As a user, I'd like to be able to explore and navigate the indoor map by zooming in and out, and viewing the room numbers.
Associated epic:
Associated tasks:
[x] support zooming in/zooming out
[ ] include classroom numbers
Acceptance Criteria:
Step #
Execution Procedure or Input
Expected Results/Outputs
View indoor map
Indoor map of the correct floor is displayed on the user's screen with accompanying room numbers for each classroom
User zooms in/zooms out of indoor map
Indoor map view should respond accordingly
Extracting requirements from US-25 (#31) to reduce the scope. These are enhancements that the product owner would like to see be made for the user experience of EPIC-4 (#20).
As a user, I'd like to be able to explore and navigate the indoor map by zooming in and out, and viewing the room numbers.
Associated epic:
Associated tasks:
Acceptance Criteria:
Extracting requirements from US-25 (#31) to reduce the scope. These are enhancements that the product owner would like to see be made for the user experience of EPIC-4 (#20).