saminsohag / flutter_packages

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Markdown doesn't show $x$ and \(z\) at the same time #13

Closed mahdiyarz closed 3 weeks ago

mahdiyarz commented 3 weeks ago

First of all I need to thank you for the great job.

As you see in the title I need to show both syntax at the same time in one String value. e.g.

$x$ + \(b\) = $y$
saminsohag commented 3 weeks ago

Actually this was an intended behaviour. You can't use both \(..\) and $..$ at same time. But you can achieve both \(..\) and $..$ syntax at the same time using code given bellow

String tex = r'\(x^2\) $x^2$';
tex = tex
                dotAll: true,
              (match) => "\\[${match[1] ?? ""}\\]")
              (match) => "\\(${match[1] ?? ""}\\)");
      tex = tex.splitMapJoin(
        onNonMatch: (p0) {
          return p0.replaceAll("\\\$", "\$");

The pas the tex to TexMarkdown widget.