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Bold and Italic text do not work ? #14

Closed niluved closed 2 weeks ago

niluved commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, i'm having fun with your very cool package but for some reason i can't get a bold text out of it. Please have a look at the following simple stateless widget and tell me what's wrong in here. Thanks a lot

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:tex_markdown/tex_markdown.dart';

const String boldAndItalicText = r''' This is an example of bold and italic text. ''';

class SampleBoldPage extends StatelessWidget { const SampleBoldPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return const Scaffold( body: Center( child: TexMarkdown(boldAndItalicText), ), ); } }

Immagine 2024-06-11 175639
saminsohag commented 3 weeks ago

Hi.. Please use gpt_markdown insted of tex_markdown package. tex_markdown has some problems. You don't have to configure a lot. Every think is same. just add gpt_markdown to pubspack.yml file and import it into the file you want to use TexMarkdown.

gpt markdown:

niluved commented 3 weeks ago

yes now it works fine, thanks