * trajectories.shape[0]) test_split = int(0.9 * trajectories.shape[0]) traj_index = torch.randperm(trajectories.shape[0]) train_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[:train_split], :, :] val_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[train_split:test_split], :, :] test_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[test_split:], :, :] input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2] output_dim = input_dim dltest = DataLoader( test_trajectories, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn( batch, t, data_type="train", extrap=extrapolate, ), ) input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2] output_dim = input_dim latent_dim = 2 hidden_units = 64 encode_obs_time = True s_recon_terms = 33 encoder = ReverseGRUEncoder( input_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units // 2, encode_obs_time=encode_obs_time, ).to(device) laplace_rep_func = LaplaceRepresentationFunc( s_recon_terms, output_dim, latent_dim ).to(device) encoder.load_state_dict(torch.load(YOUR_PATH)) laplace_rep_func.load_state_dict(torch.load(YOUR_PATH)) # Test step from torchlaplace import laplace_reconstruct laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval() cum_test_loss = 0 cum_test_batches = 0 for batch in dltest: trajs_to_encode = batch[ "observed_data" ] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim) observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim) p = encoder( trajs_to_encode, observed_tp ) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"] predictions = laplace_reconstruct(laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim) print('predictions',predictions.shape) # cum_test_loss += loss_fn( # torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"]) # ).item() for i in range(predictions.shape[0]): plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[i]) plt.plot( tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], batch["data_to_predict"].detach().cpu()[0], "--", ) plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[i]) cum_test_batches += 1 test_mse = cum_test_loss / cum_test_batches print(f"test_mse= {test_mse}")
The testing results are not identical. Here is an issue that looks similar.
Hi @thibmonsel
I was able to fix your posted code example, and have posted it below.
A few points though. I would not recommend using the collab tutorials, as these were designed to show quickly how to use NeuralLaplace, and get something working quickly. For a full and concrete example I recommend building on the examples in experiments/
as these were used in the paper, and I still use them today with future projects. These include a key part, of using double precision for the model and the dataset, which improves accuracy. There are a few examples showing this as well in examples/
. Most importantly experiments/
includes random seed setting, which makes all the results consistent and reproducible, the collab scripts lack this.
For your specific example highlighted a few things are incorrect. The "YOURPATH"
doesn't work like that, you need to specify a separate path for each model, i.e. one for the encoder and one for the Laplace representation function separately.
On the loading script I think there was a mistake in the data generation process, therefore I copied it exactly from the first script, and have included setting the torch random seed for both scripts. Running the following two scripts trains the model and then loads it and both scripts produce identical test MSE's.
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
from torch import nn
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# %matplotlib inline
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Model (encoder and Laplace representation func)
class ReverseGRUEncoder(nn.Module):
# Encodes observed trajectory into latent vector
def __init__(self, dimension_in, latent_dim, hidden_units, encode_obs_time=True):
super(ReverseGRUEncoder, self).__init__()
self.encode_obs_time = encode_obs_time
if self.encode_obs_time:
dimension_in += 1
self.gru = nn.GRU(dimension_in, hidden_units, 2, batch_first=True)
self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_units, latent_dim)
def forward(self, observed_data, observed_tp):
trajs_to_encode = observed_data # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
if self.encode_obs_time:
trajs_to_encode =
observed_tp.view(1, -1, 1).repeat(observed_data.shape[0], 1, 1),
reversed_trajs_to_encode = torch.flip(trajs_to_encode, (1,))
out, _ = self.gru(reversed_trajs_to_encode)
return self.linear_out(out[:, -1, :])
class LaplaceRepresentationFunc(nn.Module):
# SphereSurfaceModel : C^{b+k} -> C^{bxd} - In Riemann Sphere Co ords : b dim s reconstruction terms, k is latent encoding dimension, d is output dimension
def __init__(self, s_dim, output_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units=64):
super(LaplaceRepresentationFunc, self).__init__()
self.s_dim = s_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.linear_tanh_stack = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(s_dim * 2 + latent_dim, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, (s_dim) * 2 * output_dim),
for m in self.linear_tanh_stack.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
phi_max = torch.pi / 2.0
self.phi_scale = phi_max - -torch.pi / 2.0
def forward(self, i):
out = self.linear_tanh_stack(i.view(-1, self.s_dim * 2 + self.latent_dim)).view(
-1, 2 * self.output_dim, self.s_dim
theta = nn.Tanh()(out[:, : self.output_dim, :]) * torch.pi # From - pi to + pi
phi = (
nn.Tanh()(out[:, self.output_dim :, :]) * self.phi_scale / 2.0
- torch.pi / 2.0
+ self.phi_scale / 2.0
) # Form -pi / 2 to + pi / 2
return theta, phi
from import DataLoader
from torchlaplace.data_utils import basic_collate_fn
normalize_dataset = True
batch_size = 128
extrapolate = True
def sawtooth(trajectories_to_sample=100, t_nsamples=200):
# Toy sawtooth waveform. Simple to generate, for Differential Equation Datasets see (Note more complex DE take time to sample from, in some cases minutes).
t_end = 20.0
t_begin = t_end / t_nsamples
ti = torch.linspace(t_begin, t_end, t_nsamples).to(device)
def sampler(t, x0=0):
return (t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi) - torch.floor((t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi))
x0s = torch.linspace(0, 2 * torch.pi, trajectories_to_sample)
trajs = []
for x0 in x0s:
trajs.append(sampler(ti, x0))
y = torch.stack(trajs)
trajectories = y.view(trajectories_to_sample, -1, 1)
return trajectories, ti
trajectories, t = sawtooth(
if normalize_dataset:
samples = trajectories.shape[0]
dim = trajectories.shape[2]
traj = (
torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim))
- torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).mean(0)
) / torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).std(0)
trajectories = torch.reshape(traj, (samples, -1, dim))
train_split = int(0.8 * trajectories.shape[0])
test_split = int(0.9 * trajectories.shape[0])
traj_index = torch.randperm(trajectories.shape[0])
train_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[:train_split], :, :]
val_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[train_split:test_split], :, :]
test_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[test_split:], :, :]
input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2]
output_dim = input_dim
dltrain = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
dlval = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
dltest = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
"""### Instantiate model and sample prediction"""
latent_dim = 2
hidden_units = 64
encode_obs_time = True
s_recon_terms = 33
encoder = ReverseGRUEncoder(
hidden_units // 2,
laplace_rep_func = LaplaceRepresentationFunc(
s_recon_terms, output_dim, latent_dim
"""We can generate predictions using `laplace_reconstruct` as follows"""
from torchlaplace import laplace_reconstruct
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
for batch in dlval:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(
laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim
"""### Train end to end """
from time import time
from copy import deepcopy
learning_rate = 1e-3
epochs = 500
patience = None
if not patience:
patience = epochs
params = list(laplace_rep_func.parameters()) + list(encoder.parameters())
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params, lr=learning_rate)
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
best_loss = float("inf")
waiting = 0
for epoch in range(epochs):
iteration = 0
epoch_train_loss_it_cum = 0
start_time = time()
laplace_rep_func.train(), encoder.train()
for batch in dltrain:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(
laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim
loss = loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(params, 1)
epoch_train_loss_it_cum += loss.item()
iteration += 1
epoch_train_loss = epoch_train_loss_it_cum / iteration
epoch_duration = time() - start_time
# Validation step
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
cum_val_loss = 0
cum_val_batches = 0
for batch in dlval:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(
laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim
cum_val_loss += loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
cum_val_batches += 1
val_mse = cum_val_loss / cum_val_batches
if epoch % 100 == 0:
"[epoch={}] epoch_duration={:.2f} | train_loss={}\t| val_mse={}\t|".format(
epoch, epoch_duration, epoch_train_loss, val_mse
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0], c="r")
# Early stopping procedure
if val_mse < best_loss:
best_loss = val_mse
best_laplace_rep_func = deepcopy(laplace_rep_func.state_dict())
best_encoder = deepcopy(encoder.state_dict())
waiting = 0
elif waiting > patience:
waiting += 1
# Load best model
encoder.load_state_dict(best_encoder), "./"), "./")
# Test step
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
cum_test_loss = 0
cum_test_batches = 0
for batch in dltest:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim)
cum_test_loss += loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
cum_test_batches += 1
test_mse = cum_test_loss / cum_test_batches
print(f"test_mse= {test_mse}")
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
[epoch=0] epoch_duration=0.09 | train_loss=1.1995722906930106 | val_mse=1.0132559537887573 | [epoch=100] epoch_duration=0.02 | train_loss=0.1175929041845458 | val_mse=0.11761683225631714 | [epoch=200] epoch_duration=0.02 | train_loss=0.07985144640718188 | val_mse=0.07714516669511795 | [epoch=300] epoch_duration=0.02 | train_loss=0.09400784117834908 | val_mse=0.077095627784729 | [epoch=400] epoch_duration=0.02 | train_loss=0.05828039348125458 | val_mse=0.06377138197422028 | predictions torch.Size([100, 100, 1]) test_mse= 0.04920018091797829
Then run this separately
# Commented out IPython magic to ensure Python compatibility.
from torch import nn
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# %matplotlib inline
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Model (encoder and Laplace representation func)
class ReverseGRUEncoder(nn.Module):
# Encodes observed trajectory into latent vector
def __init__(self, dimension_in, latent_dim, hidden_units, encode_obs_time=True):
super(ReverseGRUEncoder, self).__init__()
self.encode_obs_time = encode_obs_time
if self.encode_obs_time:
dimension_in += 1
self.gru = nn.GRU(dimension_in, hidden_units, 2, batch_first=True)
self.linear_out = nn.Linear(hidden_units, latent_dim)
def forward(self, observed_data, observed_tp):
trajs_to_encode = observed_data # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
if self.encode_obs_time:
trajs_to_encode =
observed_tp.view(1, -1, 1).repeat(observed_data.shape[0], 1, 1),
reversed_trajs_to_encode = torch.flip(trajs_to_encode, (1,))
out, _ = self.gru(reversed_trajs_to_encode)
return self.linear_out(out[:, -1, :])
class LaplaceRepresentationFunc(nn.Module):
# SphereSurfaceModel : C^{b+k} -> C^{bxd} - In Riemann Sphere Co ords : b dim s reconstruction terms, k is latent encoding dimension, d is output dimension
def __init__(self, s_dim, output_dim, latent_dim, hidden_units=64):
super(LaplaceRepresentationFunc, self).__init__()
self.s_dim = s_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.latent_dim = latent_dim
self.linear_tanh_stack = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(s_dim * 2 + latent_dim, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, hidden_units),
nn.Linear(hidden_units, (s_dim) * 2 * output_dim),
for m in self.linear_tanh_stack.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
phi_max = torch.pi / 2.0
self.phi_scale = phi_max - -torch.pi / 2.0
def forward(self, i):
out = self.linear_tanh_stack(i.view(-1, self.s_dim * 2 + self.latent_dim)).view(
-1, 2 * self.output_dim, self.s_dim
theta = nn.Tanh()(out[:, : self.output_dim, :]) * torch.pi # From - pi to + pi
phi = (
nn.Tanh()(out[:, self.output_dim :, :]) * self.phi_scale / 2.0
- torch.pi / 2.0
+ self.phi_scale / 2.0
) # Form -pi / 2 to + pi / 2
return theta, phi
from import DataLoader
from torchlaplace.data_utils import basic_collate_fn
normalize_dataset = True
batch_size = 128
extrapolate = True
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
def sawtooth(trajectories_to_sample=100, t_nsamples=200):
# Toy sawtooth waveform. Simple to generate, for Differential Equation Datasets see (Note more complex DE take time to sample from, in some cases minutes).
t_end = 20.0
t_begin = t_end / t_nsamples
ti = torch.linspace(t_begin, t_end, t_nsamples).to(device)
def sampler(t, x0=0):
return (t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi) - torch.floor((t + x0) / (2 * torch.pi))
x0s = torch.linspace(0, 2 * torch.pi, trajectories_to_sample)
trajs = []
for x0 in x0s:
trajs.append(sampler(ti, x0))
y = torch.stack(trajs)
trajectories = y.view(trajectories_to_sample, -1, 1)
return trajectories, ti
trajectories, t = sawtooth(
if normalize_dataset:
samples = trajectories.shape[0]
dim = trajectories.shape[2]
traj = (
torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim))
- torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).mean(0)
) / torch.reshape(trajectories, (-1, dim)).std(0)
trajectories = torch.reshape(traj, (samples, -1, dim))
train_split = int(0.8 * trajectories.shape[0])
test_split = int(0.9 * trajectories.shape[0])
traj_index = torch.randperm(trajectories.shape[0])
train_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[:train_split], :, :]
val_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[train_split:test_split], :, :]
test_trajectories = trajectories[traj_index[test_split:], :, :]
input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2]
output_dim = input_dim
dltrain = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
dlval = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
dltest = DataLoader(
collate_fn=lambda batch: basic_collate_fn(
input_dim = train_trajectories.shape[2]
output_dim = input_dim
latent_dim = 2
hidden_units = 64
encode_obs_time = True
s_recon_terms = 33
encoder = ReverseGRUEncoder(
hidden_units // 2,
laplace_rep_func = LaplaceRepresentationFunc(
s_recon_terms, output_dim, latent_dim
# Test step
from torchlaplace import laplace_reconstruct
# Test step
laplace_rep_func.eval(), encoder.eval()
cum_test_loss = 0
cum_test_batches = 0
for batch in dltest:
trajs_to_encode = batch[
] # (batch_size, t_observed_dim, observed_dim)
observed_tp = batch["observed_tp"] # (1, t_observed_dim)
p = encoder(
trajs_to_encode, observed_tp
) # p is the latent tensor encoding the initial states
tp_to_predict = batch["tp_to_predict"]
predictions = laplace_reconstruct(laplace_rep_func, p, tp_to_predict, recon_dim=output_dim)
cum_test_loss += loss_fn(
torch.flatten(predictions), torch.flatten(batch["data_to_predict"])
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
cum_test_batches += 1
test_mse = cum_test_loss / cum_test_batches
print(f"test_mse= {test_mse}")
plt.plot(observed_tp.detach().cpu()[0], trajs_to_encode.detach().cpu()[0])
plt.plot(tp_to_predict.detach().cpu()[0], predictions.detach().cpu()[0])
predictions torch.Size([100, 100, 1]) test_mse= 0.04920018091797829
Which is identical. I am closing this, if you do not get the same results please do re-open and let me know. Please do let me know if this fixes your issue.
Thank you!
@samholt , everything looks good, I can reproduce the results, a clean env did the trick ! I appreciate your help, im going to close this issue. Cheers
I am trying to reproduce some of the result from your paper on Lotka Volterra DDE experiment. I cant seem to hit a test RMSE in the range of
.0475 ± .0061
from Table 5 in the paper.I basically cloned the repository and launch :
This value I get :
I was wondering if some hyperparameters were changed during later commits or if i'm doing something wrong/not properly using the instructions.
Thanks !